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Suggest Vendor Bills Report

Opens vendor ledger entries and creates a bill suggestion based on the content of the ledger entries.

Vendor ledger entries that are marked On Hold are not included in the batch job. You can define what is included in the batch job by setting filters.


When the batch job is completed, you can modify the suggested entries on the Vendor Bill Card.


Field Description

Use Same ABI Code

Select if you want the batch job to include only vendor ledger entries with the same bank account as on the document header.

Click the OK button to start the batch job.


For more information on how to work with reports, see Viewing Test Reports before Posting, How to: View and Print Reports and How to: Set Filters. For assistance in finding specific pages, see Search.

See Also


Vendor Bill Card
List of Sent Vendor Bills

Other Resources

How to: Set Up Payment Methods