Choose a Destination (SQL Server Import and Export Wizard)
Use the Choose a Destination page to specify the destination of the data that you want to copy.
To learn more about this wizard, see Using the SQL Server Import and Export Wizard to Move Data. To learn about the options for starting the wizard, as well as the permissions required to run the wizard successfully, see How to: Run the SQL Server Import and Export Wizard.
The purpose of the SQL Server Import and Export Wizard is to copy data from a source to a destination. The wizard can also create a destination database and destination tables for you. However, if you have to copy multiple databases or tables, or other kinds of database objects, you should use the Copy Database Wizard instead. For more information, see Using the Copy Database Wizard.
Static Options
Choose the data provider that matches the data storage format of the destination. There may be more than one provider available for your data source. For example, with SQL Server you can use SQL Server Native Client, the .NET Framework Data Provider for SQL Server, or the Microsoft OLE DB Provider for SQL Server.Note
If the data source is Microsoft Office Excel 2007 or Microsoft Office Access 2007, the data source requires a different data source provider than earlier versions of Excel or Access. For more information, see How to: Connect to an Excel Workbook and How to: Connect to an Access Database.
To save data to an ODBC destination, select the .NET Framework Data Provider for ODBC.
The Data Source property has a variable number of options, which change depending on the providers installed on the computer. The following tables list the options for some commonly used destinations. For other providers, see the provider-specific documentation.
Dynamic Options
The following sections show the options available for several data sources. Not all the destinations that are available in the Destination drop-down are listed here.
Destination = SQL Server Native Client or Microsoft OLE DB Provider for SQL Server
Server name
Type the name of the server to receive the data, or choose a server from the list.Use Windows Authentication
Specify whether the package should use Microsoft Windows Authentication to log in to the database. Windows Authentication is recommended for better security.Use SQL Server Authentication
Specify whether the package should use SQL Server Authentication to log in to the database. If you use SQL Server Authentication, you must provide a user name and password.User name
Specify a user name for the database connection when you are using SQL Server Authentication.Password
Provide the password for the database connection when you are using SQL Server Authentication.Database
Select from the list of databases on the specified instance of SQL Server, or create a new database by clicking New.Refresh
Restore the list of available databases by clicking Refresh.New
Create a new destination database by using the Create Database dialog box.
Destination = Flat File Destination
File name
Specify the path and file name for the file in which to store the data. Or, click Browse to locate a file.Browse
Locate a file by using the Open dialog box.Locale
Specify the locale ID (LCID) that defines character sort orders and date and time formatting.Unicode
Indicate whether to use Unicode. If you use Unicode, you do not have to specify a code page.Code page
Specify the code page for the language you want to use.Format
Indicate whether to use delimited, fixed width, or ragged right formatting.Value
Columns are separated by a delimiter, specified on the Columns page.
Fixed width
Columns have a fixed width.
Ragged right
Ragged right files are files in which every column has a fixed width, except for the last column, which is delimited by the row delimiter.
Text qualifier
Type the text qualifier to use. For example, you can specify that each text column be surrounded with quotation marks.Column names in first data row
Indicate whether you want to display column names in the first data row.
Destination = Microsoft Excel
Select Microsoft Excel only if you want to connect to a data source that uses Excel 2003 or earlier. To connect to a data source that uses Excel 2007, select Microsoft Office 12.0 Access Database Engine OLE DB Provider, click Properties, and then on the All tab of the Data Link Properties dialog box, for Extended Properties, enter Excel 12.0.
Excel file path
Specify the path and file name for the workbook in which to store the data (for example, C:\MyData.xls, \\Sales\Database\Northwind.xls). Or, click Browse to locate a workbook.Browse
Locate an Excel workbook by using the Open dialog box.Excel version
Select the version of Excel that is used by the destination workbook.
When you export data to a Microsoft Excel destination, the wizard uses the Integration Services Excel Destination component. For information on some usage considerations and known issues, see Excel Destination.
Destination = Microsoft Access
Select Microsoft Access only if you want to connect to a database that uses Access 2003 or earlier. To connect to a database that uses Access 2007, select Microsoft Office 12.0 Access Database Engine OLE DB Provider.
File name
Specify the path and file name for the database file in which to store the data (for example, C:\MyData.mdb, \\Sales\Database\Northwind.mdb). Or, click Browse to locate a database file.Browse
Browse to the database file by using the Open dialog box.User name
Specify a valid user name for the database connection when a workgroup information file is associated with the database.Password
Provide the user's password for the database connection when a workgroup information file is associated with the database. However, if the database is protected with a single password for all users, you must provide this value in the Data Link Properties dialog box, which is accessed from the Advanced button.Advanced
Specify advanced options, such as the database password or a non-default workgroup information file, by using the Data Link Properties dialog box. For more information about OLE DB provider properties, search in the Data Access section of the MSDN Library.