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Configure the Status System for Configuration Manager


Updated: May 14, 2015

Applies To: System Center 2012 Configuration Manager, System Center 2012 Configuration Manager SP1, System Center 2012 Configuration Manager SP2, System Center 2012 R2 Configuration Manager, System Center 2012 R2 Configuration Manager SP1

Use the following procedures to configure the status system for Configuration Manager.

All major System Center 2012 Configuration Manager components generate status messages. The Configuration Manager status system operates without configuration by using default settings that are suitable for most environments. However, you can configure the following:

  • Status Summarizers: Configure the frequency of status messages that generate a status indicator change for the components that are tracked. There are four summarizers:

    • Application Deployment Summarizer

    • Application Statistics Summarizer

    • Component Status Summarizer

    • Site System Status Summarizer

  • Status Filter Rules: You can create custom status filter rules and modify the default rules.


    Status filter rules do not support the use of environment variables to run external commands.

  • Status Reporting: Configure the status reporting for server and client components.

The status system maintains separate configurations for each site so you must edit the status system for each site.

Use the following sections to configure the Configuration Manager status system:

  • Configure Status Summarizers

  • Configure Status Filter Rules

  • Configure Status Reporting

Configure Status Summarizers

Use the following procedures to edit the status summarizers at each site.

To configure status summarizers

  1. In the Configuration Manager console, click Administration.

  2. In the Administration workspace, expand Site Configuration, click Sites, and then select the site for which you want to configure the status system.

  3. On the Home tab, in the Settings group, click Status Summarizers.

  4. In the Status Summarizers dialog box, select the status summarizer that you want to configure, and then click Edit to open the properties for that summarizer. If you are editing the Application Deployment or Application Statistics summarizer, proceed with step 5. If you are editing the Component Status skip to step 6. If you are editing the Site System Status summarizer, skip to step 7.

  5. Use the following steps after you open the property page for either the Application Deployment Summarizer or the Application Statistics Summarizer:

    1. On the General tab of the summarizers properties page configure the summarization intervals and then click OK to close the properties page.

    2. Click OK to close the Status Summarizers dialog box and complete this procedure.

  6. Use the following steps after you open property pages for the Component Status Summarizer:

    1. On the General tab of the summarizers’ properties page configure the replication and threshold period values.

    2. On the Thresholds tab, select the Message type you want to configure, and then click the name of a component in the Thresholds list.

    3. In the Status Threshold Properties dialog box, edit the warning and critical threshold values, and then click OK.

    4. Repeat steps 6.b and 6.c as needed and when you are finished, click OK to close the summarizer properties.

    5. Click OK to close the Status Summarizers dialog box and complete this procedure.

  7. Use the following steps after you open the property pages for the Site System Status Summarizer:

    1. On the General tab of the summarizers’ properties page configure the replication and schedule values.

    2. On the Thresholds tab, specify values for the Default thresholds to configure default thresholds for critical and warning status displays.

    3. To edit the values for specific Storage objects, select the object from the Specific thresholds list, and then click the Properties button to access and edit the storage objects warning and critical thresholds. Click OK to close the storage objects properties.

    4. To create a new storage object, click the Create Object button and specify the storage objects values. Click OK to close the objects properties.

    5. To delete a storage object, select the object and then click the Delete button.

    6. Repeat steps 7.b through 7.e as needed. When you are finished, click OK to close the summarizer properties.

    7. Click OK to close the Status Summarizers dialog box and complete this procedure.

Configure Status Filter Rules

Use the following procedures to create new status filter rules, modify the priority of rules, disable or enable rules, and delete unused rules at each site.

To create a status filter rule

  1. In the Configuration Manager console, click Administration.

  2. In the Administration workspace, expand Site Configuration, click Sites, and then select the site where you want to configure the status system.

  3. On the Home tab, in the Settings group, click Status Filter Rules. The Status Filter Rules dialog box opens.

  4. Click Create.

  5. In the Create Status Filter Rule Wizard, on the General page, specify a name for the new status filter rule and message-matching criteria for the rule, and then click Next.

  6. On the Actions page, specify the actions to be taken when a status message matches the filter rule, and then click Next.

  7. On the Summary page review the details for the new rule, and then complete the wizard.


    Configuration Manager only requires that the new status filter rule has a name. If the rule is created but you do not specify any criteria to process status messages, the status filter rule will have no effect. This behavior allows you to create and organize rules before you configure the status filter criteria for each rule.

To modify or delete a status filter rule

  1. In the Configuration Manager console, click Administration.

  2. In the Administration workspace, expand Site Configuration, click Sites, and then select the site where you want to configure the status system.

  3. On the Home tab, in the Settings group, click Status Filter Rules.

  4. In the Status Filter Rules dialog box, select the rule that you want to modify and then take one of the following actions:

    - Click **Increase Priority** or **Decrease Priority** to change the processing order of the status filter rule. Then select another action or go to step 8 of this procedure to complete this task.
    - Click **Disable** or **Enable** to change the status of the rule. After you change the status of the rule, select another action or go to step 8 of this procedure to complete this task.
    - Click **Delete** if you want do delete the status filter rule from this site, and then click **Yes** to confirm the action. After you delete a rule, select another action or go to step 8 of this procedure to complete this task.
    - Click **Edit** if you want to change the criteria for the status message rule, and continue to step 5 of this procedure.
  5. On the General tab of the status filter rule properties dialog box, modify the rule and message-matching criteria.

  6. On the Actions tab, modify the actions to be taken when a status message matches the filter rule.

  7. Click OK to save the changes.

  8. Click OK to close the Status Filter Rules dialog box.

Configure Status Reporting

You can use the following procedure to modify how status messages are reported to the Configuration Manager status system. You can configure both server and client component reporting, and specify where status messages are sent.


Because the default reporting settings are appropriate for most environments, change them with caution. When you increase the level of status reporting by choosing to report all status details you can increase the amount of status messages to be processed which increases the processing load on the Configuration Manager site. If you decrease the level of status reporting you might limit the usefulness of the status summarizers.

To configure status reporting

  1. In the Configuration Manager console, click Administration.

  2. In the Administration workspace, expand Site Configuration, click Sites, and then select where you want to configure the status system.

  3. On the Home tab, in the Settings group, click Configure Site Components, and select Status Reporting.

  4. In the Status Reporting Component Properties dialog box, specify the server and client component status messages that you want to report or log:

    1. Configure Report to send status messages to the Configuration Manager status message system.

    2. Configure Log to write the type and severity of status messages to the Windows event log.

  5. Click OK.