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Eksempel: Oprette, hente, opdatere og slette ved hjælp af OData-slutpunktet med JavaScript og jQuery


Udgivet: november 2016

Gælder for: Dynamics CRM 2015

Denne eksempelkode er for Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2015 og opdatering til Microsoft Dynamics CRM Online 2015. Hent SDK-pakken til Microsoft Dynamics CRM. Den findes på følgende placering i downloadpakken:



Vi fraråder brug af jQuery i formularscripts og kommandoer på båndet. Se Eksempel: Oprette, hente, opdatere og slette vha. OData-slutpunktet med JavaScript for et eksempelbibliotek, der har de samme egenskaber uden en afhængighed på jQuery.

Flere oplysninger:Brug af jQuery.


Hvis du blot vil se, hvordan dette eksempel fungerer, kan du installere (importere) den løsning, der er indeholdt i downloadfilerne. Derved installeres JQuery RESTEN Data, der-løsningen. Hvis du installerer denne administrerede løsning, og du vil oprette webressourcer, der bruger navnene nedenfor, kan løsningsudgiverens tilpasningspræfiks ikke være "sample", medmindre du fjerner (sletter) den administrerede løsning.


I dette eksempel bruges følgende webressourcer:

  • sample_/JQueryRESTDataOperations.htm
    Brug denne HTML-side til at starte eksemplet og få vist status for handlingerne. Denne side er konfigurationssiden for JQuery REST Data Operations-løsningen.

  • sample_/Scripts/jquery1.9.1.min.js
    Minimeret version af jQuery i Microsoft Visual Studio-webprogramprojekter. Indholdet af dette bibliotek er ikke inkluderet her.

  • sample_/scripts/JQueryRESTDataOperationsSample.js
    En JScript-webressource, der udfører handlingerne. Dette bibliotek, afhænger af SDK.JQuery.js-biblioteket.

  • sample_/Scripts/SDK.JQuery.js
    En JScript-webressource, der indeholder et bibliotek, der kan genbruges for at udføre handlinger med REST-slutpunktet ved hjælp af JQuery.


    Et lignende bibliotek uden afhængighed af JQuery findes i Eksempel: Oprette, hente, opdatere og slette vha. OData-slutpunktet med JavaScript.


Tilpasningspræfikset “sample_” bruges ikke i kode. Disse eksempler kan fungere ved hjælp af tilpasningspræfikset fra enhver udgiver. Men den relative sti til den simulerede Scripts-mappe skal medtages i navnet på webressourcerne.


Dette eksempel:

  • Opretter, henter, opdaterer og sletter handlinger ved hjælp af REST-slutpunktet med JScript og jQuery.

  • Bruger jQuery, et populært bibliotek, der omfatter funktioner til at kunne udføre datahandlinger ved hjælp af $.ajax-metoden.

  • Udfører sekventielt handlinger på en ny firmapost.

    Når du kører eksemplet, har du mulighed for at slette den oprettede post.

  • Viser resultater, der ligner følgende, når du får vist eksemplet på webressourcen: sample_/JQueryRESTDataOperations.htm

    1. Indstiller den primære kontaktperson til: <det fulde navn på den første kontaktpersonpost i systemet>.

    2. Indstiller den foretrukne kontaktmetode mail.

    3. Indstiller årlig omsætning til 2 millioner.

    4. Indstiller kontaktmetodens telefon til "Tillad ikke".

    5. Det firma, der hedder "Test Account Name", blev oprettet med AccountId: "7780cef2-fdf4-e011-9d26-00155dba3819".

    6. Henter firma med AccountId: "7780cef2-fdf4-e011-9d26-00155dba3819".

    7. Henter det firma, der hedder "Test Account Name". Dette firma er oprettet: "Onsdag 12. okt. 11:13:56 PDT 2011".

    8. Ændrer firmanavnet til "Updated Account Name".

    9. Tilføjer adresseoplysninger.

    10. Angiver mailadresse.

    11. Ændringerne af firmaposten blev gemt

    12. Du har valgt at slette firmaposten.

    13. Firmaet blev slettet.

Hvis du vælger ikke at slette firmaet, får du vist et link til den post, du har oprettet.


