Upgrading FinOps hubs

This article helps you upgrade an existing FinOps hub instance to the latest version to use new capabilities.

Upgrading a FinOps hub instance is usually the same as the initial setup. However, depending on what version you're moving from or to, you might have specific steps that are needed. Use the following sections to move from one version to another. If you have any questions, start a discussion.

Before you begin

Before you upgrade, make sure you know what version you're currently running. You can find the version in the storage account:

  1. Open the storage account in the Azure portal.
    • You can navigate from the resource group or the list of storage accounts.
    • If you use the list of storage accounts, add a tag filter for cm-resource-parent contains Microsoft.Cloud/hubs to see all hub storage accounts.
  2. Open Storage browser > Blob containers > config
  3. Find the settings.json row and select the menu on the right side of the page, then View/edit.
  4. Look for the version property.

Upgrading 0.0.1

FinOps hubs 0.0.1 was the initial release and was intentionally scoped down in capabilities to get something out that we could start to collect feedback on. This release was intended for supporting amortized cost only but it didn't make any assumptions about the data, which means you could connect it to any export type or account type. Power BI reports in 0.0.1 only worked with Enterprise Agreement (EA) accounts. Refer to the following subsections if you have another account type.

Use the following sections to determine the best steps to upgrade your hub instance.

MOSA and Microsoft internal subscriptions for 0.0.1

Microsoft Online Services Agreement (MOSA, also called pay-as-you-go) and Microsoft internal subscriptions aren't supported in FinOps hubs 0.2 or later. You can use Power BI reports from the 0.1.1 release or the FinOps toolkit PowerShell module 0.1.1, but there's no need to upgrade your hub instance. Changes were internal or only apply to initial onboarding. Contact support about transitioning to a Microsoft Customer Agreement account.

Install PowerShell

EA and MCA accounts for 0.0.1

If you have an Enterprise Agreement (EA) or Microsoft Customer Agreement (MCA) account, upgrade to 0.2 which uses the new FOCUS cost data format and covers both billed (actual) and amortized costs with 30% less data size (and storage costs). It's the baseline for all future updates.

See 0.2 upgrade instructions   View changes

Upgrading 0.1.x

FinOps hubs received small internal updates in 0.1 and 0.1.1.

Use the following sections to determine the best steps to upgrade your hub instance.

MOSA and Microsoft internal subscriptions for 0.1.x

Microsoft Online Services Agreement (MOSA, also called pay-as-you-go) and Microsoft internal subscriptions aren't supported in FinOps hubs 0.2 or later. You can use Power BI reports from the 0.1.1 release or the FinOps toolkit PowerShell module 0.1.1, but there's no need to upgrade your hub instance. Contact support about transitioning to a Microsoft Customer Agreement account.

Install PowerShell

EA and MCA accounts for 0.1.x

FinOps hubs 0.2 and later use the FOCUS cost data format which covers both billed (actual) and amortized costs. FOCUS allows viewing EA and MCA data together and is 30% smaller than actual + amortized datasets combined, which reduces your (storage costs). For more information, see FOCUS benefits.


Cost Management has a limitation with the new exports that limits them to the last 13 months. If you need data older than 13 months, contact support to request support for historical data. The following details are based on this current limitation (as of January 2024).

Before you upgrade, consider the following questions:

  1. How much data do you have in your hub instance?
    • If you have less than 13 months of data, we recommend you delete the data and re-export it using the FOCUS dataset.
    • If you have more than 13 months of data, you can keep the data in your storage account, but the new Power BI reports don't recognize it. You can continue to use the current Power BI reports.
  2. Did you modify the Power BI reports?
    • If you modified the reports, you need to reapply your changes to the new reports. For more information, see How to update existing reports to FOCUS.
    • If you need your customized reports to continue to run while you upgrade, deploy a second instance of FinOps hubs using a different storage account to avoid data processing errors.

Based on the preceding considerations, use the following steps to upgrade your hub instance from 0.1.x to 0.3:

  1. Delete any amortized cost exports pointing to your hub instance.
  2. If desired, delete the historical amortized cost data to keep storage costs down.
  3. Deploy FinOps hubs 0.3 and create new FOCUS exports using the Create a new hub instructions.
  4. Backfill historical data using the FOCUS export.

View changes

Upgrading 0.2

Upgrading FinOps hubs 0.2 to 0.3 is as simple as redeploying the template and optionally update to the 0.3 Power BI reports. There are no breaking changes, so Power BI reports from 0.2 should work with 0.3 and vice-versa.

