PutMethod function

Creates a method.


This API is for internal use only. It's not intended for use from developer code.


HRESULT PutMethod (
   [in] int                vFunc,
   [in] IWbemClassObject*  ptr,
   [in] LPCWSTR            wszName,
   [in] LONG               lFlags,
   [in] IWbemClassObject*  pInSignature,
   [in] IWbemClassObject*  pOutSignature


[in] This parameter is unused.

[in] A pointer to an IWbemClassObject instance.

[in] The name of the method to create.

[in] Reserved. This parameter must be 0.

[in] A pointer to a copy of the __Parameters system class that contains the in parameters for the method. This parameter is ignored if set to null.

[in] A pointer to a copy of the __Parameters system class that contains the out parameters for the method. This parameter is ignored if set to null.

Return value

The following values returned by this function are defined in the WbemCli.h header file, or you can define them as constants in your code:

Constant Value Description
WBEM_E_INVALID_PARAMETER 0x80041008 One or more parameters are not valid.
WBEM_E_INVALID_DUPLICATE_PARAMETER 0x80041043 The [in, out] method parameter specified in both the pInSignature and pOutSignature objects have different qualifiers.
WBEM_E_MISSING_PARAMETER_ID 0x80041036 A method parameter is missing the specification of the ID qualifier.
WBEM_E_NONCONSECUTIVE_PARAMETER_IDS 0x80041038 The ID series that is assigned to the method parameters is not consecutive or does not start at 0.
WBEM_E_PARAMETER_ID_ON_RETVAL 0x80041039 The return value for a method has an ID qualifier.
WBEM_E_PROPAGATED_METHOD 0x80041034 An attempt was made to reuse an existing method name from a parent class, and the signatures did not match.
WBEM_S_NO_ERROR 0 The function call was successful.


This function wraps a call to the IWbemClassObject::PutMethod method.

This method call is only supported if ptr is a CIM class definition. Method manipulation is not available from IWbemClassObject pointers that point to CIM instances.

Users cannot create methods with names that begin or end with an underscore. This is reserved for system classes and properties.

For a method, the in and out parameters are described as properties in IWbemClassObject objects.

An [in/out] parameter can be defined by adding the same property to both objects pointed to by the pInSignature and pOutSignature parameters. In this case, the properties share the same ID qualifier value.

Each property in a __Parameters class object other than ReturnValue must have an ID qualifier, a zero-based numeric value that identifies the order in which the parameters appear. No two parameters can have the same ID value, and no ID value can be skipped. If either condition occurs, the PutMethod function returns WBEM_E_NONCONSECUTIVE_PARAMETER_IDS.


For an example, see the IWbemClassObject::PutMethod method.


Platforms: See System Requirements.

Header: WMINet_Utils.idl

.NET Framework Versions: Available since 4.7.2

See also