Web service error codes
Gælder for: CRM 2016 on-prem, CRM Online
This topic lists the error codes you might encounter when you debug your code. You can find helper code for using error codes in the SDK package in the folder SDK\SampleCode\CS\HelperCode\ErrorCodes.cs
. In the same folder, you’ll also find CrmErrors.xml
, which is provided so you have an easy way to look up error information. Download Microsoft Dynamics CRM SDK-pakken.
CRM Errors
The following list shows the error codes used in Microsoft Dynamics CRM. For more information, see Håndtere undtagelser i din kode.
ErrorId | ManagedErrorName | ErrorMessage |
80048405 -2147187707 |
AccessDenied |
Access is denied. |
80060904 -2147088124 |
AccessDeniedSharePointRecord |
Access denied on SharePoint record in CRM. |
8005F101 -2147094271 |
AccessTokenExpired |
The requested resource requires authentication. |
80040502 -2147220222 |
AccountDoesNotExist |
Account does not exist. |
80040507 -2147220217 |
AccountLoopBeingCreated |
Creating this parental association would create a loop in Accounts hierarchy. |
80040506 -2147220218 |
AccountLoopExists |
Loop exists in the accounts hierarchy. |
80061001 -2147086335 |
ActivePropertyValidationFailed |
You can't create a property instance for an inactive property. |
80040526 -2147220186 |
ActiveQueueItemAlreadyExists |
An active queue item already exists for the given object. Cannot create more than one active queue item for this object. |
8004F871 -2147157903 |
ActiveSlaCannotEdit |
You can't edit an active SLA. Deactivate the SLA, and then try editing it. |
8004F121 -2147159775 |
ActivityCannotHaveRelatedActivities |
A custom entity defined as an activity must not have a relationship with Activities. |
80048501 -2147187455 |
ActivityEntityCannotBeActivityParty |
An activity entity cannot be also an activity party |
80043513 -2147207917 |
ActivityInvalidObjectTypeCode |
An Invalid type code was specified by the throwing method |
80043512 -2147207918 |
ActivityInvalidSessionToken |
An Invalid session token was passed into the throwing method |
8004F126 -2147159770 |
ActivityMetadataUpdate |
The metadata specified for activity is invalid. |
8004F123 -2147159773 |
ActivityMustHaveRelatedNotes |
A custom entity defined as an activity must have a relationship to Notes by default. |
80043506 -2147207930 |
ActivityPartyObjectTypeNotAllowed |
Cannot create activity party of specified object type. |
8004F50C -2147158772 |
AdminProfileCannotBeEditedOrDeleted |
The System Administrator field security profile cannot be modified or deleted. |
8004D2B1 -2147167567 |
AggregateInnerQuery |
The Inner Query must not be an aggregate query. |
8004E023 -2147164125 |
AggregateQueryRecordLimitExceeded |
The maximum record limit is exceeded. Reduce the number of records. |
8004F0FE -2147159810 |
AlreadyLinkedToAnotherAttribute |
Given linked attribute is alreadly linked to other attribute. |
80041d49 -2147214007 |
ApplicationNotRegisteredWithDeployment |
Application needs to be registered and enabled at deployment level before it can be created for this organization |
80041d48 -2147214008 |
ApplicationUserCannotBeUpdated |
The user representing an OAuth application cannot not be updated |
8004Ed47 -2147160761 |
AppLockTimeout |
Timeout expired before applock could be acquired. |
8004E106 -2147163898 |
AppointmentDeleted |
The appointment entity instance is already deleted. |
80040275 -2147220875 |
AppointmentScheduleNotSet |
Scheduled End and Scheduled Start must be set for Appointments in order to sync with Outlook. |
8004037f -2147220609 |
ArrayMappingFoundForSingletonParameter |
An array transformation parameter mapping is defined for a single parameter. |
800404fe -2147220226 |
ArticleIsPublished |
The article cannot be updated or deleted because it is in published state |
80061040 -2147086272 |
AssociateProductFailureDifferentUom |
The product can't be added to the bundle. You have to use a product unit that belongs to the unit group of the product. |
80048468 -2147187608 |
AssociationRoleOrdinalInvalid |
The association role ordinal is not valid - it must be 1 or 2. |
80044307 -2147204345 |
AsyncCommunicationError |
A communication error occurred while processing the async operation. |
80044306 -2147204346 |
AsyncNetworkError |
An error occurred while accessing the network. |
80044F00 -2147201280 |
AsyncOperationCannotCancel |
This system job cannot be canceled. |
8004416a -2147204758 |
AsyncOperationCannotDeleteUnlessCompleted |
Cannot delete async operation unless it is in Completed state. |
80044F01 -2147201279 |
AsyncOperationCannotPause |
This system job cannot be paused. |
80044168 -2147204760 |
AsyncOperationCannotUpdateNonrecurring |
Cannot update recurrence pattern for a job that is not recurring. |
80044169 -2147204759 |
AsyncOperationCannotUpdateRecurring |
Cannot update recurrence pattern for a job type that is not supported. |
80044162 -2147204766 |
AsyncOperationInvalidStateChange |
The target state could not be set because the state transition is not valid. |
80044165 -2147204763 |
AsyncOperationInvalidStateChangeToComplete |
The target state could not be set to complete because the state transition is not valid. |
80044166 -2147204762 |
AsyncOperationInvalidStateChangeToReady |
The target state could not be set to ready because the state transition is not valid. |
80044167 -2147204761 |
AsyncOperationInvalidStateChangeToSuspended |
The target state could not be set to suspended because the state transition is not valid. |
80044163 -2147204765 |
AsyncOperationInvalidStateChangeUnexpected |
The target state could not be set because the state was changed by another process. |
80044164 -2147204764 |
AsyncOperationMissingId |
The AsyncOperationId is required to do the update. |
80040339 -2147220679 |
AsyncOperationSuspendedOrLocked |
>A background job associated with this import is either suspended or locked. In order to delete this import, in the Workplace, click Imports, open the import, click System Jobs, and resume any suspended jobs. |
80044303 -2147204349 |
AsyncOperationTypeIsNotRecognized |
The operation type of the async operation was not recognized. |
80043e09 -2147205623 |
AttachmentBlocked |
The attachment is either not a valid type or is too large. It cannot be uploaded or downloaded. |
80044a08 -2147202552 |
AttachmentInvalidFileName |
Attachment file name contains invalid characters. |
80048493 -2147187565 |
AttachmentNotFound |
The reference to the attachment couldn't be found. |
80060413 -2147089389 |
AttributeCannotBeUpdated |
Attribute - {0} cannot be updated for a Business Process Flow |
80060559 -2147089063 |
AttributeCannotBeUsedInAggregate |
The {0} attribute cannot be used with an aggregation function in a formula. |
80044335 -2147204299 |
AttributeDeprecated |
"Attribute '{0}' on entity '{1}' is deprecated." |
80044198 -2147204712 |
AttributeDoesNotSupportLocalizedLabels |
The specified attribute does not support localized labels. |
80060439 -2147089351 |
AttributeFormulaDefinitionIsEmpty |
The formula is empty. |
80047009 -2147192823 |
AttributeIsNotCustomAttribute |
The specified attribute is not a custom attribute |
8004033c -2147220676 |
AttributeNotOfTypePicklist |
This attribute is not mapped to a drop-down list, Boolean, or state/status attribute. However, you have included a ListValueMap element for it. Fix this inconsistency, and then import this data map again. |
80040390 -2147220592 |
AttributeNotOfTypeReference |
This attribute is not mapped as a reference attribute. However, you have included a ReferenceMap for it. Fix this inconsistency, and then import this data map again. |
8004F508 -2147158776 |
AttributeNotSecured |
One or more fields are not enabled for field level security. Field level security is not enabled until you publish the customizations. |
8004F50E -2147158770 |
AttributePermissionIsInvalid |
Permission '{0}' for field '{1}' with id={2} is invalid. |
8004F504 -2147158780 |
AttributePermissionReadIsMissing |
The user does not have read permissions to a secured field. The requested operation could not be completed. |
8004F503 -2147158781 |
AttributePermissionUpdateIsMissingDuringShare |
The user does not have update permissions to a secured field. The requested operation could not be completed. |
8004F507 -2147158777 |
AttributePermissionUpdateIsMissingDuringUpdate |
The user doesn't have AttributePrivilegeUpdate and not granted shared access for a secured attribute during update operation |
8004F502 -2147158782 |
AttributePrivilegeCreateIsMissing |
The user does not have create permissions to a secured field. The requested operation could not be completed. |
8004F50D -2147158771 |
AttributePrivilegeInvalidToUnsecure |
You must have sufficient permissions for a secured field before you can change its field level security. |
8004F50B -2147158773 |
AttributeSharingCreateDuplicate |
Attribute has already been shared. |
8004F509 -2147158775 |
AttributeSharingCreateShouldSetReadOrAndUpdateAccess |
You must set read and/or update access when you share a secured attribute. Attribute ID: {0} |
8004F50A -2147158774 |
AttributeSharingUpdateInvalid |
Both readAccess and updateAccess are false: call Delete instead of Update. |
8004D228 -2147167704 |
AuthenticateToServerBeforeRequestingProxy |
Authenticate to serverType: {0} before requesting a proxy. |
8004A102 -2147180286 |
BadAuthTicket |
The ticket specified for authentication is invalid |
8005F100 -2147094272 |
BadRequest |
The request could not be understood by the server. |
80048cf4 -2147185420 |
BaseCurrencyCannotBeDeactivated |
The base currency cannot be deactivated. |
80048cff -2147185409 |
BaseCurrencyNotDeletable |
The base currency of an organization cannot be deleted. |
80048cec -2147185428 |
BaseCurrencyOverflow |
The exchange rate set for the currency specified in this record has generated a value for {0} that is larger than the maximum allowed for the base currency ({1}). |
80048ceb -2147185429 |
BaseCurrencyUnderflow |
The exchange rate set for the currency specified in this record has generated a value for {0} that is smaller than the minimum allowed for the base currency ({1}). |
80043b1c -2147206372 |
BaseUnitDoesNotExist |
The base unit does not exist. |
80043b03 -2147206397 |
BaseUnitNotDeletable |
The base unit of a schedule cannot be deleted. |
80043b17 -2147206377 |
BaseUnitNotNull |
Do not use a base unit as the value for a primary unit. This value should always be null. |
80043810 -2147207152 |
BaseUomNameNotSpecified |
baseuomname not specified |
8004B540 -2147175104 |
{0} |
8004B541 -2147175103 |
{0} |
8004B542 -2147175102 |
{0} |
8004B543 -2147175101 |
{0} |
8004B544 -2147175100 |
{0} |
8004B545 -2147175099 |
{0} |
8004B546 -2147175098 |
{0} |
8004B547 -2147175097 |
{0} |
8004B548 -2147175096 |
{0} |
8004B549 -2147175095 |
{0} |
8004B54A -2147175094 |
{0} |
8004B54B -2147175093 |
{0} |
8004B54C -2147175092 |
{0} |
8004B54D -2147175091 |
{0} |
8004B54E -2147175090 |
{0} |
8004B54F -2147175089 |
{0} |
8004B550 -2147175088 |
{0} |
8004B551 -2147175087 |
{0} |
8004B552 -2147175086 |
{0} |
8004B553 -2147175085 |
{0} The specified Billing account is invalid. Or, although the objectID is of the correct type, the account it identifies does not exist in the system. |
8004B554 -2147175084 |
{0} |
8004B555 -2147175083 |
{0} |
8004B556 -2147175082 |
{0} |
8004B557 -2147175081 |
{0} |
8004B558 -2147175080 |
{0} |
8004B559 -2147175079 |
{0} |
8004B55A -2147175078 |
{0} |
8004B55B -2147175077 |
{0} |
8004B55C -2147175076 |
{0} |
8004B55D -2147175075 |
{0} |
8004B55E -2147175074 |
{0} |
8004B55F -2147175073 |
{0} The Billing system cannot find the object (e.g. account or subscription or offering). |
8004B560 -2147175072 |
{0} |
8004B561 -2147175071 |
{0} |
8004B562 -2147175070 |
{0} |
8004B563 -2147175069 |
{0} |
8004B564 -2147175068 |
{0} |
8004B565 -2147175067 |
{0} |
8004B566 -2147175066 |
{0} |
8004B567 -2147175065 |
{0} The subscription id specified is invalid. Or, although the objectID is of correct type and also points to a valid account in SCS, the subscription it identifies does not exist in SCS. |
8004B568 -2147175064 |
{0} |
8004B569 -2147175063 |
{0} |
8004B56A -2147175062 |
{0} |
8004B56B -2147175061 |
{0} |
8004B56C -2147175060 |
{0} |
8004B56D -2147175059 |
{0} The calling partner does not have access to this method or when the requester does not have permission to search against the supplied search PUID. |
8004B56E -2147175058 |
{0} |
8004B56F -2147175057 |
{0} |
8004B570 -2147175056 |
{0} |
8004B571 -2147175055 |
{0} |
8004B572 -2147175054 |
{0} |
8004B573 -2147175053 |
{0} |
8004B574 -2147175052 |
{0} |
8004B575 -2147175051 |
{0} |
8004B577 -2147175049 |
{0} |
8004B576 -2147175050 |
{0} |
8004B578 -2147175048 |
{0} |
8004B579 -2147175047 |
{0} |
8004B57A -2147175046 |
{0} |
8004B57B -2147175045 |
{0} |
8004B57C -2147175044 |
{0} |
8004B57D -2147175043 |
{0} |
8004B57E -2147175042 |
{0} |
8004B57F -2147175041 |
{0} |
8004B580 -2147175040 |
{0} |
8004B581 -2147175039 |
{0} |
8004B582 -2147175038 |
{0} |
8004B583 -2147175037 |
{0} |
8004B584 -2147175036 |
{0} |
8004B585 -2147175035 |
{0} |
8004B586 -2147175034 |
{0} |
8004B587 -2147175033 |
{0} |
8004B588 -2147175032 |
{0} |
8004B589 -2147175031 |
{0} Unknown server failure. |
8004B58A -2147175030 |
{0} |
8004B58F -2147175025 |
{0} Billing token is already spent. |
8004B58B -2147175029 |
{0} |
8004B58C -2147175028 |
{0} |
8004B58D -2147175027 |
{0} Billing zip code error. |
8004B58E -2147175026 |
{0} Billing zip code error. |
8005E003 -2147098621 |
BidsAuthenticationError |
An error occured while authenticating with server {0}. |
8005E006 -2147098618 |
BidsAuthenticationFailed |
Authentication failed when trying to connect to server {0}. The username or password is incorrect. |
8005E000 -2147098624 |
BidsInvalidConnectionString |
Input connection string is invalid. Usage: ServerUrl[;OrganizationName][;HomeRealmUrl] |
8005E001 -2147098623 |
BidsInvalidUrl |
Input url {0} is invalid. |
8005E004 -2147098620 |
BidsNoOrganizationsFound |
No organizations found for the user. |
8005E005 -2147098619 |
BidsOrganizationNotFound |
Organization {0} cannot be found for the user. |
8005E002 -2147098622 |
BidsServerConnectionFailed |
Failed to connect to server {0}. |
8004B531 -2147175119 |
BillingNoSettingError |
No Billing application configuration setting [{0}] was found. |
8004B530 -2147175120 |
BillingPartnerCertificate |
Could not determine the right Partner certificate to use with Billing. Issuer: {0} Subject: {1} Distinguished matches: [{2}] Name matches: [{3}] All valid certificates: [{4}]. |
8004B538 -2147175112 |
BillingRetrieveKeyError |
Could not retrieve Billing session key: "{0}" |
8004B532 -2147175118 |
BillingTestConnectionError |
Billing is not available: Call to IsServiceAvailable returned 'False'. |
8004B533 -2147175117 |
BillingTestConnectionException |
Billing TestConnection exception. |
8004B536 -2147175114 |
BillingUnknownErrorCode |
Billing error code [{0}] was thrown with exception {1} |
8004B537 -2147175113 |
BillingUnknownException |
Billing error was thrown with exception {0} |
8004B535 -2147175115 |
BillingUnmappedErrorCode |
Billing error code [{0}] was thrown with exception {1} |
8004B534 -2147175116 |
BillingUserPuidNullError |
User Puid is required, but is null. |
8004E10E -2147163890 |
BookFirstInstanceFailed |
Failed to book first instance. |
8004431C -2147204324 |
BooleanOptionOutOfRange |
Boolean attribute options must have a value of either 0 or 1. |
80048218 -2147188200 |
BothConnectionSidesAreNeeded |
You must provide a name or select a role for both sides of this connection. |
80048459 -2147187623 |
BulkDeleteChildFailure |
One of the Bulk Delete Child Jobs Failed |
80048435 -2147187659 |
BulkDeleteRecordDeletionFailure |
The record cannot be deleted. |
80048422 -2147187678 |
BulkDetectInvalidEmailRecipient |
The e-mail recipient either does not exist or the e-mail address for the e-mail recipient is not valid. |
8004502D -2147200979 |
BulkMailOperationFailed |
The bulk e-mail job completed with {0} failures. The failures might be caused by missing e-mail addresses or because you do not have permission to send e-mail. To find records with missing e-mail addresses, use Advanced Find. If you need increased e-mail permissions, contact your system administrator. |
80048304 -2147187964 |
BulkMailServiceNotAccessible |
The Microsoft Dynamics CRM Bulk E-Mail Service is not running. |
8004F972 -2147157646 |
BundleCannotContainBundle |
You can't add a bundle to a bundle. |
8004F992 -2147157614 |
BundleCannotContainProductFamily |
You can't add a product family to a bundle. |
80061014 -2147086316 |
BundleCannotContainProductKit |
You can't add a kit to a bundle. |
8008100E -2146955250 |
BundleMaxPropertyLimitExceeded |
This bundle can't be published because it has too many properties. A bundle in your organization can't have more than {0} properties. |
80041d1f -2147214049 |
BusinessManagementInvalidUserId |
The user Id(s) [{0}] is invalid. |
80041d21 -2147214047 |
BusinessManagementLoopBeingCreated |
Creating this parental association would create a loop in business hierarchy. |
80041d20 -2147214048 |
BusinessManagementLoopExists |
Loop exists in the business hierarchy. |
8004022a -2147220950 |
BusinessManagementObjectAlreadyExists |
An object with the specified name already exists. |
8004032c -2147220692 |
BusinessNotEnabled |
The specified business unit is disabled. |
80060405 -2147089403 |
BusinessProcessFlowStepHasInvalidParent |
{0} parent is not of type {1} |
80060008 -2147090424 |
BusinessRuleEditorSupportsOnlyIfConditionBranch |
The business rule editor only supports one if condition. Please fix the rule. |
80041d59 -2147213991 |
BusinessUnitCannotBeDisabled |
Business unit cannot be disabled: no active user with system admin role exists outside of business unit subtree. |
80041d62 -2147213982 |
BusinessUnitDefaultTeamOwnsRecords |
Business unit default team owns records. Business unit cannot be deleted. |
80041d61 -2147213983 |
BusinessUnitHasChildAndCannotBeDeleted |
Business unit has a child business unit and cannot be deleted. |
80041d60 -2147213984 |
BusinessUnitIsNotDisabledAndCannotBeDeleted |
Not disabled business unit cannot be deleted. |
8006042b -2147089365 |
CalculatedFieldsAssignmentMismatch |
You can’t set the value {0}, which is of type {1}, to type {2}. |
80060431 -2147089359 |
CalculatedFieldsCyclicReference |
Field {0} cannot be used in calculated field {1} because it would create a circular reference. |
8006043a -2147089350 |
CalculatedFieldsDateOnlyBehaviorTypeMismatch |
You can only use a Date Only type of field. |
80060432 -2147089358 |
CalculatedFieldsDepthExceeded |
You can’t create or update the {0} field because the {1} field already has a calculated field chain of {2} deep. |
8006042d -2147089363 |
CalculatedFieldsDivideByZero |
You cannot divide by {0}, which evaluates to zero. |
80060433 -2147089357 |
CalculatedFieldsEntitiesExceeded |
Field {0} cannot be created or updated because field {1} contains an additional formula that uses a parent record. |
80060422 -2147089374 |
CalculatedFieldsFeatureNotEnabled |
Calculated Field feature is not available |
8006042c -2147089364 |
CalculatedFieldsFunctionMismatch |
You can't use {0}, which is of type {1}, with the current function. |
80060428 -2147089368 |
CalculatedFieldsInvalidAttribute |
The {0} field doesn't exist. |
8006042e -2147089362 |
CalculatedFieldsInvalidAttributes |
The formula references the following attributes that don't exist: {0}. |
80060423 -2147089373 |
CalculatedFieldsInvalidEntity |
The formula contains an invalid reference: {0}. |
80060427 -2147089369 |
CalculatedFieldsInvalidFunction |
The {0} function doesn't exist. |
80060438 -2147089352 |
CalculatedFieldsInvalidSourceTypeMask |
The formula can't be saved because it contains references to the following fields that have invalid definitions: {0}. |
8006042f -2147089361 |
CalculatedFieldsInvalidValue |
The formula references a value that doesn't exist. |
80060430 -2147089360 |
CalculatedFieldsInvalidValues |
The formula references the following values that don't exist: {0}. |
80060424 -2147089372 |
CalculatedFieldsInvalidXaml |
The {0} field has an invalid XAML formula definition. |
80060425 -2147089371 |
CalculatedFieldsNonCalculatedFieldAssignment |
Only calculated fields can have a formula definition. |
8006042a -2147089366 |
CalculatedFieldsPrimitiveOverflow |
Cannot convert the value {0} into type {1}. |
8006043b -2147089349 |
CalculatedFieldsTimeInvBehaviorTypeMismatch |
You can only use a Time-Zone Independent Date Time type of field. |
80060426 -2147089370 |
CalculatedFieldsTypeMismatch |
You can't use {0}, which is of type {1}, with the current operator. |
8006043c -2147089348 |
CalculatedFieldsUserLocBehaviorTypeMismatch |
You can only use a User Local Date Time type of field. |
80060550 -2147089072 |
CalculatedFieldUsedInRollupFieldCannotBeComplex |
One or more rollup fields depend on this calculated field. This calculated field can't use a rollup field, another calculated field that is using a rollup field or a field from related entity. |
80060558 -2147089064 |
CalculateNowOverflowError |
The calculation failed due to an overflow error. |
80044161 -2147204767 |
CallerCannotChangeOwnDomainName |
The caller cannot change their own domain name |
8004025b -2147220901 |
CalloutException |
Callout Exception occurred. |
80040326 -2147220698 |
CampaignActivityAlreadyPropagated |
This campaign activity has been distributed already. Campaign activities cannot be distributed more than one time. |
80040331 -2147220687 |
CampaignActivityClosed |
This Campaign Activity is closed or canceled. Campaign activities cannot be distributed after they have been closed or canceled. |
80040309 -2147220727 |
CampaignNotSpecifiedForCampaignActivity |
RegardingObjectId is a required field. |
8004030a -2147220726 |
CampaignNotSpecifiedForCampaignResponse |
RegardingObjectId is a required field. |
8003F451 -2147224495 |
CancelActiveChildCaseFirst |
Cancel active child case before canceling parent case. |
8005E20B -2147098101 |
CannotAcceptEmail |
The email that you are trying to deliver cannot be accepted by Microsoft Dynamics CRM. Reason Code: {0}. |
8005E230 -2147098064 |
CannotActivateMailboxForDisabledUserOrQueue |
Mailbox cannot be activated because the user or queue associated with the mailbox is in disabled state. Mailbox can only be activated for Active User/Queue. |
80081017 -2146955241 |
CannotActivateRecord |
You can't activate a retired product family or bundle. Also, you can't activate a retired product that is part of a product family. |
8004A110 -2147180272 |
CannotActOnBehalfOfAnotherUser |
User does not have the privilege to act on behalf another user. |
80061031 -2147086287 |
CannotAddBundleToItself |
You can't add a bundle to itself. |
80061007 -2147086329 |
CannotAddBundleToPricelist |
You can't add the {0} bundle to the pricelist because the {1} bundle product isn't in the pricelist. |
8004F984 -2147157628 |
CannotAddDraftFamilyProductBundleToCases |
You can't add a product family, a draft product, or a draft bundle. |
80061032 -2147086286 |
CannotAddKitToItself |
You can't add a kit to itself. |
8004830B -2147187957 |
CannotAddMembersToDefaultTeam |
Can't add members to the default business unit team. |
8004431D -2147204323 |
CannotAddNewBooleanValue |
You cannot add an option to a Boolean attribute. |
8004431E -2147204322 |
CannotAddNewStateValue |
You cannot add state options to a State attribute. |
8004F015 -2147160043 |
CannotAddNonCustomizableComponent |
The component {0} {1} cannot be added to the solution because it is not customizable |
8004Ed43 -2147160765 |
CannotAddOrActonBehalfAnotherUserPrivilege |
Act on Behalf of Another User privilege cannot be added or removed. |
80061015 -2147086315 |
CannotAddParentToAKit |
You can't specify a parent record for a kit. |
8004F902 -2147157758 |
CannotAddPricelistToProductFamily |
You can't add a product family to a pricelist. |
8004F908 -2147157752 |
CannotAddProduct |
You can only add Active products. |
80061022 -2147086302 |
CannotAddProductBundleToKit |
You can't add a bundle to a kit. |
80061023 -2147086301 |
CannotAddProductFamilyToKit |
You can't add a product family to a kit. |
8004F976 -2147157642 |
CannotAddProductToBundle |
You cannot add products to this bundle.The limit of {0} has been reached for this bundle. |
80061024 -2147086300 |
CannotAddProductToKit |
You can't add a product that belongs to a product family to a kit. |
80061026 -2147086298 |
CannotAddProductToRetiredKit |
You can't add a product to a retired kit. |
80040522 -2147220190 |
CannotAddQueueItemsToInactiveQueue |
The selected user does not have sufficient permissions to work on items in this queue. |
80061033 -2147086285 |
CannotAddRetiredProduct |
You can’t create a product relationship with a retired product. |
80061027 -2147086297 |
CannotAddRetiredProductToKit |
You can't add a retired product to a kit. |
80061009 -2147086327 |
CannotAddRetiredProductToPricelist |
Retired products can not be added to pricelists. |
8004051c -2147220196 |
CannotAddSingleQueueEnabledEntityToQueue |
The entity record cannot be added to the queue as it already exists in other queue. |
8004F018 -2147160040 |
CannotAddSolutionComponentWithoutRoots |
This item is not a valid solution component. For more information about solution components, see the Microsoft Dynamics CRM SDK documentation. |
8004F00C -2147160052 |
CannotAddWorkflowActivationToSolution |
Cannot add Workflow Activation to solution |
80048448 -2147187640 |
CannotAssignAddressBookFilters |
Cannot assign address book filters |
800404ff -2147220225 |
CannotAssignOfflineFilters |
Cannot assign offline filters |
80040264 -2147220892 |
CannotAssignOutlookFilters |
Cannot assign outlook filters |
80048331 -2147187919 |
CannotAssignRolesOrProfilesToAccessTeam |
Cannot assign roles or profiles to an access team. |
80041d51 -2147213999 |
CannotAssignRolesToSupportUser |
The support user are read-only, which cannot be assigned with other roles |
80041d44 -2147214012 |
CannotAssignSupportUser |
The Support User Role cannot be assigned to a user. |
80048340 -2147187904 |
CannotAssignToAccessTeam |
You cannot assign a record to the access team. You can assign a record to the owner team. |
8004032d -2147220691 |
CannotAssignToDisabledBusiness |
The specified business unit cannot be assigned to because it is disabled. |
80040304 -2147220732 |
CannotAssociateInactiveItemToCampaign |
Cannot associate an inactive item to a Campaign. |
8004F999 -2147157607 |
CannotAssociateProductFamily |
You can't create a relationship with a product family. |
80081011 -2146955247 |
CannotAssociateRetiredBundles |
You can't create a product relationship with a retired bundle. |
8004F974 -2147157644 |
CannotAssociateRetiredProducts |
You can't create a product relationship with a retired product. |
80040254 -2147220908 |
CannotBindToSession |
Cannot bind to another session, session already bound. |
80045035 -2147200971 |
CannotChangeAccessModeForInternetMarketingUser |
Internet Marketing User is a system user. You cannot change its access mode. |
8004D293 -2147167597 |
CannotChangeAttributeRequiredLevel |
An attribute's required level cannot be changed from SystemRequired |
800608F4 -2147088140 |
CannotChangeConvertRuleState |
Error occured during activating Convert Rule.Please check your privileges on Workflow and kindly try again or Contact your system administrator. |
80045036 -2147200970 |
CannotChangeInvitationStatusForInternetMarketingUser |
Internet Marketing User is a system user. You cannot change its invitation status. |
80061013 -2147086317 |
CannotChangeProductRelationship |
You can't add or modify the product relationship of a retired product. |
8004F986 -2147157626 |
CannotChangeSelectedBundleToAnotherValue |
If a bundle is selected as an existing product, you can't change it to another value. |
8004F987 -2147157625 |
CannotChangeSelectedProductWithBundle |
If a product is selected as an existing product, you can't change it to a bundle. |
8004F863 -2147157917 |
CannotChangeState |
Error occured during activating SLA..Please check your privileges on Workflow and kindly try again or Contact your system administrator. |
80040279 -2147220871 |
CannotChangeStateOfNonpublicView |
Only public views can be deactivated and activated. |
80048337 -2147187913 |
CannotChangeTeamTypeDueToOwnership |
You cannot modify the type of the team because there are records owned by the team. |
80048336 -2147187914 |
CannotChangeTeamTypeDueToRoleOrProfile |
You cannot modify the type of the team because there are security roles or field security profiles assigned to the team. |
800608ED -2147088147 |
CannotClearChannelPropertyGroupFromConvertRule |
The Channel Property Group is used by one or more steps. Delete the properties from the conditions and steps that use the record before you save or activate the rule. |
8004F985 -2147157627 |
CannotCloneBundleAsProductLimitExceeded |
You can't create this new bundle because it contains more than the allowed number of {0} products that a bundle can contain. |
80061034 -2147086284 |
CannotCloneBundleWithRetiredProducts |
You can't clone a bundle that contains retired products. |
80061020 -2147086304 |
CannotCloneProductKit |
You can't clone a kit. |
8004F456 -2147158954 |
CannotCloseCase |
This operation can't be completed. One or more child cases can't be closed because of the status transition rules that are defined for cases. |
80048217 -2147188201 |
CannotConnectToSelf |
Cannot connect a record to itself. |
80061030 -2147086288 |
CannotConvertBundleToKit |
You can't convert a bundle to a kit. |
80061018 -2147086312 |
CannotConvertProductAssociatedWithBundleToKit |
You can't convert a product that is a part of a bundle to a kit. |
80061016 -2147086314 |
CannotConvertProductAssociatedWithFamilyToKit |
You can't convert a product that belongs to a product family to a kit. |
80061029 -2147086295 |
CannotConvertProductFamilyToKit |
You can't convert a product family to a kit. |
80040306 -2147220730 |
CannotCopyIncompatibleListType |
Cannot copy lists of different types. |
8004F704 -2147158268 |
CannotCopyStaticList |
This action is valid only for dynamic list. |
80047006 -2147192826 |
CannotCreateActivityRelationship |
Relationship with activities cannot be created through this operation |
80048447 -2147187641 |
CannotCreateAddressBookFilters |
Cannot create address book filters |
80060853 -2147088301 |
CannotCreateCase |
You can't create this case as the default entitlement for the specified customer has no remaining terms. |
80041d46 -2147214010 |
CannotCreateFromSupportUser |
Cannot create a role from Support User Role. |
80061012 -2147086318 |
CannotCreateKitOfTypeFamilyOrBundle |
You can't create a kit of type bundle or product family. |
80048344 -2147187900 |
CannotCreateOrEnablePositionDueToParentPositionIsDisabled |
A child position cannot be created/enabled under a disabled parent position. |
80040263 -2147220893 |
CannotCreateOutlookFilters |
Cannot create outlook filters |
8004A201 -2147180031 |
CannotCreatePluginInstance |
Can not create instance of a plug-in. Verify that plug-in type is not defined as abstract and it has a public constructor supported by CRM SDK. |
80081013 -2146955245 |
CannotCreatePropertyOptionSetItem |
You can only create a property option set item record that refers to a property that has its data type set to Option Set. |
8004051e -2147220194 |
CannotCreateQueueItemInactiveObject |
Deactivated object cannot be added to queue. |
80040312 -2147220718 |
CannotCreateResponseForTemplate |
CampaignResponse can not be created for Template Campaign. |
80041d4d -2147214003 |
CannotCreateSyncUserIsLicensedField |
The property IsLicensed cannot be set for Sync User Creation. |
80041d4b -2147214005 |
CannotCreateSyncUserObjectMissing |
This is not a valid Microsoft Online Services ID for this organization. |
800608D5 -2147088171 |
CannotCreateSystemOrDefaultTheme |
You can’t create system or default themes. System or default theme can only be created out of box. |
80044804 -2147203068 |
CannotCreateUpdateSourceAttribute |
Source Attribute Not Valid For Create/Update if Metric Type is Count. |
8004027a -2147220870 |
CannotDeactivateDefaultView |
Default views cannot be deactivated. |
8004F880 -2147157888 |
CannotDeleteActiveCaseCreationRule |
You can't delete an active rule. Deactivate the Record Creation and Update Rule, and then try deleting it. |
8004F894 -2147157868 |
CannotDeleteActiveRecordCreationRuleItem |
You can’t delete an active record creation rule item. Deactivate the record creation rule, and then try deleting it. |
8004F850 -2147157936 |
CannotDeleteActiveRule |
You can not delete an active routing rule. Deactivate the rule to delete it. |
8004F870 -2147157904 |
CannotDeleteActiveSla |
You can't delete an active SLA. Deactivate the SLA, and then try deleting it. |
8004032b -2147220693 |
CannotDeleteAsBackgroundOperationInProgress |
This record is currently being used by Microsoft Dynamics CRM and cannot be deleted. Try again later. If the problem persists, contact your system administrator. |
80040228 -2147220952 |
CannotDeleteAsItIsReadOnly |
The object cannot be deleted because it is read-only. |
80045030 -2147200976 |
CannotDeleteAttributeUsedInWorkflow |
This attribute cannot be deleted because it is used in one or more workflows. Cancel any system jobs for workflows that use this attribute, then delete or modify any workflows that use the attribute, and then try to delete the attribute again. |
80048cfe -2147185410 |
CannotDeleteBaseMoneyCalculationAttribute |
The base money calculation Attribute is not valid for deletion |
8004022f -2147220945 |
CannotDeleteCannedView |
System-defined views cannot be deleted. |
800608EB -2147088149 |
CannotDeleteChannelProperty |
You can’t delete a channel property which is being referred in a convert rule. |
80047016 -2147192810 |
CannotDeleteChildAttribute |
The Child Attribute is not valid for deletion |
8004502C -2147200980 |
CannotDeleteCustomEntityUsedInWorkflow |
Cannot delete entity because it is used in a workflow. |
80044341 -2147204287 |
CannotDeleteDefaultStatusOption |
Default Status options cannot be deleted. |
80048307 -2147187961 |
CannotDeleteDefaultTeam |
The default business unit team can't be deleted. |
80040227 -2147220953 |
CannotDeleteDueToAssociation |
The object you tried to delete is associated with another object and cannot be deleted. |
8004F892 -2147157870 |
CannotDeleteDynamicPropertyInRetiredState |
You can't delete a property of a retired product. |
80081003 -2146955261 |
CannotDeleteDynamicPropertyInUse |
Retired Properties being used in transactions can not be deleted. |
80044323 -2147204317 |
CannotDeleteEnumOptionsFromAttributeType |
You can delete options only from picklist and status attributes. |
80081014 -2146955244 |
CannotDeleteInheritedDynamicProperty |
You can't delete a property that is inherited from a product family. |
80048418 -2147187688 |
CannotDeleteInUseAttribute |
The selected attribute cannot be deleted because it is referenced by one or more duplicate detection rules that are being published. |
8004F01F -2147160033 |
CannotDeleteInUseComponent |
The {0}({1}) component cannot be deleted because it is referenced by {2} other components. For a list of referenced components, use the RetrieveDependenciesForDeleteRequest. |
80048420 -2147187680 |
CannotDeleteInUseEntity |
The selected entity cannot be deleted because it is referenced by one or more duplicate detection rules that are in process of being published. |
80048417 -2147187689 |
CannotDeleteInUseOptionSet |
This option set cannot be deleted. The current set of entities that reference this option set are: {0}. These references must be removed before this option set can be deleted |
80046FFF -2147192833 |
CannotDeleteLastEmailAttribute |
You cannot delete this field because the record type has been enabled for e-mail. |
8004F032 -2147160014 |
CannotDeleteMetadata |
The '{2}' operation on the current component(name='{0}', id='{1}') failed during managed property evaluation of condition: '{3}' |
80044800 -2147203072 |
CannotDeleteMetricWithGoals |
This goal metric is being used by one or more goals and cannot be deleted. |
8004F200 -2147159552 |
CannotDeleteNonLeafNode |
Only a leaf statement can be deleted. This statement is parenting some other statement. |
80081006 -2146955258 |
CannotDeleteNotOwnedDynamicProperty |
You cannot delete a dynamic property that is inherited from a product family. |
800608B7 -2147088201 |
CannotDeleteOneNoteTableOfContent |
You can’t delete this file because it contains links to OneNote notebook sections. To delete notebook contents, open the notebook in OneNote and delete the contents from there. To delete a notebook, open SharePoint and delete the notebook from there. |
80048404 -2147187708 |
CannotDeleteOptionSet |
The selected OptionSet cannot be deleted |
80044F02 -2147201278 |
CannotDeleteOrCancelSystemJobs |
You can't cancel or delete this system job because it's required by the system. You can only pause, resume, or postpone this job. |
80081100 -2146955008 |
CannotDeleteOverriddenProperty |
You can't delete this property because it's overridden for one more or child records. Remove the overridden versions of the property, republish the product family hierarchy, and then try deleting the property. |
8004A10e -2147180274 |
CannotDeletePartnerSolutionWithOrganizations |
Can not delete partner solution as one or more organizations are associated with it |
8004A10d -2147180275 |
CannotDeletePartnerWithPartnerSolutions |
Can not delete partner as one or more solutions are associated with it |
80047002 -2147192830 |
CannotDeletePrimaryUIAttribute |
The Primary UI Attribute is not valid for deletion |
80061010 -2147086320 |
CannotDeleteProductFromActiveBundle |
You can't remove products from a bundle that's either active or under revision. |
80081016 -2146955242 |
CannotDeleteProductStatusCode |
You can't delete a system-generated status reason. |
80081015 -2146955243 |
CannotDeletePropertyOverriddenByBundleItem |
You can't delete this property because it's overridden in one or more related bundle products. Remove the overridden versions of the property from the related bundle products, publish the bundles that were changed, and then try again. |
80631117 -2140991209 |
CannotDeleteQueueWithQueueItems |
You can't delete this queue because it has items assigned to it. Assign these items to another user, team, or queue and try again. |
80731118 -2139942632 |
CannotDeleteQueueWithRouteRules |
You can't delete this queue because one or more routing rule sets use this queue. Remove the queue from the routing rule sets and try again. |
8004F859 -2147157927 |
CannotDeleteRelatedSla |
The SLA record couldn't be deleted. Please try again or contact your system administrator |
8004F006 -2147160058 |
CannotDeleteRestrictedPublisher |
Attempting to delete a restricted publisher. |
8004F005 -2147160059 |
CannotDeleteRestrictedSolution |
Attempting to delete a restricted solution. |
80041d42 -2147214014 |
CannotDeleteSupportUser |
The Support User Role cannot be deleted. |
80041d2e -2147214034 |
CannotDeleteSysAdmin |
The System Administrator Role cannot be deleted. |
80041d4a -2147214006 |
CannotDeleteSystemCustomizer |
The System Customizer Role cannot be deleted. |
80048432 -2147187662 |
CannotDeleteSystemEmailTemplate |
System e-mail templates cannot be deleted. |
8004F652 -2147158446 |
CannotDeleteSystemForm |
System forms cannot be deleted. |
800608DA -2147088166 |
CannotDeleteSystemTheme |
You can't delete system themes. |
8004830E -2147187954 |
CannotDeleteTeamOwningRecords |
Can't delete a team which owns records. Reassign the records and try again. |
80048428 -2147187672 |
CannotDeleteUpdateInUseRule |
The duplicate detection rule is currently in use and cannot be updated or deleted. Please try again later. |
8005E200 -2147098112 |
CannotDeleteUserMailbox |
The mailbox associated to a user or a queue cannot be deleted. |
8004416f -2147204753 |
CannotDeserializeRequest |
The SDK request could not be deserialized. |
8004501F -2147200993 |
CannotDeserializeWorkflowInstance |
Workflow instance cannot be deserialized. A possible reason for this failure is a workflow referencing a custom activity that has been unregistered. |
80045020 -2147200992 |
CannotDeserializeXamlWorkflow |
Xaml representing workflow cannot be deserialized into a DynamicActivity. |
80048338 -2147187912 |
CannotDisableAutoCreateAccessTeams |
You cannot disable the auto create access team setting while there are associated team templates. |
80048462 -2147187614 |
CannotDisableDuplicateDetection |
Duplicate detection cannot be disabled because a duplicate detection job is currently in progress. Try again later. |
80045033 -2147200973 |
CannotDisableInternetMarketingUser |
You cannot disable the Internet Marketing Partner user. This user does not consume a user license and is not charged to your organization. |
80048343 -2147187901 |
CannotDisableOrDeletePositionDueToAssociatedUsers |
This position can’t be deleted until all associated users are removed from this position. |
80041d2f -2147214033 |
CannotDisableSysAdmin |
A user cannot be disabled if they are the only user that has the System Administrator Role. |
80041d65 -2147213979 |
CannotDisableTenantAdmin |
Users who are granted the Microsoft Office 365 Global administrator or Service administrator role cannot be disabled in Microsoft Dynamics CRM Online. You must first remove the Microsoft Office 365 role, and then try again. |
8004F851 -2147157935 |
CannotEditActiveRule |
You can not edit an active routing rule. Deactivate the rule to delete it. |
8004F860 -2147157920 |
CannotEditActiveSla |
You can't delete active SLA .Please deactivate the SLA to delete or Contact your system administrator. |
80048421 -2147187679 |
CannotEnableDuplicateDetection |
Duplicate detection cannot be enabled because one or more rules are being published. |
8004027c -2147220868 |
CannotExceedFilterLimit |
Cannot exceed synchronization filter limit. |
8004852C -2147187412 |
CannotExecuteRequestBecauseHttpsIsRequired |
HTTPS protocol is required for this type of request, please enable HTTPS protocol and try again. |
80044342 -2147204286 |
CannotFindDomainAccount |
Invalid domain account |
