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Choose Source Location (DTS Package Migration Wizard)

Use the Choose Source Location page to specify the source from which to migrate packages.

Static Options

  • Source
    Select the type of storage to search for packages to migrate.



    Microsoft SQL Server

    Migrate packages from an existing instance of SQL Server. Selecting this value displays the dynamic options in the Source (SQL Server) table.

    Structured Storage File

    Migrate packages stored as a structured storage file. Selecting this value displays the dynamic options in the Source (Structured Storage File) table.

Source Dynamic Options

Source = Microsoft SQL Server

  • Server name
    Type a server name or select a server in the list.

  • Use Windows authentication
    Select to use Windows Authentication to connect to the server.

  • Use SQL Server authentication
    Select to use SQL Server Authentication to connect to the server.

  • User name
    If using SQL Server Authentication, specify a user name.

  • Password
    If using SQL Server Authentication, provide a password.

Source = Structured Storage File

  • File name
    Type the name of a structured storage file or click Browse and locate the file.

  • Browse
    Browse to locate the structured storage file.