Arbejde med løsninger
Udgivet: november 2016
Gælder for: Dynamics CRM 2015
Dette emne indeholder specifikke programmeringsopgaver, der er inkluderet i Eksempel: Arbejde med løsninger og Eksempel: Registrere løsningsafhængigheder.
Dette emne indeholder
Oprette en udgiver
Hente standardudgiveren
Oprette en løsning
Hente en løsning
Tilføje en ny løsningskomponent
Tilføje en eksisterende løsningskomponent
Fjerne en løsningskomponent
Eksportere eller pakke en løsning
Installere eller opgradere en løsning
Slette en løsning
Opdage løsningsafhængigheder
Oprette en udgiver
Hver løsning kræver en udgiver, der er repræsenteret af Publisher-objektet. En løsning kan ikke bruge Microsoft Corporation-udgiveren, men den kan bruge Default-udgiveren for organisationen eller en ny udgiver.
En udgiver kræver følgende:
Et tilpasningspræfiks
Et entydigt navn
Et fuldt navn
Følgende eksempel definerer først en udgiver og kontrollerer derefter, om udgiveren allerede findes, baseret på det entydige navn. Hvis den allerede findes, kan tilpasningspræfikset være blevet ændret, så dette eksempel søger at hente det aktuelle tilpasningspræfiks.PublisherId hentes også, så udgiverposten kan slettes. Hvis udgiveren ikke findes, oprettes en ny udgiver ved hjælp af IOrganizationService.Create-metode
//Define a new publisher
Publisher _crmSdkPublisher = new Publisher
UniqueName = "sdksamples",
FriendlyName = "Microsoft CRM SDK Samples",
SupportingWebsiteUrl = "",
CustomizationPrefix = "sample",
EMailAddress = "",
Description = "This publisher was created with samples from the Microsoft Dynamics CRM SDK"
//Does publisher already exist?
QueryExpression querySDKSamplePublisher = new QueryExpression
EntityName = Publisher.EntityLogicalName,
ColumnSet = new ColumnSet("publisherid", "customizationprefix"),
Criteria = new FilterExpression()
querySDKSamplePublisher.Criteria.AddCondition("uniquename", ConditionOperator.Equal, _crmSdkPublisher.UniqueName);
EntityCollection querySDKSamplePublisherResults = _serviceProxy.RetrieveMultiple(querySDKSamplePublisher);
Publisher SDKSamplePublisherResults = null;
//If it already exists, use it
if (querySDKSamplePublisherResults.Entities.Count > 0)
SDKSamplePublisherResults = (Publisher)querySDKSamplePublisherResults.Entities[0];
_crmSdkPublisherId = (Guid)SDKSamplePublisherResults.PublisherId;
_customizationPrefix = SDKSamplePublisherResults.CustomizationPrefix;
//If it doesn't exist, create it
if (SDKSamplePublisherResults == null)
_crmSdkPublisherId = _serviceProxy.Create(_crmSdkPublisher);
Console.WriteLine(String.Format("Created publisher: {0}.", _crmSdkPublisher.FriendlyName));
_customizationPrefix = _crmSdkPublisher.CustomizationPrefix;
'Define a new publisher
Dim _crmSdkPublisher As Publisher =
New Publisher With {
.UniqueName = "sdksamples",
.FriendlyName = "Microsoft CRM SDK Samples",
.SupportingWebsiteUrl = "",
.CustomizationPrefix = "sample",
.EMailAddress = "",
.Description = "This publisher was created with samples from the Microsoft Dynamics CRM SDK"
'Does publisher already exist?
Dim querySDKSamplePublisher As QueryExpression =
New QueryExpression With {
.EntityName = Publisher.EntityLogicalName,
.ColumnSet = New ColumnSet("publisherid", "customizationprefix"),
.Criteria = New FilterExpression()
Dim querySDKSamplePublisherResults As EntityCollection =
Dim SDKSamplePublisherResults As Publisher = Nothing
'If it already exists, use it
If querySDKSamplePublisherResults.Entities.Count > 0 Then
SDKSamplePublisherResults = CType(querySDKSamplePublisherResults.Entities(0), Publisher)
_crmSdkPublisherId = CType(SDKSamplePublisherResults.PublisherId, Guid)
_customizationPrefix = SDKSamplePublisherResults.CustomizationPrefix
End If
'If it doesn't exist, create it
If SDKSamplePublisherResults Is Nothing Then
_crmSdkPublisherId = _serviceProxy.Create(_crmSdkPublisher)
Console.WriteLine(String.Format("Created publisher: {0}.", _crmSdkPublisher.FriendlyName))
_customizationPrefix = _crmSdkPublisher.CustomizationPrefix
End If
Hente standardudgiveren
Dette eksempel viser, hvordan standardudgiveren hentes. Standardudgiveren har en konstant GUID-værdi: d21aab71-79e7-11dd-8874-00188b01e34f.
