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LedgerItemTypeZakat_SA Enumeration

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Name Value Description
ActivityRevenue 0 Activity revenue
OtherRevenue 1 Other revenue
InventoryClosing 2 Inventory closing
InventoryOpening 3 Inventory opening
ForeignPurchase 4 Foreign purchase
LocalPurchase 5 Local purchase
DirectExpenses 6 Direct expenses
SalariesAndWages 7 Salaries and wages
SubContractor 8 Subcontractor
Depreciation 9 Depreciation
ConsultationFees 10 Consultation fees
ReservationsAndProvisions 11 Reservations and provisions
MiscExpenses 12 Misc expenses
NetProfitOtherAmendments 13 Net profit other amendments
Capital 14 Capital
CarriedOverProfits 15 Carried over profits
Reservations 16 Reservations
Provisions 17 Provisions
Loans 18 Loans
OwnersPartnersAccount 19 Owner's/partner's credit account
OtherAddedItems 20 Other added items
FixedAssetsNetValue 21 Fixed assets net value
Investments 22 Investments
CarriedOverLosses 23 Carried over losses as adjusted
PresettingExpenses 24 Pre-setting up expenses
OtherChargedItems 25 Other charged items

See Also


Base Enum Properties

Data Types in X++