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Vendor Ledger Entry Table

Specifies posted entries from purchase orders, purchase invoices, purchase credit memos, journal lines, finance charge memos, reminders, and refunds.

When you post to a vendor account, the program creates a vendor ledger entry, which you can see in the Vendor Ledger Entry table by clicking Vendor, Ledger Entries from the vendor card.

Vendor ledger entries are created by the posting of a purchase order, invoice, credit memo or journal line.

All adjustments made to the vendor ledger entry due to, for example, payment discounts or changes in currency exchange rates, are recorded in the Detailed Vendor Ledg. Entry table.

The only fields on a vendor ledger entry that can be changed are the following: On Hold, Due Date, Pmt. Discount Date, Remaining Pmt. Disc. Possible, Pmt. Disc. Tolerance Date and Payment Tolerance. You cannot change the other fields because the entry has been posted.

List of Fields in the Table

Field Location
Vendor Bill List Field, Vendor Ledger Entry Table Italian Local Functionality Tables, Reports, Batch Jobs, and Windows
Vendor Bank Acc. No. Field, Vendor Ledger Entry Table Italian Local Functionality Tables, Reports, Batch Jobs, and Windows
Vendor Bill No. Field, Vendor Ledger Entry Table Italian Local Functionality Tables, Reports, Batch Jobs, and Windows
Payment Terms Code Field, Vendor Ledger Entry Table Spain Local Functionality
Applies-to Bill No. Field, Vendor Ledger Entry Table Spain Local Functionality
Document Situation Field, Vendor Ledger Entry Table Spain Local Functionality
Input Service Distribution Field, Vendor Ledger Entry Table Service Tax
Document Occurrence Field, Vendor Ledger Entry Table Italian Local Functionality Tables, Reports, Batch Jobs, and Windows
Serv. Tax on Advance Payment Field, Vendor Ledger Entry Table Service Tax
Int. Arrears Amount to Pay Field, Vendor Ledger Entry Table Italian Local Functionality Tables, Reports, Batch Jobs, and Windows
Total TDS Including SHE CESS Field, Vendor Ledger Entry Table Income Tax
TDS Nature of Deduction Field, Vendor Ledger Entry Table Income Tax
Paid Int. Arrears Amount Field, Vendor Ledger Entry Table Italian Local Functionality Tables, Reports, Batch Jobs, and Windows
TDS Group Field, Vendor Ledger Entry Table Income Tax
Generated Autodocument Field, Vendor Ledger Entry Table Spain Local Functionality
Amount (LCY) stats. Field, Vendor Ledger Entry Table Spain Local Functionality
Payment Method Field, Vendor Ledger Entry Table Italian Local Functionality Tables, Reports, Batch Jobs, and Windows
Autodocument No. Field, Vendor Ledger Entry Table Spain Local Functionality
Bill No. Field, Vendor Ledger Entry Table Spain Local Functionality
Remaining Amount (LCY) stats. Field, Vendor Ledger Entry Table Spain Local Functionality
Applies-to Occurrence No. Field, Vendor Ledger Entry Table Italian Local Functionality Tables, Reports, Batch Jobs, and Windows
Document Status Field, Vendor Ledger Entry Table Spain Local Functionality
PoT Field, Vendor Ledger Entry Table India Local Functionality
Org. Pmt. Disc. Possible (LCY) Field, Vendor Ledger Entry Table Belgium Local Functionality
Journal Template Name Field, Vendor Ledger Entry Table Belgium Local Functionality
Connect Lines Filter Field, Vendor Ledger Entry Table Netherlands Local Functionality
Connect Batches Filter Field, Vendor Ledger Entry Table Netherlands Local Functionality
Our Bank Filter Field, Vendor Ledger Entry Table Netherlands Local Functionality
Bank Account Code Field, Vendor Ledger Entry Table Netherlands Local Functionality
Transaction Mode Code Field, Vendor Ledger Entry Table Netherlands Local Functionality
Inv. Discount (LCY) Field, Vendor Ledger Entry Table Purchases and Payables
Closed by Amount (LCY) Field, Vendor Ledger Entry Table Purchases and Payables
Original Amt. (LCY) Field, Vendor Ledger Entry Table Purchases and Payables
Adjusted Currency Factor Field, Vendor Ledger Entry Table Purchases and Payables
