Unit testing F# libraries in .NET Core using dotnet test and MSTest
This tutorial takes you through an interactive experience building a sample solution step-by-step to learn unit testing concepts. If you prefer to follow the tutorial using a pre-built solution, view or download the sample code before you begin. For download instructions, see Samples and Tutorials.
This article is about testing a .NET Core project. If you're testing an ASP.NET Core project, see Integration tests in ASP.NET Core.
Creating the source project
Open a shell window. Create a directory called unit-testing-with-fsharp to hold the solution.
Inside this new directory, run dotnet new sln
to create a new solution. This
makes it easier to manage both the class library and the unit test project.
Inside the solution directory, create a MathService directory. The directory and file structure thus far is shown below:
Make MathService the current directory and run dotnet new classlib -lang "F#"
to create the source project. You'll create a failing implementation of the math service:
module MyMath =
let squaresOfOdds xs = raise (System.NotImplementedException("You haven't written a test yet!"))
Change the directory back to the unit-testing-with-fsharp directory. Run dotnet sln add .\MathService\MathService.fsproj
to add the class library project to the solution.
Creating the test project
Next, create the MathService.Tests directory. The following outline shows the directory structure:
Source Files
Make the MathService.Tests directory the current directory and create a new project using dotnet new mstest -lang "F#"
. This creates a test project that uses MSTest as the test framework. The generated template configures the test runner in the MathServiceTests.fsproj:
<PackageReference Include="Microsoft.NET.Test.Sdk" Version="15.3.0-preview-20170628-02" />
<PackageReference Include="MSTest.TestAdapter" Version="1.1.18" />
<PackageReference Include="MSTest.TestFramework" Version="1.1.18" />
The test project requires other packages to create and run unit tests. dotnet new
in the previous step added MSTest. Now, add the MathService
class library as another dependency to the project. Use the dotnet add reference
dotnet add reference ../MathService/MathService.fsproj
You can see the entire file in the samples repository on GitHub.
You have the following final solution layout:
Source Files
Test Source Files
Execute dotnet sln add .\MathService.Tests\MathService.Tests.fsproj
in the unit-testing-with-fsharp directory.
Creating the first test
You write one failing test, make it pass, then repeat the process. Open Tests.fs and add the following code:
namespace MathService.Tests
open System
open Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting
open MathService
type TestClass () =
member this.TestMethodPassing() =
member this.FailEveryTime() = Assert.IsTrue(false)
The [<TestClass>]
attribute denotes a class that contains tests. The [<TestMethod>]
attribute denotes a test method that is run by the test runner. From the unit-testing-with-fsharp directory, execute dotnet test
to build the tests and the class library and then run the tests. The MSTest test runner contains the program entry point to run your tests. dotnet test
starts the test runner using the unit test project you've created.
These two tests show the most basic passing and failing tests. My test
passes, and Fail every time
fails. Now, create a test for the squaresOfOdds
method. The squaresOfOdds
method returns a list of the squares of all odd integer values that are part of the input sequence. Rather than trying to write all of those functions at once, you can iteratively create tests that validate the functionality. Making each test pass means creating the necessary functionality for the method.
The simplest test we can write is to call squaresOfOdds
with all even numbers, where the result should be an empty sequence of integers. Here's that test:
member this.TestEvenSequence() =
let expected = Seq.empty<int> |> Seq.toList
let actual = MyMath.squaresOfOdds [2; 4; 6; 8; 10]
Assert.AreEqual(expected, actual)
Notice that the expected
sequence has been converted to a list. The MSTest library relies on many standard .NET types. That dependency means that your public interface and expected results support ICollection rather than IEnumerable.
When you run the test, you see that your test fails. You haven't created the implementation yet. Make this test pass by writing the simplest code in the Mathservice
class that works:
let squaresOfOdds xs =
Seq.empty<int> |> Seq.toList
In the unit-testing-with-fsharp directory, run dotnet test
again. The dotnet test
command runs a build for the MathService
project and then for the MathService.Tests
project. After building both projects, it runs this single test. It passes.
Completing the requirements
Now that you've made one test pass, it's time to write more. The next simple case works with a sequence whose only odd number is 1
. The number 1 is easier because the square of 1 is 1. Here's that next test:
member public this.TestOnesAndEvens() =
let expected = [1; 1; 1; 1]
let actual = MyMath.squaresOfOdds [2; 1; 4; 1; 6; 1; 8; 1; 10]
Assert.AreEqual(expected, actual)
Executing dotnet test
fails the new test. You must update the squaresOfOdds
method to handle this new test. You must filter all the even numbers out of the sequence to make this test pass. You can do that by writing a small filter function and using Seq.filter
let private isOdd x = x % 2 <> 0
let squaresOfOdds xs =
|> Seq.filter isOdd |> Seq.toList
Notice the call to Seq.toList
. That creates a list, which implements the ICollection interface.
There's one more step to go: square each of the odd numbers. Start by writing a new test:
member public this.TestSquaresOfOdds() =
let expected = [1; 9; 25; 49; 81]
let actual = MyMath.squaresOfOdds [1; 2; 3; 4; 5; 6; 7; 8; 9; 10]
Assert.AreEqual(expected, actual)
You can fix the test by piping the filtered sequence through a map operation to compute the square of each odd number:
let private square x = x * x
let private isOdd x = x % 2 <> 0
let squaresOfOdds xs =
|> Seq.filter isOdd
|> Seq.map square
|> Seq.toList
You've built a small library and a set of unit tests for that library. You've structured the solution so that adding new packages and tests is part of the normal workflow. You've concentrated most of your time and effort on solving the goals of the application.