Least privileged roles by task in Microsoft Entra ID

This article describes the least privileged role you should use for several tasks in Microsoft Entra ID. You will find tasks organized by feature area and the least privileged role required to perform each task, along with additional non-Global Administrator roles that can perform the task.

You can further restrict permissions by assigning roles at smaller scopes or by creating your own custom roles. For more information, see Assign Microsoft Entra roles or Create a custom role in Microsoft Entra ID.

Application proxy least privileged roles

Here are the least privileged roles you should use when performing tasks in Microsoft Entra application proxy.

Task Least privileged role Additional roles
Configure application proxy app Application Administrator
Configure connector group properties Application Administrator
Create application registration when ability is disabled for all users Application Developer Cloud Application Administrator
Application Administrator
Create connector group Application Administrator
Delete connector group Application Administrator
Disable application proxy Application Administrator
Download connector service Application Administrator
Read all configuration Application Administrator

External Identities/Azure AD B2C least privileged roles

Here are the least privileged roles you should use when performing tasks in Microsoft Entra External ID and Azure Active Directory B2C.

Task Least privileged role Additional roles
Create Azure AD B2C directories All non-guest users
Create enterprise applications Cloud Application Administrator Application Administrator
Create, read, update, and delete B2C policies B2C IEF Policy Administrator
Create, read, update, and delete identity providers External Identity Provider Administrator
Create, read, update, and delete password reset user flows External ID User Flow Administrator
Create, read, update, and delete profile editing user flows External ID User Flow Administrator
Create, read, update, and delete sign-in user flows External ID User Flow Administrator
Create, read, update, and delete sign-up user flow External ID User Flow Administrator
Create, read, update, and delete user attributes External ID User Flow Attribute Administrator
Create, read, update, and delete users User Administrator
Configure B2B external collaboration settings - Guest user access Privileged Role Administrator
Configure B2B external collaboration settings - Guest invite settings Guest Inviter External ID User Flow Administrator
Configure B2B external collaboration settings - External user leave settings External Identity Provider Administrator
Configure B2B external collaboration settings - Collaboration restrictions Global Administrator
Read all configuration Global Reader
Read B2C audit logs Global Reader


Azure AD B2C Global Administrators do not have the same permissions as Microsoft Entra Global Administrators. If you have Azure AD B2C Global Administrator privileges, make sure that you are in an Azure AD B2C directory and not a Microsoft Entra directory.

Company branding least privileged roles

Here are the least privileged roles you should use when performing tasks for company branding in Microsoft Entra ID.

Task Least privileged role Additional roles
Configure company branding Organizational Branding Administrator
Read all configuration Directory Readers Default user role

Connect least privileged roles

Here are the least privileged roles you should use when performing tasks in Microsoft Entra Connect.

Task Least privileged role Additional roles
Passthrough authentication Hybrid Identity Administrator
Read all configuration Global Reader Hybrid Identity Administrator
Seamless single sign-on Hybrid Identity Administrator

Connect Sync least privileged roles

Here are the least privileged roles you should use when performing tasks in Microsoft Entra Connect Sync.

Task Least privileged role Additional roles
Manage on-premises directory synchronization Hybrid Identity Administrator

Cloud Provisioning least privileged roles

Here are the least privileged roles you should use when performing tasks for identity provisioning in Microsoft Entra ID.

Task Least privileged role Additional roles
Passthrough authentication Hybrid Identity Administrator
Read all configuration Global Reader Hybrid Identity Administrator
Seamless single sign-on Hybrid Identity Administrator

Connect Health least privileged roles

Here are the least privileged roles you should use when performing tasks in Microsoft Entra Connect Health.

Task Least privileged role Additional roles
Add or delete services Owner
Apply fixes to sync error Contributor Owner
Configure notifications Contributor Owner
Configure settings Owner
Configure sync notifications Contributor Owner
Read ADFS security reports Security Reader Contributor
Read all configuration Reader Contributor
Read sync errors Reader Contributor
Read sync services Reader Contributor
View metrics and alerts Reader Contributor
View metrics and alerts Reader Contributor
View sync service metrics and alerts Reader Contributor

Custom domain names least privileged roles

Here are the least privileged roles you should use when performing tasks for custom domain names in Microsoft Entra ID.