Denne side indeholder nogle forklaringer og knapper til at starte og nulstille eksemplet.

<html lang="en-us">
 <title>JQuery REST Data Operations</title>
 <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge" />
    <script src="Scripts/jquery_1.9.1.min.js"></script>
 <script src="Scripts/SDK.JQuery.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
 <script src="Scripts/JQueryRESTDataOperationsSample.js" type="text/javascript"></script>

<!-- /WebResources/ClientGlobalContext.js.aspx is accessed using a relative path
because the name of the Web Resource created from this file is "sample_/JQueryRESTDataOperationsSample.htm".

The use of the backslash within the name creates a virtual folder that must be considered
in relative links between Web Resources.
 <script type="text/javascript" src="../ClientGlobalContext.js.aspx"></script>

<body style="background-color: White; font-family:Segoe UI;">
<h1>JavaScript jQuery REST Data Operations Sample</h1>
<p>This page uses the <b>sample_/Scripts/JQueryRESTDataOperationsSample.js</b> JScript library to create, retrieve, and update an
 account record. It also provides the option to delete or view the record.</p>
<p>The <b>sample_/Scripts/JQueryRESTDataOperationsSample.js</b> JScript library uses the <b>sample_/Scripts/SDK.JQuery.js</b> JScript library to perform the data operations.</p>
<p>Use the buttons below to verify the functionality of this sample.</p>
 <button id="start" title="Click this button to start the sample.">
 <button id="reset" title="Click this button to reset the sample." disabled="disabled">
 <ol id="output">


Dette bibliotek indeholder funktioner til administration af brugergrænsefladens elementer på siden og omfatter de handlinger, der udføres af eksemplet. Funktionerne i dette bibliotek afhænger af genanvendelige, generiske metoder, der findes i sample_/Scripts/SDK.JQuery.js.

/// <reference path="SDK.JQuery.js" />
/// <reference path="jquery-1.9.1.js" />

var primaryContact = null;
var startButton;
var resetButton;
var output; //The <ol> element used by the writeMessage function to display text showing the progress of this sample.

$(function () {
 startButton = $("#start");;
 resetButton = $("#reset");;
 output = $("#output");


function createAccount() {
 startButton.attr("disabled", "disabled");
 var account = {};
 account.Name = "Test Account Name";
 account.Description = "This account was created by the JQueryRESTDataOperations sample.";
 if (primaryContact != null) {
  //Set a lookup value
  writeMessage("Setting the primary contact to: " + primaryContact.FullName + ".");
  account.PrimaryContactId = { Id: primaryContact.ContactId, LogicalName: "contact", Name: primaryContact.FullName };

 //Set a picklist value
 writeMessage("Setting Preferred Contact Method to E-mail.");
 account.PreferredContactMethodCode = { Value: 2 }; //E-mail

 //Set a money value
 writeMessage("Setting Annual Revenue to Two Million .");
 account.Revenue = { Value: "2000000.00" }; //Set Annual Revenue

 //Set a Boolean value
 writeMessage("Setting Contact Method Phone to \"Do Not Allow\".");
 account.DoNotPhone = true; //Do Not Allow

 //Add Two Tasks
 var today = new Date();
 var startDate = new Date(today.getFullYear(), today.getMonth(), today.getDate() + 3); //Set a date three days in the future.

 var LowPriTask = { Subject: "Low Priority Task", ScheduledStart: startDate, PriorityCode: { Value: 0} }; //Low Priority Task
 var HighPriTask = { Subject: "High Priority Task", ScheduledStart: startDate, PriorityCode: { Value: 2} }; //High Priority Task
 account.Account_Tasks = [LowPriTask, HighPriTask]