Debit Amount Field, Vendor Ledger Entry Table Purchases and Payables
Remaining Amt. (LCY) Field, Vendor Ledger Entry Table Purchases and Payables
Payments in Process Field, Vendor Ledger Entry Table Netherlands Local Functionality
Original Pmt. Disc. Possible Field, Vendor Ledger Entry Table Purchases and Payables
Source Code Field, Vendor Ledger Entry Table Purchases and Payables
Buy-from Vendor No. Field, Vendor Ledger Entry Table Purchases and Payables
Pmt. Disc. Tolerance Date Field, Vendor Ledger Entry Table Purchases and Payables
Date Filter Field, Vendor Ledger Entry Table Purchases and Payables
Currency Code Field, Vendor Ledger Entry Table Purchases and Payables
User ID Field, Vendor Ledger Entry Table Purchases and Payables
Journal Batch Name Field, Vendor Ledger Entry Table Purchases and Payables
Closed by Currency Amount Field, Vendor Ledger Entry Table Purchases and Payables
Pmt. Discount Date Field, Vendor Ledger Entry Table Purchases and Payables
Accepted Pmt. Disc. Tolerance Field, Vendor Ledger Entry Table Purchases and Payables
Global Dimension 1 Code Field, Vendor Ledger Entry Table Purchases and Payables
Purchaser Code Field, Vendor Ledger Entry Table Purchases and Payables
Max. Payment Tolerance Field, Vendor Ledger Entry Table Purchases and Payables
Closed by Amount Field, Vendor Ledger Entry Table Purchases and Payables
Remaining Pmt. Disc. Possible Field, Vendor Ledger Entry Table Purchases and Payables
Vendor Posting Group Field, Vendor Ledger Entry Table Purchases and Payables
Closed by Currency Code Field, Vendor Ledger Entry Table Purchases and Payables
Remaining Amount Field, Vendor Ledger Entry Table Purchases and Payables
Positive Field, Vendor Ledger Entry Table Purchases and Payables
Pmt. Disc. Rcd.(LCY) Field, Vendor Ledger Entry Table Purchases and Payables
Pmt. Tolerance (LCY) Field, Vendor Ledger Entry Table Purchases and Payables
Global Dimension 2 Code Field, Vendor Ledger Entry Table Purchases and Payables
Bal. Account No. Field, Vendor Ledger Entry Table Purchases and Payables
Credit Amount (LCY) Field, Vendor Ledger Entry Table Purchases and Payables
Reversed Field, Vendor Ledger Entry Table Purchases and Payables
Bal. Account Type Field, Vendor Ledger Entry Table Purchases and Payables
Document Type Field, Vendor Ledger Entry Table Purchases and Payables
Closed at Date Field, Vendor Ledger Entry Table Purchases and Payables
Debit Amount (LCY) Field, Vendor Ledger Entry Table Purchases and Payables
External Document No. Field, Vendor Ledger Entry Table Purchases and Payables
Due Date Field, Vendor Ledger Entry Table Purchases and Payables
Open Field, Vendor Ledger Entry Table Purchases and Payables
Amount to Apply Field, Vendor Ledger Entry Table Purchases and Payables
Transaction No. Field, Vendor Ledger Entry Table Purchases and Payables
Amount (LCY) Field, Vendor Ledger Entry Table Purchases and Payables
Applies-to Doc. Type Field, Vendor Ledger Entry Table Purchases and Payables
Description Field, Vendor Ledger Entry Table Purchases and Payables
Prepayment Field, Vendor Ledger Entry Table Purchases and Payables
Document No. Field, Vendor Ledger Entry Table Purchases and Payables
On Hold Field, Vendor Ledger Entry Table Purchases and Payables
Applying Entry Field, Vendor Ledger Entry Table Purchases and Payables
Reversed Entry No. Field, Vendor Ledger Entry Table Purchases and Payables
Applies-to Doc. No. Field, Vendor Ledger Entry Table Purchases and Payables
Closed by Entry No. Field, Vendor Ledger Entry Table Purchases and Payables
Entry No. Field, Vendor Ledger Entry Table Purchases and Payables
Credit Amount Field, Vendor Ledger Entry Table Purchases and Payables
Vendor No. Field, Vendor Ledger Entry Table Purchases and Payables
Purchase (LCY) Field, Vendor Ledger Entry Table Purchases and Payables
Dimension Set ID Field, Vendor Ledger Entry Table Purchases and Payables
Document Date Field, Vendor Ledger Entry Table Purchases and Payables
Reason Code Field, Vendor Ledger Entry Table Purchases and Payables
