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New-ManagedFolder (RTM)

Microsoft Exchange Server 2007 will reach end of support on April 11, 2017. To stay supported, you will need to upgrade. For more information, see Resources to help you upgrade your Office 2007 servers and clients.


Applies to: Exchange Server 2007

Use the New-ManagedFolder cmdlet to create new managed folders for messaging records management (MRM). A managed folder is a folder in a user's mailbox to which MRM has been applied. The following are the managed folder types:

  • Managed default folders (such as the Inbox) appear, by default, in a user's Microsoft Office Outlook 2007 mailbox.

  • Managed custom folders are created by Exchange administrators specifically for MRM.

The retention and journaling of messages in managed folders are controlled by managed content settings that are applied to the managed folders.


New-ManagedFolder -Name <String> -FolderName <String> [-Comment <String>] [-DomainController <Fqdn>] [-LocalizedComment <MultiValuedProperty>] [-LocalizedFolderName <MultiValuedProperty>] [-MustDisplayCommentEnabled <$true | $false>] [-StorageQuota <Unlimited>] [-TemplateInstance <PSObject>]

New-ManagedFolder -Name <String> -DefaultFolderType <Nullable> [-Comment <String>] [-DomainController <Fqdn>] [-LocalizedComment <MultiValuedProperty>] [-MustDisplayCommentEnabled <$true | $false>] [-TemplateInstance <PSObject>]

Detailed Description

Use the New-ManagedFolder cmdlet to create a new managed folder in the Active Directory directory service. Then, to use the new managed folder for messaging records management:

  1. Apply managed content settings to the folder.

  2. Link the folder to a managed folder mailbox policy.

  3. Link the mailbox policy to a user's mailbox.

  4. Run the managed folder assistant, which places the new managed folder in the user's mailbox with the settings that you have specified.

  5. For more information about the steps to take to implement messaging records management in Microsoft Exchange Server 2007, see Deploying Messaging Records Management.

By default, managed custom folders are created with this cmdlet. However, you can also create additional copies of managed default folders by using the DefaultFolderType parameter to specify which type of default folder to create (for example, an additional Inbox folder). When you create multiple copies of a managed default folder, you can assign different content settings to each one. For example, you could have two Inbox folders, one named InboxSixMonths and another named InboxOneYear. Then, you could assign a retention time of six months to the first folder and one year to the second folder with the New-ManagedContentSettings cmdlet (or by using the New Managed Content Settings wizard in the Exchange Management Console). You must assign a unique name (using the Name parameter) to each of the managed default folders that you create. Users, however, always see the unaltered default folder name. In the example, whether users are assigned an InboxSixMonths folder or an InboxOneYear folder, the Inbox that they see in their mailbox will be labeled Inbox. Although the folder names that users see in their mailboxes can be reassigned for managed custom folders (using the Set-ManagedFolder command FolderName parameter), the folder names seen by users for managed default folders cannot be changed.

Before You Begin

To run the New-ManagedFolder cmdlet, the account you use must be delegated the following:

  • Exchange Organization Administrator role

For more information about permissions, delegating roles, and the rights that are required to administer Exchange Server 2007, see Permission Considerations.

This command does not accept pipelined input.


Parameter Required Type Description




The DefaultFolderType parameter specifies which type of default folder to create (for example, an additional Inbox folder). When you have multiple copies of a default folder, you can assign different content settings to each one. For example, you could have two Inbox folders, one for which the contents are retained for one month, and a second for which the contents are retained for one year. You must assign a unique name (using the Name parameter) to each of the multiple managed default folders.

If a value in not entered for the DefaultFolderType parameter, a managed custom folder is created. The folder types that you can specify are:

  • Calendar

  • Contacts

  • DeletedItems

  • Drafts

  • Inbox

  • JunkEmail

  • Journal

  • Notes

  • Outbox

  • SentItems

  • Tasks

  • All

  • ManagedCustomFolder

  • RssSubscriptions

  • SyncIssues

  • ConversationHistory




The FolderName parameter specifies the name of the folder as it will appear in users' mailboxes. You cannot set the FolderName value for managed default folders. This string can be up to 255 characters long.


The FolderName parameter should not be confused with the Name parameter.




The Name parameter specifies a unique name for the folder. This value is used by the administrator as a handle for the folder. It does not appear in users' mailboxes. This string can be up to 65 characters long.


The Name parameter should not be confused with the FolderName parameter.




The Comment parameter specifies the default administrator comment to be displayed with the folder in Microsoft Outlook 2007 and Outlook Web Access. This string can be up to 255 characters long.




To specify the fully qualified domain name (FQDN) of the domain controller that retrieves data from Active Directory, include the DomainController parameter in the command.




The LocalizedComment parameter specifies localized administrator comments and their languages. Localized comments are displayed instead of the default comment when the language setting of Outlook 2007 matches a language specified for this parameter value. Comments must be in the form ISOLanguageCode:Comment (for example, -LocalizedComment EN-US:"This is a localized comment in US English").




The LocalizedFolderName parameter specifies localized folder names and their languages. Localized folder names are displayed instead of the default folder name when the language setting of Outlook 2007 matches a language specified for this parameter value. Comments must be in the form ISOLanguageCode:Comment (for example, -LocalizedFolderName EN-US:"This is a localized folder name in US English").




If the MustDisplayCommentEnabled parameter is present and is set to $true, the parameter sets a flag that is used by Outlook 2007 to prevent users from minimizing a folder comment (that is visible in Outlook 2007 and Outlook Web Access). If the parameter is not present or is set to $false, users can minimize the comment.




The StorageQuota parameter specifies the storage size limit for the mailbox folder. When the folder size exceeds this limit, no additional items may be added. Mailbox sizes can be specified in kilobytes (KB) or megabytes (MB), (for example, as 100 KB or 5 MB).




When an existing object is supplied to the TemplateInstance parameter, the command uses the configuration of that object to create an exact duplicate of the object on a local or target server.

Input Types

Return Types


Error Description



Exceptions Description



In the first example, the New-ManagedFolder command is used to create a new managed folder that has a maximum capacity of 1 MB.

In the second example, the New-ManagedFolder command is used to create a new managed folder that has a default folder name and comment in English, localized folder names in Spanish and French, and localized comment in Spanish.

In the third example, a new instance of the Inbox default folder is created.

New-ManagedFolder -Name NewFolder -FolderName "New Folder" -StorageQuota "1 MB"
New-ManagedFolder -Name MyFolder -FolderName "My Folder" -LocalizedFolderName Spanish:"Mi Carpeta", French:"Mon Dossier" -Comment "My comment" -LocalizedComment Spanish:"Mi comentario", French:"Mon annotation"
New-ManagedFolder -Name AnotherInbox -DefaultFolderType Inbox