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Sample Queries for Client Deployment in Configuration Manager


Updated: January 1, 2014

Applies To: System Center 2012 Configuration Manager, System Center 2012 Configuration Manager SP1, System Center 2012 R2 Configuration Manager

The following sample queries demonstrate how to join the most common client deployment views to other views.

The following sample query demonstrates how to join client deployment views with other views. Client deployment views will most often use the MachineID column, which is the same as the ResourceID column in other views, and NetBiosName column when joining to other views.

Joining Client Deployment and Discovery Views

This query retrieves the NetBIOS name for client computers that have provided client deployment status, the user name, assigned site, time of last state message, and state name. The results are sorted by deployment state and then NetBIOS name. The query joins the v_ClientDeploymentState client deployment view with the v_R_System discovery view by using the ResourceID column, and the v_ClientDeployment view with the v_StateNames status view by using the LastMessageStateID and StateID columns, respectively. The retrieved information is filtered by the topic type of 800, which includes only state messages for client deployment.

SELECT v_ClientDeploymentState.NetBiosName AS Computer, 
  v_R_System.User_Name0 AS [User], 
  v_ClientDeploymentState.AssignedSiteCode AS [Assigned Site], 
  v_ClientDeploymentState.LastMessageTime AS [Last Message], 
  v_StateNames.StateName AS State 
FROM v_ClientDeploymentState INNER JOIN v_R_System ON 
  v_ClientDeploymentState.SMSID = v_R_System.SMS_Unique_Identifier0 INNER JOIN v_StateNames ON 
  v_ClientDeploymentState.LastMessageStateID = v_StateNames.StateID 
WHERE (v_StateNames.TopicType = 800) 
ORDER BY State, Computer