View changes

Upgrading 0.3

Upgrading FinOps hubs 0.3 to 0.4 is as simple as redeploying the template and optionally update to the 0.4 Power BI reports. There are no breaking changes, so Power BI reports from 0.3 should work with 0.4 and vice-versa.

FinOps hubs 0.4 aligns with FOCUS 1.0, so note the changes to the following columns:

  • ChargeCategory is Purchase for refunds instead of Adjustment.
  • ChargeClass (new) is Correction for refunds.
  • CommitmentDiscountStatus (new) replaces ChargeSubcategory for commitment discount usage.
  • RegionId and RegionName replaced Region.

Reports work with both FOCUS 1.0 and FOCUS 1.0 preview exports, so there's no need to change exports in order to use the new reports. The reports themselves update the schema to meet FOCUS 1.0 requirements.

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Upgrading 0.4

Upgrading FinOps hubs 0.4 to 0.5 is as simple as redeploying the template and optionally update to the 0.5 Power BI reports. There are no breaking changes in FinOps hubs, so Power BI reports from 0.4 should work with 0.5 and vice-versa. There are however changes in Power BI reports that must be accounted for if updating to 0.5 reports.

FinOps toolkit 0.5 reports replaced the Cost Management connector with reservation recommendation exports. When you update to 0.5 reports, you need to create new reservation recommendation exports in Cost Management. Then, configure 0.5 reports with a Hub Storage URL pointing to the traditional FinOps hub URL. And, configure the 0.5 reports with a separate Export Storage URL that points to where reservation recommendations were exported.

If you exported reservation recommendations to the msexports container of your hub storage account, use that. If you chose not to export reservation recommendations, set the Export Storage URL to the same FinOps hub URL. If you leave one of the URLs empty, the report doesn't refresh in the Power BI service and you get a "dynamic query" error. Placing the same URL in both parameters should work around this limitation.

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Upgrading 0.5

Upgrading FinOps hubs 0.5 to 0.6 involves redeploying the template, removing the previously ingested data for the current month, and updating Power BI reports. FinOps hubs 0.6 changed the folder paths for data stored in the ingestion container, which means older Power BI reports don't work with data exported with FinOps hubs 0.6. Conversely, 0.6 Power BI reports do work with older FinOps hubs versions, so previously exported data works without re-exporting it. The only caveat is that, you must delete the current month's data from the old path in the ingestion container to avoid it being double-counted.


If you re-export historical data in 0.6 that was previously exported in an earlier release, older data is not removed. Delete the older data in the ingestion container to avoid inaccurate numbers due to duplicated data. FinOps hubs 0.6 moves all content into a folder based on the dataset type: focuscost, pricesheet, reservationdetails, reservationrecommendations, or reservationtransactions. Any other folders can be safely removed. Once removed, run historical data backfill as needed.

View changes

Upgrading 0.6

Upgrading FinOps hubs 0.6 to 0.7 involves redeploying the template, removing the previously ingested data for the current month, and updating Power BI reports. FinOps hubs 0.7 changed the folder paths for data stored in the ingestion container, which means older Power BI reports don't work with data exported with FinOps hubs 0.7. Conversely, 0.7 Power BI reports do work with older FinOps hubs versions, so previously exported data works without re-exporting it. The only caveat is that, you must delete the current month's data from the old path in the ingestion container to avoid it being double-counted.

If you enable Azure Data Explorer, you need to reingest historical data to add it to Data Explorer. This ingestion requirement also applies to data brought in from other systems or clouds.


If you re-export historical data in 0.7 that was previously exported in an earlier release, older data is not removed. Delete the older data in the ingestion container to avoid inaccurate numbers due to duplicated data. FinOps hubs 0.7 moves all content into a folder based on the dataset type: CommitmentDiscountUsage, Costs, Prices, Recommendations, or Transactions. Any other folders can be safely removed. Once removed, run historical data backfill as needed.

View changes

Upgrading 0.7

To upgrade FinOps hubs 0.7 to 0.8:

  1. Redeploy the template.
  2. Update Power BI reports.
  3. If using Data Explorer, replace use of parse_resourceid(ResourceId).ResourceType with resource_type(x_ResourceType).SingularDisplayName.
    • The ResourceType property in parse_resourceid(ResourceId) is deprecated in 0.8 and will be removed in 0.9 or later.

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