FOCUS conformance full report

This document provides a detailed list of all FOCUS 1.0 requirements and indicates the level of support provided by the Microsoft Cost Management FOCUS dataset. To learn more about FOCUS, refer to the FOCUS overview.

How conformance is measured

FOCUS requirements fall into four groups:

  • MUST requirements are mandatory for all data providers.
  • SHOULD requirements are strong recommendations.
  • RECOMMENDED requirements are suggested best practices.
  • MAY requirements are optional and used to prepare FinOps practitioners for edge cases.

While there's no official measurement for FOCUS conformance, we calculate a conformance score of 96%, which accounts for all fully and partially supported requirements. The following table summarizes requirements by level of support.

Type Supported Partial support Not supported Not applicable
MUST 238 13 2 10
SHOULD 22 3 1 1
MAY 22 0 0 1
Summary 93.1% 5.6% 1.3%

How this document is organized

The following sections list each FOCUS requirement, the level of support in the Microsoft Cost Management FOCUS 1.0 dataset, and any relevant notes. For a high-level summary of the gaps, refer to the FOCUS conformance summary. Requirement IDs are for reference purposes only. IDs aren't defined as part of FOCUS.

The rest of this document lists the FOCUS requirements grouped by attribute and column. Columns define the specific data elements in the dataset and attributes define how columns and rows should behave. High-level descriptions and a link to the original requirements document are included at the top of each section.


Column naming and ordering

Source: attributes/

ID Type Criteria Status Notes
CNO1 MUST All columns defined by FOCUS MUST follow the following rules: Supports
CNO1.1 MUST Column IDs MUST use Pascal case. Supports
CNO1.2 MUST Column IDs MUST NOT use abbreviations. Supports
CNO1.3 MUST Column IDs MUST be alphanumeric with no special characters. Supports
CNO1.4 MUST Columns that have an ID and a Name MUST have the Id or Name suffix in the Column ID. Supports
CNO1.5 MAY Display Name for a Column MAY avoid the Name suffix if there are no other columns with the same name prefix. Supports
CNO1.6 SHOULD Column IDs SHOULD NOT use acronyms. Supports
CNO1.7 SHOULD Column IDs SHOULD NOT exceed 50 characters to accommodate column length restrictions of various data repositories. Supports
CNO2 MUST All custom columns MUST be prefixed with a consistent x_ prefix to identify them as external, custom columns and distinguish them from FOCUS columns to avoid conflicts in future releases. Partially Supports BillingAccountType and SubAccountType were unintentionally introduced in Microsoft's FOCUS 1.0 preview dataset version without the x_ prefix. Both columns are documented in a pending FOCUS pull request. Non-prefixed column names are maintained for backwards compatibility until an official determination is made about them.
CNO3.1 MUST Columns that have an ID and a Name MUST have the Id or Name suffix in the Column ID. Supports
CNO3.2 MAY Display Name for a Column MAY avoid the Name suffix if it is considered superfluous. Supports We don't recommend this practice as it introduces confusion when column IDs and display names don't match.
CNO4 MUST Columns with the Category suffix MUST be normalized. Supports
CNO5 SHOULD Custom (for example, provider-defined) columns SHOULD follow the same rules listed above for FOCUS columns. Supports
CNO6 SHOULD All FOCUS columns SHOULD be first in the provided dataset. Supports
CNO7 SHOULD Custom columns SHOULD be listed after all FOCUS columns and SHOULD NOT be intermixed. Supports
CNO8.1 MAY Columns MAY be sorted alphabetically... Supports Columns are sorted alphabetically for ease of use.
CNO8.2 SHOULD ...custom columns SHOULD be after all FOCUS columns. Supports Columns are sorted alphabetically for ease of use.

Currency code format

Source: attributes/

ID Type Criteria Status Notes
CCF1 MUST All columns capturing a currency value, defined in the FOCUS specification, MUST follow the requirements listed below. Supports
CCF2 SHOULD Custom currency-related columns SHOULD also follow the same formatting requirements. Supports
CCF3 MUST Currency-related columns MUST be represented as a three-letter alphabetic code as dictated in the governing document ISO 4217:2015. Supports

Date/time format

Source: attributes/

ID Type Criteria Status Notes
DTF1 MUST All columns capturing a date/time value, defined in the FOCUS specification, MUST follow the formatting requirements listed below. Supports
DTF2 SHOULD Custom date/time-related columns SHOULD also follow the same formatting requirements. Supports
DTF3 MUST Date/time values MUST be in UTC (Coordinated Universal Time) to avoid ambiguity and ensure consistency across different time zones. Supports
DTF4 MUST Date/time values format MUST be aligned with ISO 8601 standard, which provides a globally recognized format for representing dates and times (see ISO 8601-1:2019 governing document for details). Supports
DTF5 MUST Values providing information about a specific moment in time MUST be represented in the extended ISO 8601 format with UTC offset ('YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ssZ') and conform to the following guidelines: Include the date and time components, separated with the letter 'T'; Use two-digit hours (HH), minutes (mm), and seconds (ss); End with the 'Z' indicator to denote UTC (Coordinated Universal Time). Partially Supports Date columns all follow the ISO 8601 standard, but don't include seconds (for example, "2024-01-01T00:00Z").

