Del via

Test attachments

TFS 2017 | TFS 2015 | TFS 2013


Looking for REST APIS that support TFS 2018 or later versions? See the Azure DevOps REST API Reference.

api-version = 2.0-preview.1

If you haven't already, look at the information on getting started with these APIs.

Attach a file to a test run

POST https://{instance}/DefaultCollection/{project}/_apis/test/runs/{run}/attachments?api-version={version}
Content-Type: application/json
  "stream": { string },
  "fileName": { string },
  "comment": { string },
  "attachmentType": { string }
Parameter Type Default Notes
instance string TFS server name ({server:port}).
project string Name or ID of the project.
run int ID of the test run against which attachment has to be uploaded.
api-version string Version of the API to use.
stream string Base64 encoded file stream
fileName string Attachment filename
comment string Comment associated with attachment
attachmentType enum { GeneralAttachment, AfnStrip, BugFilingData, CodeCoverage, IntermediateCollectorData, RunConfig, TestImpactDetails, TmiTestRunDeploymentFiles, TmiTestRunReverseDeploymentFiles, TmiTestResultDetail, TmiTestRunSummary } GeneralAttachment Attachment type

Sample request

POST https://mytfsserver/DefaultCollection/Fabrikam/_apis/test/runs/49/attachments?api-version=2.0-preview
  "fileName": "imageAsFileAttachment.png",
  "comment": "Test attachment upload",
  "attachmentType": "GeneralAttachment"

Sample response

  "id": 3,
  "url": "https://mytfsserver/DefaultCollection/Fabrikam/_apis/test/Runs/49/Attachments/3"

Attach a file to a test result

POST https://{instance}/DefaultCollection/{project}/_apis/test/runs/{run}/results/{result}/attachments?api-version={version}
Content-Type: application/json
  "stream": { string },
  "fileName": { string },
  "comment": { string },
  "attachmentType": { string }
Parameter Type Default Notes
instance string TFS server name ({server:port}).
project string Name or ID of the project.
run int ID of the test run that contains the result.
result int ID of the test results against which attachment has to be uploaded.
api-version string Version of the API to use.
stream string Base64 encoded file stream
fileName string Attachment filename
comment string Comment associated with attachment
attachmentType enum { GeneralAttachment, AfnStrip, BugFilingData, CodeCoverage, IntermediateCollectorData, RunConfig, TestImpactDetails, TmiTestRunDeploymentFiles, TmiTestRunReverseDeploymentFiles, TmiTestResultDetail, TmiTestRunSummary } GeneralAttachment Attachment type

Sample request

POST https://mytfsserver/DefaultCollection/Fabrikam/_apis/test/runs/49/results/100000/attachments?api-version=2.0-preview
  "stream": "VXNlciB0ZXh0IGNvbnRlbnQgdG8gdXBsb2FkLg==",
  "fileName": "textAsFileAttachment.txt",
  "comment": "Test attachment upload",
  "attachmentType": "GeneralAttachment"

Sample response

  "id": 4,
  "url": "https://mytfsserver/DefaultCollection/Fabrikam/_apis/test/Runs/49/Results/100000/Attachments/4"

Download a test run attachment

GET https://{instance}/DefaultCollection/{project}/_apis/test/runs/{run}/attachments/{attachment}?api-version={version}
Parameter Type Default Notes
instance string TFS server name ({server:port}).
project string Name or ID of the project.
run int ID of the test run whose attachment has to be downloaded.
attachment int ID of the test run attachment to be downloaded
api-version string Version of the API to use.

Sample request

GET https://fabrikam-fiber-inc:8080/DefaultCollection/fabrikam/_apis/test/runs/1/attachments/1?api-version=2.0-preview


Status code: 200

{ file-contents }


The response from this call will be the file itself (.jpeg, .json, etc.)

Download a test result attachment

GET https://{instance}/DefaultCollection/{project}/_apis/test/runs/{run}/results/{result}/attachments/{attachment}?api-version={version}
Parameter Type Default Notes
instance string TFS server name ({server:port}).
project string Name or ID of the project.
run int ID of the test run that contains the result.
result int ID of the test result whose attachment has to be downloaded
attachment int ID of the test result attachment to be downloaded
api-version string Version of the API to use.

Sample request

GET https://fabrikam-fiber-inc:8080/DefaultCollection/fabrikam/_apis/test/runs/1/results/100000/attachments/1?api-version=2.0-preview


Status code: 200

{ file-contents }


The response from this call will be the file itself (.jpeg, .json, etc.)

Get list of test run attachments

GET https://{instance}/DefaultCollection/{project}/_apis/test/runs/{run}/attachments?api-version={version}
Parameter Type Default Notes
instance string TFS server name ({server:port}).
project string Name or ID of the project.
run int ID of the test run whose attachment has to be downloaded.
api-version string Version of the API to use.

Sample request

GET https://mytfsserver/DefaultCollection/Fabrikam-Fiber-TFVC/_apis/test/runs/23/attachments?api-version=3.0-preview

Sample response

  "count": 1,
  "value": [
      "createdDate": "2016-07-13T13:09:44.89Z",
      "url": "https://mytfsserver/DefaultCollection/Fabrikam-Fiber-TFVC/_apis/test/Runs/23/Attachments/18",
      "id": 18,
      "fileName": "imageAsFileAttachment.png",
      "comment": "Test attachment upload"

Get list of test result attachments

GET https://{instance}/DefaultCollection/{project}/_apis/test/runs/{run}/results/{result}/attachments?api-version={version}
Parameter Type Default Notes
instance string TFS server name ({server:port}).
project string Name or ID of the project.
run int ID of the test run that contains the result.
result int ID of the test result whose attachment has to be downloaded
api-version string Version of the API to use.

Sample request

GET https://mytfsserver/DefaultCollection/Fabrikam-Fiber-TFVC/_apis/test/runs/23/results/100000/attachments?api-version=3.0-preview

Sample response

  "count": 1,
  "value": [
      "createdDate": "2016-07-13T13:09:45.427Z",
      "url": "https://mytfsserver/DefaultCollection/Fabrikam-Fiber-TFVC/_apis/test/Runs/23/Results/100000/Attachments/19",
      "id": 19,
      "fileName": "textAsFileAttachment.txt",
      "comment": "Test attachment upload"