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Web API Query Data Sample (Client-side JavaScript)

This sample contains code that demonstrates how to basic query requests using client-side JavaScript to perform the set of operations described by the Web API Basic Operations Sample.

This code uses the DataverseWebAPI.js sample library and is designed to run in the context of a Single Page Application (SPA) sample available on GitHub. Learn more about the sample application


This code is for a Single Page Application (SPA) and doesn't represent the pattern to use with model-driven apps, Power Apps components framework (PCF) components, or Power pages. Use the Xrm.WebApi (Client API), Code components WebAPI, and Power Pages Portals Web API for these scenarios.


This sample has the same prerequisites as Quick Start Web API with client-side JavaScript and Visual Studio Code. To run this sample, you should complete the quick start first. You can use the same application registration information for that quick start to run this sample.


This sample starts when the user selects a button that triggers the following event handler:

// Add event listener to the basic operations button
document.getElementById("queryDataButton").onclick = async function () {
   runSample(new QueryDataSample(client, container));

The runSample function takes an instance of the QueryDataSample class where the constructor accepts a DataverseWebAPI.Client instance and a reference to a container to write messages to.

// Runs all samples in a consistent way
async function runSample(sample) {
  // Disable the buttons to prevent multiple clicks

  // Disable the logout button while the sample is running

  // Run the sample
  await sample.SetUp();
  await sample.Run();
  await sample.CleanUp();

  // Re-enable the buttons


The following is the QueryDataSample class that contains the code for this sample.

import { Util } from "../scripts/Util.js";
import { DataverseWebAPI as dv } from "../scripts/DataverseWebAPI.js";
export class QueryDataSample {
   * @type {dv.Client}
   * @private
  #client; // The DataverseWebAPIClient instance
  #container; // The container element to display messages
  #entityStore = []; // Store for created records to delete at the end of the sample
  #util; //Common functions for samples
  #name = "Query data";
  #contosoAccountId; // Store for the account ID
  #contactYvonneId; // Store for the primary contact ID

  // Constructor to initialize the client, container, and utility helper functions
  constructor(client, container) {
    this.#client = client;
    this.#container = container;
    this.#util = new Util(container);

  // Public functions to set up, run, and clean up data created by the sample
  async SetUp() {
    // Clear the container
    this.#util.appendMessage(this.#name + " sample started...");

