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ISymUnmanagedMethod Interface

Represents a method within the symbol store. This interface provides access to only the symbol-related attributes of a method, instead of the type-related attributes.


Method Description
GetNamespace Method Gets the namespace within which this method is defined.
GetOffset Method Returns the offset within this method that corresponds to a given position within a document.
GetParameters Method Gets the parameters for this method.
GetRanges Method Given a position in a document, returns an array of start and end offset pairs that correspond to the ranges of common intermediate language (CIL) that the position covers within this method.
GetRootScope Method Gets the root lexical scope within this method. This scope encloses the entire method.
GetScopeFromOffset Method Gets the most enclosing lexical scope within this method that encloses the given offset.
GetSequencePointCount Method Gets the count of sequence points within this method.
GetSequencePoints Method Gets all the sequence points within this method.
GetSourceStartEnd Method Gets the start and end document positions for the source of this method.
GetToken Method Returns the metadata token for this method.


Header: CorSym.idl, CorSym.h

See also