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MCRCustPaymTable::cancelPaym Method

Cancels the specified payment.

If cancellation is not allowed for the payment, nothing is done.

(see "MCRCustPaymTable.isCancelPaymAllowed()") If the payment is allowed to be deleted, then it is deleted. If not, then the percent amount and amount are set to 0.0, and the status is set to MCRCustPaymStatus::NotSubmitted.

If the cancel is an NSF cancel then the payment records need to be backed out of the LedgerJournalTrans, LedgerJournalTable, CustTrans, and CustTransOpen tables.


client server public static void cancelPaym(RecId _mcrCustPaymTableRecID, [ReasonCode _reasonCode])

Run On



See Also


MCRCustPaymTable Table