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Microsoft.MasterDataServices.Services.MessageContracts Namespace

Provides a common location for message contract namespace constants.


  Class Description
Public class AnnotationsCreateResponse Represents a response to an annotation creation request.
Public class AnnotationsDeleteRequest Represents a complex type to specify the details of the request.
Public class AnnotationsDeleteResponse Represents a complex type that holds the details of the response.
Public class AnnotationsUpdateRequest Represents a complex type to specify the details of the annotations update request.
Public class AnnotationsUpdateResponse Represents a complex type to hold the details of the response from the Annotations update request.
Public class BusinessRulesCloneRequest Represents a request that must include a BusinessRules type containing business rules or business rule components for creation in the MDS repository.
Public class BusinessRulesCreateRequest Represents a request that must include a BusinessRules type containing new business rules or business rule components for creation.
Public class BusinessRulesCreateResponse Represents a response to a business rules creation request.
Public class BusinessRulesDeleteRequest Represents a request that must include a BRDeleteCriteria containing business rule GUIDs and/or business rule components GUIDs for deletion.
Public class BusinessRulesGetRequest Queries the existing business rules from an MDS repository.
Public class BusinessRulesGetResponse Retrieves a BusinessRules type containing requested business rules or rule components.
Public class BusinessRulesPaletteGetRequest Requests a palette of available rule components within the system.
Public class BusinessRulesPaletteGetResponse Represents a response that includes available conditions and actions for use in business rules.
Public class BusinessRulesPublishRequest Represents a request to publish Business Rule updates for a particular Model, Entity and MemberType.
Public class BusinessRulesUpdateRequest Represents a request to update existing business rules, conditions or actions within the MDS repository.
Public class EntityMemberAnnotationsCreateRequest Creates a request to add annotations directly to a member (not associated with a transaction).
Public class EntityMemberAnnotationsGetRequest Retrieves annotations associated directly with a member (not associated with a transaction).
Public class EntityMemberAnnotationsGetResponse Complex type that holds the details of the response.
Public class EntityMemberAttributesGetRequest Complex type that specifies the details of what exactly is requested.
Public class EntityMemberAttributesGetResponse Represents a response that may return an EntityMembers complex type and may return an OperationResult complex type.
Public class EntityMemberKeyGetRequest Represents a complex type to specify the details what is requested.
Public class EntityMemberKeyGetResponse Represents a complex type that holds the response details.
Public class EntityMembersCopyRequest Request message for specifying the entity members to be copied in the MembersCopyCriteria complex type.
Public class EntityMembersCopyResponse Response message containing the results of the operation in the complex type OperationResult.
Public class EntityMembersCreateRequest Request message for specifying the entity or entities to be created in the EntityMembers complex type.
Public class EntityMembersCreateResponse Response message containing the results of the operation in the complex type OperationResult.
Public class EntityMembersDeleteRequest Request that should provide an EntityMembers complex type.
Public class EntityMembersDeleteResponse Response that should return an OperationResult complex type.
Public class EntityMembersGetRequest Request message for specifying the criteria in the EntityMembersGetCriteria complex type for the retrieval of entity members and their attributes.
Public class EntityMembersGetResponse Returns a response that may contain an EntityMembers complex type and may contain an EntityMembersInformation complex type and may contain an OperationResult complex type.
Public class EntityMembersMergeRequest Represents a request to create and/or update members without regard to whether the member already exists.
Public class EntityMembersMergeResponse Represents a response to the request to create and/or update members without regard to whether the member already exists.
Public class EntityMembersUpdateRequest Represents a request to update one or multiple existing members within an entity.
Public class EntityMembersUpdateResponse Represents a response to a request to update one or multiple existing members within an entity.
Public class ExportViewCreateRequest Represents a complex type that specifies details of what is requested.
Public class ExportViewCreateResponse Represents a complex type that holds the details of the response.
Public class ExportViewDeleteRequest Represents a complex type to specify the details of the export view delete request.
Public class ExportViewDeleteResponse Represents a complex type to hold the details of the response.
Public class ExportViewListGetRequest Represents a complex type to specify the details of the request to get the export view list.