Task Least privileged role Additional roles
Manage domains Domain Name Administrator
Read all configuration Directory Readers Default user role

Domain Services least privileged roles

Here are the least privileged roles you should use when performing tasks in Microsoft Entra Domain Services.

Task Least privileged role Additional roles
Create Microsoft Entra Domain Services instance Application Administrator
Groups Administrator
Domain Services Contributor
Perform all Microsoft Entra Domain Services tasks AAD DC Administrators group
Read all configuration Reader on Azure subscription containing AD DS service

Devices least privileged roles

Here are the least privileged roles you should use when performing tasks for device identity in Microsoft Entra ID.

Enterprise applications least privileged roles

Here are the least privileged roles you should use when performing tasks for application management in Microsoft Entra ID.

Task Least privileged role Additional roles
Consent to any delegated permissions Cloud Application Administrator Application Administrator
Consent to application permissions not including Microsoft Graph Cloud Application Administrator Application Administrator
Consent to application permissions to Microsoft Graph Privileged Role Administrator
Consent to applications accessing own data Default user role
Create enterprise application Cloud Application Administrator Application Administrator
Manage Application Proxy Application Administrator
Read access review of a group or of an app Security Reader Security Administrator
User Administrator
Read all configuration Default user role
Update enterprise application assignments Enterprise application owner Cloud Application Administrator
Application Administrator
User Administrator
Update enterprise application owners Enterprise application owner Cloud Application Administrator
Application Administrator
Update enterprise application properties Enterprise application owner Cloud Application Administrator
Application Administrator
Update enterprise application provisioning Enterprise application owner Cloud Application Administrator
Application Administrator
Update enterprise application self-service Enterprise application owner Cloud Application Administrator
Application Administrator
Update single sign-on properties Enterprise application owner Cloud Application Administrator
Application Administrator
Create and modify custom authentication extensions Authentication Extensibility Administrator Application Administrator

Entitlement management least privileged roles

Here are the least privileged roles you should use when performing tasks for entitlement management in Microsoft Entra ID Governance.

Task Least privileged role Additional roles
Tasks in Entitlement Management Identity Governance Administrator. For roles lesser privilege than this within the Entitlement Management system, see: Delegation and roles in entitlement management.

Groups least privileged roles

Here are the least privileged roles you should use when performing tasks for groups in Microsoft Entra ID.

Task Least privileged role Additional roles
Assign license User Administrator
Create group Groups Administrator User Administrator
Create, update, or delete access review of a group or of an app User Administrator
Manage group expiration User Administrator
Manage group settings Groups Administrator User Administrator
Read all configuration (except hidden membership) Directory Readers Default user role
Read hidden membership Group member Group owner
Password Administrator
Exchange Administrator
SharePoint Administrator
Teams Administrator
User Administrator
Read membership of groups with hidden membership Helpdesk Administrator User Administrator
Teams Administrator
Revoke license License Administrator User Administrator
Update dynamic membership groups Group owner User Administrator
Update group owners Group owner User Administrator
Update group properties Group owner User Administrator
Delete group Groups Administrator User Administrator

Licenses least privileged roles

Here are the least privileged roles you should use when performing tasks for Microsoft Entra licensing.

Task Least privileged role Additional roles
Assign license License Administrator User Administrator
Read all configuration Directory Readers Default user role
Revoke license License Administrator User Administrator
Try or buy subscription Billing Administrator

Lifecycle Workflows least privileged roles

Here are the least privileged roles you should use when performing tasks for lifecycle workflows in Microsoft Entra ID Governance.

Task Least privileged role Additional roles
Create a workflow Lifecycle workflows Administrator
Add a custom extension to a workflow Lifecycle workflows Administrator. You must also have either the Logic App contributor or Owner Azure Resource Manager role.

Microsoft Entra Health least privileged roles

Here are the least privileged roles you should use when performing tasks in Microsoft Entra Health monitoring.

Task Least privileged role Additional roles
View scenario monitoring signals Reports Reader Security Reader
Security Operator
Security Administrator
Helpdesk Administrator
Global Reader

Microsoft Entra ID Protection least privileged roles

Here are the least privileged roles you should use when performing tasks in Microsoft Entra ID Protection.

