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Mining Model Viewer View (Data Mining Model Designer)

Use the Mining Model Viewer tab to explore the mining models that a mining structure contains. First you select the mining model and then you select a viewer. Each model always has two viewers available: a custom viewer, which can include multiple tabs, and the generic viewer.

Depending on the model that you select in the Mining Model dropdown list, the Mining Model Viewer tab displays different options for exploring the model. The custom viewers associated with each model type are tailored to the algorithm that you used to create the selected data mining model. Each custom viewer has a variety of tools and dialog boxes for helping you explore the statistics and patterns in the model, view charts, or interactively work with probability thresholds or filter out items by name.

The Microsoft Generic Content Tree Viewer (Data Mining Designer) is available for all model types and presents the contents of the mining model according to a standardized schema.

Common Options

  • Refresh viewer content
    Reload the mining model in the viewer.

  • Mining Model
    Choose a mining model to view that is contained in the current mining structure. The mining model will first open in its associated custom viewer.

  • Viewer
    Choose a viewer to use to explore the selected mining model. This list includes the viewers that Microsoft SQL Server Analysis Services provides for each mining model, the Microsoft Mining Content Viewer, and any plug-in viewers.

The following diagram illustrates the difference when you choose a custom viewer and the generic viewer for the same model. The upper half if the diagram shows the custom viewer that is displayed when you select a mining model based on the Microsoft Time Series algorithm. This particular custom viewer automatically creates a graph of the time series and provides five predictions. However, when you change to another model that is based on a different algorithm, the tools that are available for exploring and interpreting the model will change dramatically. Mining models of the same type might also look quite different in the custom viewer depending on the complexity of the results.

When you select the Microsoft Generic Content Tree Viewer, the display changes to the HTML grid shown in the lower half of the diagram. This grid shows a list of the nodes in the model in the left-hand pane, and the contents of the selected node in the right-hand pane. This format is always the same for all model types, but the content of each node differs depending on the algorithm used to generate the results. Whereas the custom viewers are designed for exploring and understanding the model, the generic viewer is more useful when you already understand the model and want to extract statistics or rules from a specific node.

Overview of mining model designer

Viewers and Their Components

The Mining Model Viewer view provides the following viewers, each specific to a particular kind of mining model.

Microsoft Association Rules Algorithm

Microsoft Clustering Algorithm

Microsoft Decision Tree Algorithm

Microsoft Linear Regression Algorithm

Microsoft Logistic Regression Algorithm

Microsoft Naïve Bayes Algorithm

Microsoft Neural Network Algorithm

Microsoft Sequence Clustering Algorithm

Microsoft Time Series Algorithm