This member is overloaded. For complete information about this member, including syntax, usage, and examples, click a name in the overload list.
Overload List
ReportRenderingException(ErrorCode) |
Creates a new instance of the ReportRenderingException class. |
ReportRenderingException(Exception) |
Creates a new instance of the ReportRenderingException class. |
ReportRenderingException(String) |
Creates a new instance of the ReportRenderingException class. |
ReportRenderingException(ErrorCode, Exception) |
Creates a new instance of the ReportRenderingException class. |
ReportRenderingException(ErrorCode, array<Object[]) |
Creates a new instance of the ReportRenderingException class and format the error message with the specified arguments. |
ReportRenderingException(Exception, Boolean) |
Creates a new instance of the ReportRenderingException class. |
ReportRenderingException(SerializationInfo, StreamingContext) |
Infrastructure. |
ReportRenderingException(String, Boolean) |
Creates a new instance of the ReportRenderingException class. |
ReportRenderingException(String, Exception) |
Creates a new instance of the ReportRenderingException class. |
ReportRenderingException(ErrorCode, Exception, Boolean) |
Creates a new instance of the ReportRenderingException class. |
ReportRenderingException(ErrorCode, String, Boolean) |
Creates a new instance of the ReportRenderingException class. |
ReportRenderingException(String, Exception, Boolean) |
Creates a new instance of the ReportRenderingException class. |
ReportRenderingException(ErrorCode, String, Exception, Boolean) |
Creates a new instance of the ReportRenderingException class. |