Public class ExportViewListGetResponse Represents a complex type to hold details of the response.
Public class ExportViewUpdateRequest Represents a complex type to specify the details of export view update request.
Public class ExportViewUpdateResponse Represents a complex type to hold the details of the response.
Public class HierarchyMembersGetRequest Represents a request message using the HierarchyGetCriteria complex type to specify inputs to the request.
Public class HierarchyMembersGetResponse Represents a response that may return HierarchyData complex type and may return an OperationResult complex type.
Public class MessageCreateRequest Represents a message creation request.
Public class MessageRequest Defines the base class for all requests that can be processed by a Master Data Services instance.
Public class MessageResponse Defines the responses that can be processed by a Master Data Services instance.
Public class MetadataCloneRequest Represents a request that must include a Metadata complex type containing objects to be applied to the MDS repository.
Public class MetadataCloneResponse Represents a response that only provides standard operation results.
Public class MetadataCreateRequest Represents a request that must include a Metadata complex type containing objects to be created in the MDS repository.
Public class MetadataCreateResponse Represents a response that may echo the created metadata objects in a Metadata complex type if requested.
Public class MetadataDeleteRequest Represents a request that must include a Metadata complex type containing objects to be deleted from the MDS repository. The object Identifiers must include GUIDs.
Public class MetadataDeleteResponse Represents a response that only provides standard operation results.
Public class MetadataGetRequest Represents a request that includes SearchCriteria and ResultOptions to select the desired metadata objects at the desired level of detail.
Public class MetadataGetResponse Represents a response that includes a Metadata type as a container for any requested metadata information.
Public class MetadataUpdateRequest Represents a request that must include a Metadata complex type containing objects to be updated in the MDS repository.
Public class MetadataUpdateResponse Represents a response that only provides standard operation results.
Public class ModelMembersBulkDeleteRequest Represents a request for asynchronous batch deleting of members within a model.
Public class ModelMembersBulkDeleteResponse Represents a response to a request for asynchronous batch deleting of members within a model.
Public class ModelMembersBulkGetRequest Represents a bulk request to get model members.
Public class ModelMembersBulkGetResponse Represents a response to a bulk request to get model members.
Public class ModelMembersBulkMergeRequest Represents a request for asynchronous batch updating or creating of members within an entity.
Public class ModelMembersBulkMergeResponse Represents a response to a request for asynchronous batch updating or creating of members within an entity.
Public class ModelMembersBulkUpdateRequest Represents a request for asynchronous batch updating of members within an entity.
Public class ModelMembersBulkUpdateResponse Represents a response to a request for asynchronous batch updating of members within an entity.
Public class ModelMembersGetRequest Represents a request message for specifying the criteria in the ModelsGetCriteria complex type for the retrieval of the model. Models and Versions parameters are required. Entities parameter is optional. All entities are returned if not specified.
Public class ModelMembersGetResponse Represents a response that may contain an ArrayOfEntityMembers complex type and may contain an OperationResult complex type.
Public class SecurityCreateRequest Represents a creation request for Master Data Services security. This class cannot be inherited.
Public class SecurityCreateResponse Represents a security create response message contract. This class cannot be inherited.
Public class SecurityDeleteRequest Represents a security delete request message contract for the Master Data Services API. This class cannot be inherited.
Public class SecurityGetRequest Represents a security get request message contract for the Master Data Services API. This class cannot be inherited.
Public class SecurityPrincipalsDeleteRequest Represents a request message for specifying the criteria in the SecurityPrincipalsDeleteCriteria complex type for the retrieval of security principals.
Public class SecurityPrincipalsGetRequest Represents a request message for specifying the criteria for the retrieval of specified members and their attributes.
Public class SecurityPrincipalsGetResponse Represents a response to the request message for specifying the criteria for the retrieval of specified members and their attributes.
Public class SecurityPrincipalsRequest Represents the request message contract for security principals in the Master Data Services API. This class cannot be inherited.
Public class SecurityPrivilegesDeleteRequest Represents a request message for specifying the criteria in the SecurityPrivilegesDeleteCriteria complex type for the deletion of security privileges.
