JmgPayEvents::payCountQty Method
Returns the pay specification type and seconds, which is the value that remains after minimum and maximum limits and pay count units have been applied.
client server public static container payCountQty(
JmgStampJournalTable jmgStampJournalTable,
JmgPayAgreementLineMap jmgPayAgreementLineMap,
JmgSeconds _inSeconds)
Run On
- jmgStampJournalTable
Type: JmgStampJournalTable Table
A JmgStampJournalTable record, which determines the worker and profile date to calculate the values for.
- jmgPayAgreementLineMap
Type: JmgPayAgreementLineMap Map
The pay agreement line, which contains the minimum and maximum limits, as well as a reference to a pay count unit.
- _inSeconds
Type: JmgSeconds Extended Data Type
The number of seconds to apply the limitations to, which is specified in the pay agreement line.
Return Value
Type: container
A container that has the pay specification type and the number of seconds that remain after the pay agreement line limitations have been applied.