 //Create the Account
     function (account) {
      writeMessage("The account named \"" + account.Name + "\" was created with the AccountId : \"" + account.AccountId + "\".");
      writeMessage("Retrieving account with the AccountId: \"" + account.AccountId + "\".");


function retrieveAccount(AccountId) {
     null, null,
     function (account) {
      writeMessage("Retrieved the account named \"" + account.Name + "\". This account was created on : \"" + account.CreatedOn + "\".");

function updateAccount(AccountId) {
 var account = {};
 writeMessage("Changing the account Name to \"Updated Account Name\".");
 account.Name = "Updated Account Name";
 writeMessage("Adding Address information");
 account.Address1_AddressTypeCode = { Value: 3 }; //Address 1: Address Type = Primary
 account.Address1_City = "Sammamish";
 account.Address1_Line1 = "123 Maple St.";
 account.Address1_PostalCode = "98074";
 account.Address1_StateOrProvince = "WA";
 writeMessage("Setting E-Mail address");
 account.EMailAddress1 = "";

     function () {
      writeMessage("The account record changes were saved");

function deleteAccount(AccountId) {
 if (confirm("Do you want to delete this account record?")) {
  writeMessage("You chose to delete the account record.");
       function () {
        writeMessage("The account was deleted.");
 else {
  var urlToAccountRecord = SDK.JQuery._getClientUrl() + "/main.aspx?etc=1&amp;id=%7b" + AccountId + "%7d&amp;pagetype=entityrecord";
  $("<li><span>You chose not to delete the record. You can view the record </span><a href='" +
  urlToAccountRecord + 
  "' target='_blank'>here</a></li>").appendTo(output);

function getFirstContactToBePrimaryContact() {

     function (results) {
      var firstResult = results[0];
      if (firstResult != null) {
       primaryContact = results[0];
      else {
       writeMessage("No Contact records are available to set as the primary contact for the account.");
     function () {
      //OnComplete handler

function errorHandler(error) {

function enableResetButton() {

function resetSample() {
 resetButton.attr("disabled", "disabled");

//Helper function to write data to this page:
function writeMessage(message) {
 $("<li>" + message + "</li>").appendTo(output);


Dette bibliotek indeholder offentlige metoder til følgende handlinger:

  • createRecord

  • retrieveRecord

  • updateRecord

  • deleteRecord

  • retrieveMultipleRecords

Hver af disse metoder omfatter en successCallback- og errorCallback-parameter. Disse parametre accepterer en reference til en funktion, der kaldes, når datahandlingen lykkes eller mislykkes.

/// <reference path="jquery1.4.1vsdoc.js" />

if (typeof (SDK) == "undefined")
{ SDK = { __namespace: true }; }
SDK.JQuery = {
 _context: function () {
  /// Private function to the context object.
  if (typeof GetGlobalContext != "undefined")
  { return GetGlobalContext(); }
  else {
   if (typeof Xrm != "undefined") {
    return Xrm.Page.context;
   { throw new Error("Context is not available."); }
 _getClientUrl: function () {
  /// Private function to return the server URL from the context
  var serverUrl = this._context().getClientUrl()