Discount handling

Source: attributes/

ID Type Criteria Status Notes
DH1 SHOULD All applicable discounts SHOULD be applied to each row they pertain to and SHOULD NOT be negated in a separate row. Supports
DH2 MUST All discounts applied to a row MUST apply to the entire charge. Supports
DH2.1 MAY Multiple discounts MAY apply to a row... Supports
DH2.2 MUST Multiple discounts [applied to a row]... MUST apply to the entire charge covered by that row. Supports
DH2.3 MUST If a discount only applies to a portion of a charge, then the discounted portion of the charge MUST be split into a separate row. Supports
DH2.4 MUST Each discount MUST be identifiable using existing FOCUS columns. Supports CommitmentDiscountId is the only FOCUS column that identifies discounts.
DH2.4.1 MUST Rows with a commitment-based discount applied to them MUST include a CommitmentDiscountId. Supports
DH2.4.2 SHOULD If a provider applies a discount that cannot be represented by a FOCUS column, they SHOULD include additional columns to identify the source of the discount. Partial Support Negotiated discounts can be identified by comparing ListCost and ContractedCost.
DH3.1 MUST Purchased discounts (for example, commitment-based discounts) MUST be amortized. Supports
DH3.2 MUST The BilledCost MUST be 0 for any row where the commitment covers the entire cost for the charge period. Supports
DH3.3 MUST The EffectiveCost MUST include the portion of the amortized purchase cost that applies to this row. Supports
DH3.4 MUST The sum of the EffectiveCost for all rows where CommitmentDiscountStatus is "Used" or "Unused" for each CommitmentDiscountId over the entire duration of the commitment MUST be the same as the total BilledCost of the commitment-based discount. Supports
DH3.5 MUST The CommitmentDiscountId and ResourceId MUST be set to the ID assigned to the commitment-based discount. Supports To facilitate splitting commitment discounts, commitment discount purchases and refunds use the commitment discount order while commitment discount usage uses the instance within the order. Use x_SkuOrderId to identify the commitment discount order ID for usage charges.
DH3.6 MUST ChargeCategory MUST be set to "Purchase" on rows that represent a purchase of a commitment-based discount. Supports
DH3.7 MUST CommitmentDiscountStatus MUST be "Used" for ChargeCategory "Usage" rows that received a reduced price from a commitment. Supports
DH3.8 MUST CommitmentDiscountId MUST be set to the ID assigned to the discount [for commitment discount usage]. Supports
DH3.9 MUST ResourceId MUST be set to the ID of the resource that received the discount [for commitment discount usage]. Supports
DH3.10 MUST If a commitment is not fully utilized, the provider MUST include a row that represents the unused portion of the commitment for that charge period. Supports
DH3.11 MUST These rows MUST be represented with CommitmentDiscountStatus set to "Unused" and ChargeCategory set to "Usage". Supports
DH3.12 MUST Such rows MUST have their CommitmentDiscountId and ResourceId set to the ID assigned to the commitment-based discount. Partially Supports CommitmentDiscountId logically matches ResourceId, but they differ in case.
DH4 MUST Credits that are applied after the fact MUST use a ChargeCategory of "Credit". Not Applicable Credits aren't included in any Cost Management cost and usage dataset.

Key value format

Source: attributes/

ID Type Criteria Status Notes
KVF1 MUST Key-Value Format columns MUST contain a serialized JSON string, consistent with the ECMA 404 definition of an object. Supports
KVF2 MUST Keys in a key-value pair MUST be unique within an object. Supports
KVF3 MUST Values in a key-value pair MUST be one of the following types: number, string, true, false, or null. Supports
KVF4 MUST Values in a key-value pair MUST NOT be an object or an array. Supports

Null handling

Source: attributes/

ID Type Criteria Status Notes
NH1 SHOULD Custom columns SHOULD also follow the same formatting requirements. Partially Supports The following columns may be "-2" when there's no value: SkuPriceId, x_AccountId, x_InvoiceSectionId. The following columns may be "Unassigned" when there's no value: SubAccountName, x_AccountName, x_AccountOwnerId, x_InvoiceSectionName, x_PricingUnitDescription. The following columns may be 0 when a value isn't available: ContractedCost, ContractedUnitPrice, ListCost, ListUnitPrice.
NH2 MUST Columns MUST use NULL when there isn't a value that can be specified for a nullable column. Partially Supports (See previous notes)
NH3 MUST Columns MUST NOT use empty strings or placeholder values such as 0 for numeric columns or "Not Applicable" for string columns to represent a null or not having a value, regardless of whether the column allows nulls or not. Partially Supports (See previous notes)