800404eb -2147220245 |
CannotFindObjectInQueue |
The object was not found in the given queue |
800404ec -2147220244 |
CannotFindUserQueue |
Cannot find user queue |
8004F6A3 -2147158365 |
CannotFollowInactiveEntity |
Can't follow inactive record. |
80048446 -2147187642 |
CannotGrantAccessToAddressBookFilters |
Cannot grant access to address book filters |
80040271 -2147220879 |
CannotGrantAccessToOfflineFilters |
Cannot grant access to offline filters |
80040268 -2147220888 |
CannotGrantAccessToOutlookFilters |
Cannot grant access to outlook filters |
80047018 -2147192808 |
CannotHaveDuplicateYomi |
One attribute can be tied to only one yomi at a time |
8004027d -2147220867 |
CannotHaveMultipleDefaultFilterTemplates |
Cannot have multiple default synchronization templates for a single entity. |
80044246 -2147204538 |
CannotImportNullStringsForBaseLanguage |
The base language translation string present in worksheet {0}, row {1}, column {2} is null. |
8004D212 -2147167726 |
CannotInviteDisabledUser |
An invitation cannot be sent to a disabled user |
80045031 -2147200975 |
CannotLocateRecordForWorkflowActivity |
A record required by this workflow job could not be found. |
80041d38 -2147214024 |
CannotMakeReadOnlyUser |
A user cannot be made a read only user if they are the last non read only user that has the System Administrator Role. |
80041d39 -2147214023 |
CannotMakeSelfReadOnlyUser |
You cannot make yourself a read only user |
8004F457 -2147158953 |
CannotMergeCase |
The merge couldn't be performed. One or more of the selected cases couldn't be cancelled because of the status transition rules that are defined for cases. |
80048445 -2147187643 |
CannotModifyAccessToAddressBookFilters |
Cannot modify access for address book filters |
80040272 -2147220878 |
CannotModifyAccessToOfflineFilters |
Cannot modify access for offline filters |
80040269 -2147220887 |
CannotModifyAccessToOutlookFilters |
Cannot modify access for outlook filters |
80040376 -2147220618 |
CannotModifyOldDataFromImport |
The corresponding record in Microsoft Dynamics CRM has more recent data, so this record was ignored. |
8004F038 -2147160008 |
CannotModifyReportOutsideSolutionIfManaged |
Managed solution cannot update reports which are not present in solution package. |
80060555 -2147089067 |
CannotModifyRollupDependentField |
Rollup field {0} created this field. It can’t be modified directly. |
80041d33 -2147214029 |
CannotModifySpecialUser |
No modifications to the 'SYSTEM' or 'INTEGRATION' user are permitted. |
80041d43 -2147214013 |
CannotModifySupportUser |
The Support User Role cannot be modified. |
80041d31 -2147214031 |
CannotModifySysAdmin |
The System Administrator Role cannot be modified. |
80081005 -2146955259 |
CannotOverrideOwnedDynamicProperty |
You can't override a property that isn't inherited from a product family. |
8004F887 -2147157881 |
CannotOverrideProperty |
You can't override this property as another overriden version of this property already exists. Please delete the previously overridden version, and then try again. |
8004F914 -2147157740 |
CannotOverridePropertyFromDifferentHierarchy |
You can't override a property that belongs to a different product hierarchy. |
8004F016 -2147160042 |
CannotOverwriteActiveComponent |
A managed solution cannot overwrite the {0} component with Id={1} which has an unmanaged base instance. The most likely scenario for this error is that an unmanaged solution has installed a new unmanaged {0} component on the target system, and now a managed solution from the same publisher is trying to install that same {0} component as managed. This will cause an invalid layering of solutions on the target system and is not allowed. |
80061036 -2147086282 |
CannotOverwriteProperty |
You can't overwrite this property as another overwritten version of this property already exists. Please delete the previously overwritten version, and then try again. |
80040311 -2147220719 |
CannotPropagateCamapaignActivityForTemplate |
Cannot execute (distribute) a CampaignActivity for a template Campaign. |
8004A10f -2147180273 |
CannotProvisionPartnerSolution |
Can not provision partner solution as it is either already provisioned or going through provisioning. |
8004F907 -2147157753 |
CannotPublishBundleWithProductStateDraftOrRetire |
You can't publish this bundle because its associated products are in a draft state, are retired, or are being revised. |
8004F909 -2147157751 |
CannotPublishChildOfNonActiveProductFamily |
You can't publish this record because it belongs to a product family that isn't published. |
80048414 -2147187692 |
CannotPublishEmptyRule |
No criteria have been specified. Add criteria, and then publish the duplicate detection rule. |
80048413 -2147187693 |
CannotPublishInactiveRule |
The selected duplicate detection rule is marked as Inactive. Before publishing, you must activate the rule. |
8004F916 -2147157738 |
CannotPublishKitWithProductStateDraftOrRetire |
You can't publish this kit because its associated products are in a draft state, are retired, or are being revised. |
80048419 -2147187687 |
CannotPublishMoreRules |
The selected record type already has the maximum number of published rules. Unpublish or delete existing rules for this record type, and then try again. |
80061011 -2147086319 |
CannotPublishNestedBundle |
You can't publish a bundle that contains bundles. Remove any bundles from this one, and then try to publish again. |
80081018 -2146955240 |
CannotQualifyLead |
You can't qualify this lead because you don't have permission to create accounts. Work with your system administrator to create the account and then try again. |
8004F00D -2147160051 |
CannotQueryBaseTableWithAggregates |
Invalid query on base table. Aggregates cannot be included in base table query. |
80040307 -2147220729 |
CannotRelateObjectTypeToCampaign |
Specified Object Type not supported |
8004030d -2147220723 |
CannotRelateObjectTypeToCampaignActivity |
Specified Object Type not supported |
8004F000 -2147160064 |
CannotRemoveComponentFromDefaultSolution |
A Solution Component cannot be removed from the Default Solution. |
8004F021 -2147160031 |
CannotRemoveComponentFromSolution |
Cannot find solution component {0} {1} in solution {2}. |
8004F035 -2147160011 |
CannotRemoveComponentFromSystemSolution |
A Solution Component cannot be removed from the System Solution. |
80041d45 -2147214011 |
CannotRemoveFromSupportUser |
A user cannot be removed from the Support User Role. |
80041d30 -2147214032 |
CannotRemoveFromSysAdmin |
A user cannot be removed from the System Administrator Role if they are the only user that has the role. |
8004830C -2147187956 |
CannotRemoveMembersFromDefaultTeam |
Can't remove members from the default business unit team. |
80048458 -2147187624 |
CannotRemoveNonListMember |
Specified Item not a member of the specified List. |
80061008 -2147086328 |
CannotRemoveProductFromPricelist |
You can't remove this product from the pricelist because one or more bundles refer to it. |
8004F505 -2147158779 |
CannotRemoveSysAdminProfileFromSysAdminUser |
The Sys Admin Profile cannot be removed from a user with a Sys Admin Role |
80041d64 -2147213980 |
CannotRemoveTenantAdminFromSysAdminRole |
Users who are granted the Microsoft Office 365 Global administrator or Service administrator role cannot be removed from the Microsoft Dynamics CRM System Administrator security role. You must first remove the Microsoft Office 365 role, and then try again. |
8004D214 -2147167724 |
CannotResetSysAdminInvite |
An invitation cannot be reset for a user if they are the only user that has the System Administrator Role. |
8004F915 -2147157739 |
CannotRetireProduct |
You can't retire this product because it belongs to active bundles or price lists. Remove it from any bundles or price lists before you retire it. |
8004F997 -2147157609 |
CannotRetireProductFromActiveBundle |
This product cannot be retired because it is a part of some active bundles or pricelists. Please remove it from all bundles or pricelists before retiring. |
80048444 -2147187644 |
CannotRevokeAccessToAddressBookFilters |
Cannot revoke access for address book filters |
80040273 -2147220877 |
CannotRevokeAccessToOfflineFilters |
Cannot revoke access for offline filters |
80040270 -2147220880 |
CannotRevokeAccessToOutlookFilters |
Cannot revoke access for outlook filters |
80040527 -2147220185 |
CannotRouteInactiveQueueItem |
You can't route a queue item that has been deactivated. |
80631121 -2140991199 |
CannotRoutePrivateQueueItemNonmember |
This private queue item can't be assigned To the selected User. |
80731119 -2139942631 |
CannotRouteToNonQueueMember |
This item cannot be routed to a non-queue member. |
800404ea -2147220246 |
CannotRouteToQueue |
Cannot route to Work in progress queue |
8004051b -2147220197 |
CannotRouteToSameQueue |
The queue item cannot be routed to the same queue |
8004F501 -2147158783 |
CannotSecureAttribute |
The field '{0}' is not securable |
80060896 -2147088234 |
CannotSecureEntityKeyAttribute |
The field {0} is not securable as it is part of entity keys ( {1} ). Please remove the field from all entity keys to make it securable. |
8004F034 -2147160012 |
CannotSelectReadOnlyPublisher |
Attempting to select a readonly publisher for solution. |
8004D215 -2147167723 |
CannotSendInviteToDuplicateWindowsLiveId |
An invitation cannot be sent because there are multiple users with this WLID. |
80055000 -2147135488 |
CannotSetCaseOnHold |
You do not have the permissions to set this case to an on hold status type. Please contact your system administrator. |
80060851 -2147088303 |
CannotSetEntitlementTermsDecrementBehavior |
You do not have appropriate privileges to specify whether entitlement terms can be decremented for this case record. |
8004027b -2147220869 |
CannotSetInactiveViewAsDefault |
Inactive views cannot be set as default view. |
80048308 -2147187960 |
CannotSetParentDefaultTeam |
The default business unit team parent can't be set. |
8004F998 -2147157608 |
CannotSetProductAsParent |
You can only select a product family as the parent. |
80061035 -2147086283 |
CannotSetPublishRetiredProductsToDraft |
You can't set a published or retired product record to the draft state. |
8004F008 -2147160056 |
CannotSetSolutionSystemAttributes |
System attributes ({0}) cannot be set outside of installation or upgrade. |
80045034 -2147200972 |
CannotSetWindowsLiveIdForInternetMarketingUser |
You cannot change the Windows Live ID for the Internet Marketing Partner user. This user does not consume a user license and is not charged to your organization. |
80048339 -2147187911 |
CannotShareSystemManagedTeam |
You can't share or unshare a record with a system-generated access team. |
80040214 -2147220972 |
CannotShareWithOwner |
An item cannot be shared with the owning user. |
8004031c -2147220708 |
CannotSpecifyAttendeeForAppointmentPropagation |
Cannot specify an attendee for appointment distribution. |
80043afb -2147206405 |
CannotSpecifyBothProductAndProductDesc |
You cannot set both 'productid' and 'productdescription' for the same record. |
80043afa -2147206406 |
CannotSpecifyBothUomAndProductDesc |
You cannot set both 'uomid' and 'productdescription' for the same record. |
8004031e -2147220706 |
CannotSpecifyCommunicationAttributeOnActivityForPropagation |
Cannot specify communication attribute on activity for distribution |
8004031a -2147220710 |
CannotSpecifyOrganizerForAppointmentPropagation |
Cannot specify an organizer for appointment distribution |
80040327 -2147220697 |
CannotSpecifyOwnerForActivityPropagation |
Cannot specify owner on activity for distribution |
8004031d -2147220707 |
CannotSpecifyRecipientForActivityPropagation |
Cannot specify a recipient for activity distribution. |
8004031b -2147220709 |
CannotSpecifySenderForActivityPropagation |
Cannot specify a sender for appointment distribution |
8004F003 -2147160061 |
CannotUndeleteLabel |
Attempting to undelete a label that is not marked as delete. |
8004F020 -2147160032 |
CannotUninstallReferencedProtectedSolution |
This solution cannot be uninstalled because the '{0}' with id '{1}' is required by the '{2}' solution. Uninstall the {2} solution and try again. |
8004F01D -2147160035 |
CannotUninstallWithDependencies |
Solution dependencies exist, cannot uninstall. |
80044343 -2147204285 |
CannotUpdateAppDefaultValueForStateAttribute |
The default value for a status (statecode) attribute cannot be updated. |
80044344 -2147204284 |
CannotUpdateAppDefaultValueForStatusAttribute |
The default value for a status reason (statuscode) attribute is not used. The default status reason is set in the associated status (statecode) attribute option. |
8004022e -2147220946 |
CannotUpdateBecauseItIsReadOnly |
The object cannot be updated because it is read-only. |
8004030b -2147220725 |
CannotUpdateCampaignForCampaignActivity |
Parent campaign is not updatable. |
8004030c -2147220724 |
CannotUpdateCampaignForCampaignResponse |
Parent campaign is not updatable. |
8004051d -2147220195 |
CannotUpdateDeactivatedQueueItem |
This item is deactivated. To work with this item, reactivate it and then try again. |
800608D8 -2147088168 |
CannotUpdateDefaultField |
You can’t update the isdefaultTheme attribute. |
8004F009 -2147160055 |
CannotUpdateDefaultSolution |
Default solution attribute{0} {1} can only be set on installation or upgrade. The value{0} cannot be modified. |
8004F975 -2147157643 |
CannotUpdateDraftProducts |
You can Only update draft products. |
80060852 -2147088302 |
CannotUpdateEntitlement |
You can only set Active entitlement records as default. |
80044901 -2147202815 |
CannotUpdateGoalPeriodInfoChildGoal |
You cannot update goal period related attributes on a child goal. |
80044910 -2147202800 |
CannotUpdateGoalPeriodInfoClosedGoal |
You cannot change the time period of this goal because there are one or more closed subordinate goals. |
8004F024 -2147160028 |
CannotUpdateManagedSolution |
Cannot update solution '{0}' because it is a managed solution. |
80044900 -2147202816 |
CannotUpdateMetricOnChildGoal |
You cannot update metric on a child goal. |
80044902 -2147202814 |
CannotUpdateMetricOnGoalWithChildren |
You cannot update metric on a goal which has associated child goals. |
80044803 -2147203069 |
CannotUpdateMetricWithGoals |
The changes made to this record cannot be saved because this goal metric is being used by one or more goals. |
8004830A -2147187958 |
CannotUpdateNameDefaultTeam |
The default business unit team name can't be updated. |
80044247 -2147204537 |
CannotUpdateNonCustomizableString |
The translation string present in worksheet {0}, row {1}, column {2} is not customizable. |
80040230 -2147220944 |
CannotUpdateObjectBecauseItIsInactive |
The object cannot be updated because it is inactive. |
80048479 -2147187591 |
CannotUpdateOpportunityCurrency |
The currency cannot be changed because this opportunity has Products Quotes, and/ or Orders associated with it. If you want to change the currency please delete all of the Products/quotes/orders and then change the currency or create a new opportunity with the appropriate currency. |
80048515 -2147187435 |
CannotUpdateOrgDBOrgSettingWhenOffline |
Organization Settings stored in Organization Database cannot be set when offline. |
8004480c -2147203060 |
CannotUpdateParentAndDependents |
Cannot update metric or period attributes when parent is being updated. |
800404ee -2147220242 |
CannotUpdatePrivateOrWIPQueue |
The private or WIP Bin queue is not allowed to be updated or deleted |
80048cfa -2147185414 |
CannotUpdateProductCurrency |
The currency of the product cannot be updated because there are associated price list items with pricing method percentage. |
8004480e -2147203058 |
CannotUpdateQuoteCurrency |
The currency cannot be changed because this quote has Products associated with it. If you want to change the currency please delete all of the Products and then change the currency or create a new quote with the appropriate currency. |
8004F033 -2147160013 |
CannotUpdateReadOnlyPublisher |
Attempting to update a readonly publisher. |
8004F017 -2147160041 |
CannotUpdateRestrictedPublisher |
Restricted publisher ({0}) cannot be updated. |
8004F00A -2147160054 |
CannotUpdateRestrictedSolution |
Restricted solution ({0}) cannot be updated. |
80044801 -2147203071 |
CannotUpdateRollupAttributeWithClosedGoals |
The changes made to the roll-up field definition cannot be saved because the related goal metric is being used by one or more closed goals. |
80044911 -2147202799 |
CannotUpdateRollupFields |
You cannot write on rollup fields if isoverride is not set to true in your create/update request. |
80041d47 -2147214009 |
CannotUpdateSupportUser |
Cannot update the Support User Role. |
80041d4c -2147214004 |
CannotUpdateSyncUserIsLicensedField |
The property IsLicensed cannot be modified. |
80041d4e -2147214002 |
CannotUpdateSyncUserIsSyncWithDirectoryField |
The property IsSyncUserWithDirectory cannot be modified. |
8004F653 -2147158445 |
CannotUpdateSystemEntityIcons |
System entity icons cannot be updated. |
800608D6 -2147088170 |
CannotUpdateSystemTheme |
You can’t modify system themes. |
80060002 -2147090430 |
CannotUpdateTriggerForPublishedRules |
A trigger cannot be added/deleted/updated for a published rule. |
8004F00F -2147160049 |
CannotUpdateUnpublishedDeleteInstance |
The component that you are trying to update has been deleted. |
8005E229 -2147098071 |
CannotUseUserCredentials |
Email connector cannot use the credentials specified in the mailbox entity. This might be because user has disallowed it. Please use other mode of credential retrieval or allow the use of credential by email connector. |
8004F906 -2147157754 |
CanOnlySetActiveOrDraftProductFamilyAsParent |
You can only set product families in a draft or active state as parent. |
80048103 -2147188477 |
CascadeDeleteNotAllowDelete |
Object is not allowed to be deleted |
80048108 -2147188472 |
CascadeFailToCreateNativeDAWrapper |
Failed to create unmanaged data access wrapper |
80048101 -2147188479 |
CascadeInvalidExtraConditionValue |
Invalid Extra-condition value |
80048102 -2147188478 |
CascadeInvalidLinkType |
Invalid CascadeLink Type |
80044155 -2147204779 |
CascadeInvalidLinkTypeTransition |
Invalid link type for system entity cascading actions. |
80048106 -2147188474 |
CascadeMergeInvalidSpecialColumn |
Invalid Column Name for Merge Special Casing |
8004810b -2147188469 |
CascadeProxyEmptyCallerId |
Empty Caller Id |
80048109 -2147188471 |
CascadeProxyInvalidNativeDAPtr |
Invalid pointer of unmanaged data access object |
8004810a -2147188470 |
CascadeProxyInvalidPrincipalType |
Invalid security principal type |
80048104 -2147188476 |
CascadeRemoveLinkOnNonNullable |
CascadeDelete is defined as RemoveLink while the foreign key is not nullable |
80048107 -2147188473 |
CascadeReparentOnNonUserOwned |
Cannot perform Cascade Reparent on Non-UserOwned entities |
800404cf -2147220273 |
CaseAlreadyResolved |
This case has already been resolved. Close and reopen the case record to see the updates. |
8006074 134242420 |
CaseStateChangeInvalid |
Because of the status transition rules, you can't resolve a case in the current status. Change the case status, and then try resolving it, or contact your system administrator. |
8004E01A -2147164134 |
CategoryDataTypeInvalid |
The Data Description for the visualization is invalid. The attribute type for the group by of one of the categories is invalid. Correct the Data Description. |
80060404 -2147089404 |
CategoryNotSetToBusinessProcessFlow |
Category should be set to BusinessProcessFlow while creating business process flow category |
8005E239 -2147098055 |
CertificateNotFound |
The given certificate cannot be found. |
800608EC -2147088148 |
ChannelPropertyGroupAlreadyExistsWithSameSourceType |
A record for the specified source type already exists. You can't create another one. |
800608F2 -2147088142 |
ChannelPropertyNameInvalid |
The channel property name is invalid. The name can only contain '_', numerical, and alphabetical characters. Choose a different name, and try again. |
8004E005 -2147164155 |
ChartAreaCategoryMismatch |
Number of chart areas and number of categories should be same. |
8004E018 -2147164136 |
ChartTypeNotSupportedForComparisonChart |
This chart type is not supported for comparison charts. |
8004E021 -2147164127 |
ChartTypeNotSupportedForMultipleSeriesChart |
Series of chart type {0} is not supported for multi-series charts. |
80048401 -2147187711 |
CheckPrivilegeGroupForUserOnPremiseError |
Please select an account that is a member of the PrivUserGroup security group and try again. |
80048400 -2147187712 |
CheckPrivilegeGroupForUserOnSplaError |
Please select a CRM System Administrator account that belongs to the root business unit and try again. |
80041d22 -2147214046 |
ChildBusinessDoesNotExist |
The child businesss Id is invalid. |
80041d26 -2147214042 |
ChildUserDoesNotExist |
The child user Id is invalid. |
8004502F -2147200977 |
ChildWorkflowNotFound |
This workflow cannot run because one or more child workflows it uses have not been published or have been deleted. Please check the child workflows and try running this workflow again. |
80045048 -2147200952 |
ChildWorkflowParameterMismatch |
This workflow cannot run because arguments provided by parent workflow does not match with the specified parameters in linked child workflow. Check the child workflow reference in parent workflow and try running this workflow again. |
8004D224 -2147167708 |
ClientAuthCanceled |
Authentication was canceled by the user. |
8004D226 -2147167706 |
ClientAuthNoConnectivity |
There is no connectivity. |
8004D225 -2147167707 |
ClientAuthNoConnectivityOffline |
There is no connectivity when running in offline mode. |
8004D227 -2147167705 |
ClientAuthOfflineInvalidCallerId |
Offline SDK calls must be made in the offline user context. |
8004D221 -2147167711 |
ClientAuthSignedOut |
The user signed out. |
8004D223 -2147167709 |
ClientAuthSyncIssue |
Synchronization between processes failed. |
80044503 -2147203837 |
ClientServerDateTimeMismatch |
Your computer's date/time is out of sync with the server by more than 5 minutes. |
80044504 -2147203836 |
ClientServerEmailAddressMismatch |
The Outlook email address and CRM user email address do not match. |
8004D294 -2147167596 |
ClientUpdateAvailable |
There's an update available for CRM for Outlook. |
80044501 -2147203839 |
ClientVersionTooHigh |
This version of Outlook client isn't compatible with your CRM organization (current version {0} is too high). |
80044500 -2147203840 |
ClientVersionTooLow |
This version of Outlook client isn't compatible with your CRM organization (current version {0} is too low). |
8003F452 -2147224494 |
CloseActiveChildCaseFirst |
Close active child case before closing parent case. |
8004F027 -2147160025 |
CombinedManagedPropertyFailure |
The evaluation of the current component(name={0}, id={1}) in the current operation ({2}) failed during at least one managed property evaluations: {3} |
80044506 -2147203834 |
CommunicationBlocked |
Communication is blocked due to a socket exception. |
8004F019 -2147160039 |
ComponentDefinitionDoesNotExists |
No component definition exists for the component type {0}. |
80060882 -2147088254 |
ConcurrencyVersionMismatch |
The version of the existing record doesn't match the RowVersion property provided. |
80060883 -2147088253 |
ConcurrencyVersionNotProvided |
The RowVersion property must be provided when the value of ConcurrencyBehavior is IfVersionMatches. |
80060436 -2147089354 |
ConditionAttributesNotAnSubsetOfStepAttributes |
Attributes of the condition are not the subset of attributes in the Step, for the Stage : {0} |
80060434 -2147089356 |
ConditionBranchDoesHaveSetNextStageOnlyChildInXaml |
Branch condition can contain only SetNextStage as a child. |
80060435 -2147089355 |
ConditionStepCountInXamlExceedsMaxAllowed |
{0} cannot have more than one {1}. |
8004D23B -2147167685 |
ConfigDBCannotDeleteDefaultOrganization |
The default {0} organization cannot be deleted from the MSCRM_CONFIG database. |
8004D232 -2147167694 |
ConfigDBCannotDeleteObjectDueState |
Cannot delete '{0}' with Value = ({1}) in this State = ({2}) from MSCRM_CONFIG database |
8004D237 -2147167689 |
ConfigDBCannotUpdateObjectDueState |
Cannot update '{0}' with Value = ({1}) in this State = ({2}) from MSCRM_CONFIG database |
8004D233 -2147167693 |
ConfigDBCascadeDeleteNotAllowDelete |
Cannot delete '{0}' with Value = ({1}) due to child '{2}' references from MSCRM_CONFIG database |
8004D231 -2147167695 |
ConfigDBDuplicateRecord |
Duplicate '{0}' with Value = ({1}) exists in MSCRM_CONFIG database |
8004D230 -2147167696 |
ConfigDBObjectDoesNotExist |
'{0}' with Value = ({1}) does not exist in MSCRM_CONFIG database |
80044197 -2147204713 |
ConfigMissingDescription |
Description must be specified. |
80044196 -2147204714 |
ConfigNullPrimaryKey |
Primary Key cannot be nullable. |
8004701D -2147192803 |
ConfigurationPageNotValidForSolution |
The solution configuration page must exist within the solution it represents. |
8004D266 -2147167642 |
ConfigureClaimsBeforeIfd |
You must configure claims-based authentication before you can configure an Internet-facing deployment. |
80044508 -2147203832 |
ConfiguredUserIsDifferentThanSuppliedUser |
Configured user is different than supplied user. |
80081010 -2146955248 |
ConflictForOverriddenPropertiesEncountered |
This record can't be published. One of the properties that was changed for this record conflicts with its inherited version. Remove the conflicting property, and then try again. |
8004B02C -2147176404 |
ConflictingProvisionTypes |
The service component {0} has conflicting provision types. |
80048214 -2147188204 |
ConnectionCannotBeEnabledOnThisEntity |
Connections cannot be enabled on this entity |
80048208 -2147188216 |
ConnectionExists |
Connection already exists. |
80048209 -2147188215 |
ConnectionInvalidStartEndDate |
Start date / end date is invalid. |
80048213 -2147188205 |
ConnectionNotSupported |
The selected record does not support connections. You cannot add the connection. |
80048210 -2147188208 |
ConnectionObjectsMissing |
Both objects being connected are missing. |
80048215 -2147188203 |
ConnectionRoleNotValidForObjectType |
The record type {0} is not defined for use with the connection role {1}. |
80040503 -2147220221 |
ContactDoesNotExist |
Contact does not exist. |
8004050a -2147220214 |
ContactLoopBeingCreated |
Creating this parental association would create a loop in Contacts hierarchy. |
80040509 -2147220215 |
ContactLoopExists |
Loop exists in the contacts hierarchy. |
80044413 -2147204077 |
ContractDetailDiscountAmount |
The contract's discount type does not support 'percentage' discounts. |
80044414 -2147204076 |
ContractDetailDiscountAmountAndPercent |
Both 'amount' and 'percentage' cannot be set. |
80044412 -2147204078 |
ContractDetailDiscountPercent |
The contract's discount type does not support 'amount' discounts. |
80043205 -2147208699 |
ContractInvalidAllotmentTypeCode |
The allotment type code is invalid. |
8004320f -2147208689 |
ContractInvalidBillToAddress |
The bill-to address of the contract is invalid. |
80043210 -2147208688 |
ContractInvalidBillToCustomer |
The bill-to customer of the contract is invalid. |
80043213 -2147208685 |
ContractInvalidContract |
The contract is invalid. |
80043211 -2147208687 |
ContractInvalidContractTemplate |
The contract template is invalid. |
8004320d -2147208691 |
ContractInvalidCustomer |
The customer of the contract is invalid. |
80043218 -2147208680 |
ContractInvalidDatesForRenew |
The start date / end date of this renewed contract can not overlap with any other invoiced / active contracts with the same contract number. |
80044193 -2147204717 |
ContractInvalidDiscount |
Discount cannot be greater than total price. |
80043215 -2147208683 |
ContractInvalidPrice |
The price is invalid. |
8004320e -2147208690 |
ContractInvalidServiceAddress |
The service address of the contract is invalid. |
80043202 -2147208702 |
ContractInvalidStartEndDate |
Start date / end date or billing start date / billing end date is invalid. |
80043203 -2147208701 |
ContractInvalidState |
The state of the contract is invalid. |
80043204 -2147208700 |
ContractLineInvalidState |
The state of the contract line item is invalid. |
8004320c -2147208692 |
ContractNoLineItems |
There are no contract line items for this contract. |
80043206 -2147208698 |
ContractTemplateDoesNotExist |
The contract template does not exist. |
8004320b -2147208693 |
ContractTemplateNoAbbreviation |
Abbreviation can not be NULL. |
80060411 -2147089391 |
ControlIdIsNotUnique |
Control id {0} in the Xaml is not unique |
8004832e -2147187922 |
ConvertFetchDataSetError |
An unexpected error occurred while processing the Fetch data set. |
8004832d -2147187923 |
ConvertReportToCrmError |
An unexpected error occurred while converting supplied report to CRM format. |
8004F886 -2147157882 |
ConvertRuleActivateDeactivateByNonOwner |
This Convert Rule Set cannot be activated or deactivated by someone who is not its owner. |
80060731 -2147088591 |
ConvertRuleAlreadyActive |
Selected ConvertRule is already in active state. Please select another record and try again |
80060732 -2147088590 |
ConvertRuleAlreadyInDraftState |
Selected ConvertRule is already in draft state. Please select another record and try again |
8004F879 -2147157895 |
ConvertRuleInvalidAutoResponseSettings |
Select an email template for an autoresponse or set the autoresponse option to No. |
80060733 -2147088589 |
ConvertRulePermissionToPerformAction |
You don't have the required permissions on ConvertRules and processes to perform this action. |
8004F896 -2147157866 |
ConvertRuleQueueIdMissingForEmailSource |
Queue value required. Provide a value for the queue. |
80060730 -2147088592 |
ConvertRuleResponseTemplateValidity |
Please select either a global or case template. |
80048474 -2147187596 |
CopyNotAllowedForInternetMarketing |
Duplicating campaigns that have Internet Marketing Campaign Activities is not allowed |
8005F110 -2147094256 |
CouldNotDecryptOAuthToken |
Yammer OAuth token could not be decrypted. Please try to reconfigure Yammer once again. |
80040524 -2147220188 |
CouldNotFindQueueItemInQueue |
Could not find any queue item associated with the Target in the specified SourceQueueId. Either the SourceQueueId or Target is invalid or the queue item does not exist. |
80044339 -2147204295 |
CouldNotObtainLockOnResource |
Database resource lock could not be obtained |
8005F105 -2147094267 |
CouldNotReadAccessToken |
The system was not able to read users Yammer access token although a non-empty code was passed. |
80060905 -2147088123 |
CouldNotSetLocationTypeToOneNote |
Couldn't set location type of document location to OneNote. |
8004E01F -2147164129 |
CountSpecifiedWithoutOrder |
The Data Description for the visualization is invalid as it does not specify an order node for the count attribute. |
8004F889 -2147157879 |
CreatePropertyError |
An error occurred while saving the {0} property. |
8004F890 -2147157872 |
CreatePropertyInstanceError |
An error occurred while saving the {0} property instance. |
8004500A -2147201014 |
CreatePublishedWorkflowDefinitionWorkflowDependency |
Cannot create a workflow dependency for a published workflow definition. |
8004E101 -2147163903 |
CreateRecurrenceRuleFailed |
Cannot create the recurrence rule. |
80045009 -2147201015 |
CreateWorkflowActivationWorkflowDependency |
Cannot create a workflow dependency associated with a workflow activation. |
80045019 -2147200999 |
CreateWorkflowDependencyForPublishedTemplate |
Cannot create a workflow dependency for a published workflow template. |
80040261 -2147220895 |
CrmConstraintEvaluationError |
Crm constraint evaluation error occurred. |
80040262 -2147220894 |
CrmConstraintParsingError |
Crm constraint parsing error occurred. |
8004025e -2147220898 |
CrmExpressionBodyParsingError |
Crm expression body parsing error occurred. |
80040260 -2147220896 |
CrmExpressionEvaluationError |
Crm expression evaluation error occurred. |
8004025f -2147220897 |
CrmExpressionParametersParsingError |
Crm expression parameters parsing error occurred. |
8004025d -2147220899 |
CrmExpressionParsingError |
Crm expression parsing error occurred. |
8006088A -2147088246 |
CrmHttpError |
A failure occurred in Wep Api in CRM. |
80040245 -2147220923 |
CrmImpersonationError |
Error occurred in the Crm AutoReimpersonator. |
8004B056 -2147176362 |
CrmLiveAddOnAddLicenseLimitReached |
Your subscription has the maximum number of user licenses available. For additional licenses, please contact our sales organization at 1-877-CRM-CHOICE (276-2464). |
8004B057 -2147176361 |
CrmLiveAddOnAddStorageLimitReached |
Your subscription has the maximum amount of storage available. For additional storage, please contact our sales organization at 1-877-CRM-CHOICE (276-2464). |
8004B05C -2147176356 |
CrmLiveAddOnDataChanged |
Due to recent changes you have made to your account, these changes cannot be made at this time. Close this wizard, and try again later. If the problem persists, please contact our sales organization at 1-877-CRM-CHOICE (276-2464). |
8004B059 -2147176359 |
CrmLiveAddOnOrgInNoUpdateMode |
Your changes cannot be processed at this time. Your organization is currently being updated. No changes have been made to your account. Close this wizard, and try again later. If the problem persists, please contact our sales organization at 1-877-CRM-CHOICE (276-2464). |
8004B058 -2147176360 |
CrmLiveAddOnRemoveStorageLimitReached |
Your organization has the minimum amount of storage allowed. You can remove only storage that has been added to your organization, and is not being used. |
8004B055 -2147176363 |
CrmLiveAddOnUnexpectedError |
There was an error contacting the billing system. Your request cannot be processed at this time. No changes have been made to your account. Close this wizard, and try again later. If the problem persists, please contact our sales organization at 1-877-CRM-CHOICE (276-2464). |
8004B051 -2147176367 |
CrmLiveCannotFindExternalMessageProvider |
External Message Provider could not be located for queue item type of: {0}. |
8004B048 -2147176376 |
CrmLiveDnsDomainAlreadyExists |
Domain already exists in the DNS table. |
8004B047 -2147176377 |
CrmLiveDnsDomainNotFound |
Domain was not found in the DNS table. |
8004B046 -2147176378 |
CrmLiveDuplicateWindowsLiveId |
A user with this username already exists. |
8004B063 -2147176349 |
CrmLiveExecuteCustomCodeDisabled |
Execution of custom code feature for this organization is disabled. |
8004B000 -2147176448 |
CrmLiveGenericError |
An error has occurred while processing your request. |
8004B003 -2147176445 |
CrmLiveInternalProvisioningError |
An unexpected error happened in the provisioning system. |
8004B05D -2147176355 |
CrmLiveInvalidEmail |
Invalid email address entered. |
8004B052 -2147176366 |
CrmLiveInvalidExternalMessageData |
External Message Data has some invalid data. Data: {0} External Message: {1} |
8004B05B -2147176357 |
CrmLiveInvalidInvoicingAccountNumber |
This Invoicing Account Number is not valid because it contains an invalid character. |
8004B05E -2147176354 |
CrmLiveInvalidPhone |
Invalid phone number entered. |
8004B039 -2147176391 |
CrmLiveInvalidQueueItemSchedule |
The QueueItem has an invalid schedule of start time {0} and end time {1}. |
8004B005 -2147176443 |
CrmLiveInvalidSetupParameter |
The parameter to CRM Online Setup is incorrect or not specified. |
8004B064 -2147176348 |
CrmLiveInvalidTaxId |
Invalid TaxId entered. |
8004B05F -2147176353 |
CrmLiveInvalidZipCode |
Invalid zip code entered. |
8004B045 -2147176379 |
CrmLiveInvoicingAccountIdMissing |
Invoicing Account Number (SAP Id) cannot be empty for an invoicing sku. |
8004B002 -2147176446 |
CrmLiveMissingActiveDirectoryGroup |
The specified Active Directory Group does not exist. |
8004B007 -2147176441 |
CrmLiveMissingServerRolesInScaleGroup |
The scalegroup is missing some required server roles. 1 Witness Server and 2 Sql Servers are required for Provisioning. |
8004B026 -2147176410 |
CrmLiveMonitoringOrganizationExistsInScaleGroup |
Only one monitoring organization is allowed in a scalegroup. |
8004B006 -2147176442 |
CrmLiveMultipleWitnessServersInScaleGroup |
The ScaleGroup has multiple witness servers specified. There should be only 1 witness server in a scale group. |
8004B02E -2147176402 |
CrmLiveOrganizationDeleteFailed |
An error has occurred when deleting the organization. |
8004B030 -2147176400 |
CrmLiveOrganizationDetailsNotFound |
Unable to find organization details. |
8004B054 -2147176364 |
CrmLiveOrganizationDisableFailed |
Disabling Organization Failed. |
8004B053 -2147176365 |
CrmLiveOrganizationEnableFailed |
Enabling Organization Failed. |
8004B032 -2147176398 |
CrmLiveOrganizationFriendlyNameTooLong |
The organization name provided is too long. |
8004B031 -2147176399 |
CrmLiveOrganizationFriendlyNameTooShort |
The organization name provided is too short. |
8004B001 -2147176447 |
CrmLiveOrganizationProvisioningFailed |
An error has occurred when provisioning the organization. |
8004B035 -2147176395 |
CrmLiveOrganizationUniqueNameInvalid |
The unique name provided is not valid. |
8004B036 -2147176394 |
CrmLiveOrganizationUniqueNameReserved |
The unique name is already reserved. |
8004B034 -2147176396 |
CrmLiveOrganizationUniqueNameTooLong |
The unique name provided is too long. |
8004B033 -2147176397 |
CrmLiveOrganizationUniqueNameTooShort |
The unique name provided is too short. |
8004B014 -2147176428 |
CrmLiveOrganizationUpgradeFailed |
Upgrade Of Crm Organization Failed. |
8004B004 -2147176444 |
CrmLiveQueueItemDoesNotExist |
The specified queue item does not exist in the queue. It may have been deleted or its ID may not have been specified correctly |
8004B040 -2147176384 |
CrmLiveQueueItemTimeInPast |
A QueueItem cannot be scheduled to start or end in the past. |
8004B062 -2147176350 |
CrmLiveRegisterCustomCodeDisabled |
Registration of custom code feature for this organization is disabled. |
8004B008 -2147176440 |
CrmLiveServerCannotHaveWitnessAndDataServerRoles |
A server cannot have both Witness and Data Server Roles. |
8004B025 -2147176411 |
CrmLiveSupportOrganizationExistsInScaleGroup |
Only one support organization is allowed in a scalegroup. |
8004B05A -2147176358 |
CrmLiveUnknownCategory |
This Category specified is not valid. |
8004B041 -2147176383 |
CrmLiveUnknownSku |
This Sku specified is not valid. |
8004025c -2147220900 |
CrmMalformedExpressionError |
Crm malformed expression error occurred. |
8004024d -2147220915 |
CrmQueryExpressionNotInitialized |
The QueryExpression has not been initialized. Please use the constructor that takes in the entity name to create a correctly initialized instance |
80040256 -2147220906 |
CrmSecurityError |
A failure occurred in CrmSecurity. |
8004A001 -2147180543 |
CrmSqlGovernorDatabaseRequestDenied |
The server is busy and the request was not completed. Try again later. |
80040354 -2147220652 |
CRMUserDoesNotExist |
No Microsoft Dynamics CRM user exists with the specified domain name and user ID |
80048cfb -2147185413 |
CurrencyCannotBeNullDueToNonNullMoneyFields |
The currency cannot be null. |
8004E026 -2147164122 |
CurrencyFieldMissing |
Record currency is required to calculate rollup field of type currency. Provide a currency and try again. |
80048cea -2147185430 |
CurrencyNotEqual |
The currency of the {0} does not match the currency of the {1}. |
80048cf7 -2147185417 |
CurrencyRequiredForDiscountTypeAmount |
The currency cannot be null for discount type amount. |
8004F124 -2147159772 |
CustomActivityCannotBeMailMergeEnabled |
A custom entity defined as an activity already cannot have MailMerge enabled. |
8004501D -2147200995 |
CustomActivityInvalid |
Invalid custom activity. |
8004F122 -2147159774 |
CustomActivityMustHaveOfflineAvailability |
A custom entity defined as an activity must have Offline Availability. |
80040517 -2147220201 |
CustomerIsInactive |
An inactive customer cannot be set as the parent of an object. |
80048202 -2147188222 |
CustomerOpportunityRoleExists |
Customer opportunity role exists. |
80048201 -2147188223 |
CustomerRelationshipExists |
Customer relationship already exists. |
80048531 -2147187407 |
CustomImageAttributeOnlyAllowedOnCustomEntity |
A custom image attribute can only be added to a custom entity. |
80047102 -2147192574 |
CustomParentingSystemNotSupported |
A custom entity can not have a parental relationship to a system entity |
80044904 -2147202812 |
CustomPeriodGoalHavingExtraInfo |
For a goal of custom period type, fiscal year and fiscal period attributes must be left blank. |
80044907 -2147202809 |
CustomPeriodGoalMissingInfo |
For a goal of custom period type, goalstartdate and goalenddate attributes must have data. |
8004432C -2147204308 |
CustomReflexiveRelationshipNotAllowedForEntity |
This entity is not valid for a custom reflexive relationship |
80045051 -2147200943 |
CustomWorkflowActivitiesNotSupported |
Custom Workflow Activities are not enabled. |
80047004 -2147192828 |
CyclicalRelationship |
The specified relationship will result in a cycle. |
8004417F -2147204737 |
CyclicReferencesNotSupported |
The input contains a cyclic reference, which is not supported. |
8004B065 -2147176347 |
DatacenterNotAvailable |
This datacenter endpoint is not currently available for this organization. |
80040345 -2147220667 |
DataColumnsNumberMismatch |
The number of fields differs from the number of column headings. |
80044336 -2147204298 |
DataMigrationManagerMandatoryUpdatesNotInstalled |
First-time configuration of the Data Migration Manager has been canceled. You will not be able to use the Data Migration Manager until configuration is completed. |
80044333 -2147204301 |
DataMigrationManagerUnknownProblem |
The Data Migration Manager encountered an unknown problem and cannot continue. To try again, restart the Data Migration Manager. |
8005F210 -2147094000 |
DataSourceInitializeFailedErrorCode |
Try this action again. If the problem continues, check the {0} for solutions or contact your organization's {#Brand_CRM} Administrator. Finally, you can contact {1}. |
8005F211 -2147093999 |
DataSourceOfflineErrorCode |
This operation failed because you're offline. Reconnect and try again. |