// Retrieve the Default Publisher
//The default publisher has a constant GUID value;
Guid DefaultPublisherId = new Guid("{d21aab71-79e7-11dd-8874-00188b01e34f}");
Publisher DefaultPublisher = (Publisher)_serviceProxy.Retrieve(Publisher.EntityLogicalName, DefaultPublisherId, new ColumnSet(new string[] {"friendlyname" }));
EntityReference DefaultPublisherReference = new EntityReference
Id = DefaultPublisher.Id,
LogicalName = Publisher.EntityLogicalName,
Name = DefaultPublisher.FriendlyName
Console.WriteLine("Retrieved the {0}.", DefaultPublisherReference.Name);
' Retrieve the Default Publisher
'The default publisher has a constant GUID value;
Dim DefaultPublisherId As New Guid("{d21aab71-79e7-11dd-8874-00188b01e34f}")
Dim DefaultPublisher As Publisher =
New ColumnSet(New String() {"friendlyname"})),
Dim DefaultPublisherReference As EntityReference = New EntityReference With {
.Id = DefaultPublisher.Id,
.LogicalName = Publisher.EntityLogicalName,
.Name = DefaultPublisher.FriendlyName
Console.WriteLine("Retrieved the {0}.", DefaultPublisherReference.Name)
Oprette en løsning
Følgende eksempel viser, hvordan du opretter en ikke-administreret løsning ved hjælp af Microsoft Dynamics CRM SDK-eksempeludgiveren, der er oprettet i Oprette en udgiver.
En løsning kræver følgende:
En udgiver
Et fuldt navn
Et entydigt navn
Et versionsnummer
Variablen _crmSdkPublisherId er en GUID-værdi, der repræsenterer publisherid-værdien.
Dette eksempel undersøger, om løsningen allerede findes i organisationen, på basis af det entydige navn. Hvis løsningen ikke findes, oprettes den. Værdien af SolutionId registreres, så løsningen kan slettes.
// Create a Solution
//Define a solution
Solution solution = new Solution
UniqueName = "samplesolution",
FriendlyName = "Sample Solution",
PublisherId = new EntityReference(Publisher.EntityLogicalName, _crmSdkPublisherId),
Description = "This solution was created by the WorkWithSolutions sample code in the Microsoft Dynamics CRM SDK samples.",
Version = "1.0"
//Check whether it already exists
QueryExpression queryCheckForSampleSolution = new QueryExpression
EntityName = Solution.EntityLogicalName,
ColumnSet = new ColumnSet(),
Criteria = new FilterExpression()
queryCheckForSampleSolution.Criteria.AddCondition("uniquename", ConditionOperator.Equal, solution.UniqueName);
//Create the solution if it does not already exist.
EntityCollection querySampleSolutionResults = _serviceProxy.RetrieveMultiple(queryCheckForSampleSolution);
Solution SampleSolutionResults = null;
if (querySampleSolutionResults.Entities.Count > 0)
SampleSolutionResults = (Solution)querySampleSolutionResults.Entities[0];
_solutionsSampleSolutionId = (Guid)SampleSolutionResults.SolutionId;
if (SampleSolutionResults == null)
_solutionsSampleSolutionId = _serviceProxy.Create(solution);
' Create a Solution
'Define a solution
Dim solution As Solution =
New Solution With {
.UniqueName = "samplesolution",
.FriendlyName = "Sample Solution",
.PublisherId = New EntityReference(Publisher.EntityLogicalName, _crmSdkPublisherId),
.Description = "This solution was created by the WorkWithSolutions sample code in the Microsoft Dynamics CRM SDK samples.",
.Version = "1.0"
'Check whether it already exists
Dim queryCheckForSampleSolution As QueryExpression =
New QueryExpression With {
.EntityName = solution.EntityLogicalName,
.ColumnSet = New ColumnSet(),
.Criteria = New FilterExpression()
'Create the solution if it does not already exist.
Dim querySampleSolutionResults As EntityCollection =
Dim SampleSolutionResults As Solution = Nothing
If querySampleSolutionResults.Entities.Count > 0 Then
SampleSolutionResults = CType(querySampleSolutionResults.Entities(0), Solution)
_solutionsSampleSolutionId = CType(SampleSolutionResults.SolutionId, Guid)
End If
If SampleSolutionResults Is Nothing Then
_solutionsSampleSolutionId = _serviceProxy.Create(solution)
End If
Hente en løsning
Du kan hente en specifik løsning ved at bruge løsningens UniqueName. Hver organisation har en standardløsning med en konstant GUID-værdi: FD140AAF-4DF4-11DD-BD17-0019B9312238.
