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Omnichannel for Customer Service offers a suite of capabilities that extend the power of Dynamics 365 Customer Service Enterprise to enable organizations to instantly connect and engage with their customers across digital messaging channels. An additional license is required to access Omnichannel for Customer Service. For more information, see the Dynamics 365 Customer Service pricing overview and Dynamics 365 Customer Service pricing plan pages.

This function can be used to link account, contact, or incident records to the conversation in the focused session. The function will only link the records in the database. The link is reflected after the page is refreshed. The caller is responsible for the UI refresh. Only one account or contact, and one case can be linked to a conversation at a time. If a new customer or case record is linked, it will override the previous record link for the conversation.


Omnichannel for Customer Service supports linking only to active conversations.


Microsoft.Omnichannel.linkToConversation(entityLogicalName, recordId, conversationId);


Parameter Type Description
entityLogicalName String Logical name of the entity (such as account, contact, or incident)
recordId String Unique identifier for the entity record to be linked
*conversationId String Unique identifier for the conversation to link. Also reffered to as liveworkitemId. Without providing this parameter, the entity will link to the focused conversation by default.

* Indicates optional parameter.

Return value

Returns a resolved or rejected promise based on the outcome of the operation.


//Linking an incident record with the current conversation 
Microsoft.Omnichannel.linkToConversation("incident", "6b726d86-d37c-43b8-b3a4-c4056ddd2e07", "b7397aae-ecf8-43a6-aeb0-07d294efb494").then((response) => { 
    // Refreshing the tab UI  
}, (error) => { 

Live chat SDK reference
Omnichannel JavaScript API reference