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Planning Optimization extensibility

This article describes the extensibility scenarios that are related to master planning and supported in Planning Optimization.


If you've finished developing an extension and want to set up an end-to-end testing environment, see Unified developer experience for planning optimization (preview).

Custom processing when master planning is completed

The most common extensibility scenario for Planning Optimization is to apply custom processing after the plan has been updated. For example, you might add a column to the planned orders table (ReqPO), or you might want to derive some statistical information from the generated plan. The main extensibility point that enables this scenario is the jobCompletedSuccessfully method in the MpsMasterPlanningEvents class. To apply processing after a job fails, use the jobFailed method in the same class.


Post-processing actions that use the current extensibility point will only apply to items directly specified in the filters (if used) and not to their subcomponents. Therefore, additional items included as a result of enabling the Include all BOM levels and/or BOM levels to include options in the Planning Optimization run dialog won't be affected by these post-processing actions. For more information about how to use the filters, see Run planning for a subset of items

The job completed successfully method

This section shows how to use the jobCompletedSuccessfully method.

public static void jobCompletedSuccessfully(MpsMasterPlanningJobCompletedSuccessfullyEventArgs _args)

Here's an example of an extension that sets a custom CstmOrderPriority field on the planned order.

public static final class MpsMasterPlanningEvents_Cstm_Extension
    public static void jobCompletedSuccessfully(MpsMasterPlanningJobCompletedSuccessfullyEventArgs _args)

        var affectedPlannedOrdersQuery = _args.parmPostProcessingQueryBuilder().buildAffectedPlannedOrdersQuery();
        var affectedPlannedOrdersQueryRun = new QueryRun(affectedPlannedOrdersQuery);

        while (
            ReqPO reqPO = affectedPlannedOrdersQueryRun.get(tableNum(ReqPO));
            reqPO.CstmOrderPriority = reqPO.ReqDate - systemDateGet() < 7 ? CstmPlannedOrderPriority::Urgent : CstmPlannedOrderPriority::Regular;


        next jobCompletedSuccessfully(_args);


When you add custom logic, consider the following constraints and best practices:

  • The jobCompletedSuccessfully method is called outside the transaction scope. Therefore, the plan is already visible to the user when the custom logic starts to run. If your customization sets other fields on planned orders, it's important that you let users know that the values of those fields will eventually be consistent (in other words, they might be out of date immediately after a planning job is completed).
  • Another master planning job can start when the jobCompletedSuccessfully method is called. The new job might affect the full plan or part of the plan. The new job might update or delete the same planned orders or requirement transactions that were created or updated as part of the planning job that was handled in jobCompletedSuccessfully. Update conflict exceptions must be handled when this event is extended.
  • Avoid using single transaction scope when you extend this method. A single master planning run can produce millions of requirement transactions and hundreds of thousands of planned orders. If all these transactions and planned orders are processed in the scope of a single transaction, many SQL locks will occur and block other planning processes. Additionally, if the transaction is held for a long time, "ghost records" will be created in the SQL database. Ghost records will negatively affect every process in the system.
  • The query included in MpsMasterPlanningJobCompletedSuccessfullyEventArgs includes all the items that were included in the original filters, including those that had errors.
  • The query included for jobCompletedSuccessfully won't include items added as a result of enabling the Include all BOM levels and/or BOM levels to include options in the Planning Optimization run dialog.

The job failed method

When a Planning Optimization job fails, it may be necessary to start another process (such as a retry operation). For this, you can use the jobFailed method, which is supported in Supply Chain Management version 10.0.31 and higher.

When adding custom logic, keep in mind that the query included for the jobFailed method won't include items added as a result of enabling the Include all BOM levels and/or BOM levels to include options in the Planning Optimization run dialog.