I dette eksempel vises, hvordan du kan hente data til en løsning med det entydige navn ”samplesolution”. Der oprettes en løsning med dette navn i Oprette en løsning.
// Retrieve a solution
String solutionUniqueName = "samplesolution";
QueryExpression querySampleSolution = new QueryExpression
EntityName = Solution.EntityLogicalName,
ColumnSet = new ColumnSet(new string[] { "publisherid", "installedon", "version", "versionnumber", "friendlyname" }),
Criteria = new FilterExpression()
querySampleSolution.Criteria.AddCondition("uniquename", ConditionOperator.Equal, solutionUniqueName);
Solution SampleSolution = (Solution)_serviceProxy.RetrieveMultiple(querySampleSolution).Entities[0];
' Retrieve a solution
Dim solutionUniqueName As String = "samplesolution"
Dim querySampleSolution As QueryExpression =
New QueryExpression With {
.EntityName = solution.EntityLogicalName,
.ColumnSet = New ColumnSet(New String() {"publisherid",
.Criteria = New FilterExpression()
querySampleSolution.Criteria.AddCondition("uniquename", ConditionOperator.Equal, solutionUniqueName)
Dim SampleSolution As Solution =
CType(_serviceProxy.RetrieveMultiple(querySampleSolution).Entities(0), Solution)
Tilføje en ny løsningskomponent
I dette eksempel vises, hvordan du opretter en løsningskomponent, der er knyttet til en specifik løsning. Hvis du ikke knytter løsningskomponenten til en bestemt løsning, når den oprettes, vil den kun blive føjet til standardløsningen, og skal du føje den til en løsning manuelt eller ved hjælp af den kode, der er inkluderet i Tilføje en eksisterende løsningskomponent.
Denne kode opretter en ny global grupperet indstilling og føjer den til løsningen med et entydigt navn, der er lig med _primarySolutionName.
OptionSetMetadata optionSetMetadata = new OptionSetMetadata()
Name = _globalOptionSetName,
DisplayName = new Label("Example Option Set", _languageCode),
IsGlobal = true,
OptionSetType = OptionSetType.Picklist,
Options =
new OptionMetadata(new Label("Option 1", _languageCode), 1),
new OptionMetadata(new Label("Option 2", _languageCode), 2)
CreateOptionSetRequest createOptionSetRequest = new CreateOptionSetRequest
OptionSet = optionSetMetadata
createOptionSetRequest.SolutionUniqueName = _primarySolutionName;
Dim optionSetMetadata As New OptionSetMetadata() With {
.Name = _globalOptionSetName,
.DisplayName = New Label("Example Option Set", _languageCode),
.IsGlobal = True,
.OptionSetType = OptionSetType.Picklist
New OptionMetadata(New Label("Option 1", _languageCode), 1),
New OptionMetadata(New Label("Option 2", _languageCode), 2)
Dim createOptionSetRequest As CreateOptionSetRequest =
New CreateOptionSetRequest With {
.OptionSet = optionSetMetadata
createOptionSetRequest.SolutionUniqueName = _primarySolutionName
Tilføje en eksisterende løsningskomponent
I dette eksempel vises, hvordan du føjer en eksisterende løsningskomponent til en løsning.
Følgende kode bruger AddSolutionComponentRequest til at tilføje Account-objektet som en løsningskomponent til en ikke-administreret løsning.
// Add an existing Solution Component
//Add the Account entity to the solution
RetrieveEntityRequest retrieveForAddAccountRequest = new RetrieveEntityRequest()
LogicalName = Account.EntityLogicalName
RetrieveEntityResponse retrieveForAddAccountResponse = (RetrieveEntityResponse)_serviceProxy.Execute(retrieveForAddAccountRequest);
AddSolutionComponentRequest addReq = new AddSolutionComponentRequest()
ComponentType = (int)componenttype.Entity,
ComponentId = (Guid)retrieveForAddAccountResponse.EntityMetadata.MetadataId,
SolutionUniqueName = solution.UniqueName
' Add an existing Solution Component
'Add the Account entity to the solution
Dim retrieveForAddAccountRequest As New RetrieveEntityRequest() With {
.LogicalName = Account.EntityLogicalName
Dim retrieveForAddAccountResponse As RetrieveEntityResponse =
Dim addReq As New AddSolutionComponentRequest() With {
.ComponentType = componenttype.Entity,
.ComponentId = CType(retrieveForAddAccountResponse.EntityMetadata.MetadataId, Guid),
.SolutionUniqueName = solution.UniqueName
Fjerne en løsningskomponent
I dette eksempel vises, hvordan du fjerner en løsningskomponent fra en ikke-administreret løsning. Følgende kode bruger RemoveSolutionComponentRequest til at fjerne en objektløsningskomponent fra en ikke-administreret løsning.solution.UniqueName refererer til løsningen, der er oprettet i Oprette en løsning.
