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Vendor invoice charges entity

The Vendor invoice charges entity supports creating and updating vendor invoice charges applied to the invoice header. It includes all the fields related to the vendor invoices charges.

When to use this entity

The Vendor invoice charges entity is used to add charges to a vendor invoice header.


Type Name
Data management entity name Vendor invoice charges
OData public entity VendorInvoiceHeaderCharge
OData public collection VendorInvoiceHeaderCharges
Related menu items Accounts payable / Invoices / Pending vendor invoices
Accounts payable / Invoices / Open vendor invoices
Accounts payable / Vendors / Invoice
Related entities Vendor invoice header
Performance pattern Multiple threads supported
Application Object Tree (AOT) name VendorInvoiceHeaderChargeEntity


Field Description
Headerreference Specifies the first segment of the primary key. Specifies a foreign key to a Vendor invoice header.
ChargeLineNumber Specifies the second segment of the primary key. This field is required.
VendInvoiceInfoTableDataAreaId Specifies the third segment of the primary key. This field is required.
ChargeCategory Specifies a foreign key to a charge category.
PurchaseChargeCode Specifies a foreign key to a charge code.
ChargeAccountingCurrencyCode Specifies a foreign key to a currency.
SalesTaxGroupCode Specifies a foreign key to the Sales tax groups entity.
SalesTaxItemGroupCode Specifies a foreign key to a Sales tax item group.

Issues and considerations

The Vendor invoice charges entity supports creating and updating charges applied to a vendor invoice header. Charges can be created or updated before the vendor invoice is posted.

Import vendor invoices in Dynamics 365 projects