    // Section 0: Create records to query
    const contosoAccount = {
      name: "Contoso, Ltd. (sample)",
      Account_Tasks: [
          subject: "Task 1 for Contoso, Ltd.",
          description: "Task 1 for Contoso, Ltd. description",
          actualdurationminutes: 10,
          subject: "Task 2 for Contoso, Ltd.",
          description: "Task 2 for Contoso, Ltd. description",
          actualdurationminutes: 10,
          subject: "Task 3 for Contoso, Ltd.",
          description: "Task 3 for Contoso, Ltd. description",
          actualdurationminutes: 10,
      primarycontactid: {
        firstname: "Yvonne",
        lastname: "McKay (sample)",
        jobtitle: "Coffee Master",
        annualincome: 45000,
        Contact_Tasks: [
            subject: "Task 1 for Yvonne McKay",
            description: "Task 1 for Yvonne McKay description",
            actualdurationminutes: 5,
            subject: "Task 2 for Yvonne McKay",
            description: "Task 2 for Yvonne McKay description",
            actualdurationminutes: 5,
            subject: "Task 3 for Yvonne McKay",
            description: "Task 3 for Yvonne McKay description",
            actualdurationminutes: 5,
      contact_customer_accounts: [
          firstname: "Susanna",
          lastname: "Stubberod (sample)",
          jobtitle: "Senior Purchaser",
          annualincome: 52000,
          Contact_Tasks: [
              subject: "Task 1 for Susanna Stubberod",
              description: "Task 1 for Susanna Stubberod description",
              actualdurationminutes: 3,
              subject: "Task 2 for Susanna Stubberod",
              description: "Task 2 for Susanna Stubberod description",
              actualdurationminutes: 3,
              subject: "Task 3 for Susanna Stubberod",
              description: "Task 3 for Susanna Stubberod description",
              actualdurationminutes: 3,
          firstname: "Nancy",
          lastname: "Anderson (sample)",
          jobtitle: "Activities Manager",
          annualincome: 55500,
          Contact_Tasks: [
              subject: "Task 1 for Nancy Anderson",
              description: "Task 1 for Nancy Anderson description",
              actualdurationminutes: 4,
              subject: "Task 2 for Nancy Anderson",
              description: "Task 2 for Nancy Anderson description",
              actualdurationminutes: 4,
              subject: "Task 3 for Nancy Anderson",
              description: "Task 3 for Nancy Anderson description",
              actualdurationminutes: 4,
          firstname: "Maria",
          lastname: "Cambell (sample)",
          jobtitle: "Accounts Manager",
          annualincome: 31000,
          Contact_Tasks: [
              subject: "Task 1 for Maria Cambell",
              description: "Task 1 for Maria Cambell description",
              actualdurationminutes: 5,
              subject: "Task 2 for Maria Cambell",
              description: "Task 2 for Maria Cambell description",
              actualdurationminutes: 5,
              subject: "Task 3 for Maria Cambell",
              description: "Task 3 for Maria Cambell description",
              actualdurationminutes: 5,
          firstname: "Scott",
          lastname: "Konersmann (sample)",
          jobtitle: "Accounts Manager",
          annualincome: 38000,
          Contact_Tasks: [
              subject: "Task 1 for Scott Konersmann",
              description: "Task 1 for Scott Konersmann description",
              actualdurationminutes: 6,
              subject: "Task 2 for Scott Konersmann",
              description: "Task 2 for Scott Konersmann description",
              actualdurationminutes: 6,
              subject: "Task 3 for Scott Konersmann",
              description: "Task 3 for Scott Konersmann description",
              actualdurationminutes: 6,
          firstname: "Robert",
          lastname: "Lyon (sample)",
          jobtitle: "Senior Technician",
          annualincome: 78000,
          Contact_Tasks: [
              subject: "Task 1 for Robert Lyon",
              description: "Task 1 for Robert Lyon description",
              actualdurationminutes: 7,
              subject: "Task 2 for Robert Lyon",
              description: "Task 2 for Robert Lyon description",
              actualdurationminutes: 7,
              subject: "Task 3 for Robert Lyon",
              description: "Task 3 for Robert Lyon description",
              actualdurationminutes: 7,
          firstname: "Paul",
          lastname: "Cannon (sample)",
          jobtitle: "Ski Instructor",
          annualincome: 68500,
          Contact_Tasks: [
              subject: "Task 1 for Paul Cannon",
              description: "Task 1 for Paul Cannon description",
              actualdurationminutes: 8,
              subject: "Task 2 for Paul Cannon",
              description: "Task 2 for Paul Cannon description",
              actualdurationminutes: 8,
              subject: "Task 3 for Paul Cannon",
              description: "Task 3 for Paul Cannon description",
              actualdurationminutes: 8,
          firstname: "Rene",
          lastname: "Valdes (sample)",
          jobtitle: "Data Analyst III",
          annualincome: 86000,
          Contact_Tasks: [
              subject: "Task 1 for Rene Valdes",
              description: "Task 1 for Rene Valdes description",
              actualdurationminutes: 9,
              subject: "Task 2 for Rene Valdes",
              description: "Task 2 for Rene Valdes description",
              actualdurationminutes: 9,
              subject: "Task 3 for Rene Valdes",
              description: "Task 3 for Rene Valdes description",
              actualdurationminutes: 9,
          firstname: "Jim",
          lastname: "Glynn (sample)",
          jobtitle: "Senior International Sales Manager",
          annualincome: 81400,
          Contact_Tasks: [
              subject: "Task 1 for Jim Glynn",
              description: "Task 1 for Jim Glynn description",
              actualdurationminutes: 10,
              subject: "Task 2 for Jim Glynn",
              description: "Task 2 for Jim Glynn description",
              actualdurationminutes: 10,
              subject: "Task 3 for Jim Glynn",
              description: "Task 3 for Jim Glynn description",
              actualdurationminutes: 10,
    // Create the records that are all related to the account
    this.#contosoAccountId = await this.#createRecords(contosoAccount);
    // Add the primary contact to the entity store
    this.#contactYvonneId = await this.#addPrimaryContactToEntityStore(

  //#region Section 0: Create records to query

  // Create records to query
  async #createRecords(contosoAccount) {
    try {
      const contosoAccountId = await this.#client.Create(
      this.#util.appendMessage("Created records for this sample");
      // To delete later
        name: `${}`,
        entityName: "account",
        entitySetName: "accounts",
        id: contosoAccountId,
      return contosoAccountId;
    } catch (e) {
      this.#util.showError("Failed to create sample records:" + e.message);
      throw e;

