Del via

ReqRefType Enumeration

Help Text: The name of the record type that is the origin for the requirement transaction
Style: ComboBox


Name Value Description
None 0
InventOnHand 1 On-hand
Purch 8 Purchase order
Production 9 Production
Sales 10 Sales order
ProdLine 12 Production line
InventJournal 13 Inventory journal
SafetyInvent 14 Safety stock
InventTransfer 15 Inventory journal transfer
TransferOrderShip 16 Transfer order shipment
TransferOrderReceive 17 Transfer order receive
SalesForecast 21 Demand forecast
BOMPlannedOrder 31 Planned production orders
BOMLine 32 BOM line
ItemPlannedOrder 33 Planned purchase orders
TransferPlannedOrder 34 Planned transfer
TransferDemand 35 Transfer requirement
DEL_smmQuotation 36 Outdated
Quarantine 37 Quarantine order
SalesQuotation 38 Quotation
Kanban 39 Kanban
KanbanLine 40 Kanban line
PlannedKanban 41 Planned kanban
PlannedKanbanLine 42 Planned kanban line
PmfFormulaLine 45 Formula line
PmfPlannedProdBatch 46 Planned batch order
PdsExpiredBatch 47 Expired batch
PmfCoProduct 49 Batch order co-product
PlannedIntercompanyDemand 43 Planned intercompany demand
Statement 101 Statement
RequisitionLine 50 Requisition line
MCRContinuity 250 Continuity forecast

See Also


Base Enum Properties

Data Types in X++