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G/L Account Table

Specifies an overview of the financial situation. It also provides information about expenses and revenues to compare with budgets and with figures from previous years. This lets you identify income-generating areas, avoid losses, adjust unrealistic budgets, and so on.

You use the G/L Account table, which contains all the accounts, to manage your finances. When you set up an account, you enter basic information such as the name of the account and the account type. The account must also have an identifying number. When you enter this number in various fields in the program - in a journal, for example - the program will automatically use the basic information from the account.

The program can display G/L accounts in two different windows:

  • The Chart of Accounts window displays all the accounts, with a line for each, so you can see only a limited number of fields for each account. It is possible to organize the chart of accounts so that it can be used as a daily balance sheet because each account has several amount fields: Balance, Balance at Date and Net Change.

  • The G/L Account Card window has a card for each line in the chart of accounts, so you can work with only one account at a time. On the other hand, you can see many more fields for that account.

The same fields exist for both windows, and both windows provide the same possibilities for editing the field contents.

All G/L accounts must be set up in this table.

List of Fields in the Table

The following table lists the fields in this table.

Field Location
Indentation Field, G/L Account Table General Ledger
Gen. Bus. Posting Group Field, G/L Account Table General Ledger
Tax Liable Field, G/L Account Table General Ledger
Debit Amount Field, G/L Account Table General Ledger
New Page Field, G/L Account Table General Ledger
Debit/Credit Field, G/L Account Table General Ledger
Additional-Currency Balance Field, G/L Account Table General Ledger
FBT Group Code Field, G/L Account Table India Income Tax
% Non deductible VAT Field, G/L Account Table Belgium Local Functionality
Service Tax Group Code Field, G/L Account Table India Service Tax
Print Details Field, G/L Account Table Belgium Local Functionality
Balance Field, G/L Account Table General Ledger
G/L Entry Type Filter Field, G/L Account Table New Zealand Local Functionality
WHT Business Posting Group Field, G/L Account Table New Zealand Local Functionality
G/L Entry Type Filter Field, G/L Account Table France Local Functionality
Name Field, G/L Account Table General Ledger
Ignore Discounts Field, G/L Account Table Spain Local Functionality
GIFI Code Field, G/L Account Table United States Local Functionality
Consol. Credit Acc. Field, G/L Account Table General Ledger
Global Dimension 1 Code Field, G/L Account Table General Ledger
Picture Field, G/L Account Table General Ledger
Credit Amount Field, G/L Account Table General Ledger
Add.-Currency Credit Amount Field, G/L Account Table General Ledger
No. Field, G/L Account Table Spain Local Functionality
Exchange Rate Adjustment Field, G/L Account Table General Ledger
Automatic Ext. Texts Field, G/L Account Table General Ledger
G/L Entry Type Filter Field, G/L Account Table France Local Functionality
Excise Prod. Posting Group Field, G/L Account Table India Excise
SRU-code Field, G/L Account Table Sweden Local Functionality
Ignore in 347 Report Field, G/L Account Table Spain Local Functionality
Auto. Acc. Group Field, G/L Account Table Sweden Local Functionality
Capital Item Field, G/L Account Table India Excise
WHT Product Posting Group Field, G/L Account Table New Zealand Local Functionality
Add.-Currency Debit Amount Field, G/L Account Table General Ledger
Last Date Modified Field, G/L Account Table General Ledger
Consol. Translation Method Field, G/L Account Table General Ledger
Income Stmt. Bal. Acc. Field, G/L Account Table Spain Local Functionality
Account Type Field, G/L Account Table Spain Local Functionality
Reconciliation Account Field, G/L Account Table General Ledger
Gen. Posting Type Field, G/L Account Table General Ledger
Omit Default Descr. in Jnl. Field, G/L Account Table Netherlands Local Functionality
Global Dimension 2 Code Field, G/L Account Table General Ledger
Account Type Field, G/L Account Table General Ledger
Search Name Field, G/L Account Table General Ledger
Cost Type No. Field, G/L Account Table General Ledger
Gen. Prod. Posting Group Field, G/L Account Table General Ledger
No. of Blank Lines Field, G/L Account Table General Ledger
Consol. Debit Acc. Field, G/L Account Table General Ledger