// Remove a Solution Component
//Remove the Account entity from the solution
RetrieveEntityRequest retrieveForRemoveAccountRequest = new RetrieveEntityRequest()
LogicalName = Account.EntityLogicalName
RetrieveEntityResponse retrieveForRemoveAccountResponse = (RetrieveEntityResponse)_serviceProxy.Execute(retrieveForRemoveAccountRequest);
RemoveSolutionComponentRequest removeReq = new RemoveSolutionComponentRequest()
ComponentId = (Guid)retrieveForRemoveAccountResponse.EntityMetadata.MetadataId,
ComponentType = (int)componenttype.Entity,
SolutionUniqueName = solution.UniqueName
' Remove a Solution Component
'Remove the Account entity from the solution
Dim retrieveForRemoveAccountRequest As New RetrieveEntityRequest() With {
.LogicalName = Account.EntityLogicalName
Dim retrieveForRemoveAccountResponse As RetrieveEntityResponse =
CType(_serviceProxy.Execute(retrieveForRemoveAccountRequest), RetrieveEntityResponse)
Dim removeReq As New RemoveSolutionComponentRequest() With {
.ComponentId = CType(retrieveForRemoveAccountResponse.EntityMetadata.MetadataId, Guid),
.ComponentType = componenttype.Entity,
.SolutionUniqueName = solution.UniqueName
Eksportere eller pakke en løsning
I dette eksempel vises, hvordan du eksporterer en ikke-administreret løsning eller pakker en administreret løsning. Koden bruger ExportSolutionRequest til at eksportere en komprimeret fil, der repræsenterer et ikke-administreret løsning. Muligheden for at oprette en administreret løsning er angivet ved hjælp af Managed-egenskaben. I dette eksempel gemmes en fil med navnet i mappen c:\temp\.
// Export or package a solution
//Export an a solution
ExportSolutionRequest exportSolutionRequest = new ExportSolutionRequest();
exportSolutionRequest.Managed = false;
exportSolutionRequest.SolutionName = solution.UniqueName;
ExportSolutionResponse exportSolutionResponse = (ExportSolutionResponse)_serviceProxy.Execute(exportSolutionRequest);
byte[] exportXml = exportSolutionResponse.ExportSolutionFile;
string filename = solution.UniqueName + ".zip";
File.WriteAllBytes(outputDir + filename, exportXml);
Console.WriteLine("Solution exported to {0}.", outputDir + filename);
' Export or package a solution
'Export an a solution
Dim outputDir As String = "C:\temp\"
Dim exportSolutionRequest As New ExportSolutionRequest()
exportSolutionRequest.Managed = False
exportSolutionRequest.SolutionName = solution.UniqueName
Dim exportSolutionResponse As ExportSolutionResponse =
CType(_serviceProxy.Execute(exportSolutionRequest), ExportSolutionResponse)
Dim exportXml() As Byte = exportSolutionResponse.ExportSolutionFile
Dim filename As String = solution.UniqueName & ".zip"
File.WriteAllBytes(outputDir & filename, exportXml)
Console.WriteLine("Solution exported to {0}.", outputDir & filename)
Installere eller opgradere en løsning
I dette eksempel kan du se, hvordan du installerer eller opgraderer en løsning vha. meddelelsen ImportSolutionRequest.
Du kan bruge objektet ImportJob til at registrere data om udfaldet af importen.
Følgende eksempel viser, hvordan du importerer en løsning uden at spore udfaldet.
// Install or Upgrade a Solution
byte[] fileBytes = File.ReadAllBytes(ManagedSolutionLocation);
ImportSolutionRequest impSolReq = new ImportSolutionRequest()
CustomizationFile = fileBytes
Console.WriteLine("Imported Solution from {0}", ManagedSolutionLocation);
' Install or Upgrade a Solution
Dim fileBytes() As Byte = File.ReadAllBytes(ManagedSolutionLocation)
Dim impSolReq As New ImportSolutionRequest() With {
.CustomizationFile = fileBytes
Console.WriteLine("Imported Solution from {0}", ManagedSolutionLocation)
Sporing af importudfald
Når du angiver et ImportJobId for ImportSolutionRequest kan du bruge denne værdi til forespørgsel på ImportJob-objektet om status for importen.
ImportJobId kan også bruges til at hente en importlogfil ved hjælp af RetrieveFormattedImportJobResultsRequest-meddelelsen.
Hentning af importjobdata
Følgende eksempel viser, hvordan du henter posten med importjobbet og indholdet af ImportJob.Data-attributten.
