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Configuration Manager Client Infrastructure

This section provides reference information for the Configuration Manager client infrastructure, including Control Panel, client framework and data transfer, and policy functionality.

In This Section

Client Control Panel COM Automation


The Client Control Panel COM Automation interface has been removed or deprecated in Configuration Manager SP1. Use the feature-related client WMI class instead.

Client Framework and Data Transfer Client WMI Classes describes the Client Configuration Manager (CCM) framework and data transfer classes in Configuration Manager for the client.

Policy Agent Client WMI Classes describes the classes used to manage policy on client computers and devices.

Client Framework and Data Transfer Client WMI Classes

The following framework and data transfer classes are used in Configuration Manager for the client.

CCM_Messaging_Configuration Client WMI Class
Supports messaging-related settings that are exposed to administrators.

CCM_Service_BITSConfiguration Client WMI Class
Supports Background Intelligent Transfer Service (BITS)-related settings used by CCMEXEC for uploading and downloading message payloads.

CCM_Service_EndpointConfiguration Client WMI Class
Supports endpoint configuration for the CCMEXEC service.

CCM_Service_GlobalConfiguration Client WMI Class
Supports global configuration for the CCMEXEC service.

CCM_Service_HostedClass Client WMI Class
Configures a COM class to be hosted in the CCMEXEC service.

CCM_Service_IISConfiguration Client WMI Class
Supports Internet Information Services (IIS)-related settings used by CCMEXEC for staging and receiving message payloads.

CCM_Service_SystemTaskConfiguration Client WMI Class
Supports system task configuration for the CCMEXEC service.

SMS_Authority Client WMI Class
Represents the client authority that manages the client.

SMS_Client Client WMI Class
Represents the client and facilitates manipulation and retrieval of client information.

SMS_LocalMP Client WMI Class
Represents the local management point.

SMS_MPProxyInformation Client WMI Class
Represents information about a proxy management point.

SMS_PendingReRegistrationOnSiteReAssignment Client WMI Class
Represents a pending re-registration at the time of site reassignment.

Policy Agent Client WMI Classes

The following classes are used to manage policy on client computers and devices.

CCM_Policy Client WMI Class
Represents a client policy.

CCM_Policy_Action Client WMI Class
Represents settings for a policy action.

CCM_Policy_ActionHandlerRegistration Client WMI Class
Represents an action handler registration for a policy.

CCM_Policy_Assignment Client WMI Class
Represents a policy assignment.

CCM_Policy_Assignment2 Client WMI Class
Represents a policy assignment.

CCM_Policy_AuthorityData Client WMI Class
Stores information about policy from a particular authority.

CCM_Policy_Condition Client WMI Class
Represents a policy condition.

CCM_Policy_Config Client WMI Class
Represents a policy configuration used by the Policy Agent that needs to be replicated.

CCM_Policy_EmbeddedObject Client WMI Class
Represents a policy setting embedded object.

CCM_Policy_Expression Client WMI Class
Represents a policy expression that evaluates to either true or false.

CCM_Policy_ExpressionHandlerRegistration Client WMI Class
Describes a registered expression handler for a policy.

CCM_Policy_Operator Client WMI Class
Stores a compound expression that evaluates to either true or false.

CCM_Policy_Policy Client WMI Class
Defines a policy object for a client policy.

CCM_Policy_Rule Client WMI Class
Defines a policy object rule.

CCM_PolicyAgent_Configuration Client WMI Class
Represents the Policy Agent configuration for a given authority.

See Also

Configuration Manager Reference