
Del via

ICorDebugRemoteTarget::GetHostName Method

Returns the fully qualified domain name or IPv4 address of the remote debugging target machine. IPV6 is not supported at this time.


HRESULT GetHostName (
    [in] ULONG32      cchHostName,
    [out] ULONG32*    pcchHostName,
    [out, size_is(cchHostName), length_is(*pcchHostName)]
            WCHAR szHostName[]


cchHostName [in] The size, in characters, of the szHostName buffer. If this parameter is 0 (zero), szHostName must be null.

pcchHostName [out] The number of characters, including a null terminator, in the host name or IP address. This parameter can be null.

szHostName [out] Buffer that contains the host name or IP address.

Return Value

S_OK The host name or IP address was successfully returned.

E_FAIL (or other E_ return codes) Unable to return the host name or IP address.


This method is implemented by the debugger writer. It must follow the multiple call paradigm: On the first call, the caller passes null to both cchHostName and szHostName, and pcchHostName returns the size of the required buffer. On the second call, the size that was previously returned is passed in cchHostName, and an appropriately sized buffer is passed in szHostName.


Platforms: See System Requirements.

Header: CorDebug.idl

Library: CorGuids.lib

.NET Framework Versions: 3.5 SP1

See also