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sp_dropserver (Transact-SQL)

Removes a server from the list of known remote and linked servers on the local instance of SQL Server.

Topic link iconTransact-SQL Syntax Conventions


sp_dropserver [ @server = ] 'server' 
     [ , [ @droplogins = ] { 'droplogins' | NULL} ]


  • [ @server = ] 'server'
    Is the server to be removed. server is sysname, with no default. server must exist.

  • [ @droplogins = ] 'droplogins' | NULL
    Indicates that related remote and linked server logins for server must also be removed if droplogins is specified. @droplogins is char(10), with a default of NULL.

Return Code Values

0 (success) or 1 (failure)


If you run sp_dropserver on a server that has associated remote and linked server login entries, or is configured as a replication publisher, an error message is returned. To remove all remote and linked server logins for a server when you remove the server, use the droplogins argument.

sp_dropserver cannot be executed inside a user-defined transaction.


Requires ALTER ANY LINKED SERVER permission on the server.


The following example removes the remote server ACCOUNTS and all associated remote logins from the local instance of SQL Server.

sp_dropserver 'ACCOUNTS', 'droplogins';