Income/Balance Field, G/L Account Table General Ledger
Blocked Field, G/L Account Table General Ledger
Date Filter Field, G/L Account Table General Ledger
Totaling Field, G/L Account Table General Ledger
Source Type Filter Field, G/L Account Table Russia Local Functionality
Adjust Credit Acc. Field, G/L Account Table Russia Local Functionality
Adjust Debit Acc. Field, G/L Account Table Russia Local Functionality
Source Type Field, G/L Account Table Russia Local Functionality
Source No. Filter Field, G/L Account Table Russia Local Functionality
Currency Code Field, G/L Account Table Russia Local Functionality
Debit Amount at Date (ACY) Field, G/L Account Table Russia Local Functionality
Credit Amount at Date Field, G/L Account Table Russia Local Functionality
Balance in Currency Field, G/L Account Table Russia Local Functionality
Credit Amount at Date (ACY) Field, G/L Account Table Russia Local Functionality
Debit Amount at Date Field, G/L Account Table Russia Local Functionality
Balance (FCY) Field, G/L Account Table Switzerland Local Functionality
Movement (FCY) Field, G/L Account Table Switzerland Local Functionality
IRS Number Field, G/L Account Table Iceland Local Functionality
VAT Code Field, G/L Account Table Norway Local Functionality
Currency Code Field, G/L Account Table Switzerland Local Functionality
Balance at Date (FCY) Field, G/L Account Table Switzerland Local Functionality
Source Type Filter Field, G/L Account Table Russia Local Functionality
Adjust Credit Acc. Field, G/L Account Table Russia Local Functionality
Adjust Debit Acc. Field, G/L Account Table Russia Local Functionality
Source Type Field, G/L Account Table Russia Local Functionality
Source No. Filter Field, G/L Account Table Russia Local Functionality
Currency Code Field, G/L Account Table Russia Local Functionality
Debit Amount at Date (ACY) Field, G/L Account Table Russia Local Functionality
Credit Amount at Date Field, G/L Account Table Russia Local Functionality
Balance in Currency Field, G/L Account Table Russia Local Functionality
Credit Amount at Date (ACY) Field, G/L Account Table Russia Local Functionality
Debit Amount at Date Field, G/L Account Table Russia Local Functionality
% Non deductible VAT Field, G/L Account Table Belgium Local Functionality
Print Details Field, G/L Account Table Belgium Local Functionality
Additional-Currency Net Change Field, G/L Account Table General Ledger
Global Dimension 2 Filter Field, G/L Account Table General Ledger
Budgeted Debit Amount Field, G/L Account Table General Ledger
Net Change Field, G/L Account Table General Ledger
Budget Filter Field, G/L Account Table General Ledger
Direct Posting Field, G/L Account Table General Ledger
VAT Bus. Posting Group Field, G/L Account Table General Ledger
No. Field, G/L Account Table General Ledger
Balance at Date Field, G/L Account Table General Ledger
Budget at Date Field, G/L Account Table General Ledger
Add.-Currency Balance at Date Field, G/L Account Table General Ledger
Budgeted Amount Field, G/L Account Table General Ledger
Omit Default Descr. in Jnl. Field, G/L Account Table General Ledger
Business Unit Filter Field, G/L Account Table General Ledger
Budgeted Credit Amount Field, G/L Account Table General Ledger
No. 2 Field, G/L Account Table General Ledger
Default IC Partner G/L Acc. No Field, G/L Account Table General Ledger
Global Dimension 1 Filter Field, G/L Account Table General Ledger
Comment Field, G/L Account Table General Ledger
Tax Area Code Field, G/L Account Table General Ledger
Tax Group Code Field, G/L Account Table General Ledger
VAT Prod. Posting Group Field, G/L Account Table General Ledger
VAT Amount Field, G/L Account Table Germany Local Functionality
Indentation Field, G/L Account Table General Ledger
Gen. Bus. Posting Group Field, G/L Account Table General Ledger
Tax Liable Field, G/L Account Table General Ledger
Debit Amount Field, G/L Account Table General Ledger
New Page Field, G/L Account Table General Ledger
Debit/Credit Field, G/L Account Table General Ledger
Additional-Currency Balance Field, G/L Account Table General Ledger
Additional-Currency Net Change Field, G/L Account Table General Ledger
Global Dimension 2 Filter Field, G/L Account Table General Ledger
Balance Field, G/L Account Table General Ledger
Budgeted Debit Amount Field, G/L Account Table General Ledger
Net Change Field, G/L Account Table General Ledger
Name Field, G/L Account Table General Ledger
Consol. Credit Acc. Field, G/L Account Table General Ledger
Global Dimension 1 Code Field, G/L Account Table General Ledger
Budget Filter Field, G/L Account Table General Ledger
Picture Field, G/L Account Table General Ledger