// Monitor import success
byte[] fileBytesWithMonitoring = File.ReadAllBytes(ManagedSolutionLocation);
ImportSolutionRequest impSolReqWithMonitoring = new ImportSolutionRequest()
CustomizationFile = fileBytes,
ImportJobId = Guid.NewGuid()
Console.WriteLine("Imported Solution with Monitoring from {0}", ManagedSolutionLocation);
ImportJob job = (ImportJob)_serviceProxy.Retrieve(ImportJob.EntityLogicalName, impSolReqWithMonitoring.ImportJobId, new ColumnSet(new System.String[] { "data", "solutionname" }));
System.Xml.XmlDocument doc = new System.Xml.XmlDocument();
String ImportedSolutionName = doc.SelectSingleNode("//solutionManifest/UniqueName").InnerText;
String SolutionImportResult = doc.SelectSingleNode("//solutionManifest/result/@result").Value;
Console.WriteLine("Report from the ImportJob data");
Console.WriteLine("Solution Unique name: {0}", ImportedSolutionName);
Console.WriteLine("Solution Import Result: {0}", SolutionImportResult);
// This code displays the results for Global Option sets installed as part of a solution.
System.Xml.XmlNodeList optionSets = doc.SelectNodes("//optionSets/optionSet");
foreach (System.Xml.XmlNode node in optionSets)
string OptionSetName = node.Attributes["LocalizedName"].Value;
string result = node.FirstChild.Attributes["result"].Value;
if (result == "success")
Console.WriteLine("{0} result: {1}",OptionSetName, result);
string errorCode = node.FirstChild.Attributes["errorcode"].Value;
string errorText = node.FirstChild.Attributes["errortext"].Value;
Console.WriteLine("{0} result: {1} Code: {2} Description: {3}",OptionSetName, result, errorCode, errorText);
' Monitor import success
Dim fileBytesWithMonitoring() As Byte = File.ReadAllBytes(ManagedSolutionLocation)
Dim impSolReqWithMonitoring As New ImportSolutionRequest() With {
.CustomizationFile = fileBytes,
.ImportJobId = Guid.NewGuid()
Console.WriteLine("Imported Solution with Monitoring from {0}", ManagedSolutionLocation)
Dim job As ImportJob =
New ColumnSet(New String() {"data", "solutionname"})),
Dim doc As New System.Xml.XmlDocument()
Dim ImportedSolutionName As String = doc.SelectSingleNode("//solutionManifest/UniqueName").InnerText
Dim SolutionImportResult As String = doc.SelectSingleNode("//solutionManifest/result/@result").Value
Console.WriteLine("Report from the ImportJob data")
Console.WriteLine("Solution Unique name: {0}", ImportedSolutionName)
Console.WriteLine("Solution Import Result: {0}", SolutionImportResult)
'This code displays the results for Global Option sets installed as part of a solution.
Dim optionSets As System.Xml.XmlNodeList = doc.SelectNodes("//optionSets/optionSet")
For Each node As System.Xml.XmlNode In optionSets
Dim OptionSetName As String = node.Attributes("LocalizedName").Value
Dim result As String = node.FirstChild.Attributes("result").Value
If result = "success" Then
Console.WriteLine("{0} result: {1}", OptionSetName, result)
Dim errorCode As String = node.FirstChild.Attributes("errorcode").Value
Dim errorText As String = node.FirstChild.Attributes("errortext").Value
Console.WriteLine("{0} result: {1} Code: {2} Description: {3}", OptionSetName, result, errorCode, errorText)
End If
Next node
Indholdet af Data-egenskaben er en streng, der repræsenterer en XML-fil. Følgende er et eksempel, der er hentet ved hjælp af koden i dette eksempel. Denne administrerede løsning indeholder en enkelt global grupperet indstilling kaldet sample_tempsampleglobaloptionsetname.
<importexportxml start="634224017519682730"
<solutionManifest languagecode="1033"
LocalizedName="Sample Solution for Import"
<LocalizedName description="Sample Solution for Import"
languagecode="1033" />
<Description description="This solution was created by the WorkWithSolutions sample code in the Microsoft Dynamics CRM SDK samples."
languagecode="1033" />
<LocalizedName description="Microsoft CRM SDK Samples"
languagecode="1033" />
<Description description="This publisher was created with samples from the Microsoft Dynamics CRM SDK"
languagecode="1033" />
<City />
<Country />
<Line1 />
<Line2 />
<PostalCode />
<StateOrProvince />
<Telephone1 />
<results />
<result result="success"
datetimeticks="634224269520845122" />
<entities />
<nodes />
<settings />
<dashboards />
<securityroles />
<workflows />
<templates />
<optionSet id="sample_tempsampleglobaloptionsetname"
LocalizedName="Example Option Set"
<result result="success"
datetimeticks="634224269561025400" />
<ConnectionRoles />
<SolutionPluginAssemblies />
<SdkMessageProcessingSteps />
<ServiceEndpoints />
<webResources />
<reports />
<FieldSecurityProfiles />
<result result="success"
datetimeticks="634224269520092986" />
<entitySubhandlers />
<publish processed="false" />
<rootComponent processed="true">
<result result="success"
datetimeticks="634224269608387238" />
<dependency processed="true">
<result result="success"
datetimeticks="634224269609715208" />
Slette en løsning
I dette eksempel vises, hvordan du kan slette en løsning. Følgende eksempel viser, hvordan du henter en løsning ved hjælp af løsningens uniquename og derefter pakker solutionid ud af resultaterne. Brug solutionid sammen med IOrganizationService.Delete-metode.