Task Least privileged role Additional roles
Configure alert notifications Security Administrator
Configure and enable or disable MFA policy Security Administrator
Configure and enable or disable sign-in risk policy Security Administrator
Configure and enable or disable user risk policy Security Administrator
Configure weekly digests Security Administrator
Dismiss all risk detections Security Operator
Fix or dismiss vulnerability Security Administrator
Read all configuration Security Reader
Read all risk detections Security Reader
Read vulnerabilities Security Reader

Monitoring and health - Audit and sign-in logs least privileged roles

Here are the least privileged roles you should use when performing tasks for audit and sign-in logs in Microsoft Entra monitoring.

Monitoring and health - Provisioning logs least privileged roles

Here are the least privileged roles you should use when performing tasks for Microsoft Entra provisioning logs.

Monitoring and health - Recommendations least privileged roles

Here are the least privileged roles you should use when performing tasks for Microsoft Entra identity recommendations.

Monitoring and health - Sign-in diagnostic tool

Here are the least privileged roles you should use when running the sign-in diagnostic tool.

Multifactor authentication least privileged roles

Here are the least privileged roles you should use when performing tasks in Microsoft Entra authentication.

Task Least privileged role Additional roles
Delete all existing app passwords generated by the selected users Authentication Policy Administrator Authentication Administrator
Disable per-user MFA Authentication Administrator Privileged Authentication Administrator
Enable per-user MFA Authentication Administrator Privileged Authentication Administrator
Manage MFA service settings Authentication Policy Administrator
Require selected users to provide contact methods again Authentication Administrator
Restore multifactor authentication on all remembered devices  Authentication Administrator

MFA Server least privileged roles

Here are the least privileged roles you should use when performing tasks in MFA Server.

Task Least privileged role Additional roles
Block/unblock users Authentication Policy Administrator
Configure account lockout Authentication Policy Administrator
Configure caching rules Authentication Policy Administrator
Configure fraud alert Authentication Policy Administrator
Configure notifications Authentication Policy Administrator
Configure one-time bypass Authentication Policy Administrator
Configure phone call settings Authentication Policy Administrator
Configure providers Authentication Policy Administrator
Configure server settings Authentication Policy Administrator
Read activity report Global Reader
Read all configuration Global Reader
Read server status Global Reader

Organizational relationships least privileged roles

Here are the least privileged roles you should use when performing tasks for external collaboration settings in Microsoft Entra External ID.

Task Least privileged role Additional roles
Manage identity providers External Identity Provider Administrator
Read all configuration Global Reader

Password reset least privileged roles

Here are the least privileged roles you should use when performing tasks for password reset in Microsoft Entra ID.

Task Least privileged role Additional roles
Configure authentication methods Authentication Policy Administrator
Configure customization Authentication Policy Administrator
Configure notification Authentication Policy Administrator
Configure on-premises integration Authentication Policy Administrator
Configure password reset properties User Administrator Authentication Policy Administrator
Configure registration Authentication Policy Administrator
Read all configuration Security Administrator User Administrator

Permissions management least privileged roles

Here are the least privileged roles you should use when performing tasks in Microsoft Entra Permissions Management.

Task Least privileged role Additional roles
Tenant onboarding Permissions Management Administrator
Onboard cloud environments Permissions Management Administrator
Assign permissions in Microsoft Entra Permissions Management Permissions Management Administrator
Start trial and buy Microsoft Entra Permissions Management licenses Billing Administrator

Privileged Identity Management least privileged roles

Here are the least privileged roles you should use when performing tasks for Microsoft Entra Privileged Identity Management in Microsoft Entra ID Governance.

Task Least privileged role Additional roles
Assign users to roles Privileged Role Administrator
Configure role settings Privileged Role Administrator
View audit activity Security Reader
View role memberships Security Reader

Roles and administrators least privileged roles

Here are the least privileged roles you should use when performing tasks for roles and administrators in Microsoft Entra ID.

Task Least privileged role Additional roles
Manage role assignments Privileged Role Administrator
Read access review of a Microsoft Entra role Security Reader Security Administrator
Privileged Role Administrator
Read all configuration Default user role

Security - Authentication methods least privileged roles

Here are the least privileged roles you should use when performing tasks for authentication methods in Microsoft Entra ID.

Task Least privileged role Additional roles
Enable or disable authentication methods Authentication Policy Administrator
View, provision on behalf of, and manage individual user authentication methods Authentication Administrator Privileged Authentication Administrator
Configure password protection Security Administrator
Configure smart lockout Security Administrator
Read all configuration Global Reader

Security - Conditional Access least privileged roles

Here are the least privileged roles you should use when performing tasks for Conditional Access in Microsoft Entra ID.