Credit Amount Field, G/L Account Table General Ledger
Add.-Currency Credit Amount Field, G/L Account Table General Ledger
Exchange Rate Adjustment Field, G/L Account Table General Ledger
Automatic Ext. Texts Field, G/L Account Table General Ledger
Direct Posting Field, G/L Account Table General Ledger
VAT Bus. Posting Group Field, G/L Account Table General Ledger
No. Field, G/L Account Table General Ledger
Balance at Date Field, G/L Account Table General Ledger
Add.-Currency Debit Amount Field, G/L Account Table General Ledger
Last Date Modified Field, G/L Account Table General Ledger
Consol. Translation Method Field, G/L Account Table General Ledger
Reconciliation Account Field, G/L Account Table General Ledger
Gen. Posting Type Field, G/L Account Table General Ledger
Budget at Date Field, G/L Account Table General Ledger
Global Dimension 2 Code Field, G/L Account Table General Ledger
Add.-Currency Balance at Date Field, G/L Account Table General Ledger
Account Type Field, G/L Account Table General Ledger
Budgeted Amount Field, G/L Account Table General Ledger
Omit Default Descr. in Jnl. Field, G/L Account Table General Ledger
Search Name Field, G/L Account Table General Ledger
Cost Type No. Field, G/L Account Table General Ledger
Business Unit Filter Field, G/L Account Table General Ledger
Budgeted Credit Amount Field, G/L Account Table General Ledger
Gen. Prod. Posting Group Field, G/L Account Table General Ledger
No. of Blank Lines Field, G/L Account Table General Ledger
No. 2 Field, G/L Account Table General Ledger
Default IC Partner G/L Acc. No Field, G/L Account Table General Ledger
Consol. Debit Acc. Field, G/L Account Table General Ledger
Global Dimension 1 Filter Field, G/L Account Table General Ledger
Income/Balance Field, G/L Account Table General Ledger
Comment Field, G/L Account Table General Ledger
Tax Area Code Field, G/L Account Table General Ledger
Tax Group Code Field, G/L Account Table General Ledger
VAT Prod. Posting Group Field, G/L Account Table General Ledger
Blocked Field, G/L Account Table General Ledger
Date Filter Field, G/L Account Table General Ledger
Totaling Field, G/L Account Table General Ledger
G/L Entry Type Filter Field, G/L Account Table France Local Functionality
Ignore Discounts Field, G/L Account Table Spain Local Functionality
GIFI Code Field, G/L Account Table United States Local Functionality
G/L Entry Type Filter Field, G/L Account Table New Zealand Local Functionality
VAT Amount Field, G/L Account Table Switzerland Local Functionality
WHT Business Posting Group Field, G/L Account Table New Zealand Local Functionality
IRS Number Field, G/L Account Table Iceland Local Functionality
No. Field, G/L Account Table Spain Local Functionality
G/L Entry Type Filter Field, G/L Account Table France Local Functionality
Ignore in 347 Report Field, G/L Account Table Spain Local Functionality
VAT Code Field, G/L Account Table Norway Local Functionality
Income Stmt. Bal. Acc. Field, G/L Account Table Spain Local Functionality
Account Type Field, G/L Account Table Spain Local Functionality
Source Type Filter Field, G/L Account Table Russia Local Functionality
SRU-code Field, G/L Account Table Sweden Local Functionality
Auto. Acc. Group Field, G/L Account Table Sweden Local Functionality
WHT Product Posting Group Field, G/L Account Table New Zealand Local Functionality
Omit Default Descr. in Jnl. Field, G/L Account Table Netherlands Local Functionality
Adjust Credit Acc. Field, G/L Account Table Russia Local Functionality
Adjust Debit Acc. Field, G/L Account Table Russia Local Functionality
Source Type Field, G/L Account Table Russia Local Functionality
Source No. Filter Field, G/L Account Table Russia Local Functionality
Currency Code Field, G/L Account Table Russia Local Functionality
Debit Amount at Date (ACY) Field, G/L Account Table Russia Local Functionality
Credit Amount at Date Field, G/L Account Table Russia Local Functionality
Balance in Currency Field, G/L Account Table Russia Local Functionality
Credit Amount at Date (ACY) Field, G/L Account Table Russia Local Functionality
Debit Amount at Date Field, G/L Account Table Russia Local Functionality
Balance (FCY) Field, G/L Account Table Switzerland Local Functionality
Movement (FCY) Field, G/L Account Table Switzerland Local Functionality
Currency Code Field, G/L Account Table Switzerland Local Functionality
Balance at Date (FCY) Field, G/L Account Table Switzerland Local Functionality

See Also


G/L Account Balance
Chart of Accounts
G/L Account Card
Chart of Accounts Overview
Chart of Accs. (Analysis View)

Other Resources

G/L Account Balance
Set Up the Chart of Accounts