8004830D -2147187955 |
DataSourceProhibited |
A non fetch based data source is not permitted on this report |
8004F0FC -2147159812 |
DataTypeMismatchForLinkedAttribute |
Data type mismatch found for linked attribute. |
8004025a -2147220902 |
DateTimeFormatFailed |
Failed to produce a formatted datetime value. |
80044330 -2147204304 |
DecimalValueOutOfRange |
A validation error occurred. A decimal value provided is outside of the allowed values for this attribute. |
80048206 -2147188218 |
DecoupleChildEntity |
Cannot decouple a child entity. |
80048207 -2147188217 |
DecoupleUserOwnedEntity |
Can only decouple user owned entities. |
8004F100 -2147159808 |
DefaultSiteCollectionUrlChanged |
Default site collection url has been changed this organization after this operation was created. |
80041d67 -2147213977 |
DelegatedAdminUserCannotBeCreateNorUpdated |
The delegated admin user cannot not be updated |
8004501A -2147200998 |
DeleteActiveWorkflowTemplateDependency |
Cannot delete workflow dependency from a published workflow template . |
80045006 -2147201018 |
DeletePublishedWorkflowDefinitionWorkflowDependency |
Cannot delete a workflow dependency for a published workflow definition. |
80045004 -2147201020 |
DeleteWorkflowActivation |
Cannot delete a workflow activation. |
80045005 -2147201019 |
DeleteWorkflowActivationWorkflowDependency |
Cannot delete a workflow dependency associated with a workflow activation. |
8004500F -2147201009 |
DeleteWorkflowActiveDefinition |
Cannot delete an active workflow definition. |
8004501C -2147200996 |
DeleteWorkflowActiveTemplate |
Cannot delete an active workflow template. |
8004F01A -2147160038 |
DependencyAlreadyExists |
A {0} dependency already exists between {1}({2}) and {3}({4}). Cannot also create {5} dependency. |
8004F01B -2147160037 |
DependencyTableNotEmpty |
The dependency table must be empty for initialization to complete successfully. |
8004F025 -2147160027 |
DependencyTrackingClosed |
Invalid attempt to process a dependency after the current transaction context has been closed. |
8004D262 -2147167646 |
DeploymentServiceCannotChangeStateForDeploymentService |
You cannot change the state of this server because it contains the Deployment Service server role. |
8004D265 -2147167643 |
DeploymentServiceCannotDeleteOperationInProgress |
The Deployment Service cannot delete the specified operation because it is currently in progress. |
8004D261 -2147167647 |
DeploymentServiceNotAllowOperation |
Deployment Service for {0} does not allow {1} operation. |
8004D260 -2147167648 |
DeploymentServiceNotAllowSetToThisState |
Deployment Service for {0} allows the state Enabled or Disabled. Cannot set state to {1}. |
8004D264 -2147167644 |
DeploymentServiceOperationIdentifierNotFound |
The Deployment Service could not find a deferred operation having the specified identifier. |
8004D263 -2147167645 |
DeploymentServiceRequestValidationFailure |
The Deployment Service cannot process the request because one or more validation checks failed. |
8004F662 -2147158430 |
DeprecatedFormActivation |
This form has been deprecated in the previous release and cannot be used anymore. Please migrate your changes to a different form. Deprecated forms will be removed from the system in the future. |
80060873 -2147088269 |
DialogNameCannotBeNull |
"DialogName cannot be null for type Dialog |
80044202 -2147204606 |
DisabledCRMAddinLoadFailure |
An error occurred loading Microsoft Dynamics CRM functionality. Try restarting Outlook. Contact your system administrator if errors persist. |
80044204 -2147204604 |
DisabledCRMClientVersionHigher |
The Microsoft Dynamics CRM server needs to be upgraded before Microsoft Dynamics CRM client can be used. Contact your system administrator for assistance. |
80044203 -2147204605 |
DisabledCRMClientVersionLower |
Offline functionality is not supported in this earlier version of Microsoft Dynamics CRM for Outlook and this Microsoft Dynamics CRM organization {0}. Download a compatible Outlook Client version. |
80044200 -2147204608 |
DisabledCRMGoingOffline |
Microsoft Dynamics CRM functionality is not available while Offline Synchronization is occuring |
80044201 -2147204607 |
DisabledCRMGoingOnline |
Microsoft Dynamics CRM functionality is not available while Online Synchronization is occuring |
80044206 -2147204602 |
DisabledCRMOnlineCrmNotAvailable |
Microsoft Dynamics CRM server is not available |
80044205 -2147204603 |
DisabledCRMPostOfflineUpgrade |
Microsoft Dynamics CRM functionality is not available until the Microsoft Dynamics CRM client is taken back online |
80043b20 -2147206368 |
DiscountAmount |
The discount type does not support 'percentage' discounts. |
80043b1f -2147206369 |
DiscountAmountAndPercent |
Both 'amount' and 'percentage' cannot be set. |
80043b21 -2147206367 |
DiscountPercent |
The discount type does not support 'amount' discounts. |
80043b02 -2147206398 |
DiscountRangeOverlap |
The new quantities overlap the range covered by existing quantities. |
80048cf8 -2147185416 |
DiscountTypeAndPriceLevelCurrencyNotEqual |
The currency of the discount needs to match the currency of the price list for discount type amount. |
80048453 -2147187629 |
DistributeListAssociatedVary |
This campaign activity cannot be distributed. Mail merge activities can be done only on marketing lists that are all the same record type. For this campaign activity, remove marketing lists so that the remaining ones are the same record type, and then try again. |
80048454 -2147187628 |
DistributeNoListAssociated |
This campaign activity cannot be distributed. No marketing lists are associated with it. Add at least one marketing list and try again. |
8004F0FF -2147159809 |
DocumentManagementDisabled |
Document Management has been disabled for this organization. |
80060908 -2147088120 |
DocumentManagementDisabledOnEntity |
You must enable document management for this Entity in order to enable OneNote integration. |
8004F312 -2147159278 |
DocumentManagementIsDisabled |
Document Management is not enabled for this Organization. |
8004F313 -2147159277 |
DocumentManagementNotEnabledNoPrimaryField |
Document management could not be enabled because a primary field is not defined for this entity. |
80044228 -2147204568 |
DoNotTrackItem |
Selected item will not be tracked. |
8004F994 -2147157612 |
DraftBundleToProduct |
You can only add products to a draft bundle. |
8004E00B -2147164149 |
DuplicateAliasFound |
Data Description is invalid. Duplicate alias found. |
80047013 -2147192813 |
DuplicateAttributeSchemaName |
An attribute with the specified name already exists |
800608F1 -2147088143 |
DuplicateChannelPropertyName |
A channel property with the specified name already exists. You can't create another one. |
80048412 -2147187694 |
DuplicateCheckNotEnabled |
Duplicate detection is not enabled. To enable duplicate detection, click Settings, click Data Management, and then click Duplicate Detection Settings. |
80048410 -2147187696 |
DuplicateCheckNotSupportedOnEntity |
Duplicate detection is not supported on this record type. |
80048430 -2147187664 |
DuplicateDetectionNotSupportedOnAttributeType |
The rule condition cannot be created or updated because duplicate detection is not supported on the data type of the selected attribute. |
8004F039 -2147160007 |
DuplicateDetectionRulesWereUnpublished |
The duplicate detection rules for this entity have been unpublished due to possible modifications to the entity. |
80048424 -2147187676 |
DuplicateDetectionTemplateNotFound |
Microsoft Dynamics CRM could not retrieve the e-mail notification template. |
80047012 -2147192814 |
DuplicateDisplayCollectionName |
An object with the specified display collection name already exists. |
80047011 -2147192815 |
DuplicateDisplayName |
An object with the specified display name already exists. |
8004140f -2147216369 |
DuplicatedPrivilege |
Privilege {0} is duplicated. |
80048484 -2147187580 |
DuplicateFileNamesInZip |
Two or more files have the same name. File names must be unique. |
8004E01B -2147164133 |
DuplicateGroupByFound |
Data Description is invalid. Same attribute cannot be used as a group by more than once. |
80040338 -2147220680 |
DuplicateHeaderColumn |
A duplicate column heading exists. |
80048cf3 -2147185421 |
DuplicateIsoCurrencyCode |
Cannot insert duplicate currency record. Currency with the same currency code already exist in the system. |
80040352 -2147220654 |
DuplicateLookupFound |
A duplicate lookup reference was found |
80048443 -2147187645 |
DuplicateMapName |
A data map with the specified name already exists. |
80047010 -2147192816 |
DuplicateName |
An object with the specified name already exists |
80048449 -2147187639 |
DuplicateOfflineFilter |
You can create only one local data group for each record type. |
80040274 -2147220876 |
DuplicateOutlookAppointment |
The Appointment being promoted from Outlook is already tracked in CRM |
8004701E -2147192802 |
DuplicatePrimaryNameAttribute |
The new {2} attribute is set as the primary name attribute for the {1} entity. The {1} entity already has the {0} attribute set as the primary name attribute. An entity can only have one primary name attribute. |
80043b08 -2147206392 |
DuplicateProductPriceLevel |
This product and unit combination has a price for this price list. |
8004F891 -2147157871 |
DuplicateProductRelationship |
A product relationship with the same product and related product already exists. |
80040237 -2147220937 |
DuplicateRecord |
Operation failed due to a SQL integrity violation. |
80060892 -2147088238 |
DuplicateRecordEntityKey |
Entity Key {0} violated. A record with the same value for {1} already exists. A duplicate record cannot be created. Select one or more unique values and try again. |
80040333 -2147220685 |
DuplicateRecordsFound |
A record was not created or updated because a duplicate of the current record already exists. |
80040495 -2147220331 |
DuplicateReportVisibility |
A ReportVisibility with the same ReportId and VisibilityCode already exists. Duplicates are not allowed. |
80048341 -2147187903 |
DuplicateSalesTeamMember |
The user you're trying to add is already a member of the sales team. |
8004F201 -2147159551 |
DuplicateUIStatementRootsFound |
There can be only one root statement for a given uiscript. |
80061038 -2147086280 |
DynamicPropertyDefaultValueNeeded |
You must specify a default value because this property is required and is read-only. |
8008100A -2146955254 |
DynamicPropertyInstanceMissingRequiredColumns |
The property instance can't be updated. Verify that the following fields are present: dynamicpropertyid, dynamicpropertyoptionsetvalueid, and regardingobjectid. |
8008100B -2146955253 |
DynamicPropertyInstanceUpdateValuesDifferentRegarding |
The property instances couldn't be saved because they refer to different product line items. |
80081004 -2146955260 |
DynamicPropertyInvalidRegardingForUpdate |
You can’t create or change properties for a published or retired product. |
80081001 -2146955263 |
DynamicPropertyInvalidStateChange |
You can't set an inactive property to an active state. |
80081002 -2146955262 |
DynamicPropertyInvalidStateForDelete |
You can't delete a property that is in the active state. |
80081000 -2146955264 |
DynamicPropertyInvalidStateForUpdate |
You can't update a property that isn't in the draft state. |
8008100C -2146955252 |
DynamicPropertyOptionSetInvalidStateForUpdate |
You can't modify the property option set item for a property that is not in the draft state. |
80060005 -2147090427 |
EditorOnlySupportAndOperatorForLogicalConditions |
The rule expression contains logical operator which is not supported. The editor only support And operator for Logical conditions. |
80040523 -2147220189 |
EmailAlreadyExistsInDestinationQueue |
You cannot add this e-mail to the selected queue. A queue item for this e-mail already exists in the queue. You can delete the item from the queue, and then try again. |
8005E237 -2147098057 |
EmailMessageSizeExceeded |
Email Size Exceeds the MaximumMessageSizeLimit specified by the deployment. |
80040b04 -2147218684 |
EmailRecipientNotSpecified |
The e-mail must have at least one recipient before it can be sent |
8005F031 -2147094479 |
EmailRouterFileTooLargeToProcess |
One or more of the email router configuration files is too large to get processed. |
8005E23C -2147098052 |
EmailServerProfileADBasedAuthenticationProtocolNotAllowed |
The authentication protocol cannot be set to Negotiate or NTLM for your organization because these require Active Directory. Use a different authentication protocol or contact your system administrator to enable an Active Directory-based authentication protocol. |
8005E204 -2147098108 |
EmailServerProfileAutoDiscoverNotAllowed |
Auto discover server URL can location can only be used for an exchange e-mail server type. |
8005E23D -2147098051 |
EmailServerProfileBasicAuthenticationProtocolNotAllowed |
The specified authentication protocol cannot be used because the protocol requires sending credentials on a secure channel. Use a different authentication protocol or contact your administrator to enable Basic authentication protocol on a non-secure channel. |
8005E235 -2147098059 |
EmailServerProfileDelegateAccessNotAllowed |
For an SMTP email server type, auto-granted delegate access cannot be used. |
8005E236 -2147098058 |
EmailServerProfileImpersonationNotAllowed |
For a Non Exchange email server type, impersonation cannot be used. |
8005E23B -2147098053 |
EmailServerProfileInvalidAuthenticationProtocol |
The authentication protocol is invalid for the specified server and connection type. For more information, contact your system administrator. |
8005E203 -2147098109 |
EmailServerProfileInvalidCredentialRetrievalForExchange |
No credentials (Anonymous) cannot be used a connection type for exchange e-mail server type. |
8005E202 -2147098110 |
EmailServerProfileInvalidCredentialRetrievalForOnline |
Windows integrated or Anonymous authentication cannot be used as a connection type for Microsoft Dynamics CRM Online. |
8005E20A -2147098102 |
EmailServerProfileInvalidServerLocation |
The specified server location {0} is invalid. Correct the server location and try again. |
8005E205 -2147098107 |
EmailServerProfileLocationNotRequired |
You cannot specify the incoming/outgoing e-mail server location when Autodiscover server location has been set to true. |
8005E222 -2147098078 |
EmailServerProfileNotAssociated |
Email Server Profile is not associated with the current mailbox. Please associate a valid profile to send/receive mails. |
8005E201 -2147098111 |
EmailServerProfileSslRequiredForOnline |
You cannot set SSL as false for Microsoft Dynamics CRM Online. |
8005E234 -2147098060 |
EmailServerProfileSslRequiredForOnPremise |
Usage of SSL while contacting external email servers is mandatory for this CRM deployment. |
80040365 -2147220635 |
EmptyContent |
The file is empty. |
80048487 -2147187577 |
EmptyFileForImport |
The selected file contains no data. |
80048486 -2147187578 |
EmptyFilesInZip |
One or more files in the compressed (.zip) or .cab file don't contain data. Check the files and try again. |
80040337 -2147220681 |
EmptyHeaderColumn |
The column heading cannot be empty. |
80040366 -2147220634 |
EmptyHeaderRow |
The first row of the file is empty. |
80040347 -2147220665 |
EmptyImportFileRow |
Empty row. |
80040373 -2147220621 |
EmptyRecord |
The record is empty |
80040202 -2147220990 |
EmptyXml |
Empty XML. |
8004D291 -2147167599 |
EndUserNotificationTypeNotValidForEmail |
Cannot send Email for EndUserNotification Type: {0}. |
80060415 -2147089387 |
EntitiesExceedMaxAllowed |
You can't cover more than five entities in a process flow. Remove some entities and try again. |
80060615 -2147088875 |
EntitlementAlreadyInactiveState |
You can't activate an entitlement when it's in the active state. |
80044208 -2147204600 |
EntitlementAlreadyInCanceledState |
You can't cancel an entitlement when it's in the Canceled state. |
80060614 -2147088876 |
EntitlementAlreadyInDraftState |
You can't deactivate an entitlement when it's in the draft state. |
80060622 -2147088862 |
EntitlementBlankTerms |
Total terms can't be blank. Enter a value and try again. |
80060603 -2147088893 |
EntitlementChannelInvalidState |
An entitlement channel term cannot be created, modified or deleted when the associated entitlement is not in draft state. |
80060612 -2147088878 |
EntitlementChannelWithoutEntitlementId |
Associate the entitlement channel with an entitlement or entitlement template. |
80060613 -2147088877 |
EntitlementEditDraft |
You can only edit a draft entitlement. |
80060624 -2147088860 |
EntitlementInvalidRemainingTerms |
The number of remaining terms can't be greater than the number of total terms. |
80060600 -2147088896 |
EntitlementInvalidStartEndDate |
Start Date cannot be more than the End Date |
80060601 -2147088895 |
EntitlementInvalidState |
You cannot delete an entitlement that is in active or waiting state |
80060604 -2147088892 |
EntitlementInvalidTerms |
Specify a higher value for total terms so the remaining terms won't be a negative value. |
80060616 -2147088874 |
EntitlementNotActiveInAssociationToCase |
You can't create a case for this entitlement because the entitlement is not in active state. |
80060620 -2147088864 |
EntitlementTemplateTotalTerms |
If the allocation type is the number of cases, the total terms can't be a decimal value. Specify a whole number. |
80060619 -2147088871 |
EntitlementTotalTerms |
If the allocation type is the number of cases, the total terms can't be a decimal value. Specify a whole number. |
8004432D -2147204307 |
EntityCannotBeChildInCustomRelationship |
This entity is either not valid as a child in a custom parental relationship or is already a child in a parental relationship |
80044332 -2147204302 |
EntityCannotParticipateInEntityAssociation |
This entity cannot participate in an entity association |
80048431 -2147187663 |
EntityDupCheckNotSupportedSystemWide |
Duplicate detection is not enabled for one or more of the selected entities. The duplicate detection job cannot be started. |
80060420 -2147089376 |
EntityExceedsMaxActiveBusinessProcessFlows |
The {0} entity exceeds the maximum number of active business process flows. The limit is {1}. |
80060205 -2147089915 |
EntityGroupNameOrEntityNamesMustBeProvided |
Missing parameter. You must provide EntityGroupName or EntityNames. |
80047015 -2147192811 |
EntityHasNoStateCode |
Specified entity does not have a statecode. |
80040243 -2147220925 |
EntityInstantiationFailed |
Instantiation of an Entity instance Service failed. |
8004830F -2147187953 |
EntityIsIntersect |
The specified entity is intersect entity |
80043b1d -2147206371 |
EntityIsLocked |
This entity is already locked. |
80060421 -2147089375 |
EntityIsNotBusinessProcessFlowEnabled |
The IsBusinessProcessEnabled property of the {0} entity is false. |
80047008 -2147192824 |
EntityIsNotCustomizable |
The specified entity is not customizable |
8004F6A2 -2147158366 |
EntityIsNotEnabledForFollow |
This entity is not enabled to be followed. |
8004F6A1 -2147158367 |
EntityIsNotEnabledForFollowUser |
This entity is not enabled to be followed. |
80043b1e -2147206370 |
EntityIsUnlocked |
This entity is already unlocked. |
80060893 -2147088237 |
EntityKeyNameExists |
An entity key with the name {0} already exists on entity {1}. |
80060890 -2147088240 |
EntityKeyNotDefined |
The specified key attributes are not a defined key for the {0} entity |
80060894 -2147088236 |
EntityKeyWithSelectedAttributesExists |
An entity key with the selected attributes already exists on entity. |
80060200 -2147089920 |
EntityLimitExceeded |
MultiEntitySearch exceeded Entity Limit defined for the Organization. |
80040387 -2147220601 |
EntityLoopBeingCreated |
Creating this parental association would create a loop in this entity hierarchy. |
80040386 -2147220602 |
EntityLoopExists |
Loop exists in this entity hierarchy. |
80048334 -2147187916 |
EntityNotEnabledForAutoCreatedAccessTeams |
This entity is not enabled for auto created access teams. |
8004E00C -2147164148 |
EntityNotEnabledForCharts |
Charts are not enabled on the specified primary entity type code: {0}. |
8005F200 -2147094016 |
EntityNotEnabledForThisDevice |
Entity not enabled to be viewed in this device |
8004E112 -2147163886 |
EntityNotRule |
The collection name is not a recurrence rule. |
80044328 -2147204312 |
EntityRelationshipRoleCustomLabelsMissing |
Custom labels must be provided if an entity relationship role has a display option of UseCustomLabels |
8004432B -2147204309 |
EntityRelationshipSchemaNameNotUnique |
A relationship with the specified name already exists. Please specify a unique name. |
8004432A -2147204310 |
EntityRelationshipSchemaNameRequired |
Entity relationships require a name |
8004E30B -2147163381 |
EntityTypeSpecifiedForDashboard |
An entity type cannot be specified for a dashboard. |
8004B066 -2147176346 |
ErrorConnectingToDiscoveryService |
Error when trying to connect to customer's discovery service. |
8004B068 -2147176344 |
ErrorConnectingToOrganizationService |
Error when trying to connect to customer's organization service. |
8004F203 -2147159549 |
ErrorDeleteStatementTextIsReferenced |
You cannot delete the UI script statement text because it is being referred by one or more ui script statements. |
8004B013 -2147176429 |
ErrorGeneratingInvitation |
Some Internal error occurred in generating invitation token, Please try again later |
8004F216 -2147159530 |
ErrorImportInvalidForPublishedScript |
You cannot save data to a published UI script. Unpublish the UI script, and try again. |
80040359 -2147220647 |
ErrorIncreate |
The Microsoft Dynamics CRM record could not be created |
8004035a -2147220646 |
ErrorInDelete |
The Microsoft Dynamics CRM record could not be deleted |
80044351 -2147204271 |
ErrorInFieldWidthIncrease |
An error occurred while increasing the field width. |
80040323 -2147220701 |
ErrorInImportConfig |
Cannot process with Bulk Import as Import Configuration has some errors. |
80040346 -2147220666 |
ErrorInParseRow |
The row could not be parsed. This is typically caused by a row that is too long. |
80040357 -2147220649 |
ErrorInSetState |
The status or status reason of the Microsoft Dynamics CRM record could not be set |
80048497 -2147187561 |
ErrorInStoringImportFile |
An error occurred while storing the import file in database. |
80048483 -2147187581 |
ErrorInUnzip |
An error occurred while extracting the uploaded compressed (.zip) or .cab file. Make sure that the file isn't password protected, and try uploading the file again. If this problem persists, contact your system administrator. |
80048503 -2147187453 |
ErrorInUnzipAlternate |
An error occurred while the uploaded compressed (.zip) file was being extracted. Try to upload the file again. If the problem persists, contact your system administrator. |
80040358 -2147220648 |
ErrorInUpdate |
The Microsoft Dynamics CRM record could not be updated |
8004F214 -2147159532 |
ErrorInvalidFileNameChars |
The Microsoft Excel file name cannot contain the following characters: * \ : > < | ? " /. Rename the file using valid characters, and try again. |
8004F211 -2147159535 |
ErrorInvalidUIScriptImportFile |
File type is not supported. Select an xml file for import. |
8005F034 -2147094476 |
ErrorMigrationProcessExcessOnServer |
The server is busy handling other migration processes. Please try after some time. |
8004F215 -2147159531 |
ErrorMimeTypeNullOrEmpty |
The MimeType property value of the UploadFromBase64DataUIScriptRequest method is null or empty. Specify a valid property value, and try again. |
8004F874 -2147157900 |
ErrorNoActiveRoutingRuleExists |
Currently there's no active rule to route this case. |
8004F220 -2147159520 |
ErrorNoQueryData |
An error has occurred. Either the data does not exist or you do not have sufficient privileges to view the data. Contact your system administrator for help. |
8004F004 -2147160060 |
ErrorReactivatingComponentInstance |
After undeleting a label, there is no underlying label to reactivate. |
8004F209 -2147159543 |
ErrorScriptCannotDeletePublishedScript |
You cannot delete a UI script that is published. You must unpublish it first. |
8004F213 -2147159533 |
ErrorScriptCannotUpdatePublishedScript |
You cannot update a UI script that is published. You must unpublish it first. |
8004F212 -2147159534 |
ErrorScriptFileParse |
Error occurred while parsing the XML file. |
8004F207 -2147159545 |
ErrorScriptInitialStatementNotInScript |
The initial statement for this script does not belong to this script. |
8004F208 -2147159544 |
ErrorScriptInitialStatementNotRoot |
The initial statement should the root statement and cannot have a previous statement set. |
8004F206 -2147159546 |
ErrorScriptLanguageNotInstalled |
The language specified is not supported in your CRM install. Please check with your system administrator on the list of "enabled" languages. |
8004F20B -2147159541 |
ErrorScriptPublishMalformedScript |
The selected UI script cannot be published. The UI script contains one or more paths which do not end in an end-script or next-script action node. Correct the paths and try to publish again. |
8004F20A -2147159542 |
ErrorScriptPublishMissingInitialStatement |
The selected UI script cannot be published. Provide a value for "First statement number" and try to publish again. |
8004F204 -2147159548 |
ErrorScriptSessionCannotCreateForDraftScript |
You cannot create a UI script session for a UI script which is not published. |
8004F20D -2147159539 |
ErrorScriptSessionCannotSetStateForDraftScript |
You cannot set the state of a UI script session for a UI script which is not published. |
8004F205 -2147159547 |
ErrorScriptSessionCannotUpdateForDraftScript |
You cannot update a UI script session for a UI script which is not published. |
8004F20E -2147159538 |
ErrorScriptStatementResponseTypeOnlyForPrompt |
You cannot associate the response control type for a statement which is not a prompt. |
8004F20C -2147159540 |
ErrorScriptUnpublishActiveScript |
This script is in use and has active sessions (status-reason=incomplete). Please terminate the active sessions (i.e. status-reason=cancelled) and try to unpublish again. |
8005F032 -2147094478 |
ErrorsInEmailRouterMigrationFiles |
Invalid File(s) for Email Router Migration |
8004034a -2147220662 |
ErrorsInImportFiles |
Invalid File(s) for Import |
80048535 -2147187403 |
ErrorsInSlaWorkflowActivation |
You can't activate this service level agreement (SLA). You don't have the required permissions on the record types that are referenced by this SLA. |
80048455 -2147187627 |
ErrorsInWorkflowDefinition |
The selected workflow has errors and cannot be published. Please open the workflow, remove the errors and try again. |
8004F210 -2147159536 |
ErrorStatementDeleteOnlyForDraftScript |
You cannot delete a UI script statement for a UI script which is not draft. |
8004F20F -2147159537 |
ErrorStatementOnlyForDraftScript |
You cannot create a UI script statement for a UI script which is not draft. |
8004F221 -2147159519 |
ErrorUIScriptPromptMissing |
The dialog that is being activated has no prompt/response. |
8004F202 -2147159550 |
ErrorUpdateStatementTextIsReferenced |
You cannot update this UI script statement text because it is being referred to by one or more published ui scripts. |
80048298 -2147188072 |
ErrorUploadingReport |
An error occurred while trying to add the report to Microsoft Dynamics CRM. Try adding the report again. If this problem persists, contact your system administrator. |
80060001 -2147090431 |
EventNotSupportedForBusinessRule |
Event {0} is not supported for client side business rule. |
80060003 -2147090429 |
EventTypeAndControlNameAreMismatched |
This combination of event type and control name is unexpected |
8004b042 -2147176382 |
ExceedCustomEntityQuota |
The custom entity limit has been reached. |
8004F6A0 -2147158368 |
ExceededNumberOfRecordsCanFollow |
You have exceeded the number of records you can follow. Please unfollow some records to start following again. |
80060543 -2147089085 |
ExceededRollupFieldsPerEntityQuota |
You can't add a rollup field. You’ve reached the maximum number of {0} allowed for this record type. |
80060542 -2147089086 |
ExceededRollupFieldsPerOrgQuota |
You can't add a rollup field. You’ve reached the maximum number of {0} allowed for your organization. |
80060805 -2147088379 |
ExcelFileNotFound |
The requested file was not found. |
8004503A -2147200966 |
ExchangeAutodiscoverError |
Autodiscover could not find the Exchange Web Services URL for the specified mailbox. Verify that the mailbox address and the credentials provided are correct and that Autodiscover is enabled and has been configured correctly. |
80048cf5 -2147185419 |
ExchangeRateOfBaseCurrencyNotUpdatable |
The exchange rate of the base currency cannot be modified. |
80045046 -2147200954 |
ExecuteNotOnDemandWorkflow |
Workflow must be marked as on-demand or child workflow. |
80045047 -2147200953 |
ExecuteUnpublishedWorkflow |
Workflow must be in Published state. |
80040488 -2147220344 |
ExistingExternalReport |
The report could not be published for external use because a report of the same name already exists. Delete that report in SQL Server Reporting Services or rename this report, and try again. |
80048205 -2147188219 |
ExistingParentalRelationship |
A parental relationship already exists. |
8004E10C -2147163892 |
ExpansionRequestIsOutsideExpansionWindow |
The series is already expanded for CutOffWindow. |
80060011 -2147090415 |
ExpectingAtLeastOneBusinessRuleStep |
There should be a minimum of one Business rule step. |
8004A101 -2147180287 |
ExpiredAuthTicket |
The ticket specified for authentication is expired |
80060617 -2147088873 |
ExpiredEntitlementActivate |
You can't activate an expired entitlement. |
8004A106 -2147180282 |
ExpiredKey |
The key specified to compute a hash value is expired, only active keys are valid. Expired Key : {0}. |
80041d52 -2147213998 |
ExpiredOAuthToken |
The OAuth token has expired |
80044352 -2147204270 |
ExpiredVersionStamp |
Version stamp associated with the client has expired. Please perform a full sync. |
80048048 -2147188664 |
ExportDefaultAsPackagedError |
The default solution cannot be exported as a package. |
80048036 -2147188682 |
ExportManagedSolutionError |
An error occurred while exporting a solution. Managed solutions cannot be exported. |
80048037 -2147188681 |
ExportMissingSolutionError |
An error occurred while exporting a solution. The solution does not exist in this system. |
80048035 -2147188683 |
ExportSolutionError |
An error occurred while exporting a Solution. |
80060804 -2147088380 |
ExportToExcelOnlineFeatureNotEnabled |
Export to Excel Online feature is not enabled. |
800608C1 -2147088191 |
ExportToXlsxFeatureNotEnabled |
Export to excel file feature is not enabled. |
80060004 -2147090428 |
ExpressionNotSupportedForEditor |
Rule contain an expression that is not supported by the editor. |
80040316 -2147220714 |
ExtraPartyInformation |
Extra party information should not be provided for this operation. |
80044304 -2147204348 |
FailedToDeserializeAsyncOperationData |
Failed to deserialize async operation data. |
80047103 -2147192573 |
FailedToGetNetworkServiceName |
Failed to obtain the localized name for NetworkService account |
8004024e -2147220914 |
FailedToLoadAssembly |
Failed to load assembly |
80047000 -2147192832 |
FailedToScheduleActivity |
Failed to schedule activity. |
8004F661 -2147158431 |
FallbackFormDeactivation |
This operation can’t be completed. You must have at least one active Main form. |
8004F654 -2147158444 |
FallbackFormDeletion |
You cannot delete this form because it is the only fallback form of type {0} for the {1} entity. Each entity must have at least one fallback form for each form type. |
80043516 -2147207914 |
FaxNoData |
The fax cannot be sent because there is no data to send. Specify at least one of the following: a cover page, a fax attachment, a fax description. |
80043517 -2147207913 |
FaxNoSupport |
The fax cannot be sent because this type of attachment is not allowed or does not support virtual printing to a fax device. |
80043510 -2147207920 |
FaxSendBlocked |
The recipient is marked as "Do Not Fax". |
80043511 -2147207919 |
FaxServiceNotRunning |
The Microsoft Windows fax service is not running or is not installed. |
80044505 -2147203835 |
FederatedEndpointError |
The username ADFS endpoint is enabled, which is blocking the intended authentication endpoint from being reached. |
8005E00E -2147098610 |
FetchDataSetQueryTimeout |
The fetch data set query timed out after {0} seconds. Increase the query timeout, and try again. |
80048837 -2147186633 |
FileInUse |
Could not read the file because another application is using the file. |
80048440 -2147187648 |
FileNotFound |
The attachment file was not found. |
8005F20D -2147094003 |
FilePickerErrorApplicationInSnapView |
Try this action again. If the problem continues, check the {0} for solutions or contact your organization's {#Brand_CRM} Administrator. Finally, you can contact {1}. |
8005F204 -2147094012 |
FilePickerErrorAttachmentTypeBlocked |
Try this action again. If the problem continues, check the {0} for solutions or contact your organization's {#Brand_CRM} Administrator. Finally, you can contact {1}. |
8005F205 -2147094011 |
FilePickerErrorFileSizeBreached |
Try this action again. If the problem continues, check the {0} for solutions or contact your organization's {#Brand_CRM} Administrator. Finally, you can contact {1}. |
8005F206 -2147094010 |
FilePickerErrorFileSizeCannotBeZero |
Try this action again. If the problem continues, check the {0} for solutions or contact your organization's {#Brand_CRM} Administrator. Finally, you can contact {1}. |
8005F207 -2147094009 |
FilePickerErrorUnableToOpenFile |
Try this action again. If the problem continues, check the {0} for solutions or contact your organization's {#Brand_CRM} Administrator. Finally, you can contact {1}. |
80048437 -2147187657 |
FileReadError |
There was an error reading the file from the file system. Make sure you have read permission for this file, and then try migrating the file again. |
80040325 -2147220699 |
FilteredDuetoAntiSpam |
This customer is filtered due to AntiSpam settings. |
8004032a -2147220694 |
FilteredDuetoInactiveState |
This customer is filtered due to inactive state. |
8004032e -2147220690 |
FilteredDuetoMissingEmailAddress |
This customer is filtered due to missing email address. |
80044903 -2147202813 |
FiscalPeriodGoalMissingInfo |
For a goal of fiscal period type, the fiscal period attribute must be set. |
80043809 -2147207159 |
FiscalSettingsAlreadyUpdated |
Fiscal settings have already been updated. They can be updated only once. |
80060901 -2147088127 |
FolderDoesNotExist |
Folder doesn't exist. |
8005F102 -2147094270 |
Forbidden |
The server refuses to fulfill the request. |
80048406 -2147187706 |
FormDoesNotExist |
Form doesn't exist |
80040242 -2147220926 |
FormTransitionError |
The import has failed because the system cannot transition the entity form {0} from unmanaged to managed. Add at least one full (root) component to the managed solution, and then try to import it again. |
8005E207 -2147098105 |
ForwardMailboxCannotAssociateWithUser |
A forward mailbox cannot be created for a specific user or a queue. Please remove the regarding field and try again. |
8005E211 -2147098095 |
ForwardMailboxEmailAddressRequired |
An e-mail address is a required field in case of forward mailbox. |
8005E212 -2147098094 |
ForwardMailboxUnexpectedIncomingDeliveryMethod |
Forward mailbox incoming delivery method can only be none or router. |
8005E213 -2147098093 |
ForwardMailboxUnexpectedOutgoingDeliveryMethod |
Forward mailbox outgoing delivery method can only be none. |
80041d37 -2147214025 |
GenericActiveDirectoryError |
Active Directory Error. |
80060752 -2147088558 |
GenericImportTranslationsError |
Errors were encountered while processing the translations import file. |
8004F026 -2147160026 |
GenericManagedPropertyFailure |
The evaluation of the current component(name={0}, id={1}) in the current operation ({2}) failed during managed property evaluation of condition: {3} |
8004037b -2147220613 |
GenericTransformationInvocationError |
The transformation returned invalid data. |
8005F208 -2147094008 |
GetPhotoFromGalleryFailed |
Try this action again. If the problem continues, check the {0} for solutions or contact your organization's {#Brand_CRM} Administrator. Finally, you can contact {1}. |
80044807 -2147203065 |
GoalAttributeAlreadyMapped |
The Metric Detail for Specified Goal Attribute already exists. |
80044908 -2147202808 |
GoalMissingPeriodTypeInfo |
Goal Period Type needs to be specified when creating a goal. This field cannot be null. |
8004F682 -2147158398 |
GoalPercentageAchievedValueOutOfRange |
The percentage achieved value has been set to 0 because the calculated value is not in the allowed range. |
80044224 -2147204572 |
GoOfflineBCPFileSize |
Client was not able to download BCP file. Contact your system administrator for assistance and try going offline again. |
80044222 -2147204574 |
GoOfflineDbSizeLimit |
You have exceeded the storage limit for your offline database. You must reduce the amount of data to be taken offline by changing your Local Data Groups. |
80044230 -2147204560 |
GoOfflineEmptyFileForDelete |
Data file for delete is empty. |
80044225 -2147204571 |
GoOfflineFailedMoveData |
Client was not able to download data. Contact your system administrator for assistance and try going offline again. |
80044226 -2147204570 |
GoOfflineFailedPrepareMsde |
Prepare MSDE failed. Contact your system administrator for assistance and try going offline again. |
80044227 -2147204569 |
GoOfflineFailedReloadMetadataCache |
The Microsoft Dynamics CRM for Outlook was unable to go offline. Please try going offline again. |
80044229 -2147204567 |
GoOfflineFileWasDeleted |
Data file was deleted on server before it was sent to client. |
80044221 -2147204575 |
GoOfflineGetBCPFileException |
CRM server was not able to process your request. Contact your system administrator for assistance and try going offline again. |
80044220 -2147204576 |
GoOfflineMetadataVersionsMismatch |
Client and Server metadata versions are different due to new customization on the server. Please try going offline again. |
80044223 -2147204573 |
GoOfflineServerFailedGenerateBCPFile |
CRM server was not able to generate BCP file. Contact your system administrator for assistance and try going offline again. |
80040362 -2147220638 |
GuidNotPresent |
The required globally unique identifier (GUID) in this row is not present |
80040370 -2147220624 |
HeaderValueDoesNotMatchAttributeDisplayLabel |
The column heading does not match the attribute display label. |
80061000 -2147086336 |
HiddenPropertyValidationFailed |
You can't create a property instance for a hidden property. |
8008100F -2146955249 |
HierarchicalOperationFailed |
This operation couldn't be completed on this hierarchy. An error occurred while performing this operation for {0}. You can perform the operation separately on this product to fix the error, and then try the operation again for the complete hierarchy. |
80060547 -2147089081 |
HierarchyCalculateLimitReached |
Calculations can't be performed online because the master record hierarchy depth limit of {0} has been reached. |
8004Ed45 -2147160763 |
HipInvalidCertificate |
Invalid Certificate for using HIP. |
8004Ed44 -2147160764 |
HipNoSettingError |
No Hip application configuration setting [{0}] was found. |
80045000 -2147201024 |
HonorPauseWithoutSLAKPIError |
SLA can be set to honor pause and resume only if Use SLA KPI is set to Yes. |
8004800D -2147188723 |
ImportArticleTemplateError |
There was an error in parsing the article templates in Import Xml |
80048062 -2147188638 |
ImportAttributeNameError |
Invalid name for attribute {0}. Custom attribute names must start with a valid customization prefix. The prefix for a solution component should match the prefix that is specified for the publisher of the solution. |
800608F3 -2147088141 |
ImportChannelPropertyGroupError |
An error occurred while importing Channel Property Group. |
8004847c -2147187588 |
ImportComponentDeletedIgnored |
You cannot update this component because it does not exist in this Microsoft Dynamics CRM organization. |
80040322 -2147220702 |
ImportConfigNotSpecified |
Cannot process with Bulk Import as Import Configuration not specified. |
8004800B -2147188725 |
ImportContractTemplateError |
There was an error in parsing the contract templates in Import Xml |
8004F869 -2147157911 |
ImportConvertRuleError |
An error occurred while importing Convert Rules. |
80048060 -2147188640 |
ImportCustomizationsBadZipFileError |
The solution file is invalid. The compressed file must contain the following files at its root: solution.xml, customizations.xml, and [Content_Types].xml. Customization files exported from previous versions of Microsoft Dynamics CRM are not supported. |
8004E308 -2147163384 |
ImportDashboardDeletedError |
A dashboard with the same id is marked as deleted in the system. Please first publish the system form entity and import again. |
80048049 -2147188663 |
ImportDefaultAsPackageError |
The package supplied for the default solution is trying to install it in managed mode. The default solution cannot be managed. In the XML for the default solution, set the Managed value back to "false" and try to import the solution again. |
80048034 -2147188684 |
ImportDependencySolutionError |
{0} requires solutions that are not currently installed. Import the following solutions before Importing this one. {1} |
8004810c -2147188468 |
ImportDuplicateEntity |
This import has failed because a different entity with the identical name, {0}, already exists in the target organization. |
8004800C -2147188724 |
ImportEmailTemplateError |
There was an error in parsing the email templates in Import Xml |
8004802B -2147188693 |
ImportEmailTemplateErrorMissingFile |
E-mail Template '{0}' import: The attachment '{1}' was not found in the import zip file. |
80048014 -2147188716 |
ImportEmailTemplatePersonalError |
E-mail Template was not imported. The Template is a personal template on the target system; import cannot overwrite personal templates. |
80048002 -2147188734 |
