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Archive Payment Slips in the French Version

When a payment slip has been processed, you can separate it from the active payment slips by archiving it.

You can archive the payment slip by using the following methods:

  • Manually – for individual payment slips.
  • Automatically – for a batch of payment slips.

To archive a payment slip

  1. Choose the Lightbulb that opens the Tell Me feature. icon, enter Payment Slips, and then choose the relevant link.

  2. Select the relevant payment slip, and then choose the Edit action.

  3. On the Payment Slip page, choose the Archive action.

  4. Choose the Yes button to archive the payment slip.


    If the current status of the payment slip does not allow archiving, a message is displayed.

To archive a batch of payment slips

  1. Choose the Lightbulb that opens the Tell Me feature. icon, enter Archive Payment Slips, and then choose the relevant link.
  2. On the Archive Payment Slips page, on the Payment Header FastTab, select the appropriate filters.
  3. Choose the OK button.

The payment slips are archived.


This batch job will only archive payment slips that have the Archiving Authorized check box selected on the Payment Status page. For more information, see Set Up Payment Statuses.

See Also

Payment Management
Set Up Payment Classes
Set Up Payment Statuses
Set Up Payment Steps
Set Up Payment Addresses
Create Payment Slips
Post Payment Slips

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