SiteMap XML reference
Gælder for: CRM 2016 on-prem, CRM Online
Use SiteMap XML to edit the application navigation options available to people using Microsoft Dynamics CRM.
Dette afsnit indeholder
- Default SiteMap XML
This topic describes the structure of the default SiteMap and includes the XML for the default SiteMap.
- <Area> (SiteMap)
Specifies an area that appears in the navigation pane.
- <Description> (SiteMap)
Provides a description in a specific language for the parent of the Descriptions element.
- <Descriptions> (SiteMap)
Contains a set of localizable Descriptions for the parent element.
- <Group> (SiteMap)
Specifies a group of subareas.
- <Privilege> (SiteMap)
Controls whether a subarea is displayed based on privileges available in any security roles assigned to the user.
- <SiteMap> (SiteMap)
Specifies the root node for the site map.
- <SubArea> (SiteMap)
Specifies a navigation option within an Area. Defines what will be displayed in the main pane of the application when selected.
- <Title> (SiteMap)
Provides a title in a specific language for the parent of the Titles element.
- <Titles> (SiteMap)
Specifies a set of localizable Titles for the parent element.
Relaterede sektioner
Ændre programnavigation vha. SiteMap
Rediger oversigten over webstedet
Overføre parametre til en URL ved hjælp af SiteMap
Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2016 and Microsoft Dynamics CRM Online
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