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IDialogContext Interface


The context for the execution of a dialog's conversational process.

public interface IDialogContext : Microsoft.Bot.Builder.Dialogs.IBotContext, Microsoft.Bot.Builder.Dialogs.Internals.IDialogStack
type IDialogContext = interface
    interface IDialogStack
    interface IBotContext
    interface IBotData
    interface IBotToUser
Public Interface IDialogContext
Implements IBotContext, IDialogStack



The activity posted to bot.

(Inherited from IBotContext)
CancellationToken (Inherited from IBotContext)

Private bot data associated with a conversation.

(Inherited from IBotData)

The dialog frames active on the stack.

(Inherited from IDialogStack)

Private bot data associated with a user in a conversation.

(Inherited from IBotData)

Private bot data associated with a user (across all channels and conversations).

(Inherited from IBotData)


Call<R>(IDialog<R>, ResumeAfter<R>)

Call a child dialog and add it to the top of the stack.

(Inherited from IDialogStack)

Complete the current dialog and return a result to the parent dialog.

(Inherited from IDialogStack)

Fail the current dialog and return an exception to the parent dialog.

(Inherited from IDialogStack)

Flushes the bot data to IBotDataStore<T>

(Inherited from IBotData)
Forward<R,T>(IDialog<R>, ResumeAfter<R>, T, CancellationToken)

Call a child dialog, add it to the top of the stack and post the item to the child dialog.

(Inherited from IDialogStack)

Loads the bot data from IBotDataStore<T>

(Inherited from IBotData)

Make a message.

(Inherited from IBotToUser)
Post<E>(E, ResumeAfter<E>)

Post an internal event to the queue.

(Inherited from IDialogStack)
PostAsync(IMessageActivity, CancellationToken)

Post a message to be sent to the user.

(Inherited from IBotToUser)

Resets the stack.

(Inherited from IDialogStack)

Suspend the current dialog until an external event has been sent to the bot.

(Inherited from IDialogStack)

Extension Methods

EndConversation(IDialogContext, String)

Initiate an EndConversationEvent to reset the conversation's state and stack and send an EndOfConversation to the Connector.

Forward<R>(IDialogStack, IDialog<R>, ResumeAfter<R>, IMessageActivity, CancellationToken)

Call a child dialog, add it to the top of the stack and post the message to the child dialog.

GetSignInUrlAsync(IDialogContext, String)
GetUserTokenAsync(IDialogContext, String, String)
GetUserTokenAsync(IDialogContext, String)
PostAsync(IBotToUser, String, String, CancellationToken)

Post a message to be sent to the user, using previous messages to establish a conversation context.

SayAsync(IBotToUser, String, String, MessageOptions, String, CancellationToken)

Post a message and optional SSML to be sent to the user, using previous messages to establish a conversation context.

SignOutUserAsync(IDialogContext, String)
Wait(IDialogStack, ResumeAfter<IMessageActivity>)

Suspend the current dialog until the user has sent a message to the bot.

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