  return serverUrl;
 _ODataPath: function () {
  /// Private function to return the path to the REST endpoint.
  return this._getClientUrl() + "/XRMServices/2011/OrganizationData.svc/";
 _errorHandler: function (req) {
  /// Private function return an Error object to the errorCallback
  ///<param name="req" type="XMLHttpRequest">
  /// The XMLHttpRequest response that returned an error.
  return new Error("Error : " +
        req.status + ": " +
        req.statusText + ": " +
 _dateReviver: function (key, value) {
  /// Private function to convert matching string values to Date objects.
  ///<param name="key" type="String">
  /// The key used to identify the object property
  ///<param name="value" type="String">
  /// The string value representing a date
  var a;
  if (typeof value === 'string') {
   a = /Date\(([-+]?\d+)\)/.exec(value);
   if (a) {
    return new Date(parseInt(value.replace("/Date(", "").replace(")/", ""), 10));
  return value;
 _parameterCheck: function (parameter, message) {
  /// Private function used to check whether required parameters are null or undefined
  ///<param name="parameter" type="Object">
  /// The parameter to check;
  ///<param name="message" type="String">
  /// The error message text to include when the error is thrown.
  if ((typeof parameter === "undefined") || parameter === null) {
   throw new Error(message);
 _stringParameterCheck: function (parameter, message) {
  /// Private function used to check whether required parameters are null or undefined
  ///<param name="parameter" type="String">
  /// The string parameter to check;
  ///<param name="message" type="String">
  /// The error message text to include when the error is thrown.
  if (typeof parameter != "string") {
   throw new Error(message);
 _callbackParameterCheck: function (callbackParameter, message) {
  /// Private function used to check whether required callback parameters are functions
  ///<param name="callbackParameter" type="Function">
  /// The callback parameter to check;
  ///<param name="message" type="String">
  /// The error message text to include when the error is thrown.
  if (typeof callbackParameter != "function") {
   throw new Error(message);
 createRecord: function (object, type, successCallback, errorCallback) {
  /// Sends an asynchronous request to create a new record.
  ///<param name="object" type="Object">
  /// A JavaScript object with properties corresponding to the Schema name of
  /// entity attributes that are valid for create operations.
  this._parameterCheck(object, "SDK.JQuery.createRecord requires the object parameter.");
  ///<param name="type" type="String">
  /// The Schema Name of the Entity type record to create.
  /// For an Account record, use "Account"
  this._stringParameterCheck(type, "SDK.JQuery.createRecord requires the type parameter is a string.");
  ///<param name="successCallback" type="Function">
  /// The function that will be passed through and be called by a successful response. 
  /// This function can accept the returned record as a parameter.
  /// </param>
  this._callbackParameterCheck(successCallback, "SDK.JQuery.createRecord requires the successCallback is a function.");
  ///<param name="errorCallback" type="Function">
  /// The function that will be passed through and be called by a failed response. 
  /// This function must accept an Error object as a parameter.
  /// </param>
  this._callbackParameterCheck(errorCallback, "SDK.JQuery.createRecord requires the errorCallback is a function.");

  var jsonEntity = window.JSON.stringify(object);

  $.ajax({ type: "POST",
   contentType: "application/json; charset=utf-8",
   datatype: "json",
   url: this._ODataPath() + type + "Set",
   data: jsonEntity,
   beforeSend: function (xhr) {
    //Specifying this header ensures that the results will be returned as JSON.             
    xhr.setRequestHeader("Accept", "application/json");
   success: function (data, textStatus, xhr) {
   error: function (xhr, textStatus, errorThrown) {
 retrieveRecord: function (id, type, select, expand, successCallback, errorCallback) {
  /// Sends an asynchronous request to retrieve a record.
  ///<param name="id" type="String">
  /// A String representing the GUID value for the record to retrieve.
  this._stringParameterCheck(id, "SDK.JQuery.retrieveRecord requires the id parameter is a string.");
  ///<param name="type" type="String">
  /// The Schema Name of the Entity type record to retrieve.
  /// For an Account record, use "Account"
  this._stringParameterCheck(type, "SDK.JQuery.retrieveRecord requires the type parameter is a string.");
  ///<param name="select" type="String">
  /// A String representing the $select OData System Query Option to control which
  /// attributes will be returned. This is a comma separated list of Attribute names that are valid for retrieve.
  /// If null all properties for the record will be returned
  if (select != null)
   this._stringParameterCheck(select, "SDK.JQuery.retrieveRecord requires the select parameter is a string.");
  ///<param name="expand" type="String">
  /// A String representing the $expand OData System Query Option value to control which
  /// related records are also returned. This is a comma separated list of of up to 6 entity relationship names
  /// If null no expanded related records will be returned.
  if (expand != null)
   this._stringParameterCheck(expand, "SDK.JQuery.retrieveRecord requires the expand parameter is a string.");
  ///<param name="successCallback" type="Function">
  /// The function that will be passed through and be called by a successful response. 
  /// This function must accept the returned record as a parameter.
  /// </param>
  this._callbackParameterCheck(successCallback, "SDK.JQuery.retrieveRecord requires the successCallback parameter is a function.");
  ///<param name="errorCallback" type="Function">
  /// The function that will be passed through and be called by a failed response. 
  /// This function must accept an Error object as a parameter.
  /// </param>
  this._callbackParameterCheck(errorCallback, "SDK.JQuery.retrieveRecord requires the errorCallback parameter is a function.");

