Get-FinOpsCostExport command
The Get-FinOpsCostExport command gets a list of Cost Management exports for a given scope.
This command was tested with the following API versions:
- 2023-07-01-preview (default) – Enables FocusCost and other datasets.
- 2023-08-01
- 2023-03-01
Get-FinOpsCostExport `
[-Name <string>] `
[-Scope <string>] `
[-DataSet <string>] `
[-StorageAccountId <string>] `
[-StorageContainer <string>] `
[-RunHistory] `
[-ApiVersion <string>]
Name | Description |
‑Name |
Optional. Name of the export. Supports wildcards. |
‑Scope |
Optional. Resource ID of the scope the export was created for. If empty, defaults to current subscription context. |
‑DataSet |
Optional. Dataset to get exports for. Allowed values = "ActualCost", "AmortizedCost". Default = null (all exports). |
‑StorageAccountId |
Optional. Resource ID of the storage account to get exports for. Default = null (all exports). |
‑StorageContainer |
Optional. Name of the container to get exports for. Supports wildcards. Default = null (all exports). |
‑RunHistory |
Optional. Indicates whether the run history should be expanded. Default = false. |
‑ApiVersion |
Optional. API version to use when calling the Cost Management exports API. Default = 2023-07-01-preview. |
Return value
FinOpsCostExport object
Property | Type | JSON path |
Name |
String | name |
Id |
String | id |
Type |
String | type |
eTag |
String | eTag |
Description |
String | properties.exportDescription |
Dataset |
String | properties.definition.type |
DatasetVersion |
String | properties.definition.configuration.dataVersion |
DatasetFilters |
String | properties.definition.configuration.filter |
DatasetTimeFrame |
String | properties.definition.timeframe |
DatasetStartDate |
DateTime | properties.definition.timePeriod.from |
DatasetEndDate |
DateTime | |
DatasetGranularity |
String | properties.definition.dataset.granularity |
ScheduleStatus |
String | properties.schedule.status |
ScheduleRecurrence |
String | properties.schedule.recurrence |
ScheduleStartDate |
DateTime | properties.schedule.recurrencePeriod.from |
ScheduleEndDate |
DateTime | |
NextRuntimeEstimate |
DateTime | properties.nextRunTimeEstimate |
Format |
String | properties.format |
StorageAccountId |
String | properties.deliveryInfo.destination.resourceId |
StorageContainer |
String | properties.deliveryInfo.destination.container |
StoragePath |
String | properties.deliveryInfo.destination.rootfolderpath |
OverwriteData |
Boolean | properties.deliveryInfo.dataOverwriteBehavior == "OverwritePreviousReport" |
PartitionData |
Boolean | properties.deliveryInfo.partitionData |
CompressionMode |
String | properties.deliveryInfo.compressionMode |
RunHistory |
FinOpsCostExportRunHistory[] | properties.runHistory.value |
FinOpsCostExportRunHistory object
Property | Type | JSON path |
Id |
String | properties.runHistory.value[].id |
ExecutionType |
String | properties.runHistory.value[].properties.executionType |
FileName |
String | properties.runHistory.value[].fileName |
StartTime |
DateTime | properties.runHistory.value[].processingStartTime |
EndTime |
DateTime | properties.runHistory.value[].processingEndTime |
Status |
String | properties.runHistory.value[].status |
SubmittedBy |
String | properties.runHistory.value[].submittedBy |
SubmittedTime |
DateTime | properties.runHistory.value[].submittedTime |
Get all cost exports for a subscription
Get-FinOpsCostExport `
-Scope "/subscriptions/aaaa0a0a-bb1b-cc2c-dd3d-eeeeee4e4e4e"
Gets all exports for a subscription. Doesn't include exports in nested resource groups.
Get exports matching a wildcard name
Get-FinOpsCostExport `
-Name mtd* `
-Scope "providers/Microsoft.Billing/billingAccounts/00000000"
Gets export with name matching wildcard mtd* within the specified billing account scope. Doesn't include exports in nested resource groups.
Get all amortized cost exports
Get-FinOpsCostExport `
-DataSet "AmortizedCost"
Gets all exports within the current context subscription scope and filtered by dataset AmortizedCost.
Get exports using a specific storage account
Get-FinOpsCostExport `
-Scope "/subscriptions/aaaa0a0a-bb1b-cc2c-dd3d-eeeeee4e4e4e"`
-StorageAccountId "/subscriptions/aaaa0a0a-bb1b-cc2c-dd3d-eeeeee4e4e4e/resourceGroups/MyResourceGroup/providers/Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts/MyStorageAccount"
Gets all exports within the subscription scope filtered by a specific storage account.
Get exports using a specific container
Get-FinOpsCostExport `
-Scope "/subscriptions/aaaa0a0a-bb1b-cc2c-dd3d-eeeeee4e4e4e" `
-StorageContainer "MyContainer*"
Gets all exports within the subscription scope for a specific container. Supports wildcard.
Get exports using a specific API version
Get-FinOpsCostExport `
-Scope "/subscriptions/aaaa0a0a-bb1b-cc2c-dd3d-eeeeee4e4e4e"
-StorageContainer "mtd*"
-ApiVersion "2023-08-01"
-StorageContainer "MyContainer*"
Gets all exports within the subscription scope for a container matching wildcard pattern and using a specific API version.
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