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LedgerTransType Enumeration

Help Text: General specification of the transaction type.
Style: ComboBox


Name Value Description
None 0
Transfer 1 Transfer
Sales 2 Sales order
Purch 3 Purchase order
Invent 4 Inventory
Production 5 Production
Project 6 Project
Interest 7 Interest
Cust 8 Customer
ExchAdjustment 9 Foreign currency revaluation
SummedUp 10 Totaled
Payroll 11 Payroll
FixedAssets 12 Fixed assets
CollectionLetter 13 Collection letter
Vend 14 Vendor
Payment 15 Payment
Tax 16 Sales tax
Bank 17 Bank
Conversion 18 Ledger accounting currency conversion
BillOfExchange 19 Bill of exchange
PromissoryNote 20 Promissory note
Cost 21 Cost accounting
Work 22 Labor
Fee 23 Fee
Settlement 24 Settlement
Allocation 25 Allocation
Elimination 26 Elimination
CashDiscount 27 Cash discount
OverUnder 28 Overpayment/underpayment
PennyDifference 29 Penny difference
CrossCompanySettlement 30 Intercompany settlement
PurchReq 31 Purchase requisition
InflationAdjustment_MX 32 Inflation adjustment
PurchAdvanceApplication 33 Prepayment application
ConversionReporting 34 Ledger reporting currency conversion
FixedAssets_RU 79 Fixed assets (Russia)
RTax25_BadDebtDebitAmortisation 80 AR amortization
RDeferrals 81 Deferrals
RTax25_BadDebtCreditAmortisation 82 AP amortization
AdvanceAdjustment_RU 83 Advance adjustment
VATTaxAgent_RU 84 Tax agent
GainLossCurrencyDeal_RU 85 Currency conversion gain/loss
PdsRebateCreditNote 100 Rebate credit note processing
PdsRebatePassToAP 101 Rebate pass to AP
WriteOff 35 Write off
GeneralJournal 36 General journal
MCRUnderpayWriteOff 251 Underpayment write off

See Also


Base Enum Properties

Data Types in X++