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PredictHistogram (DMX)

Returns a table that represents a histogram for the prediction of a given column.


PredictHistogram(<scalar column reference> | <cluster column reference>)

Applies To

A scalar column reference or a cluster column reference. Can be used with all algorithm types except the Microsoft Association algorithm.

Return Type

A table.


A histogram generates statistics columns. The column structure of the returned histogram depends on the type of column reference that is used with the PredictHistogram function.

Scalar Columns

For a <scalar column reference>, the histogram that the PredictHistogram function returns consists of the following columns:

  • The value that is being predicted.

  • $Support

  • $Probability

  • $ProbabilityVariance

    Microsoft data mining algorithms do not support $ProbabilityVariance. This column always contains 0 for Microsoft algorithms.

  • $ProbabilityStdev

    Microsoft data mining algorithms do not support $ProbabilityStdev. This column always contains 0 for Microsoft algorithms.

  • $AdjustedProbability

    The $AdjustedProbability column is an Analysis Services extension to the Microsoft OLE DB for Data Mining specification.

Cluster Columns

The histogram that the PredictHistogram function returns for a <cluster column reference> consists of the following columns:

  • $Cluster (represents the cluster name)

  • $Distance

  • $Probability


The following example returns the predicted state of the Bike Buyer column in a singleton query. The query also returns the top two most likely states of the Bike Buyer attribute, based on the adjusted probability obtained by using the PredictHistogram function.

  [TM Decision Tree].[Bike Buyer],
  TopCount(PredictHistogram([Bike Buyer]),$AdjustedProbability,3)
  [TM Decision Tree]
(SELECT 28 AS [Age],
  '2-5 Miles' AS [Commute Distance],
  'Graduate Degree' AS [Education],
  0 AS [Number Cars Owned],
  0 AS [Number Children At Home]) AS t