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Oprette brugerdefineret plug-in for at bruge din foretrukne geospatiale dataprovider

Denne artikel indeholder oplysninger om de to geospatiale handlinger i Universal Resource Scheduling, hvordan du opretter en brugerdefineret plug-in til de to geospatiale handlinger, og leverer eksempler fra en brugerdefineret eksempel-plug-in, der bruger Google Maps API til geospatiale data.

Input- og outputparametre for geospatiale handlinger

Mens du skriver den brugerdefinerede plug-in, skal du overveje input- og parametrene for geospatiale handlinger, så du ved, hvilke data der skal sendes, og de forventede outputdata i din plug-in-kode.

Der findes to måder, som du kan få vist input og outputparametre for de to geospatiale handlinger:

  • Referenceindhold for Web-API handling: Vis referenceoplysninger om geospatiale handlinger i Universal Resource Scheduling.
    • Microsoft.Dynamics.CRM.msdyn_RetrieveDistanceMatrix
  • Handlingsdefinition: Du kan få vist handlingsdefinitionen i Dynamics 365 for oplysninger om input/outputparametre, herunder oplysninger om hvorvidt en parameter er obligatorisk eller valgfri.


De Web-API-typer og -handlinger, der er nævnt i denne artikel/tabel, er tilgængelige i dit miljø, og du kan bruge tjenestedokumentet for dit miljø eller Postman til at undersøge disse typer og handlinger. Flere oplysninger: Web-API-servicedokumenter og Bruge Postman sammen med Microsoft Dataverse Web-API.

Du kan få vist en handlingsdefinition ved at vælge Indstillinger>Processer. Derefter skal du søge efter navnet på handlingen: Ressourceplanlægning - geokodeadresse eller Ressourceplanlægning - hent afstandsmatrix og derefter vælge handlingen i gitteret for at få vist definitionen. Her er eksempelvis definitionen af handlingen Ressourceplanlægning - geokodeadresse (msdyn_GeocodeAddress), hvor det fremhævede område indeholder oplysninger om input- og outputparametre:

Action definition.

Skriv det brugerdefinerede plug-in

Plug-ins er tilpassede klasser, der implementerer IPlugin-grænsefladen. Du kan finde detaljerede oplysninger om oprettelse af en plug-in i Plug-in-udvikling

Der findes et eksempel på en brugerdefineret plug-in til reference, der viser, hvordan du bruger Google Maps API'en med geospatiale data til felthandlinger i stedet for Bing Maps API, som er standard. Flere oplysninger: Brugerdefineret plug-in, der bruger Google Maps API som geospatial dataprovider.

Følgende kode i hver eksempel-plug-in bruger data fra Google API:

ExecuteGeocodeAddress-metoden i msdyn_GeocodeAddress.cs-plug-in-filen

public void ExecuteGeocodeAddress(IPluginExecutionContext pluginExecutionContext, IOrganizationService organizationService, ITracingService tracingService)
    //Contains 5 fields (string) for individual parts of an address
    ParameterCollection InputParameters = pluginExecutionContext.InputParameters;
    // Contains 2 fields (double) for resultant geolocation
    ParameterCollection OutputParameters = pluginExecutionContext.OutputParameters;
    //Contains 1 field (int) for status of previous and this plugin
    ParameterCollection SharedVariables = pluginExecutionContext.SharedVariables;

    tracingService.Trace("ExecuteGeocodeAddress started. InputParameters = {0}, OutputParameters = {1}", InputParameters.Count().ToString(), OutputParameters.Count().ToString());

        // If a plugin earlier in the pipeline has already geocoded successfully, quit 
        if ((double)OutputParameters[LatitudeKey] != 0d || (double)OutputParameters[LongitudeKey] != 0d) return;

        // Get user Lcid if request did not include it
        int Lcid = (int)InputParameters[LcidKey];
        string _address = string.Empty;
        if (Lcid == 0)
            var userSettingsQuery = new QueryExpression("usersettings");
            userSettingsQuery.ColumnSet.AddColumns("uilanguageid", "systemuserid");
            userSettingsQuery.Criteria.AddCondition("systemuserid", ConditionOperator.Equal, pluginExecutionContext.InitiatingUserId);
            var userSettings = organizationService.RetrieveMultiple(userSettingsQuery);
            if (userSettings.Entities.Count > 0)
                Lcid = (int)userSettings.Entities[0]["uilanguageid"];

        // Arrange the address components in a single comma-separated string, according to LCID
        _address = GisUtility.FormatInternationalAddress(Lcid,

        // Make Geocoding call to Google API
        WebClient client = new WebClient();
        var url = $"https://{GoogleConstants.GoogleApiServer}{GoogleConstants.GoogleGeocodePath}/json?address={_address}&key={GoogleConstants.GoogleApiKey}";
        tracingService.Trace($"Calling {url}\n");
        string response = client.DownloadString(url);   // Post ...

        tracingService.Trace("Parsing response ...\n");
        DataContractJsonSerializer jsonSerializer = new DataContractJsonSerializer(typeof(GeocodeResponse));    // Deserialize response json
        object objResponse = jsonSerializer.ReadObject(new MemoryStream(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(response)));     // Get response as an object
        GeocodeResponse geocodeResponse = objResponse as GeocodeResponse;       // Unbox into our data contracted class for response

        tracingService.Trace("Response Status = " + geocodeResponse.Status + "\n");
        if (geocodeResponse.Status != "OK")
            throw new ApplicationException($"Server {GoogleConstants.GoogleApiServer} application error (Status {geocodeResponse.Status}).");

        tracingService.Trace("Checking geocodeResponse.Result...\n");
        if (geocodeResponse.Results != null)
            if (geocodeResponse.Results.Count() == 1)
                tracingService.Trace("Checking geocodeResponse.Result.Geometry.Location...\n");
                if (geocodeResponse.Results.First()?.Geometry?.Location != null)
                    tracingService.Trace("Setting Latitude, Longitude in OutputParameters...\n");

