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Configure site builder global configuration settings based on enabled features

This article describes how global configuration properties in Microsoft Dynamics 365 Commerce site builder can be made visible, hidden, or disabled when specific Commerce features are turned on.

Global configuration properties that are available at Site settings > Extensions > Configuration in site builder can be set so that they are visible, hidden, or disabled (that is, read-only), based on the settings of the hiddenWithFeatureFlags and disabledWithFeatureFlags properties in the app settings file (/settings/app.settings.json). For more information about app settings, see App settings.


To set a specific configuration property so that it's visible, hidden, or disabled, add a list of names of Dynamics 365 feature flags in the hiddenWithFeatureFlags and disabledWithFeatureFlags properties, and specify a value of "ON" or "OFF" for each. If you add more than one feature flag name, the logical "OR" operator determines whether a configuration property is visible or hidden. For example, you add both "FeatureName1" and "FeatureName2" in the hiddenWithFeatureFlags property, and specify a value of "ON" for both. In this case, the related configuration property will be hidden if either of the two features is turned on in Commerce headquarters. The feature will be visible if both features are turned off in Commerce headquarters.

Property schema

hiddenWithFeatureFlags: {"<FeatureName1>": "ON/OFF", "<FeatureName2>": "ON/OFF"}
disabledWithFeatureFlags: {"<FeatureName1>": "ON/OFF", "<FeatureName2>": "ON/OFF"}

Make a configuration property visible in the app.settings.json file when a specific feature is turned on

The following example shows how the hiddenWithFeatureFlags property can be used inside the app settings file. In this example, the b2bQuantityMultiple configuration property will be visible in site builder only if the B2B_INVENTORY_MANAGEMENT feature is turned off in Commerce headquarters.

            "friendlyName":"Quantity multiple",
            "description":"Number of items needed to be purchased together",
                "Dynamics.AX.Application.B2B_INVENTORY_MANAGEMENT": "ON"
            "group":"B2B Inventory management"

Disable a configuration property in the app.settings.json file when a specific feature is turned on

The following example shows how the disabledWithFeatureFlags property can be used inside the app settings file. In this example, the maxQuantityForCartLineItem configuration property will be disabled in site builder only if the B2B_INVENTORY_MANAGEMENT feature is turned on in Commerce headquarters.

            "friendlyName":"Cart Line Quantity Limit",
            "description":"Limit to the number of copies of an item that can be added to a cart line",
                "Dynamics.AX.Application.B2B_INVENTORY_MANAGEMENT" : "ON"
            "group": "B2B Inventory management"

For more information about how to turn on features in Commerce, see Feature management overview.

Additional resources

App settings

Feature management overview