  // Add the primary contact to the entity store
  async #addPrimaryContactToEntityStore(contosoAccountId) {
    try {
      const contoso = await this.#client.Retrieve(
      // To delete later
        name: `${contoso.primarycontactid.fullname}`,
        entityName: "contact",
        entitySetName: "contacts",
        id: contoso.primarycontactid.contactid,

      return contoso.primarycontactid.contactid;
    } catch (e) {
        "Failed to add primary contact to entity store:" + e.message
      throw e;
  //#endregion Section 0: Create records to query

  // Run the sample
  async Run() {
    try {
      // Section 1: Select specific properties
        "<h2>Section 1: Select specific properties</h2>"

      await this.#selectSpecificProperties();

      // Section 2: Use query functions
      this.#util.appendMessage("<h2>Section 2: Use query functions</h2>");
      // standard query functions
      await this.#retrieveContactsWhereFullNameContainsSample();
      // Dataverse query functions
      await this.#retrieveContactsCreatedInLastHour();
      // Use operators
      await this.#retrieveHighIncomeContacts();
      // Set Set precedence
      await this.#retrieveHighIncomeSeniorOrManagerContacts();
      // Section 3: Ordering and aliases
      this.#util.appendMessage("<h2>Section 3: Ordering and aliases</h2>");
      // Order results
      await this.#retrieveContosoContactsOrderedByAnnualIncomeAndTitle();
      // Parameter alias
      await this.#demonstrateParameterAliases();
      // Section 4: Limit and count results
      this.#util.appendMessage("<h2>Section 4: Limit and count results</h2>");
      // Top results
      await this.#getTop5Contacts();
      // Collection count
      await this.#getContactCount();
      // Result count
      await this.#getCountOfFilteredCollection();
      // Section 5: Pagination
      this.#util.appendMessage("<h2>Section 5: Pagination</h2>");
      const results = await this.#retrievePageOfFourContacts();
      await this.#showNextPageOfContacts(results);
      // Section 6: Expand results
      this.#util.appendMessage("<h2>Section 6: Expand results</h2>");
      // Expand on single-valued navigation property
      await this.#retrieveAccountWithPrimaryContact();
      // Expand on partner property
      await this.#retrieveContactWithAccounts();
      // Expand on collection-valued navigation property
      await this.#retrieveAccountContacts();
      // Expand on multiple navigation properties
      await this.#retrieveAccountContactsAndTasks();
      // Multi-level expands
      await this.#retrieveMultiLevelExpands();
      // Section 7: Aggregate results
      this.#util.appendMessage("<h2>Section 7: Aggregate results</h2>");
      await this.#retrieveAnnualIncomeAggregates();
      // Section 8: FetchXML queries
      this.#util.appendMessage("<h2>Section 8: FetchXML queries</h2>");
      await this.#retrieveContactsWithFetchXml();
      await this.#retrieveFirstPageOfContactsWithFetchXml();
      // Section 9: Use predefined queries
      this.#util.appendMessage("<h2>Section 9: Use predefined queries</h2>");
      await this.#getSavedQueryResults();
      const userQueryId = await this.#createUserQuery();
      await this.#showUserQueryResults(userQueryId);
    } catch (error) {
      // Try to clean up even if an error occurs
      await this.CleanUp();

  //#region Section 1: Select specific properties

  async #selectSpecificProperties() {
    const columns = ["fullname", "jobtitle", "annualincome"];

    const query = "$select=" + columns.join(",");

    try {
      const contact = await this.#client.Retrieve(
      this.#util.appendMessage("<strong>Selected specific properties</strong>");
        "<pre>contacts(" + this.#contactYvonneId + ")?" + query + "</pre>"
      const table = this.#util.createTable(contact);
    } catch (e) {
      this.#util.showError("Failed to retrieve the data:" + e.message);
      throw e;

