Del via

Retrieve operations


The Cloud Partner Portal APIs are integrated with and will continue working in Partner Center. The transition introduces small changes. Review the changes listed in Cloud Partner Portal API Reference to ensure your code continues working after transitioning to Partner Center. CPP APIs should only be used for existing products that were already integrated before transition to Partner Center; new products should use Partner Center submission APIs.

Retrieves all the operations on the offer or to get a particular operation for the specified operationId. The client can use query parameters to filter on running operations.


URI parameters

Name Description Data type
publisherId Publisher identifier, for example Contoso String
offerId Offer identifier String
operationId GUID that uniquely identifies the operation on the offer. The operationId might be retrieved by using this API, and is also returned in the HTTP header of the response for any long running operation, such as the Publish offer API. Guid
api-version Latest version of API Date
Name Value
Content-Type application/json
Authorization Bearer YOUR_TOKEN

Body example


GET operations

            "id": "5a63deb5-925b-4ee0-938b-7c86fbf287c5",
            "offerId": "56615b67-2185-49fe-80d2-c4ddf77bb2e8",
            "offerVersion": 1,
            "offerTypeId": "microsoft-azure-virtualmachines",
            "publisherId": "contoso",
            "submissionType": "publish",
            "submissionState": "running",
            "publishingVersion": 2,
            "slot": "staging",
            "version": 636576975611768314,
            "definition": {
                "metadata": {
                    "emails": ""
            "changedTime": "2018-03-26T21:46:01.179948Z"

GET operation

            "status" : "running",
            "messages" : [],
            "publishingVersion" : 2,
            "offerVersion" : 1,
            "cancellationRequestState": "canCancel",
            "steps": [
                            "estimatedTimeFrame": "< 15 min",
                            "id": "displaydummycertify",
                            "stepName": "Validate Pre-Requisites",
                            "description": "Offer settings provided are validated",
                            "status": "complete",
                                    "messageHtml": "Step completed.",
                                    "level": "information",
                                    "timestamp": "2017-03-28T19:50:36.500052Z"
                            "progressPercentage": 100
                            "estimatedTimeFrame": "< 5 day",
                            "id": "displaycertify",
                            "stepName": "Certification",
                            "description": "Your offer is analyzed by our certification systems for issues.",
                            "status": "blocked",
                                    "messageHtml": "No virtual machine image was found for the plan contoso.",
                                    "level": "error",
                                    "timestamp": "2017-03-28T19:50:39.5506018Z"
                                    "messageHtml": "This step has not started yet.",
                                    "level": "information",
                                    "timestamp": "2017-03-28T19:50:39.5506018Z"
                            "progressPercentage": 0
                            "estimatedTimeFrame": "< 1 day",
                            "id": "displayprovision",
                            "stepName": "Provisioning",
                            "description": "Your virtual machine is being replicated in our production systems.",
                            "status": "notStarted",
                            "messages": [],
                            "progressPercentage": 0
                            "estimatedTimeFrame": "< 1 hour",
                            "id": "displaypackage",
                            "stepName": "Packaging and Lead Generation Registration",
                            "description": "Your virtual machine is packaged for being shown to your customers. Additionally, we hookup our lead generation systems to send leads for your offer.",
                            "status": "notStarted",
                            "messages": [],
                            "progressPercentage": 0
                            "id": "publisher-signoff",
                            "stepName": "Publisher signoff",
                            "description": "Offer is available to preview. Ensure that everything looks good before making your offer live.",
                            "status": "notStarted",
                            "messages": [],
                            "progressPercentage": 0
                            "estimatedTimeFrame": "~2-5 days",
                            "id": "live",
                            "stepName": "Live",
                            "description": "Offer is publicly visible and is available for purchase.",
                            "status": "notStarted",
                            "messages": [],
                            "progressPercentage": 0
                "previewLinks": [],
                "liveLinks": [],

Response body properties

Name Description
id GUID that uniquely identifies the operation
submissionType Identifies the type of operation being reported for the offer, for example Publish/GoLive
createdDateTime UTC datetime when the operation was created
lastActionDateTime UTC datetime when the last update was done on the operation
status Status of the operation, either not started | running | failed | completed. Only one operation can have status running at a time.
error Error message for failed operations

Response step properties

Name Description
estimatedTimeFrame The estimated duration of this operation
id The unique identifier for the step process
description Description of the step
stepName The friendly name for the step
status The status of the step, either notStarted | running | failed | completed
messages Any notifications or warnings encountered during the step. Array of strings
progressPercentage An integer from 0 to 100 indicating the progression of the step

Response status codes

Code Description
200 OK - The request was successfully processed and the operations requested were returned.
400 Bad/Malformed request - The error response body might contain more information.
403 Forbidden - The client doesn't have access to the specified namespace.
404 Not found - The specified entity does not exist.