IC Partner Code Field, Vendor Ledger Entry Table Purchases and Payables
Posting Date Field, Vendor Ledger Entry Table Purchases and Payables
Applies-to ID Field, Vendor Ledger Entry Table Purchases and Payables
No. Series Field, Vendor Ledger Entry Table Purchases and Payables
Accepted Payment Tolerance Field, Vendor Ledger Entry Table Purchases and Payables
Reversed by Entry No. Field, Vendor Ledger Entry Table Purchases and Payables
Original Amount Field, Vendor Ledger Entry Table Purchases and Payables
Amount Field, Vendor Ledger Entry Table Purchases and Payables
Original Currency Factor Field, Vendor Ledger Entry Table Purchases and Payables
Input Service Distribution Field, Vendor Ledger Entry Table India Service Tax
Serv. Tax on Advance Payment Field, Vendor Ledger Entry Table India Service Tax
Int. Arrears Amount to Pay Field, Vendor Ledger Entry Table Italy Local Functionality
Total TDS Including SHE CESS Field, Vendor Ledger Entry Table India Income Tax
TDS Nature of Deduction Field, Vendor Ledger Entry Table India Income Tax
TDS Group Field, Vendor Ledger Entry Table India Income Tax
Transaction Mode Code Field, Vendor Ledger Entry Table Netherlands Local Functionality
Payments in Process Field, Vendor Ledger Entry Table Netherlands Local Functionality
EFT Amount Transferred Field, Vendor Ledger Entry Table New Zealand Local Functionality
Adjustment Applies-to Field, Vendor Ledger Entry Table New Zealand Local Functionality
EFT Register No. Field, Vendor Ledger Entry Table New Zealand Local Functionality
IRS 1099 Amount Field, Vendor Ledger Entry Table United States Local Functionality
Adjustment Field, Vendor Ledger Entry Table New Zealand Local Functionality
IRS 1099 Code Field, Vendor Ledger Entry Table United States Local Functionality
WHT Amount (LCY) Field, Vendor Ledger Entry Table New Zealand Local Functionality
BAS Adjustment Field, Vendor Ledger Entry Table New Zealand Local Functionality
EFT Bank Account No. Field, Vendor Ledger Entry Table New Zealand Local Functionality
Rem. Amt Field, Vendor Ledger Entry Table New Zealand Local Functionality
Pre Adjmt. Reason Code Field, Vendor Ledger Entry Table New Zealand Local Functionality
WHT Amount Field, Vendor Ledger Entry Table New Zealand Local Functionality
Financialy Voided Cheque Field, Vendor Ledger Entry Table New Zealand Local Functionality
Rem. Amt for WHT Field, Vendor Ledger Entry Table New Zealand Local Functionality
Specification (Norges Bank) Field, Vendor Ledger Entry Table Norway Local Functionality
Bank Code Field, Vendor Ledger Entry Table Switzerland Local Functionality
Payment Type Code Abroad Field, Vendor Ledger Entry Table Norway Local Functionality
Reference No. Field, Vendor Ledger Entry Table Switzerland Local Functionality
Remittance ID Field, Vendor Ledger Entry Table Norway Local Functionality
KID Field, Vendor Ledger Entry Table Norway Local Functionality
Total TDS/TCS Incl SHE CESS Field, Vendor Ledger Entry Table Income Tax
Input Service Distributor Field, Vendor Ledger Entry Table Service Tax
TDS Nature of Deduction Field, Vendor Ledger Entry Table Income Tax
Serv. Tax on Advance Payment Field, Vendor Ledger Entry Table Service Tax
TDS Group Field, Vendor Ledger Entry Table Income Tax
Transaction Mode Code Field, Vendor Ledger Entry Table Netherlands Local Functionality
Payments in Process Field, Vendor Ledger Entry Table Netherlands Local Functionality
Int. Arrears Amount to Pay Field, Vendor Ledger Entry Table Italy Local Functionality
Bank Account Field Field, Vendor Ledger Entry Table Deleted Topics
Bank Account Field Field, Vendor Ledger Entry Table Deleted Topics
Transaction Mode Code Field, Vendor Ledger Entry Table Netherlands Local Functionality
Payments in Process Field, Vendor Ledger Entry Table Netherlands Local Functionality
Int. Arrears Amount to Pay Field, Vendor Ledger Entry Table Italy Local Functionality
Bank Account Field Field, Vendor Ledger Entry Table Deleted Topics

See Also


Vendor Ledger Entries