  //#endregion Section 1: Select specific properties

  //#region Section 2: Use query functions

  // Standard query functions
  async #retrieveContactsWhereFullNameContainsSample() {
    const columns = ["fullname", "jobtitle", "annualincome"];

    const filters = [
      "_parentcustomerid_value eq " + this.#contosoAccountId,

    const query =
      "$select=" + columns.join(",") + "&$filter=" + filters.join(" and ");

    try {
      const contacts = await this.#client.RetrieveMultiple("contacts", query);
        "<strong>Contoso contacts where full name contains (sample):</strong>"
      this.#util.appendMessage("<pre>contacts?" + query + "</pre>");
      const table = this.#util.createListTable(contacts, columns);
    } catch (e) {
      this.#util.showError("Failed to retrieve contacts.");
      throw e;

  //Dataverse query functions
  async #retrieveContactsCreatedInLastHour() {
    const columns = ["fullname", "jobtitle", "annualincome", "createdon"];

    const filters = [
      "_parentcustomerid_value eq " + this.#contosoAccountId,

    const parameters = [
      "$select=" + columns.join(","),
      "$filter=" + filters.join(" and "),

    const query = parameters.join("&");

    try {
      const contacts = await this.#client.RetrieveMultiple("contacts", query);
        "<strong>Contoso contacts created in the last hour:<strong>"
      this.#util.appendMessage("<pre>contacts?" + query + "</pre>");
      const table = this.#util.createListTable(contacts, columns);
    } catch (e) {
      this.#util.showError("Failed to retrieve contacts.");
      throw e;

  // Use operators
  async #retrieveHighIncomeContacts() {
    const columns = ["fullname", "jobtitle", "annualincome"];

    const filters = [
      "annualincome gt 50000",
      "_parentcustomerid_value eq " + this.#contosoAccountId,

    const parameters = [
      "$select=" + columns.join(","),
      "$filter=" + filters.join(" and "),

    const query = parameters.join("&");

    try {
      const contacts = await this.#client.RetrieveMultiple("contacts", query);
        "<strong>Contoso contacts with income greater than $50,000 :<strong>"
      this.#util.appendMessage("<pre>contacts?" + query + "</pre>");
      const table = this.#util.createListTable(contacts, columns);
    } catch (e) {
      this.#util.showError("Failed to retrieve contacts.");
      throw e;

  // Set precedence

  async #retrieveHighIncomeSeniorOrManagerContacts() {
    const columns = ["fullname", "jobtitle", "annualincome"];

    const OrFilters = [
      "contains(jobtitle, 'senior')",
      "contains(jobtitle, 'manager')",

    const filters = [
      "(" + OrFilters.join(" or ") + ")",
      "annualincome gt 50000",
      "_parentcustomerid_value eq " + this.#contosoAccountId,

    const parameters = [
      "$select=" + columns.join(","),
      "$filter=" + filters.join(" and "),

    const query = parameters.join("&");

    try {
      const contacts = await this.#client.RetrieveMultiple("contacts", query);
        "<strong>Contoso contacts with Senior or Manager titles and income greater than $50,000 :</strong>"
      this.#util.appendMessage("<pre>contacts?" + query + "</pre>");
      const table = this.#util.createListTable(contacts, columns);
    } catch (e) {
      this.#util.showError("Failed to retrieve contacts.");
      throw e;

  //#endregion Section 2: Use query functions

  //#region Section 3: Ordering and aliases

  // Order results
  async #retrieveContosoContactsOrderedByAnnualIncomeAndTitle() {
    const columns = ["fullname", "jobtitle", "annualincome"];

    const filters = [
      "_parentcustomerid_value eq " + this.#contosoAccountId,

    const orders = ["annualincome desc", "jobtitle asc"];

    const parameters = [
      "$select=" + columns.join(","),
      "$filter=" + filters.join(" and "),
      "$orderby=" + orders.join(","),

    const query = parameters.join("&");

    try {
      const contacts = await this.#client.RetrieveMultiple("contacts", query);
        "<strong>Contoso contacts ordered by annual income and title:</strong>"
      this.#util.appendMessage("<pre>contacts?" + query + "</pre>");
      const table = this.#util.createListTable(contacts, columns);
    } catch (e) {
      this.#util.showError("Failed to retrieve contacts.");
      throw e;

