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Configure Throttling Using IIS Manager

You can use the IIS Manager extensions added by Microsoft AppFabric 1.1 for Windows Server to configure the service throttling parameters for a specific service and to configure default service throttling settings at the server, site, application, and virtual directory scopes. For detailed information about how configurations work in the IIS hierarchy, see Configuration Process in AppFabric.

The IIS Manager internally invokes Get-ASAppServiceThrottling and Set-ASAppServiceThrottling cmdlets to get and set the values of the maxConcurrentCalls, maxConcurrentSessions, and maxConcurrentInstances attributes of the serviceThrottling element in the configuration file associated with the selected scope in the IIS hierarchy. When you configure and apply service throttling settings, the Set-ASAppServiceThrottling cmdlet invoked by the IIS Manager creates the serviceThrottling element if the element does not already exist and then sets the values on the attributes.

To configure throttling settings for a service by using IIS Manager

  1. In the Connections pane, in the tree view, select the server, site, application, or virtual directory in which the service exists.

  2. In the Workspace pane (in the middle), in the Features view, double-click Services in the AppFabric section.

  3. Select the service from the Services list and then click Configure in the Actions pane to see the Configure Service dialog box. You can also launch this dialog box by performing the following steps: Right-click the service for which you want to configure in the Services list, and then click Configure on the context menu.

  4. Click the Throttling tab, and configure Maximum concurrent calls, Maximum concurrent instances, and Maximum concurrent sessions settings.

  5. Click Apply to only apply the settings or OK to apply the settings and close the dialog box.

To configure default throttling settings at the server, site, application, or virtual directory scope by using IIS Manager

  1. In the Connections pane, in the tree view, select the server, site, application, or virtual directory scope at which you want to configure the default throttling settings.

  2. Click Configure in the Manage WCF and WF Services section of the Actions pane to launch the Configure WCF and WF for Server, Configure WCF and WF for Site, Configure WCF and WF for Application, or Configure WCF and WF for Virtual Directory dialog box. You can also launch this dialog box by performing the following steps: Right-click the root, Web site, application, or virtual directory node for which you want to configure default values for workflow persistence settings in the tree view, point to Manage WCF and WF Services in the context menu, and then click Configure.

  3. Click the Throttling tab, and configure the Maximum concurrent calls, Maximum concurrent instances, and Maximum concurrent sessions settings.

  4. Click Apply to only apply the settings or OK to apply the settings and close the dialog box.
