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MapiPropertyTypeType Enumeration

The MapiPropertyTypeType enumeration identifies the type of an extended MAPI property.

Namespace:  ExchangeWebServices
Assembly:  EWS (in EWS.dll)


<SerializableAttribute> _
Public Enumeration MapiPropertyTypeType
Dim instance As MapiPropertyTypeType
public enum MapiPropertyTypeType


Member name Description
ApplicationTime Identifies a double value that is interpreted as a date and time. The integer part is the date and the fraction part is the time.
ApplicationTimeArray Identifies an array of double values that are interpreted as a date and time.
Binary Identifies a Base64-encoded binary value.
BinaryArray Identifies an array of Base64-encoded binary values.
Boolean Identifies a Boolean true or false.
CLSID Identifies a GUID string.
CLSIDArray Identifies an array of GUID strings.
Currency Identifies a 64-bit integer that is interpreted as the number of cents.
CurrencyArray Identifies an array of 64-bit integers that are interpreted as the number of cents.
Double Identifies a 64-bit floating-point value.
DoubleArray Identifies an array of 64-bit floating-point values.
Error Identifies an SCODE value; 32-bit unsigned integer.

Not used for restrictions or for getting/setting values. This exists only for reporting.

Float Identifies a 32-bit floating-point value.
FloatArray Identifies an array of 32-bit floating-point values.
Integer Identifies a signed 32-bit (Int32) integer.
IntegerArray Identifies an array of signed 32-bit (Int32) integers.
Long Identifies a signed or unsigned 64-bit (Int64) integer.
LongArray Identifies an array of signed or unsigned 64-bit (Int64) integers.
Null Indicates no property value.

Not used for restrictions or for getting/setting values. This exists only for reporting.

Object Identifies a pointer to an object that implements the IUnknown interface.

Not used for restrictions or for getting/setting values. This exists only for reporting.

ObjectArray Identifies an array of pointers to objects that implement the IUnknown interface.

Not used for restrictions or for getting/setting values. This exists only for reporting.

Short Identifies a signed 16-bit integer.
ShortArray Identifies an array of signed 16-bit integers.
SystemTime Identifies a 64-bit integer data and time value in the form of a FILETIME structure.
SystemTimeArray Identifies an array of 64-bit integer data and time values in the form of a FILETIME structure.
String Identifies a Unicode string.
StringArray Identifies an array of Unicode strings.


This enumeration is used by the PropertyType property of the PathToExtendedFieldType object.

See Also


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