  // Parameter alias
  async #demonstrateParameterAliases() {
    const columns = ["fullname", "jobtitle", "annualincome"];

    const filters = ["contains(@p1,'(sample)')", "@p2 eq @p3"];

    const orders = ["@p4 asc", "@p5 desc"];

    const aliases = [
      "@p3=" + this.#contosoAccountId,

    const parameters = [
      "$select=" + columns.join(","),
      "$filter=" + filters.join(" and "),
      "$orderby=" + orders.join(","),

    const query = parameters.join("&");

    try {
      const contacts = await this.#client.RetrieveMultiple("contacts", query);
        "<strong>Contoso contacts ordered by annual income and title using parameter aliases:</strong>"
      this.#util.appendMessage("<pre>contacts?" + query + "</pre>");
      const table = this.#util.createListTable(contacts, columns);
    } catch (e) {
      this.#util.showError("Failed to retrieve contacts.");
      throw e;

  //#endregion Section 3: Ordering and aliases

  //#region Section 4: Limit and count results

  // Top results
  async #getTop5Contacts() {
    const columns = ["fullname", "jobtitle", "annualincome"];

    const filters = [
      "_parentcustomerid_value eq " + this.#contosoAccountId,

    const parameters = [
      "$select=" + columns.join(","),
      "$filter=" + filters.join(" and "),

    const query = parameters.join("&");

    try {
      const contacts = await this.#client.RetrieveMultiple("contacts", query);
      this.#util.appendMessage("<strong>Top 5 contacts:</strong>");
      this.#util.appendMessage("<pre>contacts?" + query + "</pre>");
      const table = this.#util.createListTable(contacts, columns);
    } catch (e) {
      this.#util.showError("Failed to retrieve top 5 contacts.");
      throw e;

  // Collection count
  async #getContactCount() {
    try {
      const number = await this.#client.GetCollectionCount(
        "accounts(" + this.#contosoAccountId + ")/contact_customer_accounts"
        `<strong>Contoso contact count: ${number}</strong>`
    } catch (e) {
      this.#util.showError("Failed to retrieve contact count.");
      throw e;

  // Result count

  async #getCountOfFilteredCollection() {
    const columns = ["fullname", "jobtitle", "annualincome"];

    const OrFilters = [
      "contains(jobtitle, 'senior')",
      "contains(jobtitle, 'manager')",

    const filters = [
      "(" + OrFilters.join(" or ") + ")",
      "annualincome gt 50000",
      "_parentcustomerid_value eq " + this.#contosoAccountId,

    const parameters = [
      "$select=" + columns.join(","),
      "$filter=" + filters.join(" and "),

    const query = parameters.join("&");

    try {
      const contacts = await this.#client.RetrieveMultiple("contacts", query);
        `<strong>Contact result count: ${contacts["@odata.count"]}</strong>`
      this.#util.appendMessage("<pre>contacts?" + query + "</pre>");
    } catch (e) {
      this.#util.showError("Failed to retrieve contact count.");
      throw e;

  //#endregion Section 4: Limit and count results

  //#region Section 5: Pagination

  async #retrievePageOfFourContacts() {
    const columns = ["fullname", "jobtitle", "annualincome"];

    const filters = [
      "_parentcustomerid_value eq " + this.#contosoAccountId,

    const parameters = [
      "$select=" + columns.join(","),
      "$filter=" + filters.join(" and "),

    const query = parameters.join("&");

    try {
      const contacts = await this.#client.RetrieveMultiple(
      this.#util.appendMessage("<strong>Page of 4 contacts:</strong>");
      this.#util.appendMessage("<pre>contacts?" + query + "</pre>");
      const table = this.#util.createListTable(contacts, columns);
      return contacts;
    } catch (e) {
      this.#util.showError("Failed to retrieve first page of 4 contacts.");
      throw e;

  async #showNextPageOfContacts(results) {
    try {
      const nextLink = results["@odata.nextLink"];
      if (!nextLink) {
        this.#util.appendMessage("<strong>No more pages of contacts.</strong>");

      // The GetNextLink function
      const nextPageResults = await this.#client.GetNextLink(nextLink, 4);

      this.#util.appendMessage("<strong>Next page of 4 contacts:</strong>");
      const table = this.#util.createListTable(nextPageResults, [
    } catch (error) {
      this.#util.showError("Failed to retrieve next page of contacts.");
      throw error;

