Reclassify Acq. Cost % Field, FA Reclass. Journal Line Table
Specifies the percentage of the acquisition cost you want to reclassify.
If you enter a percentage here, you cannot enter anything in the Reclassify Acq. Cost Amount field.
The percentage in this field is also used for reclassification of other entries. The program uses this formula: Reclassified amount = Reclassify Acq. Cost % / 100 * Accumulated Amount of the posting type (depreciation, write-down, appreciation, custom 1, custom 2 and salvage value). If an amount has been entered in the Reclassify Acq. Cost Amount field, then the program internally calculates Reclassify Acq. Cost % as Reclassify Acq. Cost Amount / Accum. Acquisition Cost * 100.
For more information on how to work with fields and columns, see Work with Data. For assistance in finding specific pages, see Search.
Parent Tables
Table | Location |
FA Reclass. Journal Line Table | Fixed Assets |
FA Reclass. Journal Line Table | Fixed Assets |
See Also
FA Reclass. Journal
Reclassify Acq. Cost Amount
Reclassify Acq. Cost Amount