ImportEntityCustomResourcesError |
Invalid Custom Resources in the Import File |
80048003 -2147188733 |
ImportEntityCustomResourcesNewStringError |
Invalid Entity new string in the Custom Resources |
80048001 -2147188735 |
ImportEntityIconError |
Invalid Icon in the Import File |
80048008 -2147188728 |
ImportEntityNameMismatchError |
The number of format parameters passed into the input string is incorrect |
80048025 -2147188699 |
ImportEntitySystemUserLiveMismatchError |
The systemuser entity was imported but customized forms for the entity were not imported. Systemuser entity forms from on-premises or hosted versions of Microsoft Dynamics CRM cannot be imported into Microsoft Dynamics CRM Online. |
80048024 -2147188700 |
ImportEntitySystemUserOnPremiseMismatchError |
The systemuser entity was imported, but customized forms for the entity were not imported. Systemuser entity forms from Microsoft Dynamics CRM Online cannot be imported into on-premises or hosted versions of Microsoft Dynamics CRM. |
80048045 -2147188667 |
ImportExportDeprecatedError |
This message is no longer available. Please consult the SDK for alternative messages. |
80048064 -2147188636 |
ImportFieldSecurityProfileAttributesMissingError |
Some field security permissions could not be imported because the following fields are not in the system: {0}. |
80048063 -2147188637 |
ImportFieldSecurityProfileIsSecuredMissingError |
Some field security permissions could not be imported because the following fields are not securable: {0}. |
80048006 -2147188730 |
ImportFieldXmlError |
The number of format parameters passed into the input string is incorrect |
80048065 -2147188635 |
ImportFileSignatureInvalid |
The import file has an invalid digital signature. |
80040375 -2147220619 |
ImportFileTooLargeToUpload |
The import file is too large to upload. |
80048007 -2147188729 |
ImportFormXmlError |
The number of format parameters passed into the input string is incorrect |
80048020 -2147188704 |
ImportGenericEntitiesError |
An error occurred while importing generic entities. |
8004801E -2147188706 |
ImportGenericError |
The import failed. For more information, see the related error messages. |
8004F9A1 -2147157599 |
ImportHierarchyRuleDeletedError |
A hierarchy rule with the same id is marked as deleted in the system,So first publish the customized entity and import again. |
8004F9A2 -2147157598 |
ImportHierarchyRuleExistingError |
Cannot reuse existing hierarchy rule. |
8004F9A3 -2147157597 |
ImportHierarchyRuleOtcMismatchError |
There was an error processing hierarchy rules of the same object type code.(unresolvable system collision) |
80048000 -2147188736 |
ImportInvalidFileError |
Invalid Import File |
8004802C -2147188692 |
ImportInvalidXmlError |
This solution package cannot be imported because it contains invalid XML. You can attempt to repair the file by manually editing the XML contents using the information found in the schema validation errors, or you can contact your solution provider. |
8004800E -2147188722 |
ImportIsvConfigError |
There was an error parsing the IsvConfig during Import |
80048026 -2147188698 |
ImportLanguagesIgnoredError |
Translated labels for the following languages could not be imported because they have not been enabled for this organization: {0} |
80048480 -2147187584 |
ImportMailMergeTemplateEntityMissingError |
The {0} mail merge template was not imported because the {1} entity associated with this template is not in the target system. |
80048456 -2147187626 |
ImportMailMergeTemplateError |
There was an error in parsing the mail merge templates in Import Xml |
80048465 -2147187611 |
ImportMapInUse |
One or more of the selected data maps cannot be deleted because it is currently used in a data import. |
80048427 -2147187673 |
ImportMappingsInvalidIdSpecified |
The XML file has one or more invalid IDs. The specified ID cannot be used as a unique identifier. |
80048010 -2147188720 |
ImportMappingsMissingEntityMapError |
This customization file contains a reference to an entity map that does not exist on the target system. |
8004800F -2147188721 |
ImportMappingsSystemMapError |
Import cannot create system attribute mappings |
8004801F -2147188705 |
ImportMissingComponent |
Cannot add a Root Component {0} of type {1} because it is not in the target system. |
8004801D -2147188707 |
ImportMissingDependenciesError |
The following solution cannot be imported: {0}. Some dependencies are missing. |
8004803A -2147188678 |
ImportMissingRootComponentEntry |
The import has failed because component {0} of type {1} is not declared in the solution file as a root component. To fix this, import again using the XML file that was generated when you exported the solution. |
80048013 -2147188717 |
ImportNonWellFormedFileError |
Invalid customization file. This file is not well formed. |
80048472 -2147187598 |
ImportNotComplete |
One or more imports are not in completed state. Imported records can only be deleted from completed jobs. Wait until job completes, and then try again. |
80044334 -2147204300 |
ImportOperationChildFailure |
One or more of the Import Child Jobs Failed |
80048039 -2147188679 |
ImportOptionSetAttributeError |
Attribute '{0}' was not imported as it references a non-existing global Option Set ('{1}'). |
80048030 -2147188688 |
ImportOptionSetsError |
An error occurred while importing OptionSets. |
80048019 -2147188711 |
ImportOrgSettingsError |
There was an error parsing the Organization Settings during Import. |
80048012 -2147188718 |
ImportPluginTypesError |
An error occurred while importing plug-in types. |
8004800A -2147188726 |
ImportRelationshipRoleMapsError |
The number of format parameters passed into the input string is incorrect |
80048009 -2147188727 |
ImportRelationshipRolesError |
The number of format parameters passed into the input string is incorrect |
8004802F -2147188689 |
ImportRelationshipRolesPrivilegeError |
{0} cannot be imported. The {1} privilege is required to import this component. |
80048032 -2147188686 |
ImportReportsError |
An error occurred while importing Reports. |
8004F007 -2147160057 |
ImportRestrictedSolutionError |
Solution ID provided is restricted and cannot be imported. |
80048031 -2147188687 |
ImportRibbonsError |
An error occurred while importing Ribbons. |
80048017 -2147188713 |
ImportRoleError |
Cannot import security role. The role with specified role id is not updatable or role name is not unique. |
80048018 -2147188712 |
ImportRolePermissionError |
You do not have the necessary privileges to import security roles. |
8004F867 -2147157913 |
ImportRoutingRuleError |
An error occurred while importing Routing Rule Sets. |
8004801B -2147188709 |
ImportSavedQueryDeletedError |
A saved query with the same id is marked as deleted in the system. Please first publish the customized entity and import again. |
80048005 -2147188731 |
ImportSavedQueryExistingError |
The number of format parameters passed into the input string is incorrect |
80048004 -2147188732 |
ImportSavedQueryOtcMismatchError |
There was an error processing saved queries of the same object type code (unresolvable system collision) |
80048016 -2147188714 |
ImportSdkMessagesError |
An error occurred while importing Sdk Messages. |
80048011 -2147188719 |
ImportSiteMapError |
An error occurred while importing the Site Map. |
8004F868 -2147157912 |
ImportSlaError |
An error occurred while importing SLAs. |
80048033 -2147188685 |
ImportSolutionError |
An error occurred while importing a Solution. |
80048042 -2147188670 |
ImportSolutionIsvConfigWarning |
ISV Config was overwritten. |
80048038 -2147188680 |
ImportSolutionManagedError |
Solution '{0}' already exists in this system as managed and cannot be upgraded. |
80048040 -2147188672 |
ImportSolutionManagedToUnmanagedMismatch |
The solution is already installed on this system as an unmanaged solution and the package supplied is attempting to install it in managed mode. Import can only update solutions when the modes match. Uninstall the current solution and try again. |
80048044 -2147188668 |
ImportSolutionOrganizationSettingsWarning |
Organization settings were overwritten. |
80048068 -2147188632 |
ImportSolutionPackageInvalidSolutionPackageVersion |
You can only import solutions with a package version of {0} or earlier into this organization. Also, you can't import any solutions into this organization that were exported from Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2011 or earlier. |
00000001 1 |
ImportSolutionPackageMinimumVersionNeeded |
Deprecated, not removing now as it might cause issues during integrations. |
80048067 -2147188633 |
ImportSolutionPackageNeedsUpgrade |
The solution package you are importing was generated on a different version of Microsoft Dynamics CRM. The system will attempt to transform the package prior to import. Package Version: {0} {1}, System Version: {2} {3}. |
80048066 -2147188634 |
ImportSolutionPackageNotValid |
The solution package you are importing was generated on a version of Microsoft Dynamics CRM that cannot be imported into this system. Package Version: {0} {1}, System Version: {2} {3}. |
80048069 -2147188631 |
ImportSolutionPackageRequiresOptInAvailable |
Some components in the solution package you are importing require opt in. Opt in is available, please consult your administrator. |
8004806A -2147188630 |
ImportSolutionPackageRequiresOptInNotAvailable |
The solution package you are importing was generated on a SKU of Microsoft Dynamics CRM that supports opt in. It cannot be imported in your system. |
80048043 -2147188669 |
ImportSolutionSiteMapWarning |
SiteMap was overwritten. |
80048041 -2147188671 |
ImportSolutionUnmanagedToManagedMismatch |
The solution is already installed on this system as a managed solution and the package supplied is attempting to install it in unmanaged mode. Import can only update solutions when the modes match. Uninstall the current solution and try again. |
80048046 -2147188666 |
ImportSystemSolutionError |
System solution cannot be imported. |
8004847a -2147187590 |
ImportTemplateLanguageIgnored |
You cannot import this template because its language is not enabled in your Microsoft Dynamics CRM organization. |
8004847b -2147187589 |
ImportTemplatePersonalIgnored |
You cannot import this template because it is set as "personal" in your Microsoft Dynamics CRM organization. |
80048047 -2147188665 |
ImportTranslationMissingSolutionError |
An error occurred while importing the translations. The solution associated with the translations does not exist in this system. |
80048061 -2147188639 |
ImportTranslationsBadZipFileError |
The translation file is invalid. The compressed file must contain the following files at its root: {0}, [Content_Types].xml. |
8004E013 -2147164141 |
ImportVisualizationDeletedError |
A saved query visualization with id {0} is marked for deletion in the system. Please publish the customized entity first and then import again. |
8004E014 -2147164140 |
ImportVisualizationExistingError |
A saved query visualization with id {0} already exists in the system, and cannot be resused by a new custom entity. |
8004b043 -2147176381 |
ImportWillExceedCustomEntityQuota |
This import process is trying to import {0} new custom entities. This would exceed the custom entity limits for this organization. |
80048022 -2147188702 |
ImportWorkflowAttributeDependencyError |
Cannot import workflow definition. Required attribute dependency is missing. |
80048023 -2147188701 |
ImportWorkflowEntityDependencyError |
Cannot import workflow definition. Required entity dependency is missing. |
80048021 -2147188703 |
ImportWorkflowError |
Cannot import workflow definition. The workflow with specified workflow id is not updatable or workflow name is not unique. |
80048027 -2147188697 |
ImportWorkflowNameConflictError |
Workflow {0} cannot be imported because a workflow with same name and different unique identifier exists in the target system. Change the name of this workflow, and then try again. |
80048028 -2147188696 |
ImportWorkflowPublishedError |
Workflow {0}({1}) cannot be imported because a workflow with same unique identifier is published on the target system. Unpublish the workflow on the target system before attempting to import this workflow again. |
8004801C -2147188708 |
ImportWrongPublisherError |
The following managed solution cannot be imported: {0}. The publisher name cannot be changed from {1} to {2}. |
8004801A -2147188710 |
ImportXsdValidationError |
The import file is invalid. XSD validation failed with the following error: '{0}'. The validation failed at: '...{1} <<<<<ERROR LOCATION>>>>> {2}...'." |
8005E227 -2147098073 |
InaccessibleSmtpServer |
Cannot reach to the smtp server. Please check that the smtp server is accessible. |
8005E228 -2147098072 |
InactiveEmailServerProfile |
Email server profile is disabled. Cannot process email for disabled profile. |
8005E219 -2147098087 |
InactiveMailbox |
The mailbox is in inactive state. Send/Receive mails are allowed only for active mailboxes. |
8004F686 -2147158394 |
InactiveMetricSetOnGoal |
An inactive metric cannot be set on a goal. |
8004F685 -2147158395 |
InactiveRollupQuerySetOnGoal |
An inactive rollup query cannot be set on a goal. |
8004440e -2147204082 |
IncidentCannotCancel |
The incident can not be cancelled because there are open activities for this incident. |
80044403 -2147204093 |
IncidentContractDoesNotHaveAllotments |
The contract does not have enough allotments. The case can not be created against this contract. |
8004440b -2147204085 |
IncidentInvalidAllotmentType |
The allotment type for the contract is invalid. |
8004440d -2147204083 |
IncidentInvalidContractLineStateForCreate |
The case can not be created against this contract line item because the contract line item is cancelled or expired. |
80044400 -2147204096 |
IncidentInvalidContractStateForCreate |
The case can not be created against this contract because of the contract state. |
80044411 -2147204079 |
IncidentIsAlreadyClosedOrCancelled |
Already Closed or Canceled |
80044409 -2147204087 |
IncidentMissingActivityRegardingObject |
The incident id is missing. |
80044401 -2147204095 |
IncidentMissingContractDetail |
The contract detail id is missing. |
8004440c -2147204084 |
IncidentNullSpentTimeOrBilled |
The timespent on the Incident is NULL or IncidentResolution Activity's IsBilled is NULL. |
8005E223 -2147098077 |
IncomingDeliveryIsForwardMailbox |
Cannot poll mails from the mailbox. Its incoming delivery method is Forward mailbox. |
8005E23E -2147098050 |
IncomingServerLocationAndSslSetToNo |
The URL specified for Incoming Server Location uses HTTPS but the Use SSL for Incoming Connection option is set to No. Set this option to Yes, and then try again. |
8005E240 -2147098048 |
IncomingServerLocationAndSslSetToYes |
The URL specified for Incoming Server Location uses HTTP but the Use SSL for Incoming Connection option is set to Yes. Specify a server location that uses HTTPS, and then try again. |
8006088B -2147088245 |
IncompatibleStepsEncountered |
You can't enable the EnforceReadOnlyPlugins setting because plug-ins that change data are registered on read-only SDK messages. {0} |
8004037d -2147220611 |
IncompleteTransformationParameterMappingsFound |
One or more mandatory transformation parameters do not have mappings defined for them. |
8004F996 -2147157610 |
InconsistentProductRelationshipState |
The other row for the product relationship is not available. |
80048502 -2147187454 |
IncorrectSingleFileMultipleEntityMap |
There should be two or more Entity Mappings defined when EntitiesPerFile in ImportMap is set to Multiple |
8005E008 -2147098616 |
IndexOutOfRange |
The index {0} is out of range for {1}. Number of elements present are {2}. |
80060895 -2147088235 |
IndexSizeConstraintViolated |
Index size exceeded the size limit of {0} bytes. The key is too large. Try removing some columns or making the strings in string columns shorter. |
8004F800 -2147158016 |
InitializeErrorNoReadOnSource |
The operation could not be completed because you donot have read access on some of the fields in {0} record. |
80044320 -2147204320 |
InsertOptionValueInvalidType |
You can add option values only to picklist and status attributes. |
8004E115 -2147163883 |
InstanceOutsideEffectiveRange |
Cannot perform the operation. An instance is outside of series effective expansion range. |
80044502 -2147203838 |
InsufficientAccessMode |
User does not have read-write access to the CRM organization. |
8004A103 -2147180285 |
InsufficientAuthTicket |
The ticket specified for authentication didn't meet policy |
8004E022 -2147164126 |
InsufficientColumnsInSubQuery |
One or more columns required by the outer query are not available from the sub-query. |
80040520 -2147220192 |
InsufficientPrivilegeToQueueOwner |
The owner of this queue does not have sufficient privileges to work with the queue. |
80048506 -2147187450 |
InsufficientTransformationParameters |
Insufficient parameters to execute transformation mapping. |
8004432F -2147204305 |
IntegerValueOutOfRange |
A validation error occurred. An integer provided is outside of the allowed values for this attribute. |
80044301 -2147204351 |
IntegratedAuthenticationIsNotAllowed |
Integrated authentication is not allowed. |
80048055 -2147188651 |
InvalidAbsoluteUrlFormat |
The absolute url contains invalid characters. Please use a different name. Valid absolute url cannot ends with the following strings: .aspx, .ashx, .asmx, .svc |
80048335 -2147187915 |
InvalidAccessMaskForTeamTemplate |
Invalid access mask is specified for team template. |
80041d66 -2147213978 |
InvalidAccessModeTransition |
The client access license cannot be changed because the user does not have a Microsoft Dynamics CRM Online license. To change the access mode, you must first add a license for this user in the Microsoft Online Service portal. |
8004020d -2147220979 |
InvalidAccessRights |
Invalid access rights. |
8004F120 -2147159776 |
InvalidActivityOwnershipTypeMask |
A custom entity defined as an activity must be user or team owned. |
80043518 -2147207912 |
InvalidActivityPartyAddress |
One or more activity parties have invalid addresses. |
80040321 -2147220703 |
InvalidActivityType |
An invalid object type was specified for distributing activities. |
8004030f -2147220721 |
InvalidActivityTypeForCampaignActivityPropagate |
Must specify a valid CommunicationActivity |
80040305 -2147220731 |
InvalidActivityTypeForList |
Cannot create activities of the specified list type. |
80043514 -2147207916 |
InvalidActivityXml |
Invalid Xml in an activity config file. |
800404ef -2147220241 |
InvalidAllotmentsCalc |
Allotments: remaining + used != total |
8004430B -2147204341 |
InvalidAllotmentsOverage |
Allotment overage is invalid. |
800404f2 -2147220238 |
InvalidAllotmentsRemaining |
The allotments remaining is invalid |
800404f0 -2147220240 |
InvalidAllotmentsTotal |
The total allotments is invalid |
800404f1 -2147220239 |
InvalidAllotmentsUsed |
The allotments used is invalid |
8004B060 -2147176352 |
InvalidAmountFreeResourceLimit |
The resource type {0} cannot have an amount free value of {1}. |
8004B02D -2147176403 |
InvalidAmountProvided |
The service component {0} cannot have a provide {1} of resource type {2}. |
8004E104 -2147163900 |
InvalidAppointmentInstance |
Invalid appointment entity instance. |
80048dfd -2147185155 |
InvalidApproveFromDraftArticle |
You are trying to approve an article that has a status of draft. You can only approve an article with the status of unapproved. |
80048dfb -2147185157 |
InvalidApproveFromPublishedArticle |
You are trying to approve an article that has a status of published. You can only approve an article with the status of unapproved. |
80040203 -2147220989 |
InvalidArgument |
Invalid argument. |
800404fb -2147220229 |
InvalidArticleState |
The article state is undefined |
800404fc -2147220228 |
InvalidArticleStateTransition |
This article state transition is invalid because of the current state of the article |
800404fd -2147220227 |
InvalidArticleTemplateState |
The article template state is undefined |
8004417E -2147204738 |
InvalidAssemblyProcessorArchitecture |
The given plugin assembly was built with an unsupported target platform and cannot be loaded. |
8004417D -2147204739 |
InvalidAssemblySourceType |
The given plugin assembly source type is not supported for isolated plugin assemblies. |
80040210 -2147220976 |
InvalidAssigneeId |
Invalid assignee id. |
80048490 -2147187568 |
InvalidAttachmentsFolder |
The compressed (.zip) file can't be uploaded because the folder "Attachments" contains one or more subfolders. Remove the subfolders and try again. |
8005E009 -2147098615 |
InvalidAttribute |
Attribute {0} cannot be found for entity {1}. |
8004E303 -2147163389 |
InvalidAttributeFound |
A dashboard Form XML cannot contain attribute: {0}. |
80060412 -2147089390 |
InvalidAttributeInXaml |
Attribute - {0} in the XAML is invalid |
80046203 -2147196413 |
InvalidAttributeMap |
InvalidAttributeMap Error Occurred |
80048438 -2147187656 |
InvalidAttributeMapping |
One or more attribute mappings is invalid. |
80048516 -2147187434 |
InvalidAuth |
Organization Authentication does not match the current discovery service Role. |
8004A100 -2147180288 |
InvalidAuthTicket |
The ticket specified for authentication didn't pass validation |
80043b0b -2147206389 |
InvalidBaseUnit |
The base unit does not belong to the schedule. |
800608A1 -2147088223 |
InvalidBehavior |
The Behavior value of this attribute can't be changed. |
800608A0 -2147088224 |
InvalidBehaviorSelection |
The behavior of this Date and Time field can only be changed to “Date Only". |
8004D255 -2147167659 |
InvalidBrowserToConfigureOrganization |
Browser not compatible to configure organization |
80040257 -2147220905 |
InvalidCaller |
Cannot switch ExecutionContext to system user without setting Caller first. |
80048204 -2147188220 |
InvalidCascadeLinkType |
The cascade link type is not valid for the cascade action. |
8004E009 -2147164151 |
InvalidCategory |
Category is invalid. All the measures in the category either do not have same primary group by or are a mix of aggregate and non-aggregate data. |
8005E23A -2147098054 |
InvalidCertificate |
The given certificate is invalid. |
80040310 -2147220720 |
InvalidChannelForCampaignActivityPropagate |
Cannot distribute activities for campaign activities of the specified channel type. |
80060602 -2147088894 |
InvalidChannelOrigin |
An entitlement channel term with the same channel already exists. Specify a different channel and try again. |
80040278 -2147220872 |
InvalidCharactersInField |
The field '{0}' contains one or more invalid characters. |
8006088E -2147088242 |
InvalidCollectionName |
An entity with that collection name already exists. Specify a unique name. |
80040377 -2147220617 |
InvalidColumnMapping |
ColumnMapping is Invalid. Check that the target attribute exists. |
80040336 -2147220682 |
InvalidColumnNumber |
The column number specified in the data map does not exist. |
8005E100 -2147098368 |
InvalidCommand |
Invalid command. |
8005E103 -2147098365 |
InvalidComplexControlId |
The complex control id is invalid. |
8004023f -2147220929 |
InvalidConnectionString |
The connection string not found or invalid. |
800404f6 -2147220234 |
InvalidContractDetailId |
The Contract detail id is invalid |
8004E307 -2147163385 |
InvalidControlClass |
The dashboard Form XML cannot contain controls elements with class id: {0}. |
800608F6 -2147088138 |
InvalidConversionRule |
The ConversionRule specified {0} is invalid. Please specify a valid ConversionRule. |
8004F011 -2147160047 |
InvalidCreateOnProtectedComponent |
You cannot create {0} {1}. Creation cannot be performed when {0} is managed. |
8005E214 -2147098092 |
InvalidCredentialTypeForNonExchangeIncomingConnection |
For a POP3 email server type, you can only connect using credentials that are specified by a user or queue. |
8004E103 -2147163901 |
InvalidCrmDateTime |
Invalid CrmDateTime. |
80048cfc -2147185412 |
InvalidCurrency |
The currency is invalid. |
8004F125 -2147159771 |
InvalidCustomActivityType |
A custom entity defined as an activity must be of communicaton activity type. |
8004022d -2147220947 |
InvalidCustomer |
The customer is invalid. |
80040491 -2147220335 |
InvalidCustomReportingWizardXml |
Invalid wizard xml |
8004E000 -2147164160 |
InvalidDataDescription |
The data description for the visualization is invalid. |
80040356 -2147220650 |
InvalidDataFormat |
The source data is not in the required format |
8005E101 -2147098367 |
InvalidDataXml |
Invalid data xml. |
80044805 -2147203067 |
InvalidDateAttribute |
Date Attribute specified is not an attribute of Source Entity. |
80040239 -2147220935 |
InvalidDateTime |
The date-time format is invalid, or value is outside the supported range. |
800608A2 -2147088222 |
InvalidDateTimeFormat |
You can’t change the format value of this attribute to “Date and Time” when the behavior is “Date Only.” |
8004E124 -2147163868 |
InvalidDaysInFebruary |
February 29 can occur only when pattern start date is in a leap year. |
8004F660 -2147158432 |
InvalidDeactivateFormType |
You can’t deactivate {0} forms. Only Main forms can be inactive. |
80048203 -2147188221 |
InvalidDeleteModification |
A system relationship's delete cascading action cannot be modified. |
8004F013 -2147160045 |
InvalidDeleteOnProtectedComponent |
You cannot delete {0} {1}. Deletion cannot be performed when {0} is managed. |
80060691 -2147088751 |
InvalidDeleteProcess |
This process can't be deleted because it is a system-generated process. |
8004F036 -2147160010 |
InvalidDependency |
The {2} component {1} (Id={0}) does not exist. Failure trying to associate it with {3} (Id={4}) as a dependency. Missing dependency lookup type = {5}. |
8004F040 -2147160000 |
InvalidDependencyComponent |
The required component {1} (Id={0}) that was defined for the {2} could not be found in the system. |
8004F041 -2147159999 |
InvalidDependencyEntity |
The required component {1} (Name={0}) that was defined for the {2} could not be found in the system. |
8004F037 -2147160009 |
InvalidDependencyFetchXml |
The FetchXml ({2}) is invalid. Failure while calculating dependencies for {1} (Id={0}). |
8004D254 -2147167660 |
InvalidDeviceToConfigureOrganization |
Mobile device cannot be used to configured organization |
8004700c -2147192820 |
InvalidDisplayName |
The specified display name is not valid |
80048015 -2147188715 |
InvalidDomainName |
The domain logon for this user is invalid. Select another domain logon and try again. |
8004E016 -2147164138 |
InvalidDundasPresentationDescription |
The presentation description is not valid for dundas chart. |
8004E300 -2147163392 |
InvalidElementFound |
A dashboard Form XML cannot contain element: {0}. |
8004B016 -2147176426 |
InvalidEmail |
Email generated from the template is not valid |
80044192 -2147204718 |
InvalidEmailAddressFormat |
Invalid e-mail address. For more information, contact your system administrator. |
8005E221 -2147098079 |
InvalidEmailAddressInMailbox |
The email address in the mailbox is not correct. Please enter the correct email address to process mails. |
8005E218 -2147098088 |
InvalidEmailServerLocation |
The server location is either not present or is not valid. Please correct the server location. |
80040313 -2147220717 |
InvalidEmailTemplate |
Must specify a valid Template Id |
80060606 -2147088890 |
InvalidEntitlementActivate |
You can't activate an expired, waiting or canceled entitlement. |
80060609 -2147088887 |
InvalidEntitlementAssociationToCase |
You can't create a case for this entitlement because there are no available terms. |
80060607 -2147088889 |
InvalidEntitlementCancel |
You can't cancel an entitlement that's in the Draft or Expired state. |
80060605 -2147088891 |
InvalidEntitlementChannelTerms |
Total terms for a specific case origin on an entitlement channel cannot be more than the total terms of the corresponding entitlement. |
80044207 -2147204601 |
InvalidEntitlementContacts |
The specified contact isn’t associated with the selected customer. |
80060608 -2147088888 |
InvalidEntitlementDeactivate |
You can deactivate only entitlements that are active or waiting |
80060618 -2147088872 |
InvalidEntitlementExpire |
You can't set an entitlement to the Expired state. Active entitlements automatically expire when their end date passes. |
8004F866 -2147157914 |
InvalidEntitlementForSelectedCustomerOrProduct |
Select an active entitlement that belongs to the specified customer, contact, or product, and then try again. |
80060610 -2147088880 |
InvalidEntitlementRenew |
You can renew only the entitlements that are expired or canceled. |
80060611 -2147088879 |
InvalidEntitlementStateAssociateToCase |
You can only associate a case with an active entitlement. |
8005E00C -2147098612 |
InvalidEntity |
Entity {0} cannot be found. |
80040249 -2147220919 |
InvalidEntityClassException |
Invalid entity class. |
80044812 -2147203054 |
InvalidEntityForDateAttribute |
Entity For Date Attribute can be either source entity or its parent. |
8004F0FD -2147159811 |
InvalidEntityForLinkedAttribute |
Not a valid entity for linked attribute. |
80044813 -2147203053 |
InvalidEntityForRollup |
The entity {0} is not a valid entity for rollup. |
8006088F -2147088241 |
InvalidEntityKeyOperation |
Invalid EntityKey Operation performed : {0} |
80048416 -2147187690 |
InvalidEntityName |
The record type does not match the base record type and the matching record type of the duplicate detection rule. |
80048cfd -2147185411 |
InvalidExchangeRate |
The exchange rate is invalid. |
8004E019 -2147164135 |
InvalidFetchCollection |
The fetch collection for the visualization is invalid. |
80040303 -2147220733 |
InvalidFetchXml |
Malformed FetchXml. |
80040396 -2147220586 |
InvalidFileBadCharacters |
The file could not be uploaded because it contains invalid character(s) |
8004E01E -2147164130 |
InvalidFilterCriteriaForVisualization |
The visualization cannot be rendered for the given filter criteria. |
80044814 -2147203052 |
InvalidFiscalPeriod |
The fiscal period {0} does not fall in the permitted range of fiscal periods as per organization's fiscal settings. |
80060875 -2147088267 |
InvalidFormatForControl |
Invalid Precision Parameter specified for control {0}. It Dosent Contain Expected Value |
80040355 -2147220651 |
InvalidFormatForDataDelimiter |
Mismatched data delimiter: only one delimiter was found. |
8004F601 -2147158527 |
InvalidFormatForUpdateMode |
The file that you uploaded is invalid and cannot be used for updating records. |
80047101 -2147192575 |
InvalidFormatParameters |
The number of format parameters passed into the input string is incorrect |
8004E306 -2147163386 |
InvalidFormType |
The type of the form must be set to {0} in the Form XML. |
80060874 -2147088268 |
InvalidFormTypeCalledThroughSdk |
"Invalid Formtype used in Create call |
8004480b -2147203061 |
InvalidGoalAttribute |
Goal Attribute does not match the specified metric type. |
8004F684 -2147158396 |
InvalidGoalManager |
The manager of a goal can only be a user and not a team. |
8004B038 -2147176392 |
InvalidGranularityValue |
The Granularity column value is incorrect. Each rule part must be a name-value pair separated by an equal sign (=). For example: FREQ=Minutes;INTERVAL=15 |
8004E00F -2147164145 |
InvalidGroupByAlias |
Data Description is invalid. Same group by alias cannot be used for different attributes. |
8004E01D -2147164131 |
InvalidGroupByColumn |
Group by not allowed on the attribute. |
80040363 -2147220637 |
InvalidGuid |
The globally unique identifier (GUID) in this row is invalid |
80060407 -2147089401 |
InvalidGuidInXaml |
Guid - {0} in the Xaml is not valid |
80040344 -2147220668 |
InvalidHeaderColumn |
The column heading contains an invalid combination of data delimiters. |
800608D0 -2147088176 |
InvalidHexColorValue |
Only hexadecimal values are allowed. |
8004701F -2147192801 |
InvalidHierarchicalRelationship |
This relationship is not self-referential and therefore cannot be made hierarchical. |
8004701a -2147192806 |
InvalidHierarchicalRelationshipChange |
You can’t change this entity’s hierarchy because the {0} hierarchical relationship can’t be customized. |
80040374 -2147220620 |
InvalidImportFileContent |
The content of the import file is not valid. You must select a text file. |
80040351 -2147220655 |
InvalidImportFileData |
The data is not in the required format |
80040349 -2147220663 |
InvalidImportFileParseData |
Field and data delimiters for this file are not specified. |
80044252 -2147204526 |
InvalidImportJobId |
The requested importjob does not exist. |
80044251 -2147204527 |
InvalidImportJobTemplateFile |
The ImportJobTemplate.xml file is invalid. |
8005E224 -2147098076 |
InvalidIncomingDeliveryExpectingEmailConnector |
The incoming delivery method is not email connector. To receive mails its incoming delivery method should be Email Connector. |
8004E10D -2147163891 |
InvalidInstanceEntityName |
Invalid instance entity name. |
8004E107 -2147163897 |
InvalidInstanceTypeCode |
Invalid instance type code. |
8004B049 -2147176375 |
InvalidInteractiveUserQuota |
You have reached the maximum number of interactive/full users. |
8004D20E -2147167730 |
InvalidInvitationLiveId |
A user with this e-mail address was not found. Sign in to Windows Live ID with the same e-mail address where you received the invitation. If you do not have a Windows Live ID, please create one using that e-mail address. |
8004D20D -2147167731 |
InvalidInvitationToken |
The invitation token {0} is not correctly formatted. |
80040364 -2147220636 |
InvalidIsFirstRowHeaderForUseSystemMap |
The first row of the file does not contain column headings. |
80048cf2 -2147185422 |
InvalidIsoCurrencyCode |
Invalid ISO currency code. |
80043afd -2147206403 |
InvalidKit |
The product is not a kit. |
80043afe -2147206402 |
InvalidKitProduct |
You cannot add a product kit to itself. Select a different product or product kit. |
80044195 -2147204715 |
InvalidLanguageCode |
The specified language code is not valid for this organization. |
80060750 -2147088560 |
InvalidLanguageForCreate |
Rows with localizable attributes can only be created when the user interface (UI) language for the current user is set to the organization's base language. |
8005E102 -2147098366 |
InvalidLanguageForProcessConfiguration |
Process configuration is not available since your language does not match system base language. |
80047019 -2147192807 |
InvalidLanguageForSolution |
Solution and Publisher Options are not available since your language does not match system base language. |
80060751 -2147088559 |
InvalidLanguageForUpdate |
Localizable attributes can only be updated via the string property when the user interface (UI) language for the current user is set to the organization's base language. Use SetLocLabels to update the localized values for the following attributes: [{0}]. |
8004D245 -2147167675 |
InvalidLicenseCannotReadMpcFile |
Invalid license. MPC code cannot be read from MPC.txt file with this path {0}. |
8004D240 -2147167680 |
InvalidLicenseKey |
Invalid license key ({0}). |
8004D246 -2147167674 |
InvalidLicenseMpcCode |
Invalid license. Invalid MPC code ({0}). |
8004D242 -2147167678 |
InvalidLicensePid |
Invalid license. Invalid PID (Product Id) ({0}). |
8004D243 -2147167677 |
InvalidLicensePidGenCannotLoad |
Invalid license. PidGen.dll cannot be loaded from this path {0} |
8004D244 -2147167676 |
InvalidLicensePidGenOtherError |
Invalid license. Cannot generate PID (Product Id) from License key. PidGen error code ({0}). |
800608D3 -2147088173 |
InvalidLogoImageId |
Invalid logo image web resource id. |
800608D9 -2147088167 |
InvalidLogoImageWebResourceType |
Invalid WebResource Type for Logo Image. |
80048481 -2147187583 |
InvalidLookupMapNode |
The lookup entity provided is not valid for the given target attribute. |
8005E217 -2147098089 |
InvalidMailbox |
Invalid mailboxId passed in. Please check the mailboxid. |
8004F030 -2147160016 |
InvalidManagedPropertyException |
Managed property {0} does not contain enough information to be created. Please provide (assembly, class), or (entity, attribute) or set the managed property to custom. |
80048533 -2147187405 |
InvalidManifestFilePath |
Failed to locate the manifest file in the specified location |
8004B02B -2147176405 |
InvalidMaximumResourceLimit |
The resource type {0} cannot have a maximum limit of {1}. |
80060879 -2147088263 |
InvalidMaxLengthForControl |
Invalid MaxLength Parameter specified for control {0}.Maxlength must be in between {1} and {2} . |
8006087B -2147088261 |
InvalidMaxValueForControl |
Invalid MaxValue Parameter specified for control {0}.Max Value must be in between {1} and {2} . |
8004E00A -2147164150 |
InvalidMeasureCollection |
Measure collection is invalid. Not all the measures in the measure collection have the same group bys. |
8004023a -2147220934 |
InvalidMetadata |
Invalid Metadata. |
8005F033 -2147094477 |
InvalidMigrationFileContent |
The content of the import file is not valid. You must select a text file. |
8006087C -2147088260 |
InvalidMinAndMaxValueForControl |
Invalid MinValue and MaxValue Parameter specified for control {0}.Min Value must be less than Max Value . |
8004B02A -2147176406 |
InvalidMinimumResourceLimit |
The resource type {0} cannot have a minimum limit of {1}. |
8006087A -2147088262 |
InvalidMinValueForControl |
Invalid MinValue Parameter specified for control {0}.Min Value must be in between {1} and {2} . |
80048498 -2147187560 |
InvalidMultipleMapping |
A source field is mapped to more than one CRM fields of lookup/picklist type. |
800404f3 -2147220237 |
InvalidNetPrice |
The net price is invalid |
8004B050 -2147176368 |
InvalidNonInteractiveUserQuota |
You have reached the maximum number of non-interactive users/ |
80043700 -2147207424 |
InvalidNumberGroupFormat |
Invalid input string for numbergroupformat. The input string should contain an array of integers. Every element in the value array should be between one and nine, except for the last element, which can be zero. |
8004E200 -2147163648 |
InvalidNumberOfPartitions |
You cannot delete audit data in the partitions that are currently in use, or delete the partitions that are created for storing future audit data. |
80060872 -2147088270 |
InvalidNumberOfSectionsInTab |
A dialog Form XML cannot contain more than one section. |
80060871 -2147088271 |
InvalidNumberOfTabsInDialog |
A dialog Form XML cannot contain more than one tab. |
80041d50 -2147214000 |
InvalidOAuthToken |
The OAuth token is invalid |
8004021f -2147220961 |
InvalidObjectTypes |
Invalid object type. |
8004E125 -2147163867 |
InvalidOccurrenceNumber |
The effective end date of the series cannot be earlier than today. Select a valid occurrence number. |
8004410e -2147204850 |
InvalidOfflineOperation |
Operation not valid when offline. |
8004430F -2147204337 |
InvalidOneToManyRelationshipForRelatedEntitiesQuery |
An invalid OneToManyRelationship has been specified for RelatedEntitiesQuery. Referenced Entity {0} should be the same as primary entity {1} |
8004023b -2147220933 |
InvalidOperation |
Invalid Operation performed. |
80040314 -2147220716 |
InvalidOperationForClosedOrCancelledCampaignActivity |
Can not add items to closed (cancelled) campaignactivity. |
8004F701 -2147158271 |
InvalidOperationForDynamicList |
This action is not available for a dynamic marketing list. |
8004033a -2147220678 |
InvalidOperationWhenListIsNotActive |
List is not active. Cannot perform this operation. |
80040302 -2147220734 |
InvalidOperationWhenListLocked |
List is Locked. Cannot perform this action. |
8004033b -2147220677 |
InvalidOperationWhenPartyIsNotActive |
The party is not active. Cannot perform this operation. |
80048415 -2147187691 |
InvalidOperatorCode |
The operator is not valid or it is not supported. |
80060876 -2147088266 |
InvalidOptionSetIdForControl |
An invalid OptionSetId specified for control {0}.OptionSet Id is an non-empty Guid. |
80048403 -2147187709 |
InvalidOptionSetOperation |
Invalid OptionSet |
80044345 -2147204283 |
InvalidOptionSetSchemaName |
An OptionSet with the specified name already exists. Please specify a unique name. |
8004D252 -2147167662 |
InvalidOrganizationFriendlyName |
Invalid organization friendly name ({0}). Reason: ({1}) |
80044248 -2147204536 |
InvalidOrganizationId |
The Organization ID present in the translations file does not match the current Organization ID. |
8004D251 -2147167663 |
InvalidOrganizationUniqueName |
Invalid organization unique name ({0}). Reason: ({1}) |
80048514 -2147187436 |
InvalidOrgDBOrgSetting |
Invalid Organization Setting passed in. Please check the datatype and pass in an appropriate value. |
80044156 -2147204778 |
InvalidOrgOwnedCascadeLinkType |
Cascade User-Owned is not a valid cascade link type for org-owned entity relationships. |
8005E226 -2147098074 |
InvalidOutgoingDeliveryExpectingEmailConnector |
The outgoing delivery method is not email connector. To send mails its outgoing delivery method should be Email Connector. |
80040229 -2147220951 |
InvalidOwnerID |
The owner ID is invalid or missing. |
8004700d -2147192819 |
InvalidOwnershipTypeMask |
The specified ownership type mask is not valid for this operation |
8004E00D -2147164147 |
InvalidPageResponse |
Invalid Page Response generated. |
80040205 -2147220987 |
InvalidParent |
The parent object is invalid or missing. |
80040206 -2147220986 |
InvalidParentId |
The parent id is invalid or missing. |
8004A109 -2147180279 |
InvalidPartnerSolutionCustomizationProvider |
Invalid partner solution customization provider type |
80043515 -2147207915 |
InvalidPartyMapping |
Invalid party mapping. |
8004418b -2147204725 |
InvalidPluginAssemblyContent |
Plug-in assembly does not contain the required types or assembly content cannot be updated. |
8004417B -2147204741 |
InvalidPluginAssemblyVersion |
Plug-in assembly fullnames must be unique (ignoring the version build and revision number). |
80044170 -2147204752 |
InvalidPluginRegistrationConfiguration |
The plug-in assembly registration configuration is invalid. |
8004418c -2147204724 |
InvalidPluginTypeImplementation |
Plug-in type must implement exactly one of the following classes or interfaces: Microsoft.Crm.Sdk.IPlugin, Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.IPlugin, System.Activities.Activity and System.Workflow.ComponentModel.Activity. |