  //#endregion Section 5: Pagination

  //#region Section 6: Expand results

  // Expand on single-valued navigation property

  async #retrieveAccountWithPrimaryContact() {
    const columns = ["name"];

    const expands = [

    const parameters = [
      "$select=" + columns.join(","),
      "$expand=" + expands.join(","),
    const query = parameters.join("&");

    try {
      const account = await this.#client.Retrieve(
        `<strong>Account ${} has the following primary contact person:</strong>`
        "<pre>accounts(" + this.#contosoAccountId + ")?" + query + "</pre>"
      const table = this.#util.createTable(account.primarycontactid);
    } catch (e) {
      this.#util.showError("Failed to retrieve account with primary contact.");
      throw e;

  async #retrieveContactWithAccounts() {
    const columns = ["fullname", "jobtitle", "annualincome"];

    const expands = ["account_primary_contact($select=name)"];

    const parameters = [
      "$select=" + columns.join(","),
      "$expand=" + expands.join(","),
    const query = parameters.join("&");

    try {
      const contact = await this.#client.Retrieve(
        `<strong>Contact ${contact.fullname} is associated with the following accounts:</strong>`
        "<pre>contacts(" + this.#contactYvonneId + ")?" + query + "</pre>"
      for (const account of contact.account_primary_contact) {
        const table = this.#util.createTable(account);
    } catch (e) {
      this.#util.showError("Failed to retrieve contact with accounts.");
      throw e;

  // Expand on collection-valued navigation property

  async #retrieveAccountContacts() {
    const accountColumns = ["name"];

    const contactColumns = ["fullname", "jobtitle", "annualincome"];

    const expands = [
      "contact_customer_accounts($select=" + contactColumns.join(",") + ")",

    const parameters = [
      "$select=" + accountColumns.join(","),
      "$expand=" + expands.join(","),
    const query = parameters.join("&");

    try {
      const account = await this.#client.Retrieve(
        `<strong>Account ${} has the following related contacts:</strong>`
        "<pre>accounts(" + this.#contosoAccountId + ")?" + query + "</pre>"
      // createListTable expects a collection with a value property.
      let collection = {
        value: [],
      for (const contact of account.contact_customer_accounts) {

      const table = this.#util.createListTable(collection, contactColumns);
    } catch (e) {
      this.#util.showError("Failed to retrieve account contacts.");
      throw e;

  // Expand on multiple navigation properties

  async #retrieveAccountContactsAndTasks() {
    const accountColumns = ["name"];

    const contactColumns = ["fullname", "jobtitle", "annualincome"];

    const taskColumns = ["subject", "description"];

    const expands = [

    const parameters = [
      "$select=" + accountColumns.join(","),
      "$expand=" + expands.join(","),
    const query = parameters.join("&");

    try {
      const account = await this.#client.Retrieve(
        `<strong>Account ${} has the following related contacts and tasks:</strong>`
        "<pre>accounts(" + this.#contosoAccountId + ")?" + query + "</pre>"

      this.#util.appendMessage("<strong>Primary contact:</strong>");
      const primaryContactTable = this.#util.createTable(
      this.#util.appendMessage("<strong>Related contacts:</strong>");

      // createListTable expects a collection with a value property.
      let contactsCollection = {
        value: [],
      for (const contact of account.contact_customer_accounts) {

      const contactsTable = this.#util.createListTable(

      this.#util.appendMessage("<strong>Related Tasks:</strong>");

      // createListTable expects a collection with a value property.
      let taskCollection = {
        value: [],
      for (const task of account.Account_Tasks) {
      const taskTable = this.#util.createListTable(taskCollection, taskColumns);
    } catch (e) {
      this.#util.showError("Failed to retrieve account contacts and tasks.");
      throw e;

  // Multi-level expands
  async #retrieveMultiLevelExpands() {
    const taskColumns = ["subject"];
    const contactColumns = ["fullname"];

    const accountColumns = ["name"];

    const userColumns = ["fullname"];

    const nextedExpands = [

    const filters = [
      `regardingobjectid_contact_task/_accountid_value eq ${

    const parameters = [
      "$select=" + taskColumns.join(","),
      "$expand=" + nextedExpands.join(""),
      "$filter=" + filters.join(" and "),
    const query = parameters.join("&");
    try {
      const tasks = await this.#client.RetrieveMultiple("tasks", query);

        "<strong>Tasks related to account Contoso, Ltd. (sample):</strong>"
      this.#util.appendMessage("<pre>tasks?" + query + "</pre>");

      let collection = {
        value: [],
      for (const task of tasks.value) {
        let row = {
          subject: task?.subject,
          contact: task?.regardingobjectid_contact_task?.fullname,

      const table = this.#util.createListTable(collection, [
    } catch (e) {
      this.#util.showError("Failed to retrieve multi-level expands.");
      throw e;

