Opportunity Entry Table
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Contains all the actions that are related to your opportunities.
The Opportunity Entry table contains all the entries you make when you create and update opportunities. The program creates an opportunity entry when you create or update an opportunity, move it to another stage in the sales cycle or when you close it.
List of Fields in the Table
Estimated Close Date Field, Opportunity Entry Table
Relationship Management
Contact No. Field, Opportunity Entry Table
Relationship Management
Completed % Field, Opportunity Entry Table
Relationship Management
Days Open Field, Opportunity Entry Table
Relationship Management
Contact Company No. Field, Opportunity Entry Table
Relationship Management
Wizard Step Field, Opportunity Entry Table
Relationship Management
Previous Sales Cycle Stage Field, Opportunity Entry Table
Relationship Management
Estimated Value (LCY) Field, Opportunity Entry Table
Relationship Management
Active Field, Opportunity Entry Table
Relationship Management
Date Closed Field, Opportunity Entry Table
Relationship Management
Sales Cycle Stage Field, Opportunity Entry Table
Relationship Management
Campaign No. Field, Opportunity Entry Table
Relationship Management
Action Taken Field, Opportunity Entry Table
Relationship Management
Probability % Field, Opportunity Entry Table
Relationship Management
Close Opportunity Code Field, Opportunity Entry Table
Relationship Management
Opportunity No. Field, Opportunity Entry Table
Relationship Management
Chances of Success % Field, Opportunity Entry Table
Relationship Management
Calcd. Current Value (LCY) Field, Opportunity Entry Table
Relationship Management
Sales Cycle Code Field, Opportunity Entry Table
Relationship Management
Cancel Old To Do Field, Opportunity Entry Table
Relationship Management
Sales Cycle Stage Description Field, Opportunity Entry Table
Relationship Management
Entry No. Field, Opportunity Entry Table
Relationship Management
Date of Change Field, Opportunity Entry Table
Relationship Management
Salesperson Code Field, Opportunity Entry Table
Relationship Management
Action Type Field, Opportunity Entry Table
Relationship Management
See Also
Opportunity Entries