80040218 -2147220968 |
InvalidPointer |
The object is disposed. |
8006087D -2147088259 |
InvalidPrecisionForControl |
Invalid Precision Parameter specified for control {0}.Precision must be in between {1} and {2} . |
8004E002 -2147164158 |
InvalidPresentationDescription |
The presentation description is invalid. |
80048cf9 -2147185415 |
InvalidPriceLevelCurrencyForPricingMethod |
The currency of the price list needs to match the currency of the product for pricing method percentage. |
80043b10 -2147206384 |
InvalidPricePerUnit |
The price per unit is invalid. |
8004F864 -2147157916 |
InvalidPrimaryContactBasedOnAccount |
The specified contact doesn't belong to the account selected as the customer. Specify a contact that belongs to the selected account, and then try again. |
8004F865 -2147157915 |
InvalidPrimaryContactBasedOnContact |
The specified contact doesn't belong to the contact that was specified in the customer field. Remove the value from the contact field, or select a contact associated to the selected customer, and then try again. |
8004F127 -2147159769 |
InvalidPrimaryFieldForActivity |
A custom entity defined as an activity cannot have primary attribute other than subject. |
8004700e -2147192818 |
InvalidPrimaryFieldType |
Primary UI Attribute has to be of type String |
80040266 -2147220890 |
InvalidPrimaryKey |
Invalid primary key. |
8004024b -2147220917 |
InvalidPriv |
Invalid privilege type. |
8004140b -2147216373 |
InvalidPrivilegeDepth |
Invalid privilege depth. |
8005E105 -2147098363 |
InvalidProcessControlAttribute |
The process control definition contains an invalid attribute. |
8005E104 -2147098364 |
InvalidProcessControlEntity |
The process control definition contains an invalid entity or invalid entity order. |
80045049 -2147200951 |
InvalidProcessStateData |
ProcessState is not valid for given ProcessSession instance. |
80060623 -2147088861 |
InvalidProduct |
You can't add a product family. |
8004F01C -2147160036 |
InvalidPublisherUniqueName |
Publisher uniquename is required. |
8004F014 -2147160044 |
InvalidPublishOnProtectedComponent |
You cannot publish {0} {1}. Publish cannot be performed when {0} is managed. |
80043afc -2147206404 |
InvalidQuantityDecimalCode |
The quantity decimal code is invalid. |
80044183 -2147204733 |
InvalidQuery |
The query specified for this operation is invalid |
8004D2A1 -2147167583 |
InvalidRecurrenceInterval |
To set recurrence, you must specify an interval that is between 1 and 365. |
8004D2A2 -2147167582 |
InvalidRecurrenceIntervalForRollupJobs |
To set recurrence, you must specify an interval that should be greater than 1 hour. |
8004E100 -2147163904 |
InvalidRecurrencePattern |
Invalid recurrence pattern. |
80040246 -2147220922 |
InvalidRecurrenceRule |
Error in RecurrencePatternFactory. |
8004D2A0 -2147167584 |
InvalidRecurrenceRuleForBulkDeleteAndDuplicateDetection |
Bulk Delete and Duplicate Detection recurrence must be specified as daily. |
80040319 -2147220711 |
InvalidRegardingObjectTypeCode |
The regarding Object Type Code is not valid for the Bulk Operation. |
8004024c -2147220916 |
InvalidRegistryKey |
Invalid registry key specified. |
80047003 -2147192829 |
InvalidRelationshipDescription |
The specified relationship cannot be created |
80060877 -2147088265 |
InvalidRelationshipNameForControl |
Relationship Name not specified for control {0}.Relationship Name is an mandatory Field. |
8004700f -2147192817 |
InvalidRelationshipType |
The specified relationship type is not valid for this operation |
8004F989 -2147157623 |
InvalidRelationshipTypeForAccessory |
An accessory relationship is always unidirectional and can't be changed. |
8004F988 -2147157624 |
InvalidRelationshipTypeForUpSell |
An upsell relationship is always unidirectional and can't be changed. |
80048054 -2147188652 |
InvalidRelativeUrlFormat |
The relative url contains invalid characters. Please use a different name. Valid relative url names cannot ends with the following strings: .aspx, .ashx, .asmx, .svc , cannot begin or end with a dot, cannot contain consecutive dots and cannot contain any of the following characters: ~ " # % & * : < > ? / \ { | }. |
8004B029 -2147176407 |
InvalidResourceType |
The requested action is not valid for resource type {0}. |
80040258 -2147220904 |
InvalidRestore |
RestoreCaller must be called after SwitchToSystemUser. |
8004B012 -2147176430 |
InvalidRole |
You have not assigned roles to this user |
8004F683 -2147158397 |
InvalidRollupQueryAttributeSet |
A Rollup Query cannot be set for a Rollup Field that is not defined in the Goal Metric. |
80040234 -2147220940 |
InvalidRollupType |
The rollup type is invalid. |
8005E245 -2147098043 |
InvalidS2SAuthentication |
You can use server-to-server authentication only for email server profiles created for a Microsoft Dynamics CRM Online organization that was set up through the Microsoft online services environment (Office 365). |
8004700b -2147192821 |
InvalidSchemaName |
An entity with the specified name already exists. Please specify a unique name. |
80060202 -2147089918 |
InvalidSearchEntities |
Search - {0} did not find any valid Entities. |
80060201 -2147089919 |
InvalidSearchEntity |
Invalid Search Entity - {0}. |
80060204 -2147089916 |
InvalidSearchName |
Invalid Search Name - {0}. |
8004E105 -2147163899 |
InvalidSeriesId |
SeriesId is null or invalid. |
8004E109 -2147163895 |
InvalidSeriesIdOriginalStart |
Invalid seriesid or original start date. |
8004E10F -2147163889 |
InvalidSeriesStatus |
Invalid series status. |
8004020c -2147220980 |
InvalidSharee |
Invalid share id. |
80048052 -2147188654 |
InvalidSharePointSiteCollectionUrl |
The URL must conform to the http or https schema. |
8004024f -2147220913 |
InvalidSingletonResults |
Crm Internal Exception: Singleton Retrieve Query should not return more than 1 record. |
80048053 -2147188653 |
InvalidSiteRelativeUrlFormat |
The relative url contains invalid characters. Please use a different name. Valid relative url names cannot end with the following strings: .aspx, .ashx, .asmx, .svc , cannot begin or end with a dot or /, cannot contain consecutive dots or / and cannot contain any of the following characters: ~ " # % & * : < > ? \ { | }. |
8004701B -2147192805 |
InvalidSolutionConfigurationPage |
The specified configuration page for this solution is invalid. |
8004F002 -2147160062 |
InvalidSolutionUniqueName |
Invalid character specified for solution unique name. Only characters within the ranges [A-Z], [a-z], [0-9] or _ are allowed. The first character may only be in the ranges [A-Z], [a-z] or _. |
8004F01E -2147160034 |
InvalidSolutionVersion |
An invalid solution version was specified. |
80044808 -2147203064 |
InvalidSourceAttributeType |
Source Attribute Type does not match the Amount Data Type specified. |
80044806 -2147203066 |
InvalidSourceEntityAttribute |
Attribute {0} is not an attribute of Entity {1}. |
80044810 -2147203056 |
InvalidSourceStateValue |
The source state specified for the entity is invalid. |
80044811 -2147203055 |
InvalidSourceStatusValue |
The source status specified for the entity is invalid. |
80060437 -2147089353 |
InvalidSourceType |
SourceType {0} isn't valid for the {1} data type. |
800608EA -2147088150 |
InvalidSourceTypeCode |
Please select valid property bag for the selected source type. |
80040233 -2147220941 |
InvalidState |
The object is not in a valid state to perform this operation. |
80048408 -2147187704 |
InvalidStateCodeStatusCode |
State code is invalid or state code is valid but status code is invalid for a specified state code. |
8004F90A -2147157750 |
InvalidStateForPublish |
The specified ProductFamily, Product or Bundle can only be published from Draft state or ActiveDraft status |
8004F00E -2147160050 |
InvalidStateTransition |
The {0} (Id={1}) entity or component has attempted to transition from an invalid state: {2}. |
80048dfa -2147185158 |
InvalidSubmitFromPublishedArticle |
You are trying to submit an article that has a status of published. You can only submit an article with the status of draft. |
80048dff -2147185153 |
InvalidSubmitFromUnapprovedArticle |
You are trying to submit an article that has a status of unapproved. You can only submit an article with the status of draft. |
80043aff -2147206401 |
InvalidSubstituteProduct |
A product can't have a relationship with itself. |
80060742 -2147088574 |
InvalidSyncDirectionValueForUpdate |
The sync direction is invalid as per the allowed sync direction for one or more attribute mappings. |
80040369 -2147220631 |
InvalidTargetEntity |
The specified target record type does not exist. |
80060878 -2147088264 |
InvalidTargetEntityTypeForControl |
Target Entity Type not specified for control {0}.Target Entity is an mandatory Field. |
8004B010 -2147176432 |
InvalidTemplate |
The Invitation Email template is not valid |
800608D7 -2147088169 |
InvalidThemeDeleteOperation |
You can’t delete system or default themes. |
800608D4 -2147088172 |
InvalidThemeId |
Invalid theme id. |
800608F7 -2147088137 |
InvalidTimeZoneCode |
Time Zone Code {0} specified is not recognized. Please specify a valid Time Zone Code value. |
8004B061 -2147176351 |
InvalidToken |
The token is invalid. |
800404f4 -2147220236 |
InvalidTotalDiscount |
The total discount is invalid |
800404f5 -2147220235 |
InvalidTotalPrice |
The total price is invalid |
80040389 -2147220599 |
InvalidTransformationParameter |
A parameter for the transformation is either missing or invalid. |
80040380 -2147220608 |
InvalidTransformationParameterDataType |
The data type of one or more of the transformation parameters is unsupported. |
80048511 -2147187439 |
InvalidTransformationParameterEmptyCollection |
The transformation parameter: {0} has an invalid input value length: {1}. The parameter length cannot be an empty collection. |
80040382 -2147220606 |
InvalidTransformationParameterMapping |
The transformation parameter mapping defined is invalid. Check that the target attribute name exists. |
8004037c -2147220612 |
InvalidTransformationParameterMappings |
One or more transformation parameter mappings are invalid or do not match the transformation parameter description. |
80048510 -2147187440 |
InvalidTransformationParameterOutsideRange |
The transformation parameter: {0} has an invalid input value: {1}. The parameter is out of the permissible range: {2}. |
80048512 -2147187438 |
InvalidTransformationParameterOutsideRangeGeneric |
One or more input transformation parameter values are outside the permissible range: {0}. |
80048507 -2147187449 |
InvalidTransformationParametersGeneric |
The transformation parameter: {0} has an invalid input value: {1}. The parameter must be of type: {2}. |
80048508 -2147187448 |
InvalidTransformationParameterString |
The transformation parameter: {0} has an invalid input value: {1}. The parameter must be a string that is not empty. |
80048509 -2147187447 |
InvalidTransformationParameterZeroToRange |
The transformation parameter: {0} has an invalid input value: {1}. The parameter value must be greater than 0 and less than the length of the parameter 1. |
8004037a -2147220614 |
InvalidTransformationType |
The specified transformation type is not supported. |
80044249 -2147204535 |
InvalidTranslationsFile |
The translations file is invalid or does not confirm to the required schema. |
80048dfc -2147185156 |
InvalidUnpublishFromDraftArticle |
You are trying to unpublish an article that has a status of draft. You can only unpublish an article with the status of published. |
80048dfe -2147185154 |
InvalidUnpublishFromUnapprovedArticle |
You are trying to unpublish an article that has a status of unapproved. You can only unpublish an article with the status of publish. |
8004F012 -2147160046 |
InvalidUpdateOnProtectedComponent |
You cannot update {0} {1}. Updates cannot be performed when {0} is managed. |
80048056 -2147188650 |
InvalidUrlConsecutiveSlashes |
The Url contains consecutive slashes which is not allowed. |
8004E30F -2147163377 |
InvalidUrlProtocol |
The specified URL is invalid. |
80040204 -2147220988 |
InvalidUserAuth |
User does not have the privilege to act on behalf another user. |
8004B027 -2147176409 |
InvalidUserLicenseCount |
Cannot purchase {0} user licenses for the Offering {1}. |
80048095 -2147188587 |
InvalidUserName |
You must enter the user name in the format <name>@<domain>. Correct the format and try again. |
8004B011 -2147176431 |
InvalidUserQuota |
You have reached the maximum number of user quota |
80060807 -2147088377 |
InvalidUserToImportExcelOnlineFile |
You don't have permission to import this file. Only the user who exported this data can import this file. |
80060806 -2147088378 |
InvalidUserToViewExcelOnlineFile |
You don't have permission to view this file. Only the user who exported this data can view this file. |
8004B022 -2147176414 |
InvalidValueForCountryCode |
Account Country/Region code must not be {0} |
8004B023 -2147176413 |
InvalidValueForCurrency |
Account currency code must not be {0} |
80040341 -2147220671 |
InvalidValueForDataDelimiter |
The data delimiter is invalid. |
80040340 -2147220672 |
InvalidValueForFieldDelimiter |
The field delimiter is invalid. |
80040348 -2147220664 |
InvalidValueForFileType |
The file type is invalid. |
8004B024 -2147176412 |
InvalidValueForLocale |
Account locale code must not be {0} |
8005E244 -2147098044 |
InvalidValueProcessEmailAfter |
The date in the Process Email From field is earlier than what is allowed for your organization. Enter a date that is later than the one specified, and try again. |
8004023c -2147220932 |
InvalidVersion |
Unhandled Version mismatch found. |
8004E017 -2147164137 |
InvalidWebResourceForVisualization |
The web resource type {0} is not supported for visualizations. |
80048476 -2147187594 |
InvalidWebToLeadRedirect |
The redirectto is invalid for web2lead redirect. |
80048441 -2147187647 |
InvalidWordXmlFile |
Only Microsoft Word xml format files can be uploaded. |
80060417 -2147089385 |
InvalidXaml |
XAML for workflow is NULL or Empty |
80040201 -2147220991 |
InvalidXml |
Invalid XML. |
80040247 -2147220921 |
InvalidXmlCollectionNameException |
Invalid Xml collection name. |
80040248 -2147220920 |
InvalidXmlEntityNameException |
Invalid Xml entity name. |
80060410 -2147089392 |
InvalidXmlForParameters |
Parameters node for ControlStep have invalid XML in it |
80040350 -2147220656 |
InvalidXmlSSContent |
The data file can’t be imported because it contains invalid entity data or it’s in the wrong format. Make sure that the file contains correct data and that it’s in the XML Spreadsheet 2003 format, and then try uploading again. |
80048482 -2147187582 |
InvalidZipFileForImport |
The selected compressed (.zip) file contains files that can't be imported. A .zip file can contain only .xlsx, .csv, or .xml files. |
80048488 -2147187576 |
InvalidZipFileFormat |
The file that you're trying to upload isn't a valid file. Check the file and try again. |
8004D213 -2147167725 |
InvitationBillingAdminUnknown |
You are not a billing administrator for this organization and therefore, you cannot send invitations. You can either contact your billing administrator and ask him or her to send the invitation, or the billing administrator can visit https://billing.microsoft.com and make you a delegate billing administrator. You can then send invitations. |
8004D210 -2147167728 |
InvitationCannotBeReset |
The invitation for the user cannot be reset. |
8004D208 -2147167736 |
InvitationIsAccepted |
{0} -- Invitation has already been accepted -- Token={1} Puid={2} Id={3} Status={4} |
8004D207 -2147167737 |
InvitationIsExpired |
{0} -- Invitation is expired -- Token={1} Puid={2} Id={3} Status={4} |
8004D209 -2147167735 |
InvitationIsRejected |
{0} -- Invitation has already been rejected by the new user-- Token={1} Puid={2} Id={3} Status={4} |
8004D20A -2147167734 |
InvitationIsRevoked |
{0} -- Invitation has been revoked by the organization -- Token={1} Puid={2} Id={3} Status={4} |
8004D204 -2147167740 |
InvitationNotFound |
{0} -- Invitation not found or status is not Open -- Token={1} Puid={2} Id={3} Status={4} |
8004D217 -2147167721 |
InvitationOrganizationNotEnabled |
The organization for the invitation is not enabled. |
8004D20F -2147167729 |
InvitationSendToSelf |
The invitation cannot be sent to yourself. |
8004D20C -2147167732 |
InvitationStatusError |
"The invitation has status {0}." |
8004D206 -2147167738 |
InvitationWrongUserOrgRelation |
{0} -- The pre-created userorg relation {1} is wrong. Authentication {2} is already used by another user |
8004D205 -2147167739 |
InvitedUserAlreadyAdded |
{0} -- The crm user {1} is already added, but to organization {2} instead of the inviting organization {3} |
8004D202 -2147167742 |
InvitedUserAlreadyExists |
{0} -- Invited user is already in an organization -- {1} |
8004D203 -2147167741 |
InvitedUserIsOrganization |
{0} -- The user {1} has authentication {2} and is already related to organization {3} with relation id {4} |
8004D20B -2147167733 |
InvitedUserMultipleTimes |
The CRM user {0} has been invited multiple times. |
8004D200 -2147167744 |
InvitingOrganizationNotFound |
{0} -- Inviting organization not found -- {1} |
8004D201 -2147167743 |
InvitingUserNotInOrganization |
{0} -- Inviting user is not in the inviting organization -- {1} |
80044158 -2147204776 |
IsKitCannotBeNull |
Attribute iskit cannot be null |
8004B009 -2147176439 |
IsNotLiveToSendInvitation |
This functionality is not supported, its only available for Online solution. |
80040265 -2147220891 |
IsvAborted |
ISV code aborted the operation. |
80048029 -2147188695 |
IsvExtensionsPrivilegeNotPresent |
To import ISV.Config, your user account must be associated with a security role that includes the ISV Extensions privilege. |
80040224 -2147220956 |
IsvUnExpected |
An unexpected error occurred from ISV code. |
80048457 -2147187625 |
JobNameIsEmptyOrNull |
Job Name can not be null or empty. |
80060861 -2147088287 |
KBInvalidCreateAssociation |
This KB article is already linked to the {0}. |
80060419 -2147089383 |
LabelIdDoesNotMatchStepId |
The label ID {0} doesn’t match the step ID {1}. |
8004F710 -2147158256 |
LanguageProvisioningSrsDataConnectorNotInstalled |
The Microsoft Dynamics CRM Reporting Extensions must be installed before the language can be provisioned for this organization. |
80040519 -2147220199 |
LeadAlreadyInClosedState |
The lead is already closed. |
80040518 -2147220200 |
LeadAlreadyInOpenState |
The lead is already in the open state. |
8004D250 -2147167664 |
LicenseConfigFileInvalid |
The provided configuration file {0} has invalid formatting. |
80042f14 -2147209452 |
LicenseNotEnoughToActivate |
There are not enough licenses available for the number of users being activated. |
8004415d -2147204771 |
LicenseRegistrationExpired |
The registration period for Microsoft Dynamics CRM has expired. |
8004415f -2147204769 |
LicenseTampered |
The licensing for this installation of Microsoft Dynamics CRM has been tampered with. The system is unusable. Please contact Microsoft Product Support Services. |
8004415c -2147204772 |
LicenseTrialExpired |
The trial installation of Microsoft Dynamics CRM has expired. |
8004D247 -2147167673 |
LicenseUpgradePathNotAllowed |
Cannot upgrade to specified license type. |
8004D239 -2147167687 |
LiveAdminUnknownCommand |
Unknown administration command {0} |
8004D238 -2147167688 |
LiveAdminUnknownObject |
Unknown administration target {0} |
8004B524 -2147175132 |
LivePlatformEmailInvalidBody |
The "Body" parameter is blank or null |
8004B522 -2147175134 |
LivePlatformEmailInvalidFrom |
The "From" parameter is blank or null |
8004B523 -2147175133 |
LivePlatformEmailInvalidSubject |
The "Subject" parameter is blank or null |
8004B521 -2147175135 |
LivePlatformEmailInvalidTo |
The "To" parameter is blank or null |
8005B520 -2147109600 |
LivePlatformGeneralEmailError |
An Email Error Occurred |
8004F703 -2147158269 |
LockStatusNotValidForDynamicList |
Lock Status cannot be specified for a dynamic list. |
800608D2 -2147088174 |
LogoImageNodeDoesNotExist |
Logo Image node in organization cache theme data doesnot exist. |
80040372 -2147220622 |
LongParseRow |
The row is too long to import |
80040353 -2147220653 |
LookupNotFound |
The lookup reference could not be resolved |
80043b01 -2147206399 |
LowQuantityGreaterThanHighQuantity |
Low quantity should be less than high quantity. |
80043b00 -2147206400 |
LowQuantityLessThanZero |
Low quantity should be greater than zero. |
80061204 -2147085820 |
MailApp_FeatureControlBitDisabled |
Access to the app hasn’t been enabled for this Dynamics CRM organization. Contact your system administrator to enable access to this app. |
80061202 -2147085822 |
MailApp_MailboxNotConfiguredWithServerSideSync |
We’re unable to load this app because your email mailbox isn't configured with Microsoft Dynamics CRM server-side synchronization for incoming email. Contact your system administrator to set up server-side synchronization for incoming email. |
80061205 -2147085819 |
MailApp_PermissionToUseCrmForOfficeAppsRequired |
You don’t have permission to access this app. Contact your system administrator to add the "Use CRM for Office Apps" privilege to your user role. |
80061203 -2147085821 |
MailApp_ReadWriteAccessRequired |
You only have administrative access to Microsoft Dynamics CRM. To use this app, you must have read-write access. |
80061201 -2147085823 |
MailApp_UnsupportedBrowser |
Your browser is currently unsupported. |
80061200 -2147085824 |
MailApp_UnsupportedDevice |
Your device is currently unsupported. |
8005E233 -2147098061 |
MailboxCannotDeleteEmails |
The Delete Emails after Processing option cannot be set to Yes for user mailboxes. |
8005E208 -2147098104 |
MailboxCannotModifyEmailAddress |
E-mail Address of a mailbox cannot be updated when associated with an user/queue. |
8005E209 -2147098103 |
MailboxCredentialNotSpecified |
Username is not specified |
8006088C -2147088244 |
MailboxTrackingFolderMappingCannotBeUpdated |
The mailbox tracking folder mapping cannot be updated. |
8005E247 -2147098041 |
MailboxUnsupportedEmailServerType |
Server-side synchronization for appointments, contacts, and tasks isn't supported for POP3 or SMTP server types. Select a supported email type or change the synchronization method for appointments, contacts, and tasks to None. |
80048534 -2147187404 |
ManifestParsingFailure |
Failed to parse the specified manifest file to retrieve OrganizationId |
8004033e -2147220674 |
MappingExistsForTargetAttribute |
This attribute is mapped more than once. Remove any duplicate mappings, and then import this data map again. |
8003F454 -2147224492 |
MaxChildCasesLimitExceeded |
A Parent Case cannot have more than maximum child cases allowed. Contact your administrator for more details |
8004E301 -2147163391 |
MaximumControlsLimitExceeded |
The dashboard Form XML contains more than the maximum allowed number of control elements: {0}. |
8004F602 -2147158526 |
MaximumCountForUpdateModeExceeded |
In an update operation, you can import only one file at a time. |
80048505 -2147187451 |
MaximumNumberHandlersExceeded |
This solution adds form event handlers so the number of event handlers for a form event exceeds the maximum number. |
8004841A -2147187686 |
MaximumNumberOfAttributesForEntityReached |
The maximum number of attributes allowed for an entity has already been reached. The attribute cannot be created. |
8004480a -2147203062 |
MaxLimitForRollupAttribute |
Only three metric details per metric can be created. |
80048429 -2147187671 |
MaxMatchCodeLengthExceeded |
The rule condition cannot be created or updated because it would cause the matchcode length to exceed the maximum limit. |
80048499 -2147187559 |
MaxUnzipFolderSizeExceeded |
The selected compressed (.zip) file can't be unzipped because it's too large. |
8004E010 -2147164144 |
MeasureDataTypeInvalid |
The Data Description for the visualization is invalid. The attribute type for one of the non aggregate measures is invalid. Correct the Data Description. |
8004140e -2147216370 |
MemberHasAlreadyBeenContacted |
This marketing list member was not contacted, because the member has previously received this communication. |
80045302 -2147200254 |
MergeActiveQuoteError |
Merge cannot be performed on sub-entity that has active quote. |
80045300 -2147200256 |
MergeCyclicalParentingError |
Merge could create cyclical parenting. |
80045316 -2147200234 |
MergeDifferentlyParentedWarning |
Merge warning: sub-entity will be differently parented. |
80045305 -2147200251 |
MergeEntitiesIdenticalError |
Merge cannot be performed on master and sub-entities that are identical. |
80045304 -2147200252 |
MergeEntityNotActiveError |
Merge cannot be performed on entity that is inactive. |
80045317 -2147200233 |
MergeLossOfParentingWarning |
Merge warning: sub-entity might lose parenting |
80045301 -2147200255 |
MergeSecurityError |
Merge is not allowed: caller does not have the privilege or access. |
80040e01 -2147217919 |
MetadataNoMapping |
The mapping between specified entities does not exist |
8004024a -2147220918 |
MetadataNotFound |
Metadata not found. |
80040e03 -2147217917 |
MetadataNotSerializable |
The given metadata entity is not serializable |
80044250 -2147204528 |
MetadataRecordNotDeletable |
The metadata record being deleted cannot be deleted by the end user |
8004F687 -2147158393 |
MetricEntityOrFieldDeleted |
The entity or field that is referenced in the goal metric is not valid |
80044802 -2147203070 |
MetricNameAlreadyExists |
A goal metric with the same name already exists. Specify a different name, and try again. |
80061004 -2147086332 |
MinMaxValidationFailed |
The value is out of range. |
80040329 -2147220695 |
MissingBOWFRules |
Bulk Operation related workflow rules are missing. |
8004021a -2147220966 |
MissingBusinessId |
The business id is missing or invalid. |
8004B028 -2147176408 |
MissingColumn |
The property bag is missing an entry for {0}. |
80044300 -2147204352 |
MissingCrmAuthenticationToken |
CrmAuthenticationToken is missing. |
80044308 -2147204344 |
MissingCrmAuthenticationTokenOrganizationName |
Organization Name must be specified in CrmAuthenticationToken. |
80047020 -2147192800 |
MissingHierarchicalRelationshipForOperator |
This query uses a hierarchical operator, but the {0} entity doesn't have a hierarchical relationship. |
80043b15 -2147206379 |
MissingOpportunityId |
The opportunity id is missing or invalid. |
8004B00A -2147176438 |
MissingOrganizationFriendlyName |
Cannot install CRM without an organization friendly name. |
8004B00B -2147176437 |
MissingOrganizationUniqueName |
Cannot install CRM without an organization unique name. |
80048473 -2147187597 |
MissingOrInvalidRedirectId |
The RedirId parameter is missing for the partner redirect. |
80040215 -2147220971 |
MissingOwner |
Item does not have an owner. |
8004031f -2147220705 |
MissingParameter |
A required parameter is missing for the Bulk Operation |
8004B021 -2147176415 |
MissingParameterToMethod |
Missing parameter {0} to method {1} |
8004C000 -2147172352 |
MissingParameterToStoredProcedure |
Missing parameter to stored procedure: {0} |
80043b12 -2147206382 |
MissingPriceLevelId |
The price level id is missing. |
80043b11 -2147206383 |
MissingProductId |
The product id is missing. |
80081012 -2146955246 |
MissingQuantity |
The Quantity is missing. |
80040235 -2147220939 |
MissingQueryType |
The query type is missing. |
8004350d -2147207923 |
MissingRecipient |
The fax must have a recipient before it can be sent. |
80061037 -2147086281 |
MissingRequiredAttributes |
The property couldn’t be created or updated because the regardingobjectid, datatype, or name attribute is missing. |
80041d0b -2147214069 |
MissingTeamName |
The team name was unexpectedly missing. |
80043b0d -2147206387 |
MissingUomId |
The unit id is missing. |
80043b0a -2147206390 |
MissingUomScheduleId |
The unit schedule id is missing. |
8004021b -2147220965 |
MissingUserId |
The user id or the team id is missing. |
80048477 -2147187593 |
MissingWebToLeadRedirect |
The redirectto is missing for web2lead redirect. |
8005F201 -2147094015 |
MobileClientLanguageNotSupported |
The application could not find a supported language on the server. Contact an administrator to enable a supported language |
8005F20E -2147094002 |
MobileClientNotConfiguredForCurrentUser |
Try this action again. If the problem continues, check the {0} for solutions or contact your organization's {#Brand_CRM} Administrator. Finally, you can contact {1}. |
8005F202 -2147094014 |
MobileClientVersionNotSupported |
Mobile Client version is not supported |
8004B070 -2147176336 |
MobileServiceError |
Error communicating with mobile service |
80040317 -2147220713 |
MoneySizeExceeded |
Supplied value exceeded the MIN/MAX value of Money Type field. |
8004D234 -2147167692 |
MoveBothToPrimary |
Move operation would put both instances on the same server: Database = {0} Old Primary = {1} Old Secondary = {2} New Secondary = {3} |
8004D235 -2147167691 |
MoveBothToSecondary |
Move operation would put both instances on the same server: Database = {0} Old Primary = {1} Old Secondary = {2} New Secondary = {3} |
8004D236 -2147167690 |
MoveOrganizationFailedNotDisabled |
Move operation failed because organization {0} is not disabled |
8003F453 -2147224493 |
MultilevelParentChildRelationshipNotAllowed |
Associating child cases to the existing child case is not allowed. |
8004E008 -2147164152 |
MultipleChartAreasFound |
Multiple Chart Areas are not supported. |
80040250 -2147220912 |
MultipleChildPicklist |
Crm Internal Exception: Picklists with more than one childAttribute are not supported. |
80048439 -2147187655 |
MultipleFilesFound |
The attachment file name is not unique. |
8004E304 -2147163388 |
MultipleFormElementsFound |
A dashboard Form XML can contain only one form element. |
8004E30D -2147163379 |
MultipleLabelsInUserDashboard |
A user dashboard can have at most one label for a form element. |
8004E01C -2147164132 |
MultipleMeasureCollectionsFound |
More than one measure collection is not supported for charts with subcategory i.e. comparison charts |
8004E007 -2147164153 |
MultipleMeasuresFound |
More than one measure is not supported for charts with subcategory i.e. comparison charts |
80041d35 -2147214027 |
MultipleOrganizationsNotAllowed |
Only one organization and one root business are allowed. |
80040485 -2147220347 |
MultipleParentReportsFound |
More than one report link found. Each report can have only one parent. |
80047007 -2147192825 |
MultipleParentsNotSupported |
An entity can have only one parental relationship |
8004A10a -2147180278 |
MultiplePartnerSecurityRoleWithSameInformation |
More than one security role found for partner user |
8004A10b -2147180277 |
MultiplePartnerUserWithSameInformation |
More than one partner user found with same information |
80040525 -2147220187 |
MultipleQueueItemsFound |
This item occurs in more than one queue and cannot be routed from this list. Locate the item in a queue and try to route the item again. |
80048200 -2147188224 |
MultipleRelationshipsNotSupported |
Multiple relationships are not supported |
8004A10c -2147180276 |
MultipleRootBusinessUnit |
More than one root business unit found |
8004E006 -2147164154 |
MultipleSubcategoriesFound |
The data XML for the visualization cannot contain more than two Group By clauses. |
8005E00A -2147098614 |
MultiValueParameterFound |
Fetch xml parameter {0} cannot obtain multiple values. Change report parameter {0} to single value parameter and try again. |
8004F6A4 -2147158364 |
MustContainAtLeastACharInMention |
The display name must contain atleast one non-whitespace character. |
80044329 -2147204311 |
NavPaneNotCustomizable |
The nav pane properties for this relationship are not customizable |
80044327 -2147204313 |
NavPaneOrderValueNotAllowed |
The provided nav pane order value is not allowed |
8005F104 -2147094268 |
NetworkIssue |
Request failed due to unknown network issues or GateWay issues or server issues. |
80044322 -2147204318 |
NewStatusHasInvalidState |
The state value that was provided for this new status option does not exist. |
80044321 -2147204319 |
NewStatusRequiresAssociatedState |
The new status option must have an associated state value. |
80060900 -2147088128 |
NoActiveLocation |
No active location found. |
80047014 -2147192812 |
NoAttributesForEntityCreate |
No attributes for Create Entity action. |
80060013 -2147090413 |
NoConditionRuleCreationNotAllowedForSetValueShowError |
The "Show error message" and "Set value" actions can't be used in a business rule that doesn't have a condition. |
800608F5 -2147088139 |
NoConversionRule |
A ConversionRule is required for the tool to run. |
8004E011 -2147164143 |
NoDataForVisualization |
There is no data to create this visualization. |
8004350f -2147207921 |
NoDialNumber |
There is no fax number specified on the fax or for the recipient. |
80048442 -2147187646 |
NoEntitiesForBulkDelete |
The Bulk Delete Wizard cannot be opened because there are no valid entities for deletion. |
800608FA -2147088134 |
NoEntitySpecified |
At least one Entity is expected by the tool to process. |
80040368 -2147220632 |
NoHeaderColumnFound |
A column heading is missing. |
8003F450 -2147224496 |
NoIncidentMergeHavingSameParent |
Child cases having different parent case associated can not be merged. |
80060408 -2147089400 |
NoLabelsAssociatedWithStep |
{0} does not have any labels associated with it |
80044199 -2147204711 |
NoLanguageProvisioned |
There is no language provisioned for this organization. |
8004D241 -2147167679 |
NoLicenseInConfigDB |
No license exists in MSCRM_CONFIG database. |
8005F20F -2147094001 |
NoMinimumRequiredPrivilegesForTabletApp |
You do not have sufficient permissions on the server to load the application.\nPlease contact your administrator to update your permissions. |
8004431F -2147204321 |
NoMoreCustomOptionValuesExist |
All available custom option values have been used. |
80048425 -2147187675 |
NoncompliantXml |
The input XML does not comply with the XML schema. |
80045044 -2147200956 |
NonCrmUIInteractiveWorkflowNotSupported |
This interactive workflow cannot be created, updated or published because it was created outside the Microsoft Dynamics CRM Web application. |
80045040 -2147200960 |
NonCrmUIWorkflowsNotSupported |
This workflow cannot be created, updated or published because it was created outside the Microsoft Dynamics CRM Web application. Your organization does not allow this type of workflow. |
80061039 -2147086279 |
NonDraftBundleUpdate |
Product Association cannot be updated when bundle is in invalid state. |
80044160 -2147204768 |
NonInteractiveUserCannotAccessUI |
Non-interactive users cannot access the web user interface. Contact your organization system administrator. |
80046200 -2147196416 |
NonMappableEntity |
NonMappableEntity Error Occurred |
8004E001 -2147164159 |
NonPrimaryEntityDataDescriptionFound |
The data description for the visualization is invalid .The data description for the visualization can only have attributes either from the primary entity of the view or the linked entities. |
80040384 -2147220604 |
NoOutputTransformationParameterMappingFound |
There is no output transformation parameter mapping defined. A transformation mapping must have atleast one output transformation parameter mapping. |
8004E020 -2147164128 |
NoPreviewForCustomWebResource |
This chart uses a custom Web resource. You cannot preview this chart. |
80045016 -2147201002 |
NoPrivilegeToPublishWorkflow |
User does not have sufficient privileges to publish workflows. |
80040521 -2147220191 |
NoPrivilegeToWorker |
You cannot add items to an inactive queue. Select another queue and try again. |
80048436 -2147187658 |
NoPublishedDuplicateDetectionRules |
There are no published duplicate detection rules in the system. To run duplicate detection, you must create and publish one or more rules. |
80060203 -2147089917 |
NoQuickFindFound |
Entity - {0} did not have a valid Quickfind query. |
8004F681 -2147158399 |
NoRollupAttributesDefined |
For rollup to succeed atleast one rollup attribute needs to be associated with the goal metric |
8004Ed46 -2147160762 |
NoSettingError |
No configdb configuration setting [{0}] was found. |
80048426 -2147187674 |
NotAWellFormedXml |
The input XML is not well-formed XML. |
80045041 -2147200959 |
NotEnoughPrivilegesForXamlWorkflows |
Not enough privileges to complete the operation. Only the deployment administrator can create or update workflows that are created outside the Microsoft Dynamics CRM Web application. |
8005E232 -2147098062 |
NoTestEmailAccessPrivilege |
There is not sufficient privilege to perform the test access. |
800608F9 -2147088135 |
NoTimeZoneCodeForConversionRule |
The TimeZoneCode property is required when the value of the ConversionRule property is SpecificTimeZone. |
80040219 -2147220967 |
NotImplemented |
The requested functionality is not yet implemented. |
8005F215 -2147093995 |
NotMobileEnabled |
You can't view this type of record on your tablet. Contact your system administrator. |
80040315 -2147220715 |
NotSupported |
This action is not supported. |
8005F106 -2147094266 |
NotVerifiedAdmin |
You need an enterprise account with Yammer in order to complete this setup. Please sign in with a Yammer administrator account or contact a Yammer administrator for help. |
8005F108 -2147094264 |
NoYammerNetworksFound |
You are not authorized for any Yammer network. Please reauthorize the Yammer setup with a Yammer administrator account or contact a Yammer administrator for help. |
800404f8 -2147220232 |
NullArticleTemplateFormatXml |
The article template formatxml cannot be NULL |
800404f9 -2147220231 |
NullArticleTemplateStructureXml |
The article template structurexml cannot be NULL |
800404f7 -2147220233 |
NullArticleXml |
The article xml cannot be NULL |
8004E305 -2147163387 |
NullDashboardName |
The name of a dashboard cannot be null. |
800404fa -2147220230 |
NullKBArticleTemplateId |
The kbarticletemplateid cannot be NULL |
80060406 -2147089402 |
NullOrEmptyAttributeInXaml |
Attribute - {0} of {1} cannot be null or empty |
80040259 -2147220903 |
NumberFormatFailed |
Failed to produce a formatted numeric value. |
8005F109 -2147094263 |
OAuthTokenNotFound |
Yammer OAuth token is not found. You should configure Yammer before accessing any related feature. |
8004E30A -2147163382 |
ObjectAlreadyExists |
An object with id {0} already exists. Please change the id and try again. |
80040217 -2147220969 |
ObjectDoesNotExist |
The specified object was not found. |
80041d2a -2147214038 |
ObjectNotFoundInAD |
The object does not exist in active directory. |
8004030e -2147220722 |
ObjectNotRelatedToCampaign |
Specified Object not related to the parent Campaign |
8004E120 -2147163872 |
OccurrenceCrossingBoundary |
Two occurrences cannot overlap. |
8004E123 -2147163869 |
OccurrenceSkipsOverBackward |
Cannot reschedule an occurrence of the recurring appointment if it skips over an earlier occurrence of the same appointment. |
8004E122 -2147163870 |
OccurrenceSkipsOverForward |
Cannot reschedule an occurrence of the recurring appointment if it skips over a later occurrence of the same appointment. |
8004E121 -2147163871 |
OccurrenceTimeSpanTooBig |
Cannot perform the operation. An instance is outside of series effective expansion range. |
8004B00C -2147176436 |
OfferingCategoryAndTokenNull |
Offer category and Billing Token are both missing, but at least one is required. |
8004B00D -2147176435 |
OfferingIdNotSupported |
This version does not support search for offering id. |
800610EB -2147086101 |
OfficeGroupsExceptionRetrieveSetting |
Office Groups Exception occured in RetrieveOfficeGroupsSetting: {0}. |
800610EA -2147086102 |
OfficeGroupsFeatureNotEnabled |
Office Groups feature is not enabled. |
800610EC -2147086100 |
OfficeGroupsInvalidSettingType |
Invalid setting type for Office Groups feature: {0}. |
800610EE -2147086098 |
OfficeGroupsNoAuthServersFound |
Office Groups feature could not find any authorization servers. |
800610ED -2147086099 |
OfficeGroupsNotSupportedCall |
Office Groups feature attempted an unsupported call. |
80048450 -2147187632 |
OfflineFilterNestedDateTimeOR |
You cannot use nested date time conditions within an OR clause in a local data group. |
80048451 -2147187631 |
OfflineFilterParentDownloaded |
You cannot use the Parent Downloaded condition in a local data group. |
80060902 -2147088126 |
OneNoteCreationFailed |
OneNote creation failed. |
80060907 -2147088121 |
OneNoteLocationDeactivated |
The location mapping for OneNote is inactive. Contact your administrator to activate the OneNote location record for this CRM record. |
80060906 -2147088122 |
OneNoteLocationNotCreated |
OneNote location not created. |
80060903 -2147088125 |
OneNoteRenderFailed |
OneNote render failed. |
8004B02F -2147176401 |
OnlyDisabledOrganizationCanBeDeleted |
Can not delete enabled organization. Organization must be disabled before it can be deleted. |
80060206 -2147089914 |
OnlyOneSearchParameterMustBeProvided |
Extra parameter. You only need to provide EntityGroupName or EntityNames, not both. |
80040223 -2147220957 |
OnlyOwnerCanRevoke |
Only the owner of an object can revoke the owner's access to that object. |
8004F031 -2147160015 |
OnlyOwnerCanSetManagedProperties |
Cannot import component {0}: {1}. The publisher of the solution that is being imported does not match the publisher of the solution that installed this component. |
80061017 -2147086313 |
OnlyProductCanBeConvertedToKit |
Only products can be converted to kits. |
80044184 -2147204732 |
OnlyStepInPredefinedStagesCanBeModified |
Invalid plug-in registration stage. Steps can only be modified in stages BeforeMainOperationOutsideTransaction, BeforeMainOperationInsideTransaction, AfterMainOperationInsideTransaction and AfterMainOperationOutsideTransaction. |
80044185 -2147204731 |
OnlyStepInServerOnlyCanHaveSecureConfiguration |
Only SdkMessageProcessingStep with ServerOnly supported deployment can have secure configuration. |
80044186 -2147204730 |
OnlyStepOutsideTransactionCanCreateCrmService |
Only SdkMessageProcessingStep in parent pipeline and in stages outside transaction can create CrmService to prevent deadlock. |
8004500D -2147201011 |
OnlyWorkflowDefinitionOrTemplateCanBePublished |