  //#endregion Section 6: Expand results

  //#region Section 7: Aggregate results

  async #retrieveAnnualIncomeAggregates() {
    const aggregates = [
      "annualincome with average as average",
      "annualincome with sum as total",
      "annualincome with min as minimum",
      "annualincome with max as maximum",

    const columns = ["average", "total", "minimum", "maximum"];

    const parameters = ["$apply=aggregate(" + aggregates.join(",") + ")"];

    // Doesn't need to be an actual entity set name, but the a string that
    // represents a collection of records.
    const entitySetName = `accounts(${
    const query = parameters.join("&");

    try {
      const results = await this.#client.RetrieveMultiple(entitySetName, query);
      this.#util.appendMessage("<strong>Annual income aggregates:</strong>");
        "<pre>" + entitySetName + "?" + query + "</pre>"
      const table = this.#util.createListTable(results, columns);
    } catch (e) {
      this.#util.showError("Failed to retrieve aggregate data.");
      throw e;

  //#endregion Section 7: Aggregate results

  //#region Section 8: FetchXML queries

  async #retrieveContactsWithFetchXml() {
    const fetchXml = `<fetch>
      <entity name='contact'>  
        <attribute name='fullname' />  
        <attribute name='jobtitle' />  
        <attribute name='annualincome' />  
        <order descending='true'  
               attribute='fullname' />  
        <filter type='and'>  
          <condition value='%(sample)%'  
                     operator='like' />
          <condition value='${this.#contosoAccountId}'
                     operator='eq' /> 

    try {
      const contacts = await this.#client.FetchXml("contacts", fetchXml);
        "<strong>Contoso contacts with FetchXML:</strong>"
        "<pre><code>" + this.#util.escapeXml(fetchXml) + "</code></pre>"
      const table = this.#util.createListTable(contacts, [
    } catch (e) {
      this.#util.showError("Failed to retrieve contacts with FetchXML.");
      throw e;

  // FetchXML pagination

  async #retrieveFirstPageOfContactsWithFetchXml() {
    // Query to retrieve the first page of three contacts
    const fetchXmlPage1 = `<fetch count='3' page='1'>
      <entity name='contact'>  
        <attribute name='fullname' />  
        <attribute name='jobtitle' />  
        <attribute name='annualincome' />  
        <order descending='true'  
               attribute='fullname' />  
        <filter type='and'>  
          <condition value='%(sample)%'  
                     operator='like' />
          <condition value='${this.#contosoAccountId}'
                     operator='eq' /> 

    let contactsPage1 = null;
    try {
      contactsPage1 = await this.#client.FetchXml("contacts", fetchXmlPage1);
        "<strong>First three contacts with FetchXML:</strong>"
        "<pre><code>" + this.#util.escapeXml(fetchXmlPage1) + "</code></pre>"
      const table = this.#util.createListTable(contactsPage1, [
    } catch (e) {
        "Failed to retrieve first three contacts with FetchXML."
      throw e;

    // Check if there are more pages of results
    if (contactsPage1["@Microsoft.Dynamics.CRM.morerecords"]) {
      const pagingCookie =

      try {
        await this.#retrieveSecondPageOfContactsWithFetchXml(
      } catch (e) {
          "Failed to retrieve second three contacts with FetchXML." + e.message
        throw e;

  // This example demonstrates simple pagination using the page attribute in FetchXML.

  async #retrieveSecondPageOfContactsWithFetchXml(fetchXmlPage1, pagingCookie) {
    // To programmatically change the page attribute in the FetchXML
    // Parse the XML string into a DOM Document

    const xmlDoc = new DOMParser().parseFromString(fetchXmlPage1, "text/xml");

    // Select the root fetch element
    const fetchElement = xmlDoc.getElementsByTagName("fetch")[0];

    // Change the page attribute value
    fetchElement.setAttribute("page", "2");

    // Serialize the updated XML back to a string
    const serializer = new XMLSerializer();

    const fetchXmlPage2 = serializer.serializeToString(xmlDoc);

    try {
      const contactsPage2 = await this.#client.FetchXml(
        "<strong>Second three contacts with FetchXML:</strong>"
        "<pre><code>" + this.#util.escapeXml(fetchXmlPage2) + "</code></pre>"
      const table = this.#util.createListTable(contactsPage2, [
    } catch (e) {
        "Failed to retrieve second three contacts with FetchXML." + e.message
      throw e;