Public class SecurityPrivilegesGetRequest Represents a request message for specifying the criteria in the SecurityPrivilegesGetCriteria complex type for the retrieval of security privileges.
Public class SecurityPrivilegesGetResponse Represents a response message that returns an operation result and a SecurityPrivileges instance that contains the returned security privileges.
Public class SecurityPrivilegesRequest Represents a request message for specifying the security privileges for the operation.
Public class ServiceCheckGetRequest Represents a request message to determine whether the Master Data Services Web service is running and is connected to the database.
Public class StagingClearRequest Represents a request message for specifying the array of batches to clear.
Public class StagingClearResponse Represents a response message that specifies counts for the batches and attribute, member, and relationship records cleared.
Public class StagingGetRequest Represents a request message for specifying the criteria in the StagingResultCriteria complex type for the retrieval of staging information.
Public class StagingGetResponse Represents a response that contains an operation result and an ArrayOfStagingBatch instance that contains staging batch information.
Public class StagingProcessRequest Represents a complex type that specifies the details of the Staging process request.
Public class StagingProcessResponse Represents a complex type that holds the details of staging process response.
Public class SystemDomainListGetRequest Represents a request that must include a SystemDomainListGetCriteria.
Public class SystemDomainListGetResponse Represents a response that provides a SystemDomainLists property containing domain list results.
Public class SystemPropertiesGetRequest Represents a request that contains no input parameters.
Public class SystemPropertiesGetResponse Represents a response that includes retrieved system property values in an array of SystemPropertyValue.
Public class SystemSettingsGetRequest Represents a request that must include a SystemSettingsGetCriteria complex type.
Public class SystemSettingsGetResponse Represents a response that provides system settings within a SystemSettingsGroup complex type.
Public class SystemSettingsUpdateRequest Represents a request that includes an ArrayOfSystemSettingGroup as a container for one or more groups of one or more system settings to be updated.
Public class SystemSettingsUpdateResponse Represents a response that only provides standard operation results.
Public class TransactionAnnotationsCreateRequest Represents a complex type to specify details of what exactly is requested in the operation.
Public class TransactionAnnotationsGetRequest Represents a complex type that specifies details of what is requested.
Public class TransactionAnnotationsGetResponse Represents a complex type to hold the details of the response.
Public class TransactionsGetRequest Represents a request message for specifying the criteria in the TransactionSearchCriteria complex type for the retrieval of transactions.
Public class TransactionsGetResponse Represents a response message that returns an operation result, the total number of transaction records returned, and an ArrayOfTransaction instance that contains the returned transactions.
Public class TransactionsReverseRequest Represents a request message for specifying the transactions (by ID) to reverse.
Public class TransactionsReverseResponse Represents a response message that returns an operation result and an ArrayOfReplacementId instance that contains the reversed transactions.
Public class UserPreferencesDeleteRequest Represents a request that may include either a UserPreferences property containing one or more preference keys or the DeleteAllUserPreferences set to true.
Public class UserPreferencesDeleteResponse Represents a response that only provides standard operation results.
Public class UserPreferencesGetRequest Represents a request that contains no input parameters.
Public class UserPreferencesGetResponse Represents a response that returns an array of key-value pairs representing the user preference settings and their current values.
Public class UserPreferencesUpdateRequest Represents a request that must include a UserPreferences property with one or more preference settings as key-value pairs.
Public class UserPreferencesUpdateResponse Represents a response that only provides standard operation results.
Public class ValidationGetRequest Represents a request message complex type that describes what validation information is requested.
Public class ValidationGetResponse Represents a response message complex type that holds the response values for the validation get request.
Public class ValidationProcessRequest Represents a request message complex type to specify the validation process criteria and options.
Public class ValidationProcessResponse Represents a response message complex type to hold the response values back from the validation process.
Public class VersionCopyRequest Represents a request that must include the FromVersionId property as a GUID. It may also include the string properties ToVersionName and ToVersionDescription.
Public class VersionCopyResponse Represents a response that only provides standard operation results.


  Interface Description
Public interface IMetadataUpdateRequest Defines the interface used by the Metadata updating requests.