Only workflow definition or draft workflow template can be published. |
8004500E -2147201010 |
OnlyWorkflowDefinitionOrTemplateCanBeUnpublished |
Only workflow definition or workflow template can be unpublished. |
80048532 -2147187406 |
OnPremiseRestoreOrganizationManifestFailed |
Failed to restore Organization's configdb state from manifest |
8004023e -2147220930 |
OpenCrmDBConnection |
Db Connection is Open, when it should be Closed. |
8005F20C -2147094004 |
OpenDocumentErrorCodeGeneric |
Try this action again. If the problem continues, check the {0} for solutions or contact your organization's {#Brand_CRM} Administrator. Finally, you can contact {1}. |
8005F20A -2147094006 |
OpenDocumentErrorCodeUnableToFindAnActivity |
Try this action again. If the problem continues, check the {0} for solutions or contact your organization's {#Brand_CRM} Administrator. Finally, you can contact {1}. |
8005F20B -2147094005 |
OpenDocumentErrorCodeUnableToFindTheDataId |
Try this action again. If the problem continues, check the {0} for solutions or contact your organization's {#Brand_CRM} Administrator. Finally, you can contact {1}. |
8005E216 -2147098090 |
OpenMailboxException |
Exception occurs while opening mailbox for Exchaange mail server. |
80040334 -2147220684 |
OperationCanBeCalledOnlyOnce |
The specified action can be done only one time. |
8004D23a -2147167686 |
OperationOrganizationNotFullyDisabled |
The {1} operation failed because organization {0} is not fully disabled yet. Use FORCE to override |
8004051a -2147220198 |
OpportunityAlreadyInOpenState |
The opportunity is already in the open state. |
80040516 -2147220202 |
OpportunityCannotBeClosed |
The opportunity cannot be closed. |
80040515 -2147220203 |
OpportunityIsAlreadyClosed |
The opportunity is already closed. |
8006088D -2147088243 |
OptimisticConcurrencyNotEnabled |
Optimistic concurrency isn't enabled for entity type {0}. The IfVersionMatches value of ConcurrencyBehavior can only be used if optimistic concurrency is enabled. |
80044324 -2147204316 |
OptionReorderArrayIncorrectLength |
The array of option values that were provided for reordering does not match the number of options for the attribute. |
80061005 -2147086331 |
OptionSetValidationFailed |
The value is out of range. |
80048402 -2147187710 |
OptionValuePrefixOutOfRange |
CustomizationOptionValuePrefix must be a number between {0} and {1} |
8004A104 -2147180284 |
OrganizationDisabled |
The CRM organization you are attempting to access is currently disabled. Please contact your system administrator |
8004B044 -2147176380 |
OrganizationMigrationUnderway |
Organization migration is already underway. |
8004D253 -2147167661 |
OrganizationNotConfigured |
Organization is not configured yet |
8004B00F -2147176433 |
OrganizationTakenBySomeoneElse |
The organization {0} is already purchased by another customer. |
8004B00E -2147176434 |
OrganizationTakenByYou |
The organization {0} is already purchased by you. |
80044159 -2147204775 |
OrganizationUIDeprecated |
The OrganizationUI entity is deprecated. It has been replaced by the SystemForm entity. |
8004B067 -2147176345 |
OrgDoesNotExistInDiscoveryService |
Organization not found in customer's discovery service |
8004D24A -2147167670 |
OrgsInaccessible |
The client access license (CAL) results were not returned because one or more organizations in the deployment cannot be accessed. |
8005E225 -2147098075 |
OutgoingNotAllowedForForwardMailbox |
Mailbox is a forward mailbox. A forward mailbox cannot send the mails. |
8005E23F -2147098049 |
OutgoingServerLocationAndSslSetToNo |
The URL specified for Outgoing Server Location uses HTTPS but the Use SSL for Outgoing Connection option is set to No. Set this option to Yes, and then try again. |
8005E241 -2147098047 |
OutgoingServerLocationAndSslSetToYes |
The URL specified for Outgoing Server Location uses HTTP but the Use SSL for Outgoing Connection option is set to Yes. Specify a server location that uses HTTPS, and then try again. |
8005E238 -2147098056 |
OutgoingSettingsUpdateNotAllowed |
Different outgoing connection settings cannot be specified because the "Use Same Settings for Outgoing Connections" flag is set to True. |
80044509 -2147203831 |
OutlookClientConfigActionFailed |
CRM Outlook client configuration action failed. |
80045050 -2147200944 |
OutOfScopeSlug |
The data required to display the next dialog page cannot be found. To resolve this issue, contact the dialog owner or the system administrator. |
8004E108 -2147163896 |
OverlappingInstances |
Two instances of the series cannot overlap. |
8004430A -2147204342 |
OverRetrievalUpperLimitWithoutPagingCookie |
Over upper limit of records that can be requested without a paging cookie. A paging cookie is required when retrieving a high page number. |
80040343 -2147220669 |
OwnerMappingExistsWithSourceSystemUserName |
The data map already contains this owner mapping. |
80040361 -2147220639 |
OwnerValueNotMapped |
The owner value is not mapped |
80041d23 -2147214045 |
ParentBusinessDoesNotExist |
The parent business Id is invalid. |
8003F455 -2147224491 |
ParentCaseNotAllowedAsAChildCase |
You can't add a parent case as a child case |
80044905 -2147202811 |
ParentChildMetricIdDiffers |
The metricid of child goal should be same as the parent goal. |
80044906 -2147202810 |
ParentChildPeriodAttributesDiffer |
The period settings of child goal should be same as the parent goal. |
8004F888 -2147157880 |
ParentHierarchyExistProperty |
A parent should exist for each node in hierarchy except the root node. |
80043b09 -2147206391 |
ParentReadOnly |
The parent is read only and cannot be edited. |
80048478 -2147187592 |
ParentRecordAlreadyExists |
This record cannot be added because it already has a parent record. |
80040486 -2147220346 |
ParentReportDoesNotReferenceChild |
Specified parent report does not reference the current one. Only SQL Reporting Services reports can have parent reports. |
80040496 -2147220330 |
ParentReportLinksToSameNameChild |
Parent report already links to another report with the same name. |
80040487 -2147220345 |
ParentReportNotSupported |
Parent report is not supported for the type of report specified. Only SQL Reporting Services reports can have parent reports. |
80041d27 -2147214041 |
ParentUserDoesNotExist |
The parent user Id is invalid. |
80040371 -2147220623 |
ParseMustBeCalledBeforeTransform |
Cannot call transform before parse. |
80040367 -2147220633 |
ParsingMetadataNotFound |
Data required to parse the file, such as the data delimiter, field delimiter, or column headings, was not found. |
8004E102 -2147163902 |
PartialExpansionSettingLoadError |
Failed to retrieve partial expansion settings from the configuration database. |
8004F873 -2147157901 |
PartialHolidayScheduleCreation |
Partial holiday schedule can not be created. |
80044909 -2147202807 |
ParticipatingQueryEntityMismatch |
The entitytype of participating query should be the same as the entity specified in fetchxml. |
80048cf1 -2147185423 |
PercentageDiscountCannotHaveCurrency |
Currency cannot be set when discount type is percentage. |
8004E309 -2147163383 |
PersonalReportFound |
A system dashboard cannot contain personal reports. |
8004033f -2147220673 |
PickListMappingExistsForTargetValue |
This list value is mapped more than once. Remove any duplicate mappings, and then import this data map again. |
80040342 -2147220670 |
PickListMappingExistsWithSourceValue |
The data map already contains this list value mapping. |
80040393 -2147220589 |
PicklistValueNotFound |
The file specifies a list value that does not exist in Microsoft Dynamics CRM. |
80040360 -2147220640 |
PicklistValueNotMapped |
The record could not be processed as the Option set value could not be mapped. |
80044310 -2147204336 |
PicklistValueNotUnique |
The picklist value already exists. Picklist values must be unique. |
8004431A -2147204326 |
PicklistValueOutOfRange |
The picklist value is out of the range. |
8005F212 -2147093998 |
PingFailureErrorCode |
The system couldn't reconnect with your {#Brand_CRM} server. |
8004418f -2147204721 |
PluginAssemblyContentSizeExceeded |
"The assembly content size '{0} bytes' has exceeded the maximum value allowed for isolated plug-ins '{1} bytes'." |
8004416c -2147204756 |
PluginAssemblyMustHavePublicKeyToken |
Public assembly must have public key token. |
8004A200 -2147180032 |
PluginDoesNotImplementCorrectInterface |
The plug-in specified does not implement the required interface Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.IPlugin or Microsoft.Crm.Sdk.IPlugin. |
8004417C -2147204740 |
PluginTypeMustBeUnique |
Multiple plug-in types from the same assembly and with the same typename are not allowed. |
8005E215 -2147098091 |
Pop3UnexpectedException |
Exception occur while polling mails using Pop3 protocol. |
80040508 -2147220216 |
PresentParentAccountAndParentContact |
You can either specify a contacts parent contact or its account, but not both. |
80048464 -2147187612 |
PreviousOperationNotComplete |
An operation on which this operation depends did not complete successfully. |
80043b0f -2147206385 |
PriceLevelNameExists |
The name already exists. |
80043b0e -2147206386 |
PriceLevelNoName |
The name can not be null. |
8004501E -2147200994 |
PrimaryEntityInvalid |
Invalid primary entity. |
80060401 -2147089407 |
PrimaryEntityIsNull |
Primary Entity cannot be NULL while creating business process flow category |
80040231 -2147220943 |
PrincipalPrivilegeDenied |
Target user or team does not hold required privileges. |
80040276 -2147220874 |
PrivilegeCreateIsDisabledForOrganization |
Privilege Create is disabled for organization. |
80040220 -2147220960 |
PrivilegeDenied |
The user does not hold the necessary privileges. |
80060399 -2147089511 |
ProcessEmptyBranches |
This process contains empty branches. Define or delete these branches and try again. |
80060418 -2147089384 |
ProcessNameIsNullOrEmpty |
The business process flow name is NULL or empty. |
8004F995 -2147157611 |
ProductCanOnlyBeUpdatedInDraft |
Product, product family and bundle can only be updated in draft state. |
80061006 -2147086330 |
ProductCloneFailed |
You can't clone a child record of a retired product family. |
80043b24 -2147206364 |
ProductDoesNotExist |
The product does not exist. |
80081007 -2146955257 |
ProductFamilyCanCreateDynamicProperty |
A property can only be created for a product family. |
8008101F -2146955233 |
ProductFamilyRootParentisLocked |
The product family root parent record is locked by some other process. |
8004F982 -2147157630 |
ProductFromActiveToActiveState |
Product is already in Active State. |
8004F912 -2147157742 |
ProductFromActiveToDraftState |
You can't set a published product to the draft state. |
8004F981 -2147157631 |
ProductFromDraftToDraftState |
Product is already in Draft State. |
8004F978 -2147157640 |
ProductFromDraftToRetiredState |
You can't retire a product that's in the draft state. |
8004F913 -2147157741 |
ProductFromDraftToRevisedState |
You can't revise a draft or a retired product. |
8004F977 -2147157641 |
ProductFromRetiredToActiveState |
You can't set a retired property to an active state. |
8004F979 -2147157639 |
ProductFromRetiredToDraftState |
It is not possible to move product from Retired to Draft State. |
8004F980 -2147157632 |
ProductFromRetiredToRetiredState |
Product is already in Retired State. |
8004F910 -2147157744 |
ProductHasUnretiredChild |
You can't retire this product family because one or more of its child records aren't retired. |
80043b0c -2147206388 |
ProductInvalidPriceLevelPercentage |
The pricing percentage must be greater than or equal to zero and less than 100000. |
80043b07 -2147206393 |
ProductInvalidQuantityDecimal |
The number of decimal places on the quantity is invalid. |
80043b14 -2147206380 |
ProductInvalidUnit |
The specified unit is not valid for this product. |
80043b23 -2147206365 |
ProductKitLoopBeingCreated |
You can’t add a kit to itself. |
80043b22 -2147206366 |
ProductKitLoopExists |
Loop exists in the kit hierarchy. |
8008100D -2146955251 |
ProductMaxPropertyLimitExceeded |
This product can't be published because it has too many properties. A product in your organization can't have more than {0} properties. |
80043b13 -2147206381 |
ProductMissingUomSheduleId |
The unit schedule id of the product is missing. |
80043b05 -2147206395 |
ProductNoProductNumber |
The product number can not be null. |
8004F990 -2147157616 |
ProductNoSubstitutedProductNumber |
The substituted Product number cannot be a NULL. |
8004F973 -2147157645 |
ProductOrBundleCannotBeAsParent |
Only Product Families can be parents to products. |
80043b06 -2147206394 |
ProductProductNumberExists |
The specified product ID conflicts with the product ID of an existing record. Specify a different product ID and try again. |
80045015 -2147201003 |
PublishedWorkflowLimitForSkuReached |
This workflow cannot be published because your organization has reached its limit for the number of workflows that can be published at the same time. (There is no limit on the number of draft workflows.) You can publish this workflow by unpublishing a different workflow, or by upgrading your license to a license that supports more workflows. |
8004500C -2147201012 |
PublishedWorkflowOwnershipChange |
A published workflow can only be assigned to the caller. |
80045032 -2147200974 |
PublishWorkflowWhileActingOnBehalfOfAnotherUserError |
Publishing Workflows while acting on behalf of another user is not allowed. |
80045039 -2147200967 |
PublishWorkflowWhileImpersonatingError |
Publishing Workflows while impersonating another user is not allowed. |
80043b18 -2147206376 |
QuantityReadonly |
Do not modify the Quantity field when you update the primary unit. |
8004D2B0 -2147167568 |
QueriesForDifferentEntities |
The Inner and Outer Queries must be for the same entity. |
8004110a -2147217142 |
QueryBuilderAlias_Does_Not_Exist |
The specified alias for the given entity in the condition does not exist. |
80041132 -2147217102 |
QueryBuilderAliasNotAllowedForNonAggregateOrderBy |
An alias cannot be specified for an order clause for a non-aggregate Query. Use an attribute. |
80041134 -2147217100 |
QueryBuilderAliasRequiredForAggregateOrderBy |
An alias is required for an order clause for an aggregate Query. |
80041107 -2147217145 |
QueryBuilderAttribute_With_Aggregate |
Attributes can not be returned when aggregate operation is specified. |
80041137 -2147217097 |
QueryBuilderAttributeCannotBeGroupByAndAggregate |
An attribute can either be an aggregate or a Group By but not both |
80041131 -2147217103 |
QueryBuilderAttributeNotAllowedForAggregateOrderBy |
An attribute cannot be specified for an order clause for an aggregate Query. Use an alias. |
8004111e -2147217122 |
QueryBuilderAttributeNotFound |
A required attribute was not specified. |
80041111 -2147217135 |
QueryBuilderAttributePairMismatch |
AttributeFrom and AttributeTo must be either both specified or both omitted. |
80041133 -2147217101 |
QueryBuilderAttributeRequiredForNonAggregateOrderBy |
An attribute is required for an order clause for a non-aggregate Query. |
80041106 -2147217146 |
QueryBuilderBad_Condition |
Incorrect filter condition or conditions. |
8004110f -2147217137 |
QueryBuilderByAttributeMismatch |
QueryByAttribute must specify a non-empty value array with the same number of elements as in the attributes array. |
80041110 -2147217136 |
QueryBuilderByAttributeNonEmpty |
QueryByAttribute must specify a non-empty attribute array. |
80041113 -2147217133 |
QueryBuilderColumnSetVersionMissing |
The specified columnset version is invalid. |
80041124 -2147217116 |
QueryBuilderDeserializeEmptyXml |
Xml String can't be null. |
8004111a -2147217126 |
QueryBuilderDeserializeInvalidAggregate |
An error occurred while processing Aggregates in Query |
80041119 -2147217127 |
QueryBuilderDeserializeInvalidDescending |
The only valid values for descending attribute are 'true', 'false', '1', and '0'. |
80041115 -2147217131 |
QueryBuilderDeserializeInvalidDistinct |
The only valid values for distinct attribute are 'true', 'false', '1', and '0'. |
8004111b -2147217125 |
QueryBuilderDeserializeInvalidGetMinActiveRowVersion |
The only valid values for GetMinActiveRowVersion attribute are 'true', 'false', '1', and '0'. |
8004112E -2147217106 |
QueryBuilderDeserializeInvalidGroupBy |
The only valid values for groupby attribute are 'true', 'false', '1', and '0'. |
80041117 -2147217129 |
QueryBuilderDeserializeInvalidLinkType |
The only valid values for link-type attribute are 'natural', 'inner', and 'outer'. |
80041116 -2147217130 |
QueryBuilderDeserializeInvalidMapping |
The only valid values for mapping are 'logical' or 'internal' which is deprecated. |
8004111c -2147217124 |
QueryBuilderDeserializeInvalidNode |
The element node encountered is invalid. |
80041118 -2147217128 |
QueryBuilderDeserializeInvalidNoLock |
The only valid values for no-lock attribute are 'true', 'false', '1', and '0'. |
8004111d -2147217123 |
QueryBuilderDeserializeInvalidUtcOffset |
The utc-offset attribute is not supported for deserialization. |
80041125 -2147217115 |
QueryBuilderDeserializeNoDocElemXml |
Document Element can't be null. |
80041130 -2147217104 |
QueryBuilderDuplicateAlias |
FetchXML should have unique aliases. |
80041123 -2147217117 |
QueryBuilderElementNotFound |
A required element was not specified. |
80041128 -2147217112 |
QueryBuilderEntitiesDontMatch |
The entity name specified in fetchxml does not match the entity name specified in the Entity or Query Expression. |
80041109 -2147217143 |
QueryBuilderInvalid_Alias |
Invalid alias for aggregate operation. |
80041108 -2147217144 |
QueryBuilderInvalid_Value |
Invalid value specified for type. |
8004112F -2147217105 |
QueryBuilderInvalidAggregateAttribute |
Aggregate {0} is not supported for attribute of type {1}. |
80041139 -2147217095 |
QueryBuilderInvalidAttributeValue |
The attribute value provided is invalid. |
80041112 -2147217134 |
QueryBuilderInvalidColumnSetVersion |
The specified columnset version is invalid. |
80041120 -2147217120 |
QueryBuilderInvalidConditionOperator |
Unsupported condition operator. |
80041135 -2147217099 |
QueryBuilderInvalidDateGrouping |
An invalid value was specified for dategrouping. |
80041122 -2147217118 |
QueryBuilderInvalidFilterType |
Unsupported filter type. Valid values are 'and', or 'or'. |
80041121 -2147217119 |
QueryBuilderInvalidJoinOperator |
Unsupported join operator. |
800410fe -2147217154 |
QueryBuilderInvalidLogicalOperator |
Unsupported logical operator: {0}. Accepted values are ('and', 'or'). |
8004111f -2147217121 |
QueryBuilderInvalidOrderType |
A valid order type must be set in the order before calling this method. |
8004112A -2147217110 |
QueryBuilderInvalidPagingCookie |
Invalid page number in paging cookie. |
80041100 -2147217152 |
QueryBuilderInvalidUpdate |
An attempt was made to update a non-updateable field. |
80041126 -2147217114 |
QueryBuilderLinkNodeForOrderNotFound |
Converting from Query to EntityExpression failed. Link Node for order was not found. |
8004110e -2147217138 |
QueryBuilderMultipleIntersectEntities |
More than one intersect entity exists between the two entities specified. |
8004110b -2147217141 |
QueryBuilderNoAlias |
No alias for the given entity in the condition was found. |
80041103 -2147217149 |
QueryBuilderNoAttribute |
The specified attribute does not exist on this entity. |
8004112C -2147217108 |
QueryBuilderNoAttrsDistinctConflict |
The no-attrs tag cannot be used in conjuction with Distinct set to true. |
80041102 -2147217150 |
QueryBuilderNoEntity |
The specified entity was not found. |
80041140 -2147217088 |
QueryBuilderNoEntityKey |
The specified entitykey was not found. |
80041129 -2147217111 |
QueryBuilderPagingOrderBy |
Order by columns do not match those in paging cookie. |
8004110d -2147217139 |
QueryBuilderReportView_Does_Not_Exist |
A report view does not exist for the specified entity. |
80041138 -2147217096 |
QueryBuilderSerializationInvalidIsQuickFindFilter |
The only valid values for isquickfindfields attribute are 'true', 'false', '1', and '0'. |
80041114 -2147217132 |
QueryBuilderSerialzeLinkTopCriteria |
Fetch does not support where clause with conditions from linkentity. |
80041101 -2147217151 |
QueryBuilderUnexpected |
An unexpected error occurred. |
8004110c -2147217140 |
QueryBuilderValue_GreaterThanZero |
A value greater than zero must be specified. |
8004F506 -2147158778 |
QueryContainedSecuredAttributeWithoutAccess |
The Query contained a secured attribute to which the caller does not have access |
8004F702 -2147158270 |
QueryNotValidForStaticList |
Query cannot be specified for a static list. |
8005E00B -2147098613 |
QueryParameterNotUnique |
Query parameter {0} must be defined only once within the data set. |
80040528 -2147220184 |
QueueIdNotPresent |
You must enter the target queue. Provide a valid value in the Queue field and try again. |
80040529 -2147220183 |
QueueItemNotPresent |
You must enter the name of the record that you would like to put in the queue. Provide a valid value in the Queue Item field and try again. |
8005E210 -2147098096 |
QueueMailboxUnexpectedDeliveryMethod |
Delivery method for mailbox associated with a queue cannot be outlook client. |
80060911 -2147088111 |
QuickCreateDisabledOnEntity |
The {0} entity doesn't have a quick create form or the number of nested quick create forms has exceeded the maximum number allowed. |
80060910 -2147088112 |
QuickCreateInvalidEntityName |
The entityLogicalName isn't valid. This value can't be null or empty, and it must represent an entity in the organization. |
8004E024 -2147164124 |
QuickFindQueryRecordLimitExceeded |
QuickFindQueryRecordLimit exceeded. Cannot perform this operation. |
8004F659 -2147158439 |
QuickFormNotCustomizableThroughSdk |
The SDK does not support creating a form of type "Quick". This form type is reserved for internal use only. |
80048cee -2147185426 |
QuoteAndSalesOrderCurrencyNotEqual |
The currency of the record does not match the currency of the price list. |
80048d00 -2147185408 |
QuoteReviseExistingActiveQuote |
Quote cannot be revised as there already exists another quote in Draft/Active state and with same quote number. |
80060897 -2147088233 |
ReactivateEntityKeyOnlyForFailedJobs |
Reactivate entity key is only supported for failed job |
80060881 -2147088255 |
ReadIntentIncompatible |
Plugin Execution Intent of current execution context is not compatible with its parent context |
80061002 -2147086334 |
ReadOnlyCreateValidationFailed |
You can't create and assign a value to a property instance for a read-only property. |
80061003 -2147086333 |
ReadOnlyUpdateValidationFailed |
You can't update the property instance for a read-only property. |
80041d40 -2147214016 |
ReadOnlyUserNotSupported |
The read-only access mode is not supported |
80060554 -2147089068 |
RecalculateNotSupportedOnNonRollupField |
Field {0} of type {1} does not support Recalculate action. Recalculate action can only be invoked for rollup field. |
80048cef -2147185425 |
RecordAndOpportunityCurrencyNotEqual |
The currency of the record does not match the currency of the price list. |
80048cf6 -2147185418 |
RecordAndPricelistCurrencyNotEqual |
The currency of the record does not match the currency of the price list. |
8004F883 -2147157885 |
RecordCanOnlyBeRevisedFromActiveState |
You can only revise an active product. |
80060891 -2147088239 |
RecordNotFoundByEntityKey |
A record with the specified key values does not exist in {0} entity |
8004F603 -2147158525 |
RecordResolutionFailed |
The record could not be updated because the original record no longer exists in Microsoft Dynamics CRM. |
8004E116 -2147163882 |
RecurrenceCalendarTypeNotSupported |
The calendar type is not supported. |
8004E119 -2147163879 |
RecurrenceEndDateTooBig |
The recurrence pattern end date is invalid. |
8004E117 -2147163881 |
RecurrenceHasNoOccurrence |
The recurrence pattern has no occurrences. |
8004E111 -2147163887 |
RecurrenceRuleDeleteFailure |
Cannot delete a rule that is attached to an existing rule master. Delete the rule by using the parent entity. |
8004E110 -2147163888 |
RecurrenceRuleUpdateFailure |
Cannot update a rule that is attached to an existing rule master. Update the rule by using the parent entity. |
8004E118 -2147163880 |
RecurrenceStartDateTooSmall |
The recurrence pattern start date is invalid. |
8004E10B -2147163893 |
RecurringSeriesCompleted |
The series has invalid ExpansionStateCode. |
8004E113 -2147163885 |
RecurringSeriesMasterIsLocked |
The recurring series master record is locked by some other process. |
80048470 -2147187600 |
RefEntityRelationshipRoleRequired |
The entity relationship role of the referencing entity is required when creating a new one-to-many entity relationship. |
8004432E -2147204306 |
ReferencedEntityHasLogicalPrimaryNameField |
This entity has a primary field that is logical and therefore cannot be the referenced entity in a one-to-many relationship |
80044337 -2147204297 |
ReferencedEntityMustHaveLookupView |
Referenced entities of a relationship must have a lookup view |
80044350 -2147204272 |
ReferencingEntityCannotBeSolutionAware |
Referencing entities in a relationship cannot be a component in a solution. |
80044338 -2147204296 |
ReferencingEntityMustHaveAssociationView |
Referencing entities of a relationship must have an association view |
80040388 -2147220600 |
ReflexiveEntityParentOrChildDoesNotExist |
Either the parent or child entity does not exist |
8004700a -2147192822 |
RelationshipIsNotCustomRelationship |
The specified relationship is not a custom relationship |
8004802A -2147188694 |
RelationshipNameLengthExceedsLimit |
Relationship name cannot be more than 50 characters long. |
80048467 -2147187609 |
RelationshipRoleMismatch |
The relationship role name {0} does not match either expected entity name of {1} or {2}. |
80048469 -2147187607 |
RelationshipRoleNodeNumberInvalid |
There must be two entity relationship role nodes when creating a new many-to-many entity relationship. |
80040499 -2147220327 |
ReportDoesNotExist |
Report does not exist. ReportId:{0} |
80048297 -2147188073 |
ReportFileTooBig |
The file is too large and cannot be uploaded. Please reduce the size of the file and try again. |
80048296 -2147188074 |
ReportFileZeroLength |
You have uploaded an empty file. Please select a new file and try again. |
8004F028 -2147160024 |
ReportImportCategoryOptionNotFound |
A category option for the reports was not found. |
80040484 -2147220348 |
ReportingServicesReportExpected |
The report is not a Reporting Services report. |
80048310 -2147187952 |
ReportLocalProcessingError |
Error occurred while viewing locally processed report. ReportId:{0} |
80040498 -2147220328 |
ReportLoopBeingCreated |
Creating this parental association would create a loop in Reports hierarchy. |
80040497 -2147220329 |
ReportLoopExists |
Loop exists in the reports hierarchy. |
80048311 -2147187951 |
ReportMissingDataSourceCredentialsError |
Credentials have not been supplied for a data source used by the report. ReportId:{0} |
80048312 -2147187950 |
ReportMissingDataSourceError |
A data source expected by the report has not been supplied. ReportId:{0} |
80048313 -2147187949 |
ReportMissingEndpointError |
The SOAP endpoint used by the ReportViewer control could not be accessed. |
80048314 -2147187948 |
ReportMissingParameterError |
A parameter expected by the report has not been supplied. ReportId:{0} |
80048315 -2147187947 |
ReportMissingReportSourceError |
No source has been specified for the report. ReportId:{0} |
80048299 -2147188071 |
ReportNotAvailable |
Report not available |
8004832f -2147187921 |
ReportParentChildNotCustomizable |
The report could not be updated because either the parent report or the child report is not customizable. |
80040494 -2147220332 |
ReportRenderError |
An error occurred during report rendering. |
80048316 -2147187946 |
ReportSecurityError |
The report contains a security violation. ReportId:{0} |
80048301 -2147187967 |
ReportServerInvalidUrl |
Cannot contact report server from given URL |
80048302 -2147187966 |
ReportServerNoPrivilege |
Not enough privilege to configure report server |
80048309 -2147187959 |
ReportServerSP2HotFixNotApplied |
Report server SP2 Workgroup does not have the hotfix for role creation |
80048300 -2147187968 |
ReportServerUnknownException |
Unknown exception thrown by report server |
80048303 -2147187965 |
ReportServerVersionLow |
Report server does not meet the minimal version requirement |
80048295 -2147188075 |
ReportTypeBlocked |
The report is not a valid type. It cannot be uploaded or downloaded. |
80048294 -2147188076 |
ReportUploadDisabled |
Reporting Services reports cannot be uploaded. If you want to create a new report, please use the Report Wizard. |
8004832c -2147187924 |
ReportViewerError |
An error occurred during report rendering. ReportId:{0} |
80044302 -2147204350 |
RequestIsNotAuthenticated |
Request is not authenticated. |
8004418a -2147204726 |
RequestLengthTooLarge |
Request message length is too large. |
80081009 -2146955255 |
RequiredBundleItemCannotBeUpdated |
You can't delete this bundle item because it's a required product in the bundle. |
80081008 -2146955256 |
RequiredBundleProductCannotBeDeleted |
You can't delete this product record because it's a required product in a bundle. |
8004F029 -2147160023 |
RequiredChildReportHasOtherParent |
A category option for the reports was not found. |
80040383 -2147220605 |
RequiredColumnsNotFoundInImportFile |
One or more source columns used in the transformation do not exist in the source file. |
80040200 -2147220992 |
RequiredFieldMissing |
Required field missing. |
8006041a -2147089382 |
RequiredProcessStepIsNull |
To move to the next stage, complete the required steps. |
8004F600 -2147158528 |
RequireValidImportMapForUpdate |
The update operation cannot be completed because the import map used for the update is invalid. |
8004F022 -2147160030 |
RestrictedSolutionName |
The solution unique name '{0}' is restricted and can only be used by internal solutions. |
80044152 -2147204782 |
RestrictInheritedRole |
Inherited roles cannot be modified. |
8004F993 -2147157613 |
RetiredProductToBundle |
You can't add a retired product to a bundle. |
8005F213 -2147093997 |
RetrieveRecordOfflineErrorCode |
This record isn't available while you're offline. Reconnect and try again. |
8004F104 -2147159804 |
RibbonImportDependencyMissingEntity |
The ribbon item '{0}' is dependent on entity {1}. |
8004F107 -2147159801 |
RibbonImportDependencyMissingRibbonControl |
The ribbon item '{0}' is dependent on ribbon control id='{1}'. |
8004F105 -2147159803 |
RibbonImportDependencyMissingRibbonElement |
The ribbon item '{0}' is dependent on <{1} Id="{2}" />. |
8004F106 -2147159802 |
RibbonImportDependencyMissingWebResource |
The ribbon item '{0}' is dependent on Web resource id='{1}'. |
8004F10B -2147159797 |
RibbonImportDuplicateElementId |
The ribbon element with the Id:{0} cannot be imported because an existing ribbon element with the same Id already exists. |
8004F103 -2147159805 |
RibbonImportEntityNotSupported |
The solution cannot be imported because the {0} entity contains a Ribbon definition, which is not supported for that entity. Remove the RibbonDiffXml node from the entity definition and try to import again. |
8004F101 -2147159807 |
RibbonImportHidingBasicHomeTab |
The definition of the ribbon being imported will remove the Microsoft Dynamics CRM home tab. Include a home tab definition, or a ribbon will not be displayed in areas of the application that display the home tab. |
8004F10A -2147159798 |
RibbonImportHidingJewel |
Ribbon customizations cannot hide the <Jewel> node. Any ribbon customization that hides this node is ignored during import and will not be exported. |
8004F102 -2147159806 |
RibbonImportInvalidPrivilegeName |
The RibbonDiffXml in this solution contains a reference to an invalid privilege: {0}. Update the RibbonDiffXml to reference a valid privilege and try importing again. |
8004F109 -2147159799 |
RibbonImportLocationAndIdDoNotMatch |
CustomAction Id '{0}' cannot override '{1}' because '{2}' does not match the CustomAction Location value. |
8004F108 -2147159800 |
RibbonImportModifyingTopLevelNode |
Ribbon customizations cannot be made to the following top-level ribbon nodes: <Ribbon>, <ContextualGroups>, and <Tabs>. |
80041403 -2147216381 |
RoleAlreadyExists |
A role with the specified name already exists. |
8005F203 -2147094013 |
RoleNotEnabledForTabletApp |
You haven't been authorized to use this app.\nCheck with your system administrator to update your settings. |
8004E025 -2147164123 |
RollupAggregateQueryRecordLimitExceeded |
Calculations can't be performed online because the calculation limit of {0} related records has been reached. |
80060561 -2147089055 |
RollupCalculationLimitReached |
Calculations can't be performed at this time because the calculation limit has been reached. Please wait and try again. |
80060556 -2147089066 |
RollupDependentFieldNameAlreadyExists |
Required dependent field {0} for rollup field cannot be created as another field with same name already exists. Please use an alternative name to create the rollup field. |
80060546 -2147089082 |
RollupFieldAggregateFunctionNotAllowed |
The aggregate function {0} isn’t allowed. |
80060545 -2147089083 |
RollupFieldAggregateFunctionNotAllowedForRollupFieldDataType |
The aggregate function {0} isn’t allowed when the rollup field is a {1} data type. |
80060544 -2147089084 |
RollupFieldAndAggregateFieldDataTypeFormatMismatch |
The {0} data type with format {1} isn’t allowed for the aggregated field when the rollup field is a {2} data type with format {3}. |
80060553 -2147089069 |
RollupFieldDefinitionNotValid |
The calculation failed because the rollup field definition is invalid. Contact your system administrator. |
80060541 -2147089087 |
RollupFieldDependentFieldCannotDeleted |
Rollup field {0} depends on this field. It can only be deleted by deleting the corresponding rollup field {0}. |
8004E027 -2147164121 |
RollupFieldNoWriteAccess |
User does not have write permission on {0} record {1} with ID:{2} to calculate rollup field. |
8006053d -2147089091 |
RollupFieldsAggregateFieldDataTypeNotAllowedSimilarRollupFieldDataType |
The {0} data type isn’t allowed for the aggregated field when the rollup field is a {1} data type. |
80060540 -2147089088 |
RollupFieldsAggregateFieldNotBelongToRelatedEntity |
The aggregated field {0} doesn’t belong to the related entity {1}. |
8006053f -2147089089 |
RollupFieldsAggregateFieldNotBelongToSourceEntity |
The aggregated field {0} doesn’t belong to the source entity {1}. |
80060537 -2147089097 |
RollupFieldsAggregateFieldNotPartOfEntity |
Aggregated field {0} does not belong to entity {1} |
8006053a -2147089094 |
RollupFieldsAggregateFunctionTypeMismatch |
The {0} data type isn’t allowed for the aggregated field when the aggregate function is {1}. |
80060536 -2147089098 |
RollupFieldsAggregateNotDefined |
An aggregate function and an aggregated field must be provided for the rollup. |
8006053c -2147089092 |
RollupFieldsAggregateOnRollupFieldOrComplexCalcFieldNotAllowed |
The aggregated field must be either a simple field or a basic calculated field. |
8006053e -2147089090 |
RollupFieldsDataTypeNotValid |
The {0} data type isn’t valid for the rollup field. |
8006053b -2147089093 |
RollupFieldsGeneric |
The rollup field definition isn't valid. |
80060548 -2147089080 |
RollupFieldSourceFilterFieldNotAllowed |
The source entity filter must use either a simple field or a basic calculated field. It can't use a rollup field, or a calculated field that is using a rollup field. |
80060535 -2147089099 |
RollupFieldsSourceEntityNotHierarchical |
The source entity {0} hierarchy doesn’t exist. |
80060538 -2147089096 |
RollupFieldsSourceFilterConditionInvalid |
The source entity {0} filter condition {1} isn’t valid. |
80060552 -2147089070 |
RollupFieldsTargetEntityNotValid |
Related entity {0} is not allowed for rollups. |
80060539 -2147089095 |
RollupFieldsTargetFilterConditionInvalid |
The related entity {0} filter condition {1} isn’t valid. |
80060534 -2147089100 |
RollupFieldsTargetRelationshipNotPartOfOneToNRelationship |
1:N relationship {0} from the source entity {1} to the related entity {2} doesn’t exist. |
80060533 -2147089101 |
RollupFieldsTargetRelationshipNull |
The related entity is empty. It must be provided when the source entity hierarchy isn’t used for the rollup. |
80060551 -2147089071 |
RollupFieldsTargetSameAsSourceEntity |
Self referential 1:N relationships are not allowed for the rollup field. |
80060565 -2147089051 |
RollupFieldsV2FeatureNotEnabled |
The feature is not supported in the current version of the product |
80060549 -2147089079 |
RollupFieldTargetFilterFieldNotAllowed |
The target entity filter must use either a simple field or a basic calculated field. It can't use a rollup field, or a calculated field that is using a rollup field. |
80060560 -2147089056 |
RollupFormulaFieldInvalid |
The formula field isn’t valid. |
80060564 -2147089052 |
RollupInvalidAttributeForFilterCondition |
The {0} attribute is not allowed for filter condition. |
80060557 -2147089065 |
RollupOrCalcNotAllowedInWorkflowWaitCondition |
The field {0} is either a rollup field or a rollup dependent field or a calculated field. Such fields are not allowed in workflow wait condition. |
80060563 -2147089053 |
RollupTargetLinkedEntityCanOnlyUsedForActivityPartyEntities |
Target related entity can only be used for {0} entity for rollup over {1} type entities. |
80060562 -2147089054 |
RollupTargetLinkedEntityOnlySupportedForActivityEntities |
Target related entity is only supported for rollup over {0} type entities. |
80060566 -2147089050 |
RollupTargetLinkedRelationshipNotValid |
Target Linked Relationship {0} is not valid. |
80041d63 -2147213981 |
RootBusinessUnitCannotBeDisabled |
Root Business unit cannot be disabled. |
8005E246 -2147098042 |
RouterIsDisabled |
Microsoft Dynamics CRM has been configured to use server-side synchronization to process email. If you want to use the Email Router to process email, go to System Settings and change the Process Email Using field to Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2013 Email Router. |
800404e9 -2147220247 |
RouteTypeUnsupported |
The route type is unsupported |
800404e7 -2147220249 |
RoutingNotAllowed |
This object type can not be routed. |
8004F885 -2147157883 |
RoutingRuleActivateDeactivateByNonOwner |
This Routing Rule Set cannot be activated or deactivated by someone who is not its owner. |
8004F877 -2147157897 |
RoutingRuleMissingRuleCriteria |
You can't activate this rule until you resolve any missing rule criteria information in the rule items. |
8004F878 -2147157896 |
RoutingRulePublishedByNonOwner |
The Routing Rule Set cannot be published or unpublished by someone who is not its owner. |
8004F876 -2147157898 |
RoutingRulePublishedByOwner |
Your rule can't be activated until the current active rule is deactivated. The active rule can only be deactivated by the rule owner. |
80047001 -2147192831 |
RowGuidIsNotValidName |
rowguid is a reserved name and cannot be used as an identifier |
8004831c -2147187940 |
RSCancelBatchError |
Error occurred while canceling the batch operation. |
80048320 -2147187936 |
RSCreateBatchError |
Error occurred while creating a batch operation. |
80048317 -2147187945 |
RSDeleteItemError |
Error occurred while deleting an item from the report server. |
8004831d -2147187939 |
RSExecuteBatchError |
Error occurred while performing the batch operation. |
80048318 -2147187944 |
RSFindItemsError |
Error occurred while finding an item on the report server. |
8004831a -2147187942 |
RSGetDataSourceContentsError |
Error occurred while getting the data source contents. |
80048321 -2147187935 |
RSGetItemDataSourcesError |
Error occurred while fetching current data sources. |
8004832b -2147187925 |
RSGetItemTypeError |
Error occurred while fetching the report. |
8004831e -2147187938 |
RSGetReportHistoryLimitError |
Error occurred while fetching the number of snapshots stored for the report. |
80048323 -2147187933 |
RSGetReportParametersError |
Error occurred while getting report parameters. |
8004831b -2147187941 |
RSListExtensionsError |
Error occurred while fetching the list of data extensions installed on the report server. |
8004831f -2147187937 |
RSListReportHistoryError |
Error occurred while fetching the report history snapshots. |
80048330 -2147187920 |
RSMoveItemError |
Cannot move report item {0} to {1} |
80048329 -2147187927 |
RSReportParameterTypeMismatchError |
The parameter type of the report is not valid. |
80048319 -2147187943 |
RSSetDataSourceContentsError |
Error occurred while setting the data source contents. |
80048325 -2147187931 |
RSSetExecutionOptionsError |
Error occurred while setting execution options. |
80048322 -2147187934 |
RSSetItemDataSourcesError |
Error occurred while setting the data source. |
8004832a -2147187926 |
RSSetPropertiesError |
Error occurred while setting property values for the report. |
80048327 -2147187929 |
RSSetReportHistoryLimitError |
Error occurred while setting report history snapshot limit. |
80048326 -2147187930 |
RSSetReportHistoryOptionsError |
Error occurred while setting report history snapshot options. |
80048324 -2147187932 |
RSSetReportParametersError |
Error occurred while setting report parameters. |
80048328 -2147187928 |
RSUpdateReportExecutionSnapshotError |
Error occurred while taking snapshot of a report. |
8004F884 -2147157884 |
RuleAlreadyExistsWithSameQueueAndChannel |
Record creation rule for the specified channel and queue already exists. You can't create another one. |
8004F852 -2147157934 |
RuleAlreadyInactiveState |
This routing rule is already in Active state. |
8004F853 -2147157933 |
RuleAlreadyInDraftState |
You can not deactivate a draft routing rule. |
80048434 -2147187660 |
RuleAlreadyPublishing |
The selected duplicate detection rule is already being published. |
80060012 -2147090414 |
RuleCreationNotAllowedForCyclicReferences |
You can't create this rule because it contains a cyclical reference. Fix the rule and try again. |
80048433 -2147187661 |
RuleNotFound |
No rules were found that match the criteria. |
80060007 -2147090425 |
RuleNotSupportedForEditor |