  //#endregion Section 8: FetchXML queries

  //#region Section 9: Use predefined queries

  async #getSavedQueryResults() {
    let savedqueries = null;
    let activeAccountsSavedQueryId = null;

    try {
      // Get the ID of the Active Accounts query
      savedqueries = await this.#client.RetrieveMultiple(
        "$select=savedqueryid,columnsetxml&$filter=name eq 'Active Accounts'"
    } catch (e) {
        "Failed to retrieve Active Accounts saved query ID." + e.message
      throw e;

    if (savedqueries.value.length > 0) {
      activeAccountsSavedQueryId = savedqueries.value[0].savedqueryid;
    } else {
      throw new Error("Active Accounts saved query details not found.");

    try {
      // Retrieve first three records using the Active Accounts query
      const results = await this.#client.RetrieveMultiple(

        "<strong>Active Accounts saved query results:</strong>"

        "<pre>" + JSON.stringify(results, null, 3) + "</pre>"
    } catch (e) {
        "Failed to retrieve the results of the Active Accounts saved query." +
      throw e;

  async #createUserQuery() {
    const userQuery = {
      name: "My User Query",
      description: "User query to display contact info.",
      querytype: 0,
      returnedtypecode: "contact",
      fetchxml: `<fetch>
          <entity name ='contact'>
              <attribute name ='fullname' />
              <attribute name ='contactid' />
              <attribute name ='jobtitle' />
              <attribute name ='annualincome' />
              <order descending ='false' attribute='fullname' />
              <filter type ='and'>
                  <condition value ='%(sample)%' attribute='fullname' operator='like' />
                  <condition value ='%Manager%' attribute='jobtitle' operator='like' />
                  <condition value ='55000' attribute='annualincome' operator='gt' />

    try {
      const userQueryId = await this.#client.Create("userqueries", userQuery);
        `<strong>User query created with ID: ${userQueryId}</strong>`
      // To delete later
        name: `${}`,
        entityName: "userquery",
        entitySetName: "userqueries",
        id: userQueryId,

      return userQueryId;
    } catch (e) {
      this.#util.showError("Failed to create user query." + e.message);
      throw e;

  async #showUserQueryResults(userQueryId) {
    try {
      // Retrieve first three records using the user query
      const results = await this.#client.RetrieveMultiple(

      this.#util.appendMessage("<strong>User query results:</strong>");

        "<pre>" + JSON.stringify(results, null, 3) + "</pre>"
    } catch (e) {
        "Failed to retrieve the results of the user query." + e.message
      throw e;

  //#endregion Section 9: Use predefined queries

  //#region Section 10: Delete sample records

  // Clean up the created records
  async CleanUp() {
    if (this.#entityStore.length === 0) {
      // No records to delete
    // Section 10: Delete sample records
    this.#util.appendMessage("<h2>Section 10: Delete sample records</h2>");

    let deleteMessageList = document.createElement("ul");

    const requests = [];
    for (const item of this.#entityStore) {
      const request = new Request(
        new URL(`${item.entitySetName}(${})`, this.#client.apiEndpoint),
          method: "DELETE",

    const changeSet = new dv.ChangeSet(this.#client, requests);
    const responses = await this.#client.Batch([changeSet]);

    responses.forEach((response, index) => {
      const message = document.createElement("li");
      const entity = this.#entityStore[index];

      if (response.status === 204) {
        message.textContent = `Deleted ${entity.entityName} ${}`;
      } else {
        message.textContent = `Failed to delete ${entity.entityName} ${}`;
        message.className = "error";


      "Related contact records deleted due to cascade delete."

    // Set the entity store to an empty array
    this.#entityStore = [];
    this.#util.appendMessage(this.#name + " sample completed.");
    this.#util.appendMessage("<a href='#'>Go to top</a>");

  //#endregion Section 10: Delete sample records

See also

Use the Dataverse Web API
Query Data using the Web API
Web API Samples
Web API Query Data Sample
Web API Query Data Sample (C#)
Web API Samples (Client-side JavaScript)
Web API Basic Operations Sample (Client-side JavaScript)
Web API Conditional Operations Sample (Client-side JavaScript)
Web API Functions and Actions Sample (Client-side JavaScript)