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IHttpRequestFeature Interface


Contains the details of a given request. These properties should all be mutable. None of these properties should ever be set to null.

public interface class IHttpRequestFeature
public interface IHttpRequestFeature
type IHttpRequestFeature = interface
Public Interface IHttpRequestFeature



Gets or sets a Stream representing the request body, if any.

Null may be used to represent an empty request body.


Gets or sets headers included in the request, aggregated by header name.

The values are not split or merged across header lines. E.g. The following headers:

  • HeaderA: value1, value2
  • HeaderA: value3
Result in Headers["HeaderA"] = { "value1, value2", "value3" }


Gets or sets the request method as defined in RFC 7230. E.g. "GET", "HEAD", "POST", etc..


Gets or sets the portion of the request path that identifies the requested resource.

The value may be Empty if PathBase contains the full path, or for 'OPTIONS *' requests. The path is fully decoded by the server except for '%2F', which would decode to '/' and change the meaning of the path segments. '%2F' can only be replaced after splitting the path into segments.


Gets or sets the first portion of the request path associated with application root.

The value is un-escaped. The value may be Empty.


Gets or set the HTTP-version as defined in RFC 7230. E.g. "HTTP/1.1"


Gets or sets the query portion of the request-target as defined in RFC 7230. The value may be Empty. If not empty then the leading '?' will be included. The value is in its original form, without un-escaping.


Gets or sets the request target as it was sent in the HTTP request.

This property contains the raw path and full query, as well as other request targets such as * for OPTIONS requests (


Gets or set the request uri scheme. E.g. "http" or "https".

Note this value is not included in the original request, it is inferred by checking if the transport used a TLS connection or not.

Applies to