
Del via

ICLRReferenceAssemblyEnum::Get Method

Gets the assembly identity at the supplied index.


    [in] DWORD dwIndex,  
    [out, size_is(*pcchBufferSize)] LPWSTR pwzBuffer,  
    [in, out] DWORD *pcchBufferSize  


[in] The zero-based index of the assembly identity to return.

[out] A buffer containing the assembly identity data.

[in, out] The size of the pwzBuffer buffer.

Return Value

HRESULT Description
S_OK Get returned successfully.
ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER pwzBuffer is too small.
ERROR_NO_MORE_ITEMS The enumeration contains no more items.
HOST_E_CLRNOTAVAILABLE The common language runtime (CLR) has not been loaded into a process, or the CLR is in a state in which it cannot run managed code or process the call successfully.
HOST_E_TIMEOUT The call timed out.
HOST_E_NOT_OWNER The caller does not own the lock.
HOST_E_ABANDONED An event was canceled while a blocked thread or fiber was waiting on it.
E_FAIL An unknown catastrophic failure occurred. If a method returns E_FAIL, the CLR is no longer usable within the process. Subsequent calls to hosting methods return HOST_E_CLRNOTAVAILABLE.


Get is typically called twice. The first call supplies a null value for pwzBuffer, and sets pcchBufferSize to the size appropriate for pwzBuffer. The second call supplies an appropriately sized pwzBuffer, and contains the canonical assembly identity data upon completion.


Platforms: See System Requirements.

Header: MSCorEE.h

Library: Included as a resource in MSCorEE.dll

.NET Framework Versions: Available since 2.0

See also