// Delete a solution
QueryExpression queryImportedSolution = new QueryExpression
EntityName = Solution.EntityLogicalName,
ColumnSet = new ColumnSet(new string[] { "solutionid", "friendlyname" }),
Criteria = new FilterExpression()
queryImportedSolution.Criteria.AddCondition("uniquename", ConditionOperator.Equal, ImportedSolutionName);
Solution ImportedSolution = (Solution)_serviceProxy.RetrieveMultiple(queryImportedSolution).Entities[0];
_serviceProxy.Delete(Solution.EntityLogicalName, (Guid)ImportedSolution.SolutionId);
Console.WriteLine("Deleted the {0} solution.", ImportedSolution.FriendlyName);
' Delete a solution
Dim queryImportedSolution As QueryExpression =
New QueryExpression With {
.EntityName = solution.EntityLogicalName,
.ColumnSet = New ColumnSet(New String() {"solutionid", "friendlyname"}),
.Criteria = New FilterExpression()
queryImportedSolution.Criteria.AddCondition("uniquename", ConditionOperator.Equal, ImportedSolutionName)
Dim ImportedSolution As Solution =
CType(_serviceProxy.RetrieveMultiple(queryImportedSolution).Entities(0), Solution)
_serviceProxy.Delete(solution.EntityLogicalName, CType(ImportedSolution.SolutionId, Guid))
Console.WriteLine("Deleted the {0} solution.", ImportedSolution.FriendlyName)
Opdage løsningsafhængigheder
I dette eksempel vises, hvordan du opretter en rapport, der viser afhængigheder mellem løsningskomponenter.
Denne kode vil:
Hente alle komponenter til en løsning.
Hente alle afhængigheder for hver komponent.
Vise en rapport, der beskriver afhængigheden, for hver afhængighed, der er fundet.
// Grab all Solution Components for a solution.
QueryByAttribute componentQuery = new QueryByAttribute
EntityName = SolutionComponent.EntityLogicalName,
ColumnSet = new ColumnSet("componenttype", "objectid", "solutioncomponentid", "solutionid"),
Attributes = { "solutionid" },
// In your code, this value would probably come from another query.
Values = { _primarySolutionId }
IEnumerable<SolutionComponent> allComponents =
foreach (SolutionComponent component in allComponents)
// For each solution component, retrieve all dependencies for the component.
RetrieveDependentComponentsRequest dependentComponentsRequest =
new RetrieveDependentComponentsRequest
ComponentType = component.ComponentType.Value,
ObjectId = component.ObjectId.Value
RetrieveDependentComponentsResponse dependentComponentsResponse =
// If there are no dependent components, we can ignore this component.
if (dependentComponentsResponse.EntityCollection.Entities.Any() == false)
// If there are dependencies upon this solution component, and the solution
// itself is managed, then you will be unable to delete the solution.
Console.WriteLine("Found {0} dependencies for Component {1} of type {2}",
//A more complete report requires more code
foreach (Dependency d in dependentComponentsResponse.EntityCollection.Entities)
' Grab all Solution Components for a solution.
Dim componentQuery As QueryByAttribute =
New QueryByAttribute With {
.EntityName = SolutionComponent.EntityLogicalName,
.ColumnSet = New ColumnSet("componenttype", "objectid",
"solutioncomponentid", "solutionid")
' In your code, this value would probably come from another query.
Dim allComponents As IEnumerable(Of SolutionComponent) =
_serviceProxy.RetrieveMultiple(componentQuery).Entities.Cast(Of SolutionComponent)()
For Each component As SolutionComponent In allComponents
' For each solution component, retrieve all dependencies for the component.
Dim dependentComponentsRequest As RetrieveDependentComponentsRequest =
New RetrieveDependentComponentsRequest With {
.ComponentType = component.ComponentType.Value,
.ObjectId = component.ObjectId.Value
Dim dependentComponentsResponse As RetrieveDependentComponentsResponse =
' If there are no dependent components, we can ignore this component.
If dependentComponentsResponse.EntityCollection.Entities.Any() = False Then
Continue For
End If
' If there are dependencies upon this solution component, and the solution
' itself is managed, then you will be unable to delete the solution.