Numeric format

Source: attributes/

ID Type Criteria Status Notes
NF1 SHOULD Custom numeric value capturing columns SHOULD adopt the same format requirements over time. Supports
NF2 MUST Columns with a Numeric value format MUST contain a single numeric value. Supports
NF3 MUST Numeric values MUST be expressed as an integer value, a decimal value, or a value expressed in scientific notation. Supports
NF4 MUST Fractional notation MUST NOT be used. Supports
NF5 MUST Numeric values expressed using scientific notation MUST be expressed using E notation "mEn" with a real number m and an integer n indicating a value of "m x 10^n". Supports
NF6 MUST The sign of the exponent MUST only be expressed as part of the exponent value if n is negative. Supports
NF7 MUST Numeric values MUST NOT be expressed with mathematical symbols, functions, or operators. Supports
NF8 MUST Numeric values MUST NOT contain qualifiers or additional characters (for example, currency symbols, units of measure, etc.). Supports
NF9 MUST Numeric values MUST NOT contain commas or punctuation marks except for a single decimal point (".") if required to express a decimal value. Supports
NF10 MUST Numeric values MUST NOT include a character to represent a sign for a positive value. Supports
NF11 MUST A negative sign (-) MUST indicate a negative value. Supports
NF12 MUST Columns with a Numeric value format MUST present one of the following values as the "Data type" in the column definition: Integer, Decimal. Supports
NF13 SHOULD Providers SHOULD define precision and scale for Numeric Format columns using one of the following precision values in a data definition document that providers publish: Integers Short, Long, Extended; Decimal Single, Double, Extended. Supports

String handling

Source: attributes/

ID Type Criteria Status Notes
SH1 SHOULD Custom string value capturing columns SHOULD adopt the same requirements over time. Supports
SH2 MUST String values MUST maintain the original casing, spacing, and other relevant consistency factors as specified by providers and end-users. Partially Supports ResourceName may be changed to lower or upper case by the resource provider. If you see this, file a support request on the service team responsible for the SKU/meter. ResourceId is lowercased to meet FOCUS requirements.
SH3.1 MUST Charges to mutable entities (for example, resource names) MUST be accurately reflected in corresponding charges incurred after the change... Supports
SH3.2 MUST Charges to mutable entities... MUST NOT alter charges incurred before the change, preserving data integrity and auditability for all charge records. Supports
SH4 MUST Immutable string values that refer to the same entity (for example, resource identifiers, region identifiers, etc.) MUST remain consistent and unchanged across all billing periods. Supports
SH5 SHOULD Empty strings and strings consisting solely of spaces SHOULD NOT be used in not-nullable string columns. Supports
SH6 MAY When a record is provided after a change to a mutable string value and the ChargeClass is "Correction", the record MAY contain the altered value. Supports

Unit format

Source: attributes/

ID Type Criteria Status Notes
UF1 SHOULD Units SHOULD be expressed as a single unit of measure adhering to one of the following three formats: <plural-units>, <singular-unit>-<plural-time-units>, <plural-units>/<singular-time-unit>. Supports While valid based on rule UF2, the following units are exceptions to this rule: Units/10 Days, Units/3 Months, Units/6 Months.
UF2.1 MAY Units MAY be expressed with a unit quantity (<quantity> <plural-units>) or time interval (<plural-units>/<interval> <plural-time-units>). Supports See UF1.
UF2.2 MUST If a unit quantity or time interval is used, the unit quantity or time interval MUST be expressed as a whole number. Supports
UF3 MUST Unit values and components of columns using the Unit Format MUST use a capitalization scheme that is consistent with the capitalization scheme used in this attribute if that term is listed in this section. Supports
UF4 SHOULD Units SHOULD be composed of the list of recommended units listed in this section unless the unit value covers a dimension not listed in the recommended unit set, or if the unit covers a count-based unit distinct from recommended values in the count dimension listed in this section. Supports
UF5.1 MUST Data size unit names MUST be abbreviated using one of the abbreviations in the following table. Supports
UF5.2 MUST Values that exceed 10^18 MUST use the abbreviation for exabit, exabyte, exbibit, and exbibyte... Supports
UF5.3 MUST ...values smaller than a byte MUST use the abbreviation for bit or byte. Supports
UF6 MAY If the following list of recommended values does not cover a count-based unit, a provider MAY introduce a new noun representing a count-based unit. Supports All supported unit values are documented in the Pricing units dataset in the FinOps toolkit.
UF7 MUST All nouns appearing in units that are not listed in the recommended values table will be considered count-based units. A new count-based unit value MUST be capitalized. Supports
UF8 MUST Time-based units can be used to measure consumption over a time interval or in combination with another unit to capture a rate of consumption. Time-based units MUST match one of the values listed in the following table: Year, Month, Day, Hour, Minute, Second. Supports
UF9 MUST If the unit value is a composite value made from combinations of one or more units, each component MUST also align with the set of recommended values. Supports
UF10.1 MUST Instead of "per" or "-" to denote a Composite Unit, slash ("/") and space(" ") MUST be used as a common convention. Supports
UF10.2 SHOULD Count-based units like requests, instances, and tokens SHOULD be expressed using a value listed in the count dimension. Supports