  var systemQueryOptions = "";

  if (select != null || expand != null) {
   systemQueryOptions = "?";
   if (select != null) {
    var selectString = "$select=" + select;
    if (expand != null) {
     selectString = selectString + "," + expand;
    systemQueryOptions = systemQueryOptions + selectString;
   if (expand != null) {
    systemQueryOptions = systemQueryOptions + "&amp;$expand=" + expand;

   type: "GET",
   contentType: "application/json; charset=utf-8",
   datatype: "json",
   url: this._ODataPath() + type + "Set" + "(guid'" + id + "')" + systemQueryOptions,
   beforeSend: function (xhr) {
    //Specifying this header ensures that the results will be returned as JSON.             
    xhr.setRequestHeader("Accept", "application/json");
   success: function (data, textStatus, xhr) {
    //JQuery does not provide an opportunity to specify a date reviver so this code
   // parses the xhr.responseText rather than use the data parameter passed by JQuery.
    successCallback(JSON.parse(xhr.responseText, SDK.JQuery._dateReviver).d);
   error: function (xhr, textStatus, errorThrown) {
 updateRecord: function (id, object, type, successCallback, errorCallback) {
  /// Sends an asynchronous request to update a record.
  ///<param name="id" type="String">
  /// A String representing the GUID value for the record to retrieve.
  this._stringParameterCheck(id, "SDK.JQuery.updateRecord requires the id parameter.");
  ///<param name="object" type="Object">
  /// A JavaScript object with properties corresponding to the Schema Names for
  /// entity attributes that are valid for update operations.
  this._parameterCheck(object, "SDK.JQuery.updateRecord requires the object parameter.");
  ///<param name="type" type="String">
  /// The Schema Name of the Entity type record to retrieve.
  /// For an Account record, use "Account"
  this._stringParameterCheck(type, "SDK.JQuery.updateRecord requires the type parameter.");
  ///<param name="successCallback" type="Function">
  /// The function that will be passed through and be called by a successful response. 
  /// Nothing will be returned to this function.
  /// </param>
  this._callbackParameterCheck(successCallback, "SDK.JQuery.updateRecord requires the successCallback is a function.");
  ///<param name="errorCallback" type="Function">
  /// The function that will be passed through and be called by a failed response. 
  /// This function must accept an Error object as a parameter.
  /// </param>
  this._callbackParameterCheck(errorCallback, "SDK.JQuery.updateRecord requires the errorCallback is a function.");

  var jsonEntity = window.JSON.stringify(object);

   type: "POST",
   contentType: "application/json; charset=utf-8",
   datatype: "json",
   data: jsonEntity,
   url: this._ODataPath() + type + "Set" + "(guid'" + id + "')",
   beforeSend: function (xhr) {
    //Specifying this header ensures that the results will be returned as JSON.             
    xhr.setRequestHeader("Accept", "application/json");
    //Specify the HTTP method MERGE to update just the changes you are submitting.             
    xhr.setRequestHeader("X-HTTP-Method", "MERGE");
   success: function (data, textStatus, xhr) {
   //Nothing is returned to the success function
   error: function (xhr, textStatus, errorThrown) {
 deleteRecord: function (id, type, successCallback, errorCallback) {
  /// Sends an asynchronous request to delete a record.
  ///<param name="id" type="String">
  /// A String representing the GUID value for the record to delete.
  this._stringParameterCheck(id, "SDK.JQuery.deleteRecord requires the id parameter.");
  ///<param name="type" type="String">
  /// The Schema Name of the Entity type record to delete.
  /// For an Account record, use "Account"
  this._stringParameterCheck(type, "SDK.JQuery.deleteRecord requires the type parameter.");
  ///<param name="successCallback" type="Function">
  /// The function that will be passed through and be called by a successful response. 
  /// Nothing will be returned to this function.
  /// </param>
  this._callbackParameterCheck(successCallback, "SDK.JQuery.deleteRecord requires the successCallback is a function.");
  ///<param name="errorCallback" type="Function">
  /// The function that will be passed through and be called by a failed response. 
  /// This function must accept an Error object as a parameter.
  /// </param>
  this._callbackParameterCheck(errorCallback, "SDK.JQuery.deleteRecord requires the errorCallback is a function.");