Console.WriteLine("Found {0} dependencies for Component {1} of type {2}",
'A more complete report requires more code
For Each d As Dependency In dependentComponentsResponse.EntityCollection.Entities
Next d
Next component
Metoden DependencyReport findes i følgende kodeeksempel.
Metoden DependencyReport giver en mere læsevenlig meddelelse, der er baseret på oplysninger, der findes inden for afhængigheden.
I dette eksempel er metoden kun delvist implementeret. Den kan kun vise meddelelser for attributters og grupperede indstillingers løsningskomponenter.
/// <summary>
/// Shows how to get a more friendly message based on information within the dependency
/// <param name="dependency">A Dependency returned from the RetrieveDependentComponents message</param>
/// </summary>
public void DependencyReport(Dependency dependency)
//These strings represent parameters for the message.
String dependentComponentName = "";
String dependentComponentTypeName = "";
String dependentComponentSolutionName = "";
String requiredComponentName = "";
String requiredComponentTypeName = "";
String requiredComponentSolutionName = "";
//The ComponentType global Option Set contains options for each possible component.
RetrieveOptionSetRequest componentTypeRequest = new RetrieveOptionSetRequest
Name = "componenttype"
RetrieveOptionSetResponse componentTypeResponse = (RetrieveOptionSetResponse)_serviceProxy.Execute(componentTypeRequest);
OptionSetMetadata componentTypeOptionSet = (OptionSetMetadata)componentTypeResponse.OptionSetMetadata;
// Match the Component type with the option value and get the label value of the option.
foreach (OptionMetadata opt in componentTypeOptionSet.Options)
if (dependency.DependentComponentType.Value == opt.Value)
dependentComponentTypeName = opt.Label.UserLocalizedLabel.Label;
if (dependency.RequiredComponentType.Value == opt.Value)
requiredComponentTypeName = opt.Label.UserLocalizedLabel.Label;
//The name or display name of the compoent is retrieved in different ways depending on the component type
dependentComponentName = getComponentName(dependency.DependentComponentType.Value, (Guid)dependency.DependentComponentObjectId);
requiredComponentName = getComponentName(dependency.RequiredComponentType.Value, (Guid)dependency.RequiredComponentObjectId);
// Retrieve the friendly name for the dependent solution.
Solution dependentSolution = (Solution)_serviceProxy.Retrieve
new ColumnSet("friendlyname")
dependentComponentSolutionName = dependentSolution.FriendlyName;
// Retrieve the friendly name for the required solution.
Solution requiredSolution = (Solution)_serviceProxy.Retrieve
new ColumnSet("friendlyname")
requiredComponentSolutionName = requiredSolution.FriendlyName;
//Display the message
Console.WriteLine("The {0} {1} in the {2} depends on the {3} {4} in the {5} solution.",
''' <summary>
''' Shows how to get a more friendly message based on information within the dependency
''' <param name="dependency">A Dependency returned from the RetrieveDependentComponents message</param>
''' </summary>
Public Sub DependencyReport(ByVal dependency As Dependency)
'These strings represent parameters for the message.
Dim dependentComponentName As String = ""
Dim dependentComponentTypeName As String = ""
Dim dependentComponentSolutionName As String = ""
Dim requiredComponentName As String = ""
Dim requiredComponentTypeName As String = ""
Dim requiredComponentSolutionName As String = ""
'The ComponentType global Option Set contains options for each possible component.
Dim componentTypeRequest As RetrieveOptionSetRequest =
New RetrieveOptionSetRequest With {
.Name = "componenttype"
Dim componentTypeResponse As RetrieveOptionSetResponse =
CType(_serviceProxy.Execute(componentTypeRequest), RetrieveOptionSetResponse)
Dim componentTypeOptionSet As OptionSetMetadata =
CType(componentTypeResponse.OptionSetMetadata, OptionSetMetadata)
' Match the Component type with the option value and get the label value of the option.
For Each opt As OptionMetadata In componentTypeOptionSet.Options
If dependency.DependentComponentType.Value = opt.Value Then
dependentComponentTypeName = opt.Label.UserLocalizedLabel.Label
End If
If dependency.RequiredComponentType.Value = opt.Value Then
requiredComponentTypeName = opt.Label.UserLocalizedLabel.Label
End If
Next opt
'The name or display name of the compoent is retrieved in different ways depending on the component type
dependentComponentName = getComponentName(dependency.DependentComponentType.Value,
requiredComponentName = getComponentName(dependency.RequiredComponentType.Value,
' Retrieve the friendly name for the dependent solution.
Dim dependentSolution As Solution =
CType(dependency.DependentComponentBaseSolutionId, Guid),
New ColumnSet("friendlyname")),
dependentComponentSolutionName = dependentSolution.FriendlyName
' Retrieve the friendly name for the required solution.
