
Del via

event element

Defines a Power FX expression that can be configured within Power Apps Studio, then triggered within the component code.

Available for

Canvas and model-driven apps


Name Description Type Required Available for
name Name of the event string Yes Canvas and model-driven apps
display-name-key Used in the customization screens as localized strings that describe the name of the event. string Yes Canvas apps
description-key Used in the customization screens as localized strings that describe the description of the event. string Optional Canvas apps
pfx-default-value The default Power Fx expression value provided to the component. See Remarks Optional Canvas apps


Use the pfx-default-value property value to evaluate events and properties using Power Fx expressions instead of static default values. You can use this to:

  • Responsively size the control
  • Access connectors
  • Provide sample data
  • Reference theme properties
  • Custom events


  • You can use any Power Fx expression, but you must make sure the expression is valid when importing the control.
  • If you use inner quotes or other special characters, wrap the value in single quotes, For example: pfx-default-value='"Test"'
  • You can reference other controls (including screens) and their properties. Write these references as: %ControlName.ID%.ControlProperty. For example: pfx-default-value='SubmitForm(%MyFormName.ID%)'
  • Write enums, like DisplayType and ScreenTransition as: %EnumName.RESERVED%.EnumValue. For example: pfx-default-value='Back(%ScreenTransition.RESERVED%.Cover)'
  • If pfx-default-value is included, then it takes precedence over default-value.

Parent Elements

Element Description
control Defines the component's namespace, version, and display information.


<event name="OnSelectCustomButton"
   pfx-default-value='SubmitForm(%MyFormName.ID%); Back(%ScreenTransition.RESERVED%.Cover)'
   description-key="OnSelectCustomButton_Desc_Key" />

Power Apps component framework manifest schema reference
Power Apps component framework API reference
Power Apps component framework overview