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UIA Pattern List in Unified Service Desk

This topic lists the UIA patterns.

  1. InvokePatternIdentifiers.Pattern

  2. TogglePatternIdentifiers.Pattern

  3. ExpandCollapsePatternIdentifiers.Pattern

  4. SelectionItemPatternIdentifiers.Pattern

  5. TextPatternIdentifiers.Pattern

  6. ScrollPatternIdentifiers.Pattern

  7. RangeValuePatternIdentifiers.Pattern

  8. TogglePatternIdentifiers.Pattern

  9. ValuePatternIdentifiers.Pattern

    DDA can be extended to add a new pattern.


When UIADDA is used with any application, UIA requires that the application be in focus before any interaction can occur with the application. This means that any automation will require that a Focus activity occur before any interaction with controls can take place, including registering for an event. If there is subsequent interaction with controls on another application, that application must be brought into focus. Dynamic positioning must be used instead of set parent when using the UIADDA with non-WPF applications. If an application is hosted outside, focus is not required.

See also

Use Data Driven Adapters (DDAs)