The current rule definition cannot be edited in the Business rule editor. |
80048423 -2147187677 |
RulesInInconsistentStateFound |
One or more rules cannot be unpublished, either because they are in the process of being published, or are in a state where they cannot be unpublished. |
8004F671 -2147158415 |
RuntimeRibbonXmlValidation |
The most recent customized ribbon for a tab on this page cannot be generated. The out-of-box version of the ribbon is displayed instead. |
8005E243 -2147098045 |
S2SAccessTokenCannotBeAcquired |
Failed to acquire S2S access token from authorization server. |
80048ced -2147185427 |
SalesOrderAndInvoiceCurrencyNotEqual |
The currency of the record does not match the currency of the price list. |
80043803 -2147207165 |
SalesPeopleDuplicateCalendarNotAllowed |
Fiscal calendar already exists for this salesperson/year |
80043801 -2147207167 |
SalesPeopleEmptyEffectiveDate |
Fiscal calendar effective date cannot be empty |
80043800 -2147207168 |
SalesPeopleEmptySalesPerson |
Parent salesperson cannot be empty |
80043805 -2147207163 |
SalesPeopleManagerNotAllowed |
Territory manager cannot belong to other territory |
80044171 -2147204751 |
SandboxClientPluginTimeout |
The plug-in execution failed because the operation has timed-out at the Sandbox Client. |
8004418e -2147204722 |
SandboxHostNotAvailable |
The plug-in execution failed because no Sandbox Hosts are currently available. Please check that you have a Sandbox server configured and that it is running. |
80044172 -2147204750 |
SandboxHostPluginTimeout |
The plug-in execution failed because the operation has timed-out at the Sandbox Host. |
80044174 -2147204748 |
SandboxSdkListenerStartFailed |
The plug-in execution failed because the Sandbox Client encountered an error during initialization. |
8004418d -2147204723 |
SandboxWorkerNotAvailable |
The plug-in execution failed because no Sandbox Worker processes are currently available. Please try again. |
80044173 -2147204749 |
SandboxWorkerPluginTimeout |
The plug-in execution failed because the operation has timed-out at the Sandbox Worker. |
8005F209 -2147094007 |
SaveDataFileErrorOutOfSpace |
Try this action again. If the problem continues, check the {0} for solutions or contact your organization's {#Brand_CRM} Administrator. Finally, you can contact {1}. |
80047017 -2147192809 |
SavedQueryIsNotCustomizable |
The specified view is not customizable |
8004F983 -2147157629 |
SaveRecordBeforeAddingBundle |
After you select a price list, you must save the record before you can add a bundle with optional products. |
8004A107 -2147180281 |
ScaleGroupDisabled |
The specified scalegroup is disabled. Access to organizations in this scalegroup are not allowed. |
80060403 -2147089405 |
ScopeNotSetToGlobal |
Scope should be set to Global while creating business process flow category |
80044182 -2147204734 |
SdkCorrelationTokenDepthTooHigh |
This workflow job was canceled because the workflow that started it included an infinite loop. Correct the workflow logic and try again. For information about workflow logic, see Help. |
80044187 -2147204729 |
SdkCustomProcessingStepIsNotAllowed |
Custom SdkMessageProcessingStep is not allowed on the specified message and entity. |
80040800 -2147219456 |
SdkEntityDoesNotSupportMessage |
The method being invoked does not support provided entity type. |
80044188 -2147204728 |
SdkEntityOfflineQueuePlaybackIsNotAllowed |
Entity '{0}' is not allowed in offline queue playback. |
8004416b -2147204757 |
SdkInvalidMessagePropertyName |
Message property name '{0}' is not valid on message {1}. |
80044189 -2147204727 |
SdkMessageDoesNotSupportImageRegistration |
Message '{0}' does not support image registration. |
8004416e -2147204754 |
SdkMessageDoesNotSupportPostImageRegistration |
PreEvent step registration does not support Post Image. |
8004416d -2147204755 |
SdkMessageInvalidImageTypeRegistration |
Message {0} does not support this image type. |
80044181 -2147204735 |
SdkMessageNotSupportedOnClient |
The message requested is not supported on the client. |
80044180 -2147204736 |
SdkMessageNotSupportedOnServer |
The message requested is not supported on the server. |
8004F903 -2147157757 |
SdkMessagesDeprecatedError |
This message is no longer available. Please consult the SDK for alternative messages. |
80044309 -2147204343 |
SdkNotEnoughPrivilegeToSetCallerOriginToken |
Caller does not have enough privilege to set CallerOriginToken to the specified value. |
800401ff -2147220993 |
SearchTextLenExceeded |
Search Text Length Exceeded. |
8004E003 -2147164157 |
SeriesMeasureCollectionMismatch |
Number of series for chart area and number of measure collections for category should be same. |
80044178 -2147204744 |
ServiceBusExtendedTokenFailed |
Failed to retrieve the additional token for service bus post. |
80044177 -2147204745 |
ServiceBusIssuerCertificateError |
Service integration issuer certificate error. |
80044176 -2147204746 |
ServiceBusIssuerNotFound |
Cannot find service integration issuer information. |
8004417A -2147204742 |
ServiceBusPostDisabled |
Service bus post is disabled for the organization. |
80044175 -2147204747 |
ServiceBusPostFailed |
The service bus post failed. |
80044179 -2147204743 |
ServiceBusPostPostponed |
Service bus post is being postponed. |
80040244 -2147220924 |
ServiceInstantiationFailed |
Instantiation of an Entity failed. |
80040253 -2147220909 |
SessionTokenUnavailable |
Session token is not available unless there is a transaction in place. |
80048149 -2147188407 |
SharePointAbsoluteAndRelativeUrlEmpty |
Both absolute URL and relative URL cannot be null. |
800608B3 -2147088205 |
SharePointAuthenticationFailure |
Microsoft Dynamics CRM cannot authenticate this user {0} . Verify that the information for this user is correct, and then try again. |
800608B4 -2147088204 |
SharePointAuthorizationFailure |
Microsoft Dynamics CRM cannot authorize this user {0} . Verify that the information for this user is correct, and then try again. |
800608B1 -2147088207 |
SharePointCertificateExpired |
Certificate used for Sharepoint validation has expired |
800608B5 -2147088203 |
SharePointConnectionFailure |
Microsoft Dynamics CRM cannot connect this user {0} to SharePoint. Verify that the information for this user is correct and exists in SharePoint, and then try again. |
8004F302 -2147159294 |
SharePointCrmDomainValidator |
The SharePoint and Microsoft Dynamics CRM Servers are on different domains. Please ensure a trust relationship between the two domains. |
8004F309 -2147159287 |
SharePointCrmGridIsInstalledValidator |
The Microsoft Dynamics CRM Grid component must be installed on the SharePoint server. This component is required for SharePoint integration to work correctly. |
8004F314 -2147159276 |
SharePointErrorAbsoluteUrlClipped |
The URL exceeds the maximum number of 256 characters. Use shorter names for sites and folders, and try again. |
8004F310 -2147159280 |
SharePointErrorRetrieveAbsoluteUrl |
An error occurred while retrieving the absolute and site collection url for a SharePoint object. |
8004F311 -2147159279 |
SharePointInvalidEntityForValidation |
Entity Does not support SharePoint Url Validation. |
800608B2 -2147088206 |
SharePointRealmMismatch |
Sharepoint realm ID entered does not match with the registered realm at Sharepoint side. |
80048057 -2147188649 |
SharePointRecordWithDuplicateUrl |
There is already a record with the same Url. |
8004F0FA -2147159814 |
SharePointRoleProvisionJobAlreadyExists |
A system job to provision the selected security role is pending. Any changes made to the security role record before this system job starts will be applied to this system job. |
8004F303 -2147159293 |
SharePointServerDiscoveryValidator |
The URL is incorrect or the site is not running. |
8004F308 -2147159288 |
SharePointServerLanguageValidator |
Microsoft Dynamics CRM and Microsoft Office SharePoint Server must have the same base language. |
8004F304 -2147159292 |
SharePointServerVersionValidator |
The SharePoint Site Collection must be running a supported version of Microsoft Office SharePoint Server or Microsoft Windows SharePoint Services. Please refer the implementation guide. |
8004F305 -2147159291 |
SharePointSiteCollectionIsAccessibleValidator |
The URL is incorrect or the site is not running. |
8004F0F8 -2147159816 |
SharePointSiteCreationFailure |
Failed to create the site {0} in SharePoint. |
8004F0F3 -2147159821 |
SharePointSiteNotPresentInSharePoint |
Site {0} does not exists in SharePoint. |
8004F307 -2147159289 |
SharePointSitePermissionsValidator |
The current user does not have the appropriate privileges. You must be a SharePoint site administrator on the SharePoint site. |
8004F0FB -2147159813 |
SharePointSiteWideProvisioningJobFailed |
SharePoint provisioning job has failed. |
8004F0F9 -2147159815 |
SharePointTeamProvisionJobAlreadyExists |
A system job to provision the selected team is pending. Any changes made to the team record before this system job starts will be applied to this system job. |
8004F0F6 -2147159818 |
SharePointUnableToAclSite |
Unable to ACL site {0} in SharePoint. |
8004F0F5 -2147159819 |
SharePointUnableToAclSiteWithPrivilege |
Unable to ACL site {0} with privilege {1} in SharePoint. |
8004F0F1 -2147159823 |
SharePointUnableToAddUserToGroup |
Microsoft Dynamics CRM cannot add this user {0} to the group {1} in SharePoint. Verify that the information for this user and group are correct and that the group exists in SharePoint, and then try again. |
8004F0F7 -2147159817 |
SharePointUnableToCreateSiteGroup |
Unable to create site group {0} in SharePoint. |
8004F0F2 -2147159822 |
SharePointUnableToRemoveUserFromGroup |
Unable to remove user {0} from group {1} in SharePoint. |
8004F0F4 -2147159820 |
SharePointUnableToRetrieveGroup |
Unable to retrieve the group {0} from SharePoint. |
8004F301 -2147159295 |
SharePointUrlHostValidator |
The URL cannot be resolved into an IP. |
8004F306 -2147159290 |
SharePointUrlIsRootWebValidator |
The URL is not valid. The URL must be a valid site collection and cannot include a subsite. The URL must be in a valid form, such as http://SharePointServer/sites/CrmSite. |
800608B6 -2147088202 |
SharePointVersionUnsupported |
Microsoft Dynamics CRM cannot connect to Sharepoint as the Sharepoint Version is unsupported. Install the correct version, and then try again. |
8004037e -2147220610 |
SingletonMappingFoundForArrayParameter |
A single transformation parameter mapping is defined for an array parameter. |
8004F401 -2147159039 |
SiteMapXsdValidationError |
Sitemap xml failed XSD validation with the following error: '{0}' at line {1} position {2}. |
800608A3 -2147088221 |
SkipValidDateTimeBehavior |
The behavior value for this field was ignored. A System Customizer will need to configure the behavior value for this field directly. |
8004F872 -2147157902 |
SlaActivateDeactivateByNonOwner |
This SLA cannot be activated or deactivated by someone who is not its owner. |
8004F861 -2147157919 |
SlaAlreadyInactiveState |
You can't activate this record because it's already active. |
8004F862 -2147157918 |
SlaAlreadyInDraftState |
You can't deactivate this record because it's in a draft state. |
8004F875 -2147157899 |
SlaPermissionToPerformAction |
You don't have the required permissions on SLAs and processes to perform this action. |
80040489 -2147220343 |
SnapshotReportNotReady |
The selected report is not ready for viewing. The report is still being created or a report snapshot is not available. ReportId:{0} |
80060621 -2147088863 |
SocialCareDisabledError |
There's a problem communicating with the Microsoft Dynamics CRM Organization. The organization might be unavailable or the feature is set so that it can't receive social data. Try again later. If the problem persists, contact your CRM administrator. |
8004701C -2147192804 |
SolutionConfigurationPageMustBeHtmlWebResource |
The solution configuration page must exist within the solution it represents. |
8004F023 -2147160029 |
SolutionUniqueNameViolation |
The solution unique name '{0}' is already being used and cannot be used again. |
80044340 -2147204288 |
SourceAttributeHeaderTooBig |
Column headers must be 160 or fewer characters. Fix the column headers, and then run Data Migration Manager again. |
8004033d -2147220675 |
SourceEntityMappedToMultipleTargets |
This source entity is mapped to more than one Microsoft Dynamics CRM entity. Remove any duplicate mappings, and then import this data map again. |
8006070A -2147088630 |
SPBadLockInFileCollectionErrorCode |
The file in the collection has bad lock |
80060720 -2147088608 |
SPCurrentDocumentLocationDisabledErrorCode |
Current document location is disabled by administrator |
80060721 -2147088607 |
SPCurrentFolderAlreadyExistErrorCode |
Record already present in db |
80060713 -2147088621 |
SPDataValidationFiledOnFieldAndListErrorCode |
Data validation has failed on the field and the list |
80060711 -2147088623 |
SPDataValidationFiledOnFieldErrorCode |
Data validation has failed on the field |
80060712 -2147088622 |
SPDataValidationFiledOnListErrorCode |
Data validation has failed on the list |
80060708 -2147088632 |
SPDuplicateValuesFoundErrorCode |
The list item could not be updated because duplicate values were found for one or more field(s) in the list |
80060705 -2147088635 |
SPExclusiveLockOnFileErrorCode |
Exclusive lock on the file |
80060702 -2147088638 |
SPFileAlreadyCheckedOutErrorCode |
File is already checked out |
80060703 -2147088637 |
SPFileCheckedOutInvalidArgsErrorCode |
Checkout arguments are not valid |
8006070D -2147088627 |
SPFileContentNullErrorCode |
Content of the file creation information must not be null |
80060728 -2147088600 |
SPFileIsCheckedOutByOtherUser |
File is checked out to a user other than the current user |
8006070F -2147088625 |
SPFileIsReadOnlyErrorCode |
Field is read-only |
80060729 -2147088599 |
SPFileNameModifiedErrorCode |
The folder can't be found. If you changed the automatically generated folder name for this document location directly in SharePoint, you must change the folder name in CRM to match the renamed folder. To do this, select Edit Location and type the matching name in Folder Name field. |
80060700 -2147088640 |
SPFileNotCheckedOutErrorCode |
File is not checked out |
80060706 -2147088634 |
SPFileNotFoundErrorCode |
File cannot be found |
80060707 -2147088633 |
SPFileNotLockedErrorCode |
The file in the collection is not locked |
8006070E -2147088626 |
SPFileSizeMismatchErrorCode |
There is a mismatch between the size of the document stream written and the size of the input document stream |
80060709 -2147088631 |
SPFileTooLargeOrInfectedErrorCode |
Virus checking indicates the file is infected with a virus or the file is too large |
8006071B -2147088613 |
SPFolderNotFoundErrorCode |
Folder Not Found |
80060719 -2147088615 |
SPGenericErrorCode |
Error while doing this operation on SharePoint |
8006071F -2147088609 |
SPIllegalCharactersInFileNameErrorCode |
Illegal characters in filename |
8006071D -2147088611 |
SPIllegalFileTypeErrorCode |
Illegal file type |
80060716 -2147088618 |
SPInstanceOfRecurringEventErrorCode |
List item is an instance of a recurring event which is not a recurrence exception, the list item is a workflow task whose parent workflow is in the recycle bin, or the parent list is a document library |
8006071E -2147088610 |
SPInvalidFieldValueErrorCode |
Invalid Field Value |
8006070B -2147088629 |
SPInvalidLookupValuesErrorCode |
List item could not be updated because invalid lookup values were found for one or more field(s) in the list |
80060718 -2147088616 |
SPInvalidSavedQueryErrorCode |
Error while doing this operation on SharePoint |
80060717 -2147088617 |
SPItemNotExistErrorCode |
List item does not exist |
80060710 -2147088624 |
SPModifiedOnServerErrorCode |
List item was modified on the server so changes cannot be committed |
8006071C -2147088612 |
SPNoActiveDocumentLocationErrorCode |
No Active Document Location |
8006070C -2147088628 |
SPNullFileUrlErrorCode |
URL of the file creation information must not be null and URL of the file creation information must not be invalid |
80060723 -2147088605 |
SPNullRegardingObjectErrorCode |
Regarding object id is null |
80060715 -2147088619 |
SPOperationNotSupportedErrorCode |
List does not support this operation |
80060724 -2147088604 |
SPOperatorNotSupportedErrorCode |
{0} does not support the selected operator |
80060725 -2147088603 |
SPRequiredColCheckInErrorCode |
Exception occurred while doing document check-in as some columns are made required at SharePoint |
80060704 -2147088636 |
SPSharedLockOnFileErrorCode |
Shared lock on the file |
8006071A -2147088614 |
SPSiteNotFoundErrorCode |
Site Not Found |
80060714 -2147088620 |
SPThrottlingLimitExceededErrorCode |
Throttling limit is exceeded by the operation |
80060701 -2147088639 |
SPUnauthorizedAccessErrorCode |
Current user have insufficient privileges |
80041136 -2147217098 |
SqlArithmeticOverflowError |
A SQL arithmetic overflow error occurred |
80048518 -2147187432 |
SqlEncryption |
There was an error in Data Encryption. |
8004851A -2147187430 |
SqlEncryptionCannotOpenSymmetricKeyBecauseDatabaseMasterKeyDoesNotExistOrIsNotOpened |
Cannot open Symmetric Key because Database Master Key does not exist in the database or is not opened. |
8004851D -2147187427 |
SqlEncryptionCertificateDoesNotExist |
Certificate with Name='{0}' does not exist in the database. |
80048529 -2147187415 |
SqlEncryptionChangeEncryptionKeyExceededQuotaForTheInterval |
'Change' encryption key has already been executed {0} times in the last {1} minutes. Please wait a couple of minutes and then try again. |
8004851E -2147187426 |
SqlEncryptionCreateCertificateError |
Cannot create Certificate with Name='{0}' because it already exists. |
8004851B -2147187429 |
SqlEncryptionCreateDatabaseMasterKeyError |
Cannot create Database Master Key because already exists. |
80048521 -2147187423 |
SqlEncryptionCreateSymmetricKeyError |
Cannot create Symmetric Key with Name='{0}' because it already exists. |
80048519 -2147187431 |
SqlEncryptionDatabaseMasterKeyDoesNotExist |
Database Master Key does not exist in the database. |
8004851F -2147187425 |
SqlEncryptionDeleteCertificateError |
Cannot delete Certificate with Name='{0}' because it does not exist. |
8004851C -2147187428 |
SqlEncryptionDeleteDatabaseMasterKeyError |
Cannot delete Database Master Key because it does not exist. |
80048526 -2147187418 |
SqlEncryptionDeleteEncryptionKeyError |
Cannot delete the encryption key. |
80048522 -2147187422 |
SqlEncryptionDeleteSymmetricKeyError |
Cannot delete Symmetric Key with Name='{0}' because it does not exist. |
80048523 -2147187421 |
SqlEncryptionEncryptionDecryptionTestError |
Error while testing data encryption and decryption. |
80048528 -2147187416 |
SqlEncryptionEncryptionKeyValidationError |
The new encryption key does not meet the strong encryption key requirements. The key must be between 10 and 100 characters in length, and must have at least one numeral, at least one letter, and one symbol or special character. {0} |
80048525 -2147187419 |
SqlEncryptionIsActiveCannotRestoreEncryptionKey |
Cannot perform 'activate' encryption key because the encryption key is already set and is working. Use 'change' encryption key instead. |
80048527 -2147187417 |
SqlEncryptionIsInactiveCannotChangeEncryptionKey |
Cannot perform 'change' encryption key because the encryption key is not already set or is not working. First use 'activate' encryption key instead to set the correct current encryption key and then use 'change' encryption if you want to re-encrypt data using a new encryption key. |
80048524 -2147187420 |
SqlEncryptionKeyCannotDecryptExistingData |
Cannot decrypt existing encrypted data (Entity='{0}', Attribute='{1}') using the current encryption key. Use 'activate' encryption key to set the correct encryption key. |
8004852B -2147187413 |
SqlEncryptionRestoreEncryptionKeyCannotDecryptExistingData |
Cannot perform 'activate' because the encryption key doesn’t match the original encryption key that was used to encrypt the data. |
8004852A -2147187414 |
SqlEncryptionSetEncryptionKeyIsAlreadyRunningCannotRunItInParallel |
The system is currently running a request to 'change' or 'activate' the encryption key. Please wait before making another request. |
80048530 -2147187408 |
SqlEncryptionSymmetricKeyCannotOpenBecauseWrongPassword |
Cannot open encryption Symmetric Key because the password is wrong. |
80048520 -2147187424 |
SqlEncryptionSymmetricKeyDoesNotExist |
Symmetric Key with Name='{0}' does not exist in the database. |
8004852F -2147187409 |
SqlEncryptionSymmetricKeyDoesNotExistOrNoPermission |
Cannot open encryption Symmetric Key because it does not exist in the database or user does not have permission. |
8004852E -2147187410 |
SqlEncryptionSymmetricKeyPasswordDoesNotExistInConfigDB |
Encryption Symmetric Key password does not exist in Config DB. |
8004852D -2147187411 |
SqlEncryptionSymmetricKeySourceDoesNotExistInConfigDB |
Encryption Symmetric Key Source does not exist in Config DB. |
8004C001 -2147172351 |
SqlErrorInStoredProcedure |
SQL error {0} occurred in stored procedure {1} |
80044157 -2147204777 |
SqlMaxRecursionExceeded |
The maximum recursion has reached before statement completion. |
80040492 -2147220334 |
SrsDataConnectorNotInstalled |
MSCRM Data Connector Not Installed |
8004F857 -2147157929 |
StateTransitionActivateNewStatus |
You can't activate this record because of the status transition rules.Contact your system administrator. |
8004F855 -2147157931 |
StateTransitionActiveToCanceled |
Because of the status transition rules, you can't cancel the case in the current status.Change the case status, and then try canceling it, or contact your system administrator. |
8004F854 -2147157932 |
StateTransitionActiveToResolve |
Because of the status transition rules, you can't resolve a case in the current status.Change the case status, and then try resolving it, or contact your system administrator. |
8004F858 -2147157928 |
StateTransitionDeactivateNewStatus |
You can't deactivate this record because of the status transition rules.Contact your system administrator. |
8004F856 -2147157930 |
StateTransitionResolvedOrCanceledToActive |
Because of the status transition rules, you can't activate the case from the current status.Contact your system administrator. |
80045043 -2147200957 |
StepAutomaticallyDisabled |
The original sdkmessageprocessingstep has been disabled and replaced. |
80060414 -2147089388 |
StepCountInXamlExceedsMaxAllowed |
There are {0} {1} in the Xaml. Max allowed is {2}. |
80060416 -2147089386 |
StepDoesNotHaveAnyChildInXaml |
{0} does not have at least one {1} as its child. |
80060000 -2147090432 |
StepNotSupportedForClientBusinessRule |
Step {0} is not supported for client side business rule. |
80060409 -2147089399 |
StepStepDoesNotHaveAnyControlStepAsItsChildren |
StepStep does not have any ControlStep as its children |
8004C002 -2147172350 |
StoredProcedureContext |
CRM error {0} in {1}:{2} |
8004D292 -2147167598 |
StringAttributeIndexError |
One of the attributes of the selected entity is a part of database index and so it cannot be greater than 900 bytes. |
80044331 -2147204303 |
StringLengthTooLong |
A validation error occurred. A string value provided is too long. |
80043e02 -2147205630 |
SubjectDoesNotExist |
Subject does not exist. |
80043e01 -2147205631 |
SubjectLoopBeingCreated |
Creating this parental association would create a loop in Subjects hierarchy. |
80043e00 -2147205632 |
SubjectLoopExists |
Loop exists in the subjects hierarchy. |
80040493 -2147220333 |
SubReportDoesNotExist |
Subreport does not exist. ReportId:{0} |
8004A108 -2147180280 |
SupportLogOnExpired |
Support login is expired |
80041d41 -2147214015 |
SupportUserCannotBeCreateNorUpdated |
The support user cannot not be updated |
80060741 -2147088575 |
SyncAttributeMappingCannotBeUpdated |
The sync attribute mapping cannot be updated. |
80048407 -2147187705 |
SyncToMsdeFailure |
Failed to start or connect to the offline mode MSDE database. |
80046205 -2147196411 |
SystemAttributeMap |
SystemAttributeMap Error Occurred |
80046202 -2147196414 |
SystemEntityMap |
SystemEntityMap Error Occurred |
8004F656 -2147158442 |
SystemFormCopyUnmatchedEntity |
The entity for the Target and the SourceId must match. |
8004F657 -2147158441 |
SystemFormCopyUnmatchedFormType |
The form type of the SourceId is not valid for the Target entity. |
8004F658 -2147158440 |
SystemFormCreateWithExistingLabel |
The label '{0}', id: '{1}' already exists. Supply unique labelid values. |
8004F655 -2147158443 |
SystemFormImportMissingRoles |
The unmanaged solution you are importing has displaycondition XML attributes that refer to security roles that are missing from the target system. Any displaycondition attributes that refer to these security roles will be removed. |
8004A112 -2147180270 |
SystemUserDisabled |
The system user was disabled therefore the ticket expired. |
8004A105 -2147180283 |
TamperedAuthTicket |
The ticket specified for authentication has been tampered with or invalidated. |
80048500 -2147187456 |
TargetAttributeInvalidForIgnore |
Target attribute name should be empty when the processcode is ignore. |
80040394 -2147220588 |
TargetAttributeInvalidForMap |
This attribute is not valid for mapping. |
80040392 -2147220590 |
TargetAttributeNotFound |
The file specifies an attribute that does not exist in Microsoft Dynamics CRM. |
80040395 -2147220587 |
TargetEntityInvalidForMap |
The file specifies an entity that is not valid for data migration. |
80040391 -2147220591 |
TargetEntityNotFound |
The file specifies an entity that does not exist in Microsoft Dynamics CRM. |
80048460 -2147187616 |
TargetEntityNotMapped |
Target Entity Name not defined for source:{0} file. |
80048342 -2147187902 |
TargetUserInsufficientPrivileges |
The user can't be added to the team because the user doesn't have the "{0}" privilege. |
80041d0a -2147214070 |
TeamAdministratorMissedPrivilege |
The team administrator does not have privilege read team. |
8004140d -2147216371 |
TeamInWrongBusiness |
The team belongs to a different business unit than the role. |
80048305 -2147187963 |
TeamNameTooLong |
The specified name for the team is too long. |
80042f0a -2147209462 |
TeamNotAssignedRoles |
The team has not been assigned any roles. |
80048475 -2147187595 |
TemplateNotAllowedForInternetMarketing |
Creating Templates with Internet Marketing Campaign Activities is not allowed |
80040324 -2147220700 |
TemplateTypeNotSupportedForUnsubscribeAcknowledgement |
This template type is not supported for unsubscribe acknowledgement. |
800608D1 -2147088175 |
ThemeIdOrUpdateTimestampIsNull |
Theme Id or Update Timestamp value is not present in theme data. |
8005F103 -2147094269 |
Throttling |
Too many requests. |
8004F901 -2147157759 |
TooManyBytesInInputStream |
The stream being read from has too many bytes. |
80060429 -2147089367 |
TooManyCalculatedFieldsInQuery |
Number of calculated fields in query exceeded maximum limit of {0}. |
8004430E -2147204338 |
TooManyConditionParametersInQuery |
Number of parameters in a condition exceeded maximum limit. |
8004430C -2147204340 |
TooManyConditionsInQuery |
Number of conditions in query exceeded maximum limit. |
80048332 -2147187918 |
TooManyEntitiesEnabledForAutoCreatedAccessTeams |
Too many entities enabled for auto created access teams. |
8004430D -2147204339 |
TooManyLinkEntitiesInQuery |
Number of link entities in query exceeded maximum limit. |
80048492 -2147187566 |
TooManyPicklistValues |
Number of distinct picklist values exceed the limit. |
8004350e -2147207922 |
TooManyRecipients |
Sending to multiple recipients is not supported. |
80048333 -2147187917 |
TooManyTeamTemplatesForEntityAccessTeams |
Too many team templates for auto created access teams for this entity. |
8004F900 -2147157760 |
TraceMessageConstructionError |
The trace record has an invalid trace code or an insufficient number of trace parameters. |
80040255 -2147220907 |
TransactionAborted |
Transaction Aborted. |
80040252 -2147220910 |
TransactionNotCommited |
Transaction not committed. |
80040251 -2147220911 |
TransactionNotStarted |
Transaction not started. |
8005E007 -2147098617 |
TransactionNotSupported |
The operation that you are trying to perform does not support transactions. |
80048463 -2147187613 |
TransformationResumeNotSupported |
The resume/retry of Transformation job of Import is not supported. |
80040335 -2147220683 |
TransformMustBeCalledBeforeImport |
Cannot call import before transform. |
80060402 -2147089406 |
TypeNotSetToDefinition |
Type should be set to Definition while creating business process flow category |
80045037 -2147200969 |
UIDataGenerationFailed |
There was an error generating the UIData from XAML. |
80048471 -2147187599 |
UIDataMissingInWorkflow |
The workflow does not contain UIData. |
8004F217 -2147159529 |
UIScriptIdentifierDuplicate |
A variable or input argument with the same name already exists. Choose a different name, and try again. |
8004F218 -2147159528 |
UIScriptIdentifierInvalid |
The variable or input argument name is invalid. The name can only contain '_', numerical, and alphabetical characters. Choose a different name, and try again. |
8004F219 -2147159527 |
UIScriptIdentifierInvalidLength |
The variable or input argument name is too long. Choose a smaller name, and try again. |
80044191 -2147204719 |
UnableToLoadPluginAssembly |
Unable to load plug-in assembly. |
80044190 -2147204720 |
UnableToLoadPluginType |
Unable to load plug-in type. |
80040378 -2147220616 |
UnableToLoadTransformationAssembly |
Unable to load the transformation assembly. |
80040379 -2147220615 |
UnableToLoadTransformationType |
Unable to load the transformation type. |
80044311 -2147204335 |
UnableToLogOnUserFromUserNameAndPassword |
The specified user name and password can not logon. |
8004B015 -2147176427 |
UnableToSendEmail |
Some Internal error occurred in sending invitation, Please try again later |
8005E220 -2147098080 |
UnapprovedMailbox |
The mailbox is not in approved state. Send/Receive mails are allowed only for approved mailboxes. |
80040277 -2147220873 |
UnauthorizedAccess |
Attempted to perform an unauthorized operation. |
80040216 -2147220970 |
UnExpected |
An unexpected error occurred. |
80040330 -2147220688 |
UnexpectedErrorInMailMerge |
There was an unexpected error during mail merge. |
80060006 -2147090426 |
UnexpectedRightOperandCount |
The right operand array in the expression contain unexpected no. of operand. |
80043b1b -2147206373 |
UnitDoesNotExist |
The unit does not exist. |
80043b1a -2147206374 |
UnitLoopBeingCreated |
Using this base unit would create a loop in the unit hierarchy. |
80043b19 -2147206375 |
UnitLoopExists |
Loop exists in the unit hierarchy. |
80043b26 -2147206362 |
UnitNoName |
The unit name cannot be null. |
80043b16 -2147206378 |
UnitNotInSchedule |
The unit does not exist in the specified unit schedule. |
80048513 -2147187437 |
UnknownInvalidTransformationParameterGeneric |
One or more input transformation parameter values are invalid: {0}. |
800404e6 -2147220250 |
unManagedchildentityisnotchild |
The child entity supplied is not a child. |
800404a9 -2147220311 |
unManagedcihldofconditionforoffilefilters |
Child-of condition is only allowed on offline filters. |
8004803B -2147188677 |
UnmanagedComponentParentsManagedComponent |
Found {0} dependency records where unmanaged component is the parent of a managed component. First record (dependentcomponentobjectid = {1}, type = {2}, requiredcomponentobjectid = {3}, type= {4}, solution = {5}). |
800404b0 -2147220304 |
unManagedemptyprocessliteralcondition |
No data specified for ProcessLiteralCondition. |
800404aa -2147220310 |
unManagedentityisnotintersect |
The entity is not an intersect entity. |
800404ca -2147220278 |
unManagederroraddingfiltertoqueryplan |
An error occurred adding a filter to the query plan. |
800404c4 -2147220284 |
unManagederrorprocessingfilternodes |
An unexpected error occurred processing the filter nodes. |
800404ae -2147220306 |
unManagedfieldnotvalidatedbyplatform |
A field was not validated by the platform. |
800404ab -2147220309 |
unManagedfilterindexoutofrange |
The filter index is out of range. |
80048306 -2147187962 |
unManagedIdsAccessDenied |
Not enough privilege to access the Microsoft Dynamics CRM object or perform the requested operation. |
80040511 -2147220207 |
unManagedidsaccounthaschildopportunities |
The Account has child opportunities. |
8004350a -2147207926 |
unManagedidsactivitydurationdoesnotmatch |
Activity duration does not match start/end time |
80043509 -2147207927 |
unManagedidsactivityinvalidduration |
Invalid activity duration |
80043503 -2147207933 |
unManagedidsactivityinvalidobjecttype |
Activity regarding object type is invalid |
80043505 -2147207931 |
unManagedidsactivityinvalidpartyobjecttype |
Activity party object type is invalid |
80043507 -2147207929 |
unManagedidsactivityinvalidregardingobject |
Invalid activity regarding object, it probably does not exist |
80043500 -2147207936 |
unManagedidsactivityinvalidstate |
Invalid activity state |
80043508 -2147207928 |
unManagedidsactivityinvalidtimeformat |
Invalid activity time, check format |
80043501 -2147207935 |
unManagedidsactivityinvalidtype |
Invalid activity type code |
8004350b -2147207925 |
unManagedidsactivitynotroutable |
This type of activity is not routable |
80043502 -2147207934 |
unManagedidsactivityobjectidortypemissing |
Activity regarding object Id or type is missing |
80043504 -2147207932 |
unManagedidsactivitypartyobjectidortypemissing |
Activity party object Id or type is missing |
80040226 -2147220954 |
unManagedidsanonymousenabled |
The logged-in user was not found in the Active Directory. |
80043e05 -2147205627 |
unManagedidsarticletemplatecontainsarticles |
Cannot change article template because there are knowledge base articles using it. |
80043e07 -2147205625 |
unManagedidsarticletemplateisnotactive |
KB article template is inactive. |
80044a05 -2147202555 |
unManagedidsattachmentcannotcreatetempfile |
Cannot create temporary attachment file. |
80044a01 -2147202559 |
unManagedidsattachmentcannotgetfilesize |
Cannot get temporary attachment file size. |
80044a00 -2147202560 |
unManagedidsattachmentcannotopentempfile |
Cannot open temporary attachment file. |
80044a03 -2147202557 |
unManagedidsattachmentcannotreadtempfile |
Cannot read temporary attachment file. |
80044a07 -2147202553 |
unManagedidsattachmentcannottruncatetempfile |
Cannot truncate temporary attachment file. |
80044a06 -2147202554 |
unManagedidsattachmentcannotunmaptempfile |
Cannot unmap temporary attachment file. |
80044a02 -2147202558 |
unManagedidsattachmentinvalidfilesize |
Attachment file size is too big. |
80044a04 -2147202556 |
unManagedidsattachmentisempty |
Attachment is empty. |
80041d04 -2147214076 |
unManagedidsbizmgmtbusinessparentdiffmerchant |
The business is not in the same merchant as parent business. |
80041d14 -2147214060 |
unManagedidsbizmgmtcallernotinpartnerbusiness |
The caller is not from partner business. |
80041d12 -2147214062 |
unManagedidsbizmgmtcallernotinprimarybusiness |
The caller is not from primary business. |
80041d32 -2147214030 |
unManagedidsbizmgmtcannotaddlocaluser |
A local user cannot be added to the CRM. |
80041d18 -2147214056 |
unManagedidsbizmgmtcannotdeletebusiness |
This is a sub-business. Use IBizMerchant::Delete to delete this sub-business. |
80041d19 -2147214055 |
unManagedidsbizmgmtcannotdeleteprovision |
This is a provisioned root-business. Use IBizProvision::Delete to delete this root-business. |
80041d1a -2147214054 |
unManagedidsbizmgmtcannotdisablebusiness |
This business unit cannot be disabled. |
80041d1b -2147214053 |
unManagedidsbizmgmtcannotdisableprovision |
This is a provisioned root-business. Use IBizProvision::Disable to disable this root-business. |
80041d1c -2147214052 |
unManagedidsbizmgmtcannotenablebusiness |
This is a sub-business. Use IBizMerchant::Enable to enable this sub-business. |
80041d1d -2147214051 |
unManagedidsbizmgmtcannotenableprovision |
This is a provisioned root-business. Use IBizProvision::Enable to enable this root-business. |
80041d05 -2147214075 |
unManagedidsbizmgmtcannotmovedefaultuser |
unManagedidsbizmgmtcannotmovedefaultuser |
80041d2d -2147214035 |
unManagedidsbizmgmtcannotreadaccountcontrol |
Insufficient permissions to the specified Active Directory user. Contact your System Administrator. |
80041d17 -2147214057 |
unManagedidsbizmgmtcannotremovepartnershipdefaultuser |
The default user of a partnership can not be removed. |
80041d36 -2147214026 |
unManagedidsbizmgmtcantchangeorgname |
The organization name cannot be changed. |
80041d03 -2147214077 |
unManagedidsbizmgmtdefaultusernotinbusiness |
The default user is not in the business. |
80041d15 -2147214059 |
unManagedidsbizmgmtdefaultusernotinpartnerbusiness |
The default user is not from partner business. |
80041d13 -2147214061 |
unManagedidsbizmgmtdefaultusernotinprimarybusiness |
The default user is not from primary business. |
80041d00 -2147214080 |
unManagedidsbizmgmtmissbusinessname |
The business name was unexpectedly missing. |
80041d02 -2147214078 |
unManagedidsbizmgmtmissparentbusiness |
The parent business was unexpectedly missing. |
80041d0f -2147214065 |
unManagedidsbizmgmtmisspartnerbusiness |
The partnership partner business was unexpectedly missing. |
80041d0e -2147214066 |
unManagedidsbizmgmtmissprimarybusiness |
The partnership primary business was unexpectedly missing. |
80041d01 -2147214079 |
unManagedidsbizmgmtmissuserdomainname |
The user's domain name was unexpectedly missing. |
80041d29 -2147214039 |
unManagedidsbizmgmtnoparentbusiness |
The specified business does not have a parent business. |
80041d11 -2147214063 |
unManagedidsbizmgmtpartnershipalreadyexists |
A partnership between specified primary business and partner business already exists. |
80041d16 -2147214058 |
unManagedidsbizmgmtpartnershipnotinpendingstatus |
The partnership has been accepted or declined. |
80041d10 -2147214064 |
unManagedidsbizmgmtprimarysameaspartner |
The primary business is the same as partner business. |
80041d06 -2147214074 |
unManagedidsbizmgmtusercannotbeownparent |
The user can not be its own parent user. |
80041d1e -2147214050 |
unManagedidsbizmgmtuserdoesnothaveparent |
This user does not have a parent user. |
80041d2b -2147214037 |
unManagedidsbizmgmtusersettingsnotcreated |
The specified user's settings have not yet been created. |
80044d00 -2147201792 |
unManagedidscalendarinvalidcalendar |
The calendar is invalid. |
80045100 -2147200768 |
unManagedidscalendarruledoesnotexist |
The calendar rule does not exist. |
80045f05 -2147197179 |
unManagedidsCalloutException |
Callout code throws exception |
80045f03 -2147197181 |
unManagedidscalloutinvalidconfig |
Invalid callout configuration |
80045f04 -2147197180 |
unManagedidscalloutinvalidevent |
Invalid callout event |
80045f01 -2147197183 |
unManagedidscalloutisvabort |
Callout ISV code aborted the operation |
80045f00 -2147197184 |
unManagedidscalloutisvexception |
Callout ISV code throws exception |
80045f02 -2147197182 |
unManagedidscalloutisvstop |
Callout ISV code stopped the operation |
80040221 -2147220959 |
unManagedidscannotassigntobusiness |
Cannot assign an object to a merchant. |
80043b04 -2147206396 |
unManagedidscannotdeactivatepricelevel |
The price level cannot be deactivated because it is the default price level of an account, contact or product. |
80040238 -2147220936 |
unManagedidscannotdefaultprivateview |
Private views cannot be default. |
8004021e -2147220962 |
unManagedidscannotgrantorrevokeaccesstobusiness |
Cannot grant or revoke access rights to a merchant. |
80044154 -2147204780 |
unManagedidscantdisable |
The user cannot be disabled because they have workflow rules running under their context. |
80045602 -2147199486 |
unManagedidscascadeemptylinkerror |
The relationship link is empty |
80045600 -2147199488 |
unManagedidscascadeinconsistencyerror |
Cascade map information is inconsistent. |
80045601 -2147199487 |
unManagedidscascadeundefinedrelationerror |
Relationship type is not supported |
80045603 -2147199485 |
unManagedidscascadeunexpectederror |
Unexpected error occurred in cascading operation |
80040b01 -2147218687 |
unManagedidscommunicationsbadsender |
More than one sender specified |
80040b06 -2147218682 |
unManagedidscommunicationsnoparticipationmask |
Participation type is missing from an activity |
80040b00 -2147218688 |
unManagedidscommunicationsnopartyaddress |
Object address not found on party or party is marked as non-emailable |
80040b05 -2147218683 |
unManagedidscommunicationsnorecipients |
At least one system user or queue in the organization must be a recipient |
80040b02 -2147218686 |
unManagedidscommunicationsnosender |
No email address was specified, and the calling user does not have an email address set |
80040b08 -2147218680 |
unManagedidscommunicationsnosenderaddress |
The sender does not have an email address on the party record |
80040b07 -2147218681 |
unManagedidscommunicationstemplateinvalidtemplate |
The template body is invalid |
80040512 -2147220206 |
unManagedidscontacthaschildopportunities |
The Contact has child opportunities. |
80043201 -2147208703 |
unManagedidscontractaccountmissing |
Account is required to save a contract. |
80043207 -2147208697 |
unManagedidscontractdoesnotexist |
The contract does not exist. |
80043212 -2147208686 |
unManagedidscontractinvalidowner |
The owner of the contract is invalid. |
80043217 -2147208681 |
unManagedidscontractinvalidstartdateforrenewedcontract |
The start date of the renewed contract can not be earlier than the end date of the originating contract. |
80043214 -2147208684 |
unManagedidscontractinvalidtotalallotments |
The totalallotments is invalid. |
80043208 -2147208696 |
unManagedidscontractlineitemdoesnotexist |
The contract line item does not exist. |
8004320a -2147208694 |
unManagedidscontractopencasesexist |
There are open cases against this contract line item. |
80043216 -2147208682 |
unManagedidscontracttemplateabbreviationexists |
The value for abbreviation already exists. |
80043200 -2147208704 |
unManagedidscontractunexpected |
An unexpected error occurred in Contracts. |
80042901 -2147211007 |
unManagedidscpbadpassword |