Dim requiredSolution As Solution =
New ColumnSet("friendlyname")),
requiredComponentSolutionName = requiredSolution.FriendlyName
'Display the message
Console.WriteLine("The {0} {1} in the {2} depends on the {3} {4} in the {5} solution.",
End Sub
Opdage, om en løsningskomponent må slettes
Brug RetrieveDependenciesForDeleteRequest-meddelelsen til at identificere eventuelle andre løsningskomponenter, der kunne forhindre, at en bestemt løsningskomponent bliver slettet. Følgende kodeeksempel søger efter attributter ved hjælp af en kendt global grupperet indstilling. Enhver attribut, der bruger den globale grupperede indstilling, vil forhindre den globale grupperede indstilling i at blive slettet.
// Use the RetrieveOptionSetRequest message to retrieve
// a global option set by it's name.
RetrieveOptionSetRequest retrieveOptionSetRequest =
new RetrieveOptionSetRequest
Name = _globalOptionSetName
// Execute the request.
RetrieveOptionSetResponse retrieveOptionSetResponse =
_globalOptionSetId = retrieveOptionSetResponse.OptionSetMetadata.MetadataId;
if (_globalOptionSetId != null)
//Use the global OptionSet MetadataId with the appropriate componenttype
// to call RetrieveDependenciesForDeleteRequest
RetrieveDependenciesForDeleteRequest retrieveDependenciesForDeleteRequest = new RetrieveDependenciesForDeleteRequest
ComponentType = (int)componenttype.OptionSet,
ObjectId = (Guid)_globalOptionSetId
RetrieveDependenciesForDeleteResponse retrieveDependenciesForDeleteResponse =
foreach (Dependency d in retrieveDependenciesForDeleteResponse.EntityCollection.Entities)
if (d.DependentComponentType.Value == 2)//Just testing for Attributes
String attributeLabel = "";
RetrieveAttributeRequest retrieveAttributeRequest = new RetrieveAttributeRequest
MetadataId = (Guid)d.DependentComponentObjectId
RetrieveAttributeResponse retrieveAttributeResponse = (RetrieveAttributeResponse)_serviceProxy.Execute(retrieveAttributeRequest);
AttributeMetadata attmet = retrieveAttributeResponse.AttributeMetadata;
attributeLabel = attmet.DisplayName.UserLocalizedLabel.Label;
Console.WriteLine("An {0} named {1} will prevent deleting the {2} global option set.",
' Use the RetrieveOptionSetRequest message to retrieve
' a global option set by it's name.
Dim retrieveOptionSetRequest_Renamed As RetrieveOptionSetRequest =
New RetrieveOptionSetRequest With {.Name = _globalOptionSetName}
' Execute the request.
Dim retrieveOptionSetResponse_Renamed As RetrieveOptionSetResponse =
CType(_serviceProxy.Execute(retrieveOptionSetRequest_Renamed), RetrieveOptionSetResponse)
_globalOptionSetId = retrieveOptionSetResponse_Renamed.OptionSetMetadata.MetadataId
If _globalOptionSetId IsNot Nothing Then
'Use the global OptionSet MetadataId with the appropriate componenttype
' to call RetrieveDependenciesForDeleteRequest
Dim retrieveDependenciesForDeleteRequest_Renamed As RetrieveDependenciesForDeleteRequest =
New RetrieveDependenciesForDeleteRequest With
.ComponentType = CInt(Fix(componenttype.OptionSet)),
.ObjectId = CType(_globalOptionSetId, Guid)
Dim retrieveDependenciesForDeleteResponse_Renamed As RetrieveDependenciesForDeleteResponse =
For Each d As Dependency In retrieveDependenciesForDeleteResponse_Renamed _
If d.DependentComponentType.Value = 2 Then 'Just testing for Attributes
Dim attributeLabel As String = ""
Dim retrieveAttributeRequest_Renamed As RetrieveAttributeRequest =
New RetrieveAttributeRequest With
.MetadataId = CType(d.DependentComponentObjectId, Guid)
Dim retrieveAttributeResponse_Renamed As RetrieveAttributeResponse =
Dim attmet As AttributeMetadata = retrieveAttributeResponse_Renamed.AttributeMetadata
attributeLabel = attmet.DisplayName.UserLocalizedLabel.Label
Console.WriteLine("An {0} named {1} will prevent deleting the {2} global option set.",
CType(d.DependentComponentType.Value, componenttype),
attributeLabel, _globalOptionSetName)
End If
Next d
End If
Se også
Pakke- og distributionsudvidelser ved hjælp af løsninger
Introduktion til løsninger
Plan for løsningsudvikling
Afhængighedssporing for for løsningskomponenter
Oprette, eksportere eller importere en ikke-administreret løsning
Opret, installer, og opdater en administreret løsning
Fjern eller slet en løsning
Eksempel: Arbejde med løsninger
Eksempel: Registrere løsningsafhængigheder
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