   type: "POST",
   contentType: "application/json; charset=utf-8",
   datatype: "json",
   url: this._ODataPath() + type + "Set(guid'" + id + "')",
   beforeSend: function (XMLHttpRequest) {
    //Specifying this header ensures that the results will be returned as JSON.                 
    XMLHttpRequest.setRequestHeader("Accept", "application/json");
    //Specify the HTTP method DELETE to perform a delete operation.                 
    XMLHttpRequest.setRequestHeader("X-HTTP-Method", "DELETE");
   success: function (data, textStatus, xhr) {
   // Nothing is returned to the success function.
   error: function (xhr, textStatus, errorThrown) {
 retrieveMultipleRecords: function (type, options, successCallback, errorCallback, OnComplete) {
  /// Sends an asynchronous request to retrieve records.
  ///<param name="type" type="String">
  /// The Schema Name of the Entity type records to retrieve
  /// For an Account record, use "Account"
  this._stringParameterCheck(type, "SDK.JQuery.retrieveMultipleRecords requires the type parameter is a string.");
  ///<param name="options" type="String">
  /// A String representing the OData System Query Options to control the data returned
  /// Do not include the $top option, use the top parameters to set the maximum number of records to return.
  if (options != null)
   this._stringParameterCheck(options, "SDK.JQuery.retrieveMultipleRecords requires the options parameter is a string.");
  ///<param name="successCallback" type="Function">
  /// The function that will be passed through and be called for each page of records returned.
  /// This function should loop through the results and push the records into an array.
  /// </param>
  this._callbackParameterCheck(successCallback, "SDK.JQuery.retrieveMultipleRecords requires the successCallback parameter is a function.");
  ///<param name="errorCallback" type="Function">
  /// The function that will be passed through and be called by a failed response. 
  /// This function must accept an Error object as a parameter.
  /// </param>
  this._callbackParameterCheck(errorCallback, "SDK.JQuery.retrieveMultipleRecords requires the errorCallback parameter is a function.");
  ///<param name="OnComplete" type="Function">
  /// The function that will be called when all the requested records have been returned.
  /// No parameters are passed to this function.
  /// </param>
  this._callbackParameterCheck(OnComplete, "SDK.JQuery.retrieveMultipleRecords requires the OnComplete parameter is a function.");

  var optionsString;
  if (options != null) {
   if (options.charAt(0) != "?") {
    optionsString = "?" + options;
   { optionsString = options; }

   type: "GET",
   contentType: "application/json; charset=utf-8",
   datatype: "json",
   url: this._ODataPath() + type + "Set" + optionsString,
   beforeSend: function (XMLHttpRequest) {
    //Specifying this header ensures that the results will be returned as JSON.             
    XMLHttpRequest.setRequestHeader("Accept", "application/json");
   success: function (data, textStatus, xhr) {
    if (data &amp;&amp; data.d &amp;&amp; data.d.results) {
     successCallback(JSON.parse(xhr.responseText, SDK.JQuery._dateReviver).d.results);
     if (data.d.__next != null) {
      var queryOptions = data.d.__next.substring((SDK.JQuery._ODataPath() + type + "Set").length);
      SDK.JQuery.retrieveMultipleRecords(type, queryOptions, successCallback, errorCallback, OnComplete);
     { OnComplete(); }
   error: function (xhr, textStatus, errorThrown) {
 __namespace: true

Se også

Brug OData-slutpunktet med webressourcer
Eksempel: Oprette, hente, opdatere og slette vha. OData-slutpunktet med JavaScript
Eksempel: Hent flere poster ved hjælp af OData-slutpunktet med JavaScript
Teknisk artikel: Brug af grupperede indstillinger sammen med slutpunktet REST – JScript

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