Incorrect password for the specified customer portal user. |
80042903 -2147211005 |
unManagedidscpdecryptfailed |
Decryption of the password failed. |
80042902 -2147211006 |
unManagedidscpencryptfailed |
Encryption of the supplied password failed. |
80042900 -2147211008 |
unManagedidscpuserdoesnotexist |
The customer portal user does not exist, or the password was incorrect. |
80045901 -2147198719 |
unManagedidscustomentityalreadyinitialized |
Custom entity interface already initialized on this thread. |
8004590d -2147198707 |
unManagedidscustomentityambiguousrelationship |
More than one relationship between the requested entities exists. |
80045907 -2147198713 |
unManagedidscustomentityexistingloop |
There is an existing loop in the database. |
80045909 -2147198711 |
unManagedidscustomentityinvalidchild |
The supplied child passed in is not a valid entity. |
80045903 -2147198717 |
unManagedidscustomentityinvalidownership |
Custom entity ownership type mask is improperly set. |
8004590a -2147198710 |
unManagedidscustomentityinvalidparent |
The supplied parent passed in is not a valid entity. |
80045900 -2147198720 |
unManagedidscustomentitynameviolation |
Supplied entity found, but it is not a custom entity. |
8004590c -2147198708 |
unManagedidscustomentitynorelationship |
No relationship exists between the requested entities. |
80045902 -2147198718 |
unManagedidscustomentitynotinitialized |
Custom entity interface was not properly initialized. |
8004590b -2147198709 |
unManagedidscustomentityparentchildidentical |
The supplied parent and child entities are identical. |
80045905 -2147198715 |
unManagedidscustomentitystackoverflow |
Custom entity MD stack overflow. |
80045906 -2147198714 |
unManagedidscustomentitystackunderflow |
Custom entity MD stack underflow. |
80045904 -2147198716 |
unManagedidscustomentitytlsfailure |
Custom entity MD TLS not initialized. |
80045908 -2147198712 |
unManagedidscustomentitywouldcreateloop |
This association would create a loop in the database. |
80040514 -2147220204 |
unManagedidscustomeraddresstypeinvalid |
Invalid customer address type. |
80044700 -2147203328 |
unManagedidscustomizationtransformationnotsupported |
Transformation is not supported for this object. |
80042300 -2147212544 |
unManagedidsdataaccessunexpected |
Unexpected error in data access. DB Connection may not have been opened successfully. |
8004022c -2147220948 |
unManagedidsdataoutofrange |
Data out of range |
80042c03 -2147210237 |
unManagedidsevalaborted |
Evaluation aborted. |
80042c02 -2147210238 |
unManagedidsevalallaborted |
Evaluation aborted and stop further processing. |
80042c0c -2147210228 |
unManagedidsevalallcompleted |
Evaluation completed and stop further processing. |
80042c01 -2147210239 |
unManagedidsevalassignshouldhave4parameters |
Assign action should have 4 parameters. |
80042c0d -2147210227 |
unManagedidsevalchangetypeerror |
Change type error. |
80042c04 -2147210236 |
unManagedidsevalcompleted |
Evaluation completed. |
80042c3c -2147210180 |
unManagedidsevalcreateshouldhave2parameters |
Create action should have 2 parameters. |
80042c2c -2147210196 |
unManagedidsevalerrorabsparameter |
Error occurred when evaluating a WFPM_ABS parameter. |
80042c18 -2147210216 |
unManagedidsevalerroractivityattachment |
Error in action activity attachment. |
80042c0f -2147210225 |
unManagedidsevalerroraddparameter |
Error occurred when evaluating a WFPM_ADD parameter. |
80042c3f -2147210177 |
unManagedidsevalerrorappendtoactivityparty |
unManagedidsevalerrorappendtoactivityparty |
80042c22 -2147210206 |
unManagedidsevalerrorassign |
Error in action assign. |
80042c38 -2147210184 |
unManagedidsevalerrorbeginwithparameter |
Error occurred when evaluating a WFPM_BEGIN_WITH parameter. |
80042c33 -2147210189 |
unManagedidsevalerrorbetweenparameter |
Error occurred when evaluating a WFPM_BETWEEN parameter. |
80042c3a -2147210182 |
unManagedidsevalerrorcontainparameter |
Error occurred when evaluating a WFPM_CONTAIN parameter. |
80042c3b -2147210181 |
unManagedidsevalerrorcreate |
Error in create update. |
80042c17 -2147210217 |
unManagedidsevalerrorcreateactivity |
Error in action create activity. |
80042c1d -2147210211 |
unManagedidsevalerrorcreateincident |
Error in action create incident. |
80042c1b -2147210213 |
unManagedidsevalerrorcreatenote |
Error in action create note. |
80042c16 -2147210218 |
unManagedidsevalerrordividedbyzero |
Divided by zero. |
80042c13 -2147210221 |
unManagedidsevalerrordivisionparameter |
Error occurred when evaluating a WFPM_DIVISION parameter. |
80042c12 -2147210222 |
unManagedidsevalerrordivisionparameters |
Division parameter can have only two subparameters. |
80042c21 -2147210207 |
unManagedidsevalerroremailtemplate |
Error in action email template. |
80042c39 -2147210183 |
unManagedidsevalerrorendwithparameter |
Error occurred when evaluating a WFPM_END_WITH parameter. |
80042c31 -2147210191 |
unManagedidsevalerroreqparameter |
Error occurred when evaluating a WFPM_EQ parameter. |
80042c27 -2147210201 |
unManagedidsevalerrorexec |
Error in action exec. |
80042c45 -2147210171 |
unManagedidsevalerrorformatbooleanparameter |
Error happens when evaluating WFPM_FORMAT_BOOLEAN parameter. |
80042c44 -2147210172 |
unManagedidsevalerrorformatdatetimeparameter |
Error happens when evaluating WFPM_FORMAT_DATETIME parameter. |
80042c4a -2147210166 |
unManagedidsevalerrorformatdecimalparameter |
Error happens when evaluating WFPM_FORMAT_DECIMAL parameter. |
80042c49 -2147210167 |
unManagedidsevalerrorformatintegerparameter |
Error happens when evaluating WFPM_FORMAT_INTEGER parameter. |
80042c4c -2147210164 |
unManagedidsevalerrorformatlookupparameter |
Error happens when evaluating WFPM_FORMAT_LOOKUP parameter. |
80042c46 -2147210170 |
unManagedidsevalerrorformatpicklistparameter |
Error happens when evaluating WFPM_FORMAT_PICKLIST parameter. |
80042c4b -2147210165 |
unManagedidsevalerrorformattimezonecodeparameter |
unManagedidsevalerrorformattimezonecodeparameter |
80042c2e -2147210194 |
unManagedidsevalerrorgeqparameter |
Error occurred when evaluating a WFPM_GEQ parameter. |
80042c2d -2147210195 |
unManagedidsevalerrorgtparameter |
Error occurred when evaluating a WFPM_GT parameter. |
80042c28 -2147210200 |
unManagedidsevalerrorhalt |
Error in action halt. |
80042c19 -2147210215 |
unManagedidsevalerrorhandleactivity |
Error in action handle activity. |
80042c1e -2147210210 |
unManagedidsevalerrorhandleincident |
Error in action handle incident. |
80042c29 -2147210199 |
unManagedidsevalerrorincidentqueue |
Failed to evaluate INCIDENT_QUEUE. |
80042c42 -2147210174 |
unManagedidsevalerrorinlistparameter |
unManagedidsevalerrorinlistparameter |
80042c34 -2147210188 |
unManagedidsevalerrorinparameter |
Error occurred when evaluating a WFPM_IN parameter. |
80042c2b -2147210197 |
unManagedidsevalerrorinvalidparameter |
Invalid parameter. |
80042c35 -2147210187 |
unManagedidsevalerrorinvalidrecipient |
Invalid email recipient. |
80042c43 -2147210173 |
unManagedidsevalerrorisnulllistparameter |
unManagedidsevalerrorisnulllistparameter |
80042c30 -2147210192 |
unManagedidsevalerrorleqparameter |
Error occurred when evaluating a WFPM_LEQ parameter. |
80042c2f -2147210193 |
unManagedidsevalerrorltparameter |
Error occurred when evaluating a WFPM_LT parameter. |
80042c15 -2147210219 |
unManagedidsevalerrormodulusparameter |
Error occurred when evaluating a WFPM_MODULUR parameter. |
80042c14 -2147210220 |
unManagedidsevalerrormodulusparameters |
Modulus parameter can have only two subparameters. |
80042c11 -2147210223 |
unManagedidsevalerrormultiplicationparameter |
Error occurred when evaluating a WFPM_MULTIPLICATION parameter. |
80042c32 -2147210190 |
unManagedidsevalerrorneqparameter |
Error occurred when evaluating a WFPM_NEQ parameter. |
80042c1c -2147210212 |
unManagedidsevalerrornoteattachment |
Error in action note attachment. |
80042c48 -2147210168 |
unManagedidsevalerrorobjecttype |
Error happens when evaluating WFPM_GetObjectType parameter. |
80042c26 -2147210202 |
unManagedidsevalerrorposturl |
Error in action posturl. |
80042c47 -2147210169 |
unManagedidsevalerrorqueueidparameter |
unManagedidsevalerrorqueueidparameter |
80042c40 -2147210176 |
unManagedidsevalerrorremovefromactivityparty |
unManagedidsevalerrorremovefromactivityparty |
80042c24 -2147210204 |
unManagedidsevalerrorroute |
Error in action route. |
80042c20 -2147210208 |
unManagedidsevalerrorsendemail |
Error in action send email. |
80042c41 -2147210175 |
unManagedidsevalerrorsetactivityparty |
unManagedidsevalerrorsetactivityparty |
80042c25 -2147210203 |
unManagedidsevalerrorsetstate |
Error in action set state. |
80042c37 -2147210185 |
unManagedidsevalerrorstrlenparameter |
Error occurred when evaluating a WFPM_STRLEN parameter. |
80042c36 -2147210186 |
unManagedidsevalerrorsubstrparameter |
Error occurred when evaluating a WFPM_SUBSTR parameter. |
80042c10 -2147210224 |
unManagedidsevalerrorsubtractionparameter |
Error occurred when evaluating a WFPM_SUBTRACTION parameter. |
80042c1a -2147210214 |
unManagedidsevalerrorunhandleactivity |
Error in action unhandle activity. |
80042c1f -2147210209 |
unManagedidsevalerrorunhandleincident |
Error in action unhandle incident. |
80042c23 -2147210205 |
unManagedidsevalerrorupdate |
Error in action update. |
80042c2a -2147210198 |
unManagedidsevalgenericerror |
Evaluation error. |
80042c08 -2147210232 |
unManagedidsevalmetabaseattributenotfound |
The specified metabase attribute does not exist. |
80042c0b -2147210229 |
unManagedidsevalmetabaseattributenotmatchquery |
The specified refattributeid does not the query for a WFPM_SELECT parameter. |
80042c07 -2147210233 |
unManagedidsevalmetabaseentitycompoundkeys |
The specified metabase object has compound keys. We do not support compound-key entities yet. |
80042c0a -2147210230 |
unManagedidsevalmetabaseentitynotmatchquery |
The specified refentityid does not the query for a WFPM_SELECT parameter. |
80042c0e -2147210226 |
unManagedidsevalmissselectquery |
Missing the query subparameter in a select parameter. |
80042c05 -2147210235 |
unManagedidsevalobjectnotfound |
The required object does not exist. |
80042c09 -2147210231 |
unManagedidsevalpropertyisnull |
The required property of the object was not set. |
80042c06 -2147210234 |
unManagedidsevalpropertynotfound |
The required property of the object was not found. |
80042c3e -2147210178 |
unManagedidsevaltimererrorcalculatescheduletime |
Failed to calculate the schedule time for the timer action. |
80042c3d -2147210179 |
unManagedidsevaltimerinvalidparameternumber |
Invalid parameters for Timer action. |
80042c00 -2147210240 |
unManagedidsevalupdateshouldhave3parameters |
Update action should have 3 parameters. |
8004020f -2147220977 |
unManagedidsfailureinittoken |
Failure in obtaining user token. |
80044153 -2147204781 |
unManagedidsfetchbetweentext |
between, not-between, in, and not-in operators are not allowed on attributes of type text or ntext. |
80043e06 -2147205626 |
unManagedidsfulltextoperationfailed |
Full text operation failed. |
80044405 -2147204091 |
unManagedidsincidentassociatedactivitycorrupted |
The activity associated with this case is corrupted. |
8004440a -2147204086 |
unManagedidsincidentcannotclose |
The incident can not be closed because there are open activities for this incident. |
80044402 -2147204094 |
unManagedidsincidentcontractdetaildoesnotmatchcontract |
The contract line item is not in the specified contract. |
80044406 -2147204090 |
unManagedidsincidentinvalidactivitytypecode |
The activitytypecode is wrong. |
80044404 -2147204092 |
unManagedidsincidentinvalidstate |
Incident state is invalid. |
80044408 -2147204088 |
unManagedidsincidentmissingactivityobjecttype |
Missing object type code. |
80044407 -2147204089 |
unManagedidsincidentnullactivitytypecode |
The activitytypecode can't be NULL. |
80044410 -2147204080 |
unManagedidsincidentparentaccountandparentcontactnotpresent |
You should specify a parent contact or account. |
8004440f -2147204081 |
unManagedidsincidentparentaccountandparentcontactpresent |
You can either specify a parent contact or account, but not both. |
80040211 -2147220975 |
unManagedidsinvalidassociation |
Invalid association. |
80040209 -2147220983 |
unManagedidsinvalidbusinessid |
Invalid business id. |
8004020b -2147220981 |
unManagedidsinvaliditemid |
Invalid item id. |
8004020a -2147220982 |
unManagedidsinvalidorgid |
Invalid organization id. |
80040212 -2147220974 |
unManagedidsinvalidowninguser |
Item does not have an owning user. |
80040208 -2147220984 |
unManagedidsinvalidteamid |
Invalid team id. |
80040207 -2147220985 |
unManagedidsinvaliduserid |
The user id is invalid or missing. |
8004021d -2147220963 |
unManagedidsinvaliduseridorbusinessidorusersbusinessinvalid |
One of the following occurred: invalid user id, invalid business id or the user does not belong to the business. |
8004020e -2147220978 |
unManagedidsinvalidvisibility |
Invalid visibility. |
80040213 -2147220973 |
unManagedidsinvalidvisibilitymodificationaccess |
User does not have access to modify the visibility of this item. |
80043b25 -2147206363 |
unManagedidsinvoicecloseapideprecated |
The Invoice Close API is deprecated. It has been replaced by the Pay and Cancel APIs. |
80040803 -2147219453 |
unManagedidsjournalinginvalideventtype |
Invalid event type. |
80040806 -2147219450 |
unManagedidsjournalingmissingaccountid |
Account Id missed. |
80040808 -2147219448 |
unManagedidsjournalingmissingcontactid |
Contact Id missed. |
80040802 -2147219454 |
unManagedidsjournalingmissingeventdirection |
Event direction code missed. |
80040804 -2147219452 |
unManagedidsjournalingmissingeventtype |
Event type missed. |
80040809 -2147219447 |
unManagedidsjournalingmissingincidentid |
Incident Id missed. |
80040805 -2147219451 |
unManagedidsjournalingmissingleadid |
Lead Id missed. |
80040807 -2147219449 |
unManagedidsjournalingmissingopportunityid |
Opportunity Id missed. |
80040801 -2147219455 |
unManagedidsjournalingunsupportedobjecttype |
Unsupported type of objects passed in operation. |
80040501 -2147220223 |
unManagedidsleaddoesnotexist |
Lead does not exist. |
8004050b -2147220213 |
unManagedidsleadnoparent |
The lead does not have a parent. |
8004050c -2147220212 |
unManagedidsleadnotassigned |
The lead has not been assigned. |
80040513 -2147220205 |
unManagedidsleadnotassignedtocaller |
The lead is not being assigned to the caller for acceptance. |
80040510 -2147220208 |
unManagedidsleadoneaccount |
A lead can be associated with only one account. |
8004050d -2147220211 |
unManagedidsleadusercannotreject |
The user does not have the privilege to reject a lead, so he cannot be assigned the lead for acceptance. |
80045303 -2147200253 |
unManagedidsmergedifferentbizorgerror |
Merge cannot be performed on entities from different business entity. |
80040e00 -2147217920 |
unManagedidsmetadatanoentity |
The specified entity does not exist |
80040e02 -2147217918 |
unManagedidsmetadatanorelationship |
The relationship does not exist |
80040236 -2147220938 |
unManagedidsnorelationship |
No relationship exists between the objects specified. |
80041701 -2147215615 |
unManagedidsnotesalreadyattached |
The specified note is already attached to an object. |
80041703 -2147215613 |
unManagedidsnotesloopbeingcreated |
Creating this parental association would create a loop in the annotation hierarchy. |
80041702 -2147215614 |
unManagedidsnotesloopexists |
A loop exists in the annotation hierarchy. |
80041704 -2147215612 |
unManagedidsnotesnoattachment |
The specified note has no attachments. |
80041700 -2147215616 |
unManagedidsnotesnotedoesnotexist |
The specified note does not exist. |
80040500 -2147220224 |
unManagedidsopportunitydoesnotexist |
Opportunity does not exist. |
80040504 -2147220220 |
unManagedidsopportunityinvalidparent |
The parent of an opportunity must be an account or contact. |
80040505 -2147220219 |
unManagedidsopportunitymissingparent |
The parent of the opportunity is missing. |
8004050e -2147220210 |
unManagedidsopportunityoneaccount |
An opportunity can be associated with only one account. |
8004050f -2147220209 |
unManagedidsopportunityorphan |
Removing this association will make the opportunity an orphan. |
80040222 -2147220958 |
unManagedidsoutofmemory |
Out of memory. |
8004022b -2147220949 |
unManagedidsownernotenabled |
The specified owner has been disabled. |
8004021c -2147220964 |
unManagedidspresentuseridandteamid |
Both the user id and team id are present. Only one should be present. |
8004203f -2147213249 |
unManagedidspropbagattributealreadyset |
One of the attributes passed has already been set |
8004203e -2147213250 |
unManagedidspropbagattributenotnullable |
One of the attributes passed cannot be NULL |
8004201e -2147213282 |
unManagedidspropbagcolloutofrange |
The bag index in the collection was out of range. |
80042001 -2147213311 |
unManagedidspropbagnointerface |
The property bag interface could not be found. |
80042002 -2147213310 |
unManagedidspropbagnullproperty |
The specified property was null in the property bag. |
80042000 -2147213312 |
unManagedidspropbagpropertynotfound |
The specified property was not found in the property bag. |
80043e03 -2147205629 |
unManagedidsqueuemissingbusinessunitid |
Missing businessunitid. |
80043e04 -2147205628 |
unManagedidsqueueorganizationidnotmatch |
Callers' organization Id does not match businessunit's organization Id. |
8004410f -2147204849 |
unManagedidsrcsyncfilternoaccess |
Cannot go offline: missing access rights on required entity. |
8004410d -2147204851 |
unManagedidsrcsyncinvalidfiltererror |
Invalid filter specified. |
80044109 -2147204855 |
unManagedidsrcsyncinvalidsubscription |
The specified subscription does not exist. |
80044100 -2147204864 |
unManagedidsrcsyncinvalidsynctime |
The specified sync time is invalid. Sync times must not be earlier than those returned by the previous sync. Please reinitialize your subscription. |
80044114 -2147204844 |
unManagedidsrcsyncmethodnone |
Synchronization tasks can’t be performed on this computer since the synchronization method is set to None. |
80044101 -2147204863 |
unManagedidsrcsyncmsxmlfailed |
unManagedidsrcsyncmsxmlfailed |
80044113 -2147204845 |
unManagedidsrcsyncnoclient |
Client does not exist. |
80044112 -2147204846 |
unManagedidsrcsyncnoprimary |
No primary client exists. |
80044111 -2147204847 |
unManagedidsrcsyncnotprimary |
Cannot sync: not the primary OutlookSync client. |
80044103 -2147204861 |
unManagedidsrcsyncsoapconnfailed |
unManagedidsrcsyncsoapconnfailed |
80044106 -2147204858 |
unManagedidsrcsyncsoapfaulterror |
unManagedidsrcsyncsoapfaulterror |
80044102 -2147204862 |
unManagedidsrcsyncsoapgenfailed |
unManagedidsrcsyncsoapgenfailed |
80044108 -2147204856 |
unManagedidsrcsyncsoapparseerror |
unManagedidsrcsyncsoapparseerror |
80044107 -2147204857 |
unManagedidsrcsyncsoapreaderror |
unManagedidsrcsyncsoapreaderror |
80044104 -2147204860 |
unManagedidsrcsyncsoapsendfailed |
unManagedidsrcsyncsoapsendfailed |
80044105 -2147204859 |
unManagedidsrcsyncsoapservererror |
unManagedidsrcsyncsoapservererror |
80044110 -2147204848 |
unManagedidsrcsyncsqlgenericerror |
unManagedidsrcsyncsqlgenericerror |
8004410c -2147204852 |
unManagedidsrcsyncsqlpausederror |
unManagedidsrcsyncsqlpausederror |
8004410b -2147204853 |
unManagedidsrcsyncsqlstoppederror |
unManagedidsrcsyncsqlstoppederror |
8004410a -2147204854 |
unManagedidsrcsyncsubscriptionowner |
The caller id does not match the subscription owner id. Only subscription owners may perform subscription operations. |
8004140c -2147216372 |
unManagedidsrolesdeletenonparentrole |
Cannot delete a role that is inherited from a parent business. |
80041400 -2147216384 |
unManagedidsrolesinvalidroledata |
The role data is invalid. |
80041401 -2147216383 |
unManagedidsrolesinvalidroleid |
Invalid role ID. |
8004140a -2147216374 |
unManagedidsrolesinvalidrolename |
The role name is invalid. |
80041404 -2147216380 |
unManagedidsrolesinvalidtemplateid |
Invalid role template ID. |
80041406 -2147216378 |
unManagedidsrolesmissbusinessid |
The role's business unit ID was unexpectedly missing. |
80041408 -2147216376 |
unManagedidsrolesmissprivid |
The privilege ID was unexpectedly missing. |
80041405 -2147216379 |
unManagedidsrolesmissroleid |
The role ID was unexpectedly missing. |
80041407 -2147216377 |
unManagedidsrolesmissrolename |
The role name was unexpectedly missing. |
80041402 -2147216382 |
unManagedidsrolesroledoesnotexist |
The specified role does not exist. |
8004203d -2147213251 |
unManagedidsrspropbagdbinfoalreadyset |
The DB info for the recordset property bag has already been set. |
8004203c -2147213252 |
unManagedidsrspropbagdbinfonotset |
The DB info for the recordset property bag has not been set. |
80043802 -2147207166 |
unManagedidssalespeopleduplicatecalendarfound |
Duplicate fiscal calendars found for this salesperson/year |
80043808 -2147207160 |
unManagedidssalespeopleinvalidfiscalcalendartype |
Invalid fiscal calendar type |
80043807 -2147207161 |
unManagedidssalespeopleinvalidfiscalperiodindex |
Invalid fiscal period index |
80043804 -2147207164 |
unManagedidssalespeopleinvalidterritoryobjecttype |
Territories cannot be retrieved by this kind of object |
80044150 -2147204784 |
unManagedidssqlerror |
Generic SQL error. |
80044151 -2147204783 |
unManagedidssqltimeouterror |
SQL timeout expired. |
80043af9 -2147206407 |
unManagedidsstatedoesnotexist |
The state is not valid for this object. |
80040225 -2147220955 |
unManagedidsusernotenabled |
The specified user is either disabled or is not a member of any business unit. |
80040232 -2147220942 |
unManagedidsviewisnotsharable |
The view is not sharable. |
80041a03 -2147214845 |
unManagedidsxmlinvalidcollectionname |
The collection name specified is incorrect |
80041a01 -2147214847 |
unManagedidsxmlinvalidcreate |
A field that is not valid for create was specified |
80041a06 -2147214842 |
unManagedidsxmlinvalidentityattributes |
Invalid attributes |
80041a00 -2147214848 |
unManagedidsxmlinvalidentityname |
The entity name specified is incorrect |
80041a07 -2147214841 |
unManagedidsxmlinvalidfield |
An invalid value was passed in for a field |
80041a08 -2147214840 |
unManagedidsxmlinvalidread |
A field that is not valid for read was specified |
80041a02 -2147214846 |
unManagedidsxmlinvalidupdate |
A field that is not valid for update was specified |
80041a04 -2147214844 |
unManagedidsxmlparseerror |
A parse error was encountered in the XML |
80041a05 -2147214843 |
unManagedidsxmlunexpected |
An unexpected error has occurred |
800404d9 -2147220263 |
unManagedinvalddbtimefield |
The platform cannot handle dbtime fields. |
800404b7 -2147220297 |
unManagedinvalidargumentsforcondition |
An invalid number of arguments was supplied to a condition. |
800404dc -2147220260 |
unManagedinvalidbinaryfield |
The platform cannot handle binary fields. |
800404a7 -2147220313 |
unManagedinvalidbusinessunitid |
The businessunitid is missing or invalid. |
800404de -2147220258 |
unManagedinvalidcharacterdataforaggregate |
Character data is not valid when clearing an aggregate. |
800404c1 -2147220287 |
unManagedinvalidcountvalue |
The count value is invalid or missing. |
800404da -2147220262 |
unManagedinvaliddbdatefield |
The platform cannot handle dbdate fields. |
800404d5 -2147220267 |
unManagedinvaliddynamicparameteraccessor |
SetParam failed processing the DynamicParameterAccessor parameter. |
800404ac -2147220308 |
unManagedinvalidequalityoperand |
Only QB_LITERAL is supported for equality operand. |
800404a1 -2147220319 |
unManagedinvalidescapedxml |
Escaped xml size not as expected. |
800404d8 -2147220264 |
unManagedinvalidfieldtype |
The platform cannot handle the specified field type. |
800404ba -2147220294 |
unManagedinvalidlinkobjects |
Invalid link entity, link to attribute, or link from attribute. |
800404c7 -2147220281 |
unManagedinvalidoperator |
The operator provided is not valid. |
800404be -2147220290 |
unManagedinvalidorganizationid |
The organizationid is missing or invalid. |
800404a8 -2147220312 |
unManagedinvalidowningbusinessunit |
The owningbusinessunit is missing or invalid. |
800404bc -2147220292 |
unManagedinvalidowningbusinessunitorbusinessunitid |
The owningbusinessunit or businessunitid is missing or invalid. |
800404bd -2147220291 |
unManagedinvalidowninguser |
The owninguser is mising or invalid. |
800404c2 -2147220286 |
unManagedinvalidpagevalue |
The page value is invalid or missing. |
800404d6 -2147220266 |
unManagedinvalidparametertypeforparameterizedquery |
A parameterized query is not supported for the supplied parameter type. |
8004049e -2147220322 |
unManagedinvalidprincipal |
The principal id is missing or invalid. |
800404bb -2147220293 |
unManagedinvalidprivilegeedepth |
Invalid privilege depth for user. |
800404ce -2147220274 |
unManagedinvalidprivilegeid |
The privilege id is invalid or missing. |
800404cd -2147220275 |
unManagedinvalidprivilegeusergroup |
The privilege user group id is invalid or missing. |
800404b4 -2147220300 |
unManagedinvalidprocesschildofcondition |
ProcessChildOfCondition was called with non-child-of condition. |
800404b1 -2147220303 |
unManagedinvalidprocessliternalcondition |
ProcessLiteralCondition is only valid for use with Rollup queries. |
800404d2 -2147220270 |
unManagedinvalidsecurityprincipal |
The security principal is invalid or missing. |
800404d7 -2147220265 |
unManagedinvalidstreamfield |
The platform cannot handle stream fields. |
800404a2 -2147220318 |
unManagedinvalidtlsmananger |
Failed to retrieve TLS Manager. |
800404e2 -2147220254 |
unManagedinvalidtrxcountforcommit |
The transaction count was expected to be 1 in order to commit. |
800404e1 -2147220255 |
unManagedinvalidtrxcountforrollback |
The transaction count was expected to be 1 in order to rollback. |
800404bf -2147220289 |
unManagedinvalidvaluettagoutsideconditiontag |
A invalid value tag was found outside of it's condition tag. |
800404c0 -2147220288 |
unManagedinvalidversionvalue |
The version value is invalid or missing. |
800404db -2147220261 |
unManagedinvaludidispatchfield |
The platform cannot handle idispatch fields. |
800404cb -2147220277 |
unManagedmissingaddressentity |
The address entity could not be found. |
800404c5 -2147220283 |
unManagedmissingattributefortag |
An expected attribute was not found for the tag specified. |
800404df -2147220257 |
unManagedmissingdataaccess |
The data access could not be retrieved from the ExecutionContext. |
800404ad -2147220307 |
unManagedmissingfilterattribute |
Missing filter attribute. |
800404b2 -2147220302 |
unManagedmissinglinkentity |
Unexpected error locating link entity. |
80042003 -2147213309 |
unManagedMissingObjectType |
Object type must be specified for one of the attributes. |
800404b5 -2147220299 |
unManagedmissingparentattributeonentity |
The parent attribute was not found on the expected entity. |
800404e5 -2147220251 |
unManagedmissingparententity |
The parent entity could not be located. |
800404d0 -2147220272 |
unManagedmissingpreviousownertype |
Unable to determine the previous owner's type. |
800404c9 -2147220279 |
unManagedmissingreferencesfromrelationship |
Unable to access a relationship in an entity's ReferencesFrom collection. |
800404c8 -2147220280 |
unManagedmissingreferencingattribute |
The relationship's ReferencingAttribute is missing or invalid. |
800404a6 -2147220314 |
unManagedmorethanonesortattribute |
More than one sort attributes were defined. |
80042004 -2147213308 |
unManagedObjectTypeUnexpected |
Object type was specified for one of the attributes that does not allow it. |
800404a4 -2147220316 |
unManagedparentattributenotfound |
The parent attribute was not found for the child attribute. |
800404b8 -2147220296 |
unManagedpartylistattributenotsupported |
Attributes of type partylist are not supported. |
800404e3 -2147220253 |
unManagedpendingtrxexists |
A pending transaction already exists. |
8004049f -2147220321 |
unManagedproxycreationfailed |
Cannot create an instance of managed proxy. |
800404dd -2147220259 |
unManagedtrxinterophandlerset |
The TrxInteropHandler has already been set. |
800404e4 -2147220252 |
unManagedunablegetexecutioncontext |
Failed to retrieve execution context (TLS). |
800404d3 -2147220269 |
unManagedunablegetsessiontoken |
Unable to retrieve the session token. |
800404d4 -2147220268 |
unManagedunablegetsessiontokennotrx |
Unable to retrieve the session token as there are no pending transactions. |
800404e0 -2147220256 |
unManagedunableswitchusercontext |
Cannot set to a different user context. |
800404a5 -2147220315 |
unManagedunabletoaccessqueryplan |
Unable to access the query plan. |
800404c6 -2147220282 |
unManagedunabletoaccessqueryplanfilter |
Unable to access a filter in the query plan. |
800404c3 -2147220285 |
unManagedunabletolocateconditionfilter |
Unexpected error locating the filter for the condition. |
800404a0 -2147220320 |
unManagedunabletoretrieveprivileges |
Failed to retrieve privileges. |
800404cc -2147220276 |
unManagedunexpectedpropertytype |
Unexpected type for the property. |
800404b3 -2147220301 |
unManagedunexpectedrimarykey |
Primary key attribute was not as expected. |
800404b6 -2147220298 |
unManagedunknownaggregateoperation |
An unknown aggregate operation was supplied. |
800404af -2147220305 |
unManagedunusablevariantdata |
Variant supplied contains data in an unusable format. |
80040381 -2147220607 |
UnmappedTransformationOutputDataFound |
One or more outputs returned by the transformation is not mapped to target fields. |
8004023d -2147220931 |
UnpopulatedPrimaryKey |
Primary Key must be populated for calls to platform on rich client in offline mode. |
80048216 -2147188202 |
UnrelatedConnectionRoles |
The connection roles are not related. |
8004E30C -2147163380 |
UnrestrictedIFrameInUserDashboard |
A user dashboard Form XML cannot have Security = false. |
80040318 -2147220712 |
UnspecifiedActivityXmlForCampaignActivityPropagate |
Must specify an Activity Xml for CampaignActivity Execute/Distribute |
80060010 -2147090416 |
UnsupportedAttributeForEditor |
The rule contain an attribute which is not supported. |
8005E00D -2147098611 |
UnsupportedAttributeType |
Attribute type {0} is not supported. Remove attribute {1} from the query and try again. |
8004F010 -2147160048 |
UnsupportedComponentOperation |
{0} is not recognized as a supported operation. |
80061019 -2147086311 |
UnsupportedCudOperationForDynamicProperties |
You can't create a property for a kit. |
8004E30E -2147163378 |
UnsupportedDashboardInEditor |
The dashboard could not be opened. |
8005E242 -2147098046 |
UnsupportedEmailServer |
The email server isn't supported. |
80040301 -2147220735 |
UnsupportedListMemberType |
Unsupported list member type. |
80040320 -2147220704 |
UnsupportedParameter |
A parameter specified is not supported by the Bulk Operation |
80040385 -2147220603 |
UnsupportedProcessCode |
The process code is not supported on this entity. |
80061025 -2147086299 |
UnsupportedSdkMessageForBundles |
This message isn't supported for products of type bundle. |
80060009 -2147090423 |
UnsupportedStepForBusinessRuleEditor |
The rule contain a step which is not supported by the editor. |
80048495 -2147187563 |
UnsupportedZipFileForImport |
The compressed (.zip) or .cab file couldn't be uploaded because the file is corrupted or doesn't contain valid importable files. |
80048494 -2147187564 |
UnzipProcessCountLimitReached |
Cannot start a new process to unzip. |
80048496 -2147187562 |
UnzipTimeout |
Timeout happened in unzipping the zip file uploaded for import. |
80046204 -2147196412 |
UpdateAttributeMap |
UpdateAttributeMap Error Occurred |
80046201 -2147196415 |
UpdateEntityMap |
UpdateEntityMap Error Occurred |
80040490 -2147220336 |
UpdateNonCustomReportFromTemplate |
Cannot update a report from a template if the report was not created from a template |
80045002 -2147201022 |
UpdatePublishedWorkflowDefinition |
Cannot update a published workflow definition. |
80045008 -2147201016 |
UpdatePublishedWorkflowDefinitionWorkflowDependency |
Cannot update a workflow dependency for a published workflow definition. |
8004501B -2147200997 |
UpdatePublishedWorkflowTemplate |
Cannot update a published workflow template. |
8004E114 -2147163884 |
UpdateRecurrenceRuleFailed |
Failed to update the recurrence rule. A corresponding recurrence rule cannot be found. |
80045003 -2147201021 |
UpdateWorkflowActivation |
Cannot update a workflow activation. |
80045007 -2147201017 |
UpdateWorkflowActivationWorkflowDependency |
Cannot update a workflow dependency associated with a workflow activation. |
80041d2c -2147214036 |
UserAlreadyExists |
The specified Active Directory user already exists as a CRM user. |
8004032f -2147220689 |
UserCancelledMailMerge |
The mail merge operation was cancelled by the user. |
8004D24C -2147167668 |
UserCannotEnableWithoutLicense |
Cannot enable an unlicensed user |
8004D211 -2147167727 |
UserDataNotFound |
The user data could not be found. |
80044507 -2147203833 |
UserDoesNotHaveAccessToTheTenant |
User does not have access to the tenant. |
8004A113 -2147180269 |
UserDoesNotHaveAdminOnlyModePermissions |
User does not have required privileges (or role membership) to access the org when it is in Admin Only mode. |
800608F8 -2147088136 |
UserDoesNotHavePrivilegesToRunTheTool |
You must be a system administrator to execute this request. |
8004480d -2147203059 |
UserDoesNotHaveSendAsAllowed |
User does not have send-as privilege |
8004480f -2147203057 |
UserDoesNotHaveSendAsForQueue |
You do not have sufficient privileges to send e-mail as the selected queue. Contact your system administrator for assistance. |
800404e8 -2147220248 |
UserIdOrQueueNotSet |
Primary User Id or Destination Queue Type code not set |
8004D216 -2147167722 |
UserInviteDisabled |
Invitation cannot be sent because user invitations are disabled. |
80041409 -2147216375 |
UserInWrongBusiness |
The user belongs to a different business unit than the role. |
8004B069 -2147176343 |
UserIsNotSystemAdminInOrganization |
Current user is not a system admin in customer's organization |
80041d25 -2147214043 |
UserLoopBeingCreated |
You cannot set the selected user as the manager for this user because the selected user is either already the manager or is in the user's immediate management hierarchy. Either select another user to be the manager or do not update the record. |
80041d24 -2147214044 |
UserLoopExists |
A manager for this user cannot be set because an existing relationship in the management hierarchy is causing a circular relationship. This is usually caused by a manual edit of the Microsoft Dynamics CRM database. To fix this, the hierarchy in the database must be changed to remove the circular relationship. |
8005F111 -2147094255 |
UserNeverLoggedIntoYammer |
To follow other users, you must be logged in to Yammer. Log in to your Yammer account, and try again. |
8004D24B -2147167669 |
UserNotAssignedLicense |
The user has not been assigned any License |
80042f09 -2147209463 |
UserNotAssignedRoles |
The user has not been assigned any roles. |
80041d07 -2147214073 |
UserNotInParentHierarchy |
The user is not in parent user's business hierarchy. |
80041d34 -2147214028 |
UserSettingsInvalidAdvancedFindStartupMode |
Invalid advanced find startup mode. |
80044305 -2147204347 |
UserSettingsOverMaxPagingLimit |
Paging limit over maximum configured value. |
80040241 -2147220927 |
UserTimeConvertException |
Failed to convert user time zone information. |
80040240 -2147220928 |
UserTimeZoneException |
Failed to retrieve user time zone information. |
8004E302 -2147163390 |
UserViewsOrVisualizationsFound |
A system dashboard cannot contain user views and visualizations. |
8004E10A -2147163894 |
ValidateNotSupported |
Validate method is not supported for recurring appointment master. |
80061021 -2147086303 |
ValidationFailedForDynamicProperty |
An error occurred while saving the {0} property. |
800608A5 -2147088219 |
ValidDateTimeBehaviorExportAsWarning |
The {0} field will be a User Local Date and Time since the Date Only and Time Zone Independent behaviors won't work in earlier versions of CRM. |
800608A4 -2147088220 |
ValidDateTimeBehaviorWarning |
The behavior of this field was changed. You should review all the dependencies of this field, such as business rules, workflows, and calculated or rollup fields, to ensure that issues won't occur. Attribute: {0} |
80044325 -2147204315 |
ValueMissingInOptionOrderArray |
The options array is missing a value. |
8004B037 -2147176393 |
ValueParsingError |
Error parsing parameter {0} of type {1} with value {2} |
8004B020 -2147176416 |
VersionMismatch |
Unsupported version - This is {0} version {1}, but version {2} was requested. |
80048491 -2147187567 |
VeryLargeFileInZipImport |
One of the files in the compressed (.zip) or .cab file that you're trying to import exceeds the size limit. |
80048838 -2147186632 |
ViewForDuplicateDetectionNotDefined |
Required view for viewing duplicates of an entity not defined. |
8004E012 -2147164142 |
VisualizationModuleNotFound |
No visualization module found with the given name. |
8004E015 -2147164139 |
VisualizationOtcNotFoundError |
Object type code is not specified for the visualization. |
8004E00E -2147164146 |
VisualizationRenderingError |
An error occurred while the chart was rendering |
8004F114 -2147159788 |
WebResourceContentSizeExceeded |
Webresource content size is too big. |
8004F115 -2147159787 |
WebResourceDuplicateName |
A webresource with the same name already exists. Use a different name. |
8004F116 -2147159786 |
WebResourceEmptyName |
Webresource name cannot be null or empty. |
8004F112 -2147159790 |
WebResourceEmptySilverlightVersion |
Silverlight version cannot be empty for silverlight web resources. |
8004F11B -2147159781 |
WebResourceImportError |
An error occurred while importing a Web resource. Try importing this solution again. For further assistance, contact Microsoft Dynamics CRM technical support. |
8004F11A -2147159782 |
WebResourceImportMissingFile |
The file for this Web resource does not exist in the solution file. |
8004F113 -2147159789 |
WebResourceInvalidSilverlightVersion |
Silverlight version can only be of the format xx.xx[.xx.xx]. |
8004F111 -2147159791 |
WebResourceInvalidType |
Invalid web resource type specified. |
8004F117 -2147159785 |
WebResourceNameInvalidCharacters |
Web resource names may only include letters, numbers, periods, and nonconsecutive forward slash characters. |
8004F119 -2147159783 |
WebResourceNameInvalidFileExtension |
A Web resource cannot have the following file extensions: .aspx, .ascx, .asmx or .ashx. |
8004F118 -2147159784 |
WebResourceNameInvalidPrefix |
Webresource name does not contain a valid prefix. |
80060802 -2147088382 |
WopiApplicationUrl |
Error in retrieving information from WOPI application url. |
80060800 -2147088384 |
WopiDiscoveryFailed |
Request for retrieving the WOPI discovery XML failed. |
80060803 -2147088381 |
WopiMaxFileSizeExceeded |
{0} file exceeded size limit of {1}. |
80045045 -2147200955 |
WorkflowActivityNotSupported |
This workflow cannot be created, updated or published because it's referring unsupported workflow step. |
80045042 -2147200958 |
WorkflowAutomaticallyDeactivated |
The original workflow definition has been deactivated and replaced. |
80045001 -2147201023 |
WorkflowCompileFailure |
An error has occurred during compilation of the workflow. |
80045011 -2147201007 |
WorkflowConditionIncorrectBinaryOperatorFormation |
Incorrect formation of binary operator. |
80045010 -2147201008 |
WorkflowConditionIncorrectUnaryOperatorFormation |
Incorrect formation of unary operator. |
80045012 -2147201006 |
WorkflowConditionOperatorNotSupported |
Condition operator not supported for specified type. |
80045013 -2147201005 |
WorkflowConditionTypeNotSupport |
Invalid type specified on condition. |
8004502E -2147200978 |
WorkflowExpressionOperatorNotSupported |
Expression operator not supported for specified type. |
80060400 -2147089408 |
WorkflowIdIsNull |
Workflow Id cannot be NULL while creating business process flow category |
8004500B -2147201013 |
WorkflowPublishedByNonOwner |
The workflow cannot be published or unpublished by someone who is not its owner. |
80045018 -2147201000 |
WorkflowPublishNoActivationParameters |
Automatic workflow cannot be published if no activation parameters have been specified. |
80045038 -2147200968 |
WorkflowReferencesInvalidActivity |
The workflow definition contains a step that references and invalid custom activity. Remove the invalid references and try again. |
80045017 -2147201001 |
WorkflowSystemPaused |
Workflow should be paused by system. |
80045014 -2147201004 |
WorkflowValidationFailure |
Validation failed on the specified workflow. |
8004431B -2147204325 |
WrongNumberOfBooleanOptions |
Boolean attributes must have exactly two option values. |
800608C7 -2147088185 |
XlsxExportGeneratingExcelFailed |
Failed to generate excel. |
800608C6 -2147088186 |
XlsxImportColumnHeadersInvalid |
Invalid columns. |
800608C8 -2147088184 |
XlsxImportExcelFailed |
Failed to import data. |
800608C4 -2147088188 |
XlsxImportHiddenColumnAbsent |
Required columns missing. |
800608C5 -2147088187 |
XlsxImportInvalidColumnCount |
Column mismatch. |
800608C2 -2147088190 |
XlsxImportInvalidExcelDocument |
Invalid file to import. |
800608C3 -2147088189 |
XlsxImportInvalidFileData |
Invalid format in import file. |
8005F107 -2147094265 |
YammerAuthTimedOut |
You have waited too long to complete the Yammer authorization. Please try again. |
8004E004 -2147164156 |
YValuesPerPointMeasureMismatch |
Number of YValuesPerPoint for series and number of measures for measure collection for category should be same. |
8005E231 -2147098063 |
ZeroEmailReceived |
There were no email available in the mailbox or could not be retrieved. |
80048485 -2147187579 |
ZipFileHasMixOfCsvAndXmlFiles |
The compressed (.zip) file that you're trying to upload contains more than one type of file. The file can contain either Excel (.xlsx) files, comma-delimited (.csv) files or XML Spreadsheet 2003 (.xml) files, but not a combination of file types. |
80048489 -2147187575 |
ZipInsideZip |
The compressed (.zip) file that you are trying to upload contains another .zip file within it. |
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