Task Least privileged role Additional roles
Configure MFA trusted IP addresses Conditional Access Administrator
Create custom controls Conditional Access Administrator Security Administrator
Create named locations Conditional Access Administrator Security Administrator
Create policies Conditional Access Administrator Security Administrator
Create terms of use Conditional Access Administrator Security Administrator
Create VPN connectivity certificate Cloud Application Administrator Application Administrator
Delete classic policy Conditional Access Administrator Security Administrator
Delete terms of use Conditional Access Administrator Security Administrator
Delete VPN connectivity certificate Conditional Access Administrator Security Administrator
Disable classic policy Conditional Access Administrator Security Administrator
Manage custom controls Conditional Access Administrator Security Administrator
Manage named locations Conditional Access Administrator Security Administrator
Manage terms of use Conditional Access Administrator Security Administrator
Read all configuration Security Reader
Read named locations Security Reader
Read terms of use Security Reader Global Reader
Read which terms of use were accepted by the signed-in user Default user role

Security - Identity Security Score least privileged roles

Here are the least privileged roles you should use when performing tasks for Identity Secure Score in Microsoft Entra ID.

Task Least privileged role Additional roles
Read all configuration Security Reader Security Administrator
Read security score Security Reader Security Administrator
Update event status Security Administrator

Security - Risky sign-ins least privileged roles

Here are the least privileged roles you should use when performing tasks for risky sign-ins in Microsoft Entra ID Protection.

Task Least privileged role Additional roles
Read all configuration Security Reader
Read risky sign-ins Security Reader

Security - Users flagged for risk least privileged roles

Here are the least privileged roles you should use when performing tasks for users flagged for risk in Microsoft Entra ID Protection.

Task Least privileged role Additional roles
Dismiss all events Security Administrator
Read all configuration Security Reader
Read users flagged for risk Security Reader

Temporary Access Pass least privileged roles

Here are the least privileged roles you should use when performing tasks for Temporary Access Pass in Microsoft Entra ID.

Task Least privileged role Additional roles
Create, delete, or view a Temporary Access Pass for admins or members (except themselves) Privileged Authentication Administrator
Create, delete, or view a Temporary Access Pass for members (except themselves) Authentication Administrator
View a Temporary Access Pass details for a user (without reading the code itself) Global Reader
Configure or update the Temporary Access Pass authentication method policy Authentication Policy Administrator

Tenants least privileged roles

Here are the least privileged roles you should use when performing tasks in Microsoft Entra tenants.

Task Least privileged role Additional roles
Create Microsoft Entra ID or Azure AD B2C Tenant Tenant Creator
Update Microsoft Entra tenant properties Billing Administrator
Manage privacy statement and contact Billing Administrator

Users least privileged roles

Here are the least privileged roles you should use when performing tasks for users in Microsoft Entra ID.

Task Least privileged role Additional roles
Add user to directory role Privileged Role Administrator
Add user to group User Administrator
Assign license License Administrator User Administrator
Create guest user Guest Inviter User Administrator
Reset guest user invite Helpdesk Administrator User Administrator
Create user User Administrator
Delete users User Administrator
Invalidate refresh tokens of limited admins User Administrator
Invalidate refresh tokens of non-admins Helpdesk Administrator User Administrator
Invalidate refresh tokens of privileged admins Privileged Authentication Administrator
Read basic configuration Default user role
Reset password for limited admins User Administrator
Reset password of non-admins Password Administrator User Administrator
Reset password of privileged admins Privileged Authentication Administrator
Revoke license License Administrator User Administrator
Update all properties except User Principal Name User Administrator
Update On-premises sync enabled property Hybrid Identity Administrator
Update User Principal Name for limited admins User Administrator
Update User Principal Name property on privileged admins Privileged Authentication Administrator
Update user settings - Default user role permissions Privileged Role Administrator
Update user settings - Guest user access Privileged Role Administrator
Update user settings - Administration center Global Administrator
Update user settings - LinkedIn account connections Global Administrator
Update user settings - Show keep user signed in Global Administrator
Update Authentication methods Authentication Administrator Privileged Authentication Administrator

Support least privileged roles

Here are the least privileged roles you should use when performing tasks for support in Microsoft Entra ID.

Next steps