                    // update output parameters
                    OutputParameters[LatitudeKey] = geocodeResponse.Results.First().Geometry.Location.Lat;
                    OutputParameters[LongitudeKey] = geocodeResponse.Results.First().Geometry.Location.Lng;

                else throw new ApplicationException($"Server {GoogleConstants.GoogleApiServer} application error (missing Results[0].Geometry.Location)");
            else throw new ApplicationException($"Server {GoogleConstants.GoogleApiServer} application error (more than 1 result returned)");
        else throw new ApplicationException($"Server {GoogleConstants.GoogleApiServer} application error (missing Results)");
    catch (Exception ex)
        // Signal to subsequent plugins in this message pipeline that geocoding failed here.
        OutputParameters[LatitudeKey] = 0d;
        OutputParameters[LongitudeKey] = 0d;

        //TODO: You may need to decide which caught exceptions will rethrow and which ones will simply signal geocoding did not complete.
        throw new InvalidPluginExecutionException(string.Format("Geocoding failed at {0} with exception -- {1}: {2}"
            , GoogleConstants.GoogleApiServer, ex.GetType().ToString(), ex.Message), ex);


ExecuteDistanceMatrix -metoden i msdyn_RetrieveDistanceMatrix.cs-plug-in-filen

public void ExecuteDistanceMatrix(IPluginExecutionContext pluginExecutionContext, IOrganizationService organizationService, ITracingService tracingService)
    //Contains 2 fields (EntityCollection) for sources and targets
    ParameterCollection InputParameters = pluginExecutionContext.InputParameters;
    // Contains 1 field (EntityCollection) for results
    ParameterCollection OutputParameters = pluginExecutionContext.OutputParameters;
    //Contains 1 field (int) for status of previous and this plugin
    ParameterCollection SharedVariables = pluginExecutionContext.SharedVariables;

    tracingService.Trace("ExecuteDistanceMatrix started.  InputParameters = {0},OutputParameters = {1}", InputParameters.Count().ToString(), OutputParameters.Count().ToString());

        // If a plugin earlier in the pipeline has already retrieved a distance matrix successfully, quit 
        if (OutputParameters[MatrixKey] != null)
            if (((EntityCollection)OutputParameters[MatrixKey]).Entities != null)
                if (((EntityCollection)OutputParameters[MatrixKey]).Entities.Count > 0) return;

        // Make Distance Matrix call to Google API
        WebClient client = new WebClient();
        var url = String.Format($"https://{GoogleConstants.GoogleApiServer}{GoogleConstants.GoogleDistanceMatrixPath}/json"
            + "?units=imperial"
            + $"&origins={string.Join("|", ((EntityCollection)InputParameters[SourcesKey]).Entities.Select(e => e.GetAttributeValue<double?>("latitude") + "," + e.GetAttributeValue<double?>("longitude")))}"
            + $"&destinations={string.Join("|", ((EntityCollection)InputParameters[TargetsKey]).Entities.Select(e => e.GetAttributeValue<double?>("latitude") + "," + e.GetAttributeValue<double?>("longitude")))}"
            + $"&key={GoogleConstants.GoogleApiKey}");
        tracingService.Trace($"Calling {url}\n");
        string response = client.DownloadString(url);   // Post ...

        tracingService.Trace("Parsing response ...\n");
        DataContractJsonSerializer jsonSerializer = new DataContractJsonSerializer(typeof(DistanceMatrixResponse));    // Deserialize response json
        object objResponse = jsonSerializer.ReadObject(new MemoryStream(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(response)));     // Get response as an object
        DistanceMatrixResponse distancematrixResponse = objResponse as DistanceMatrixResponse;       // Unbox as our data contracted class for response

        tracingService.Trace("Response Status = " + distancematrixResponse.Status + "\n");
        if (distancematrixResponse.Status != "OK")
            throw new ApplicationException($"Server {GoogleConstants.GoogleApiServer} application error (Status={distancematrixResponse.Status}). {distancematrixResponse.ErrorMessage}");

        tracingService.Trace("Checking distancematrixResponse.Results...\n");
        if (distancematrixResponse.Rows != null)
            tracingService.Trace("Parsing distancematrixResponse.Results.Elements...\n");

            // build and update output parameter
            var result = new EntityCollection();
            result.Entities.AddRange(distancematrixResponse.Rows.Select(r => ToEntity(r.Columns.Select(c => ToEntity(c.Status, c.Duration, c.Distance)).ToArray())));
            OutputParameters[MatrixKey] = result;

        else throw new ApplicationException($"Server {GoogleConstants.GoogleApiServer} application error (missing Rows)");
    catch (Exception ex)
        // Signal to subsequent plugins in this message pipeline that retrieval of distance matrix failed here.
        OutputParameters[MatrixKey] = null;

        //TODO: You may need to decide which caught exceptions will rethrow and which ones will simply signal geocoding did not complete.
        throw new InvalidPluginExecutionException(string.Format("Geocoding failed at {0} with exception -- {1}: {2}"
            , GoogleConstants.GoogleApiServer, ex.GetType().ToString(), ex.Message), ex);

    // For debugging purposes, throw an exception to see the details of the parameters
    CreateExceptionWithDetails("Debugging...", InputParameters, OutputParameters, SharedVariables);

Når du har skrevet din brugerdefinerede plug-in-kode, kan du opbygge projektet for at oprette en plug-in-assembly (.dll), der skal bruges til at registrere den pågældende plug-in i geospatiale handlinger i Universal Resource Scheduling.