Set up Chinese vouchers

This article describes how to set up Chinese vouchers using specific demo data in Microsoft Dynamics 365 Finance.

Chinese voucher numbers are the foundation for Chinese financial reporting. You must set them up before you do any financial transaction posting. You can set up the vouchers one at a time or you can use the Voucher type setup wizard.

The following procedures walk you through how to set up Chinese vouchers with specific demo data. These procedures were created using the demo data company CNMF.

Set up a Chinese voucher type

To set up a Chinese voucher type, follow these steps.

  1. In Dynamics 365 Finance, go to General ledger > Journal setup > Chinese voucher type > Voucher type.
  2. Select New.
  3. In the Voucher type field, enter a value.
  4. In the Voucher type number field, enter a value. This value is used as the Type ID in the GB/T24589 export file.
  5. In the Description field, enter a value.
  6. In the Priority field, enter a number. For financial vouchers such as posting sales invoices that are generated from source documents, if more than one voucher type is matched according to the voucher type rule, the first priority voucher type is assigned. You also can set a voucher type as Default, which sets it as the default voucher type.
  7. In the Number sequence code field, enter or select a value.
  8. In the Print layout group field, enter or select a value.
  9. Enter the name of the person who is responsible for making this type of voucher. This name is used in the GB/T24589 export file, and should be for a person other than the person who can approve this type of voucher.
  10. Enter the name of the person who can approve this type of voucher. This name is used in the GB/T24589 export file, and should be for a person other than the person who can create this type of voucher.
  11. Select Add. Voucher type rules define the criteria for vouchers. Only transactions in a voucher that meet these criteria can be assigned to this voucher type and posted. In this example, only bank accounts and cash accounts are allowed in debit and credit sides for this Cash type voucher.
  12. In the Restriction field, select All debits must include (one of the selected accounts).
  13. Select Add.
  14. In the Main account field, enter 100101.
  15. Select Add.
  16. In the Main account field, enter 100102.
  17. Select Add.
  18. In the list, mark the selected row.
  19. In the Main account field, enter 100103.
  20. Select Add.
  21. In the Account type field, select Bank.
  22. In the Main account field, enter CNYBANK.
  23. Select Add.
  24. In the Account type field, select Bank.
  25. In the Main account field, enter USDBANK.
  26. Select Add.
  27. In the Account type field, select Bank.
  28. In the Main account field, enter HKDBANK.
  29. Select Add.
  30. In the Restriction field, select All credits must include (one of the selected accounts).
  31. Select Add.
  32. In the Main account field, enter 100101.
  33. Select Add.
  34. In the Main account field, enter 100102.
  35. Select Add.
  36. In the Main account field, enter 100103.
  37. Select Add.
  38. In the Account type field, select Bank.
  39. In the Main account field, enter CNYBANK.
  40. Select Add.
  41. In the Account type field, select Bank.
  42. In the Main account field, enter USDBANK.
  43. Select Add.
  44. In the Account type field, select Bank.
  45. In the Main account field, enter HKDBANK.
  46. Select Save.

Set up additional parameters

To set up additional parameters, follow these steps.

  1. In Dynamics 365 Finance, go to General ledger > Ledger setup > General ledger parameters. On the General ledger parameters page, you must first enable Chinese voucher, and then allow duplicate vouchers in the fiscal year. Chinese vouchers must be renumbered starting from "1" for each fiscal period.
  2. In the Check for voucher used field, select an option.

Set up the print layout

To set up the print layout, follow these steps.

  1. In Dynamics 365 Finance, go to General ledger > Journal setup > Chinese voucher type > Print layout.
  2. Select New.
  3. In the Print layout group field, enter a value.
  4. In the Description field, enter a value.
  5. Select Add.
  6. In the Print layout code field, select an option.
  7. Select Add.
  8. In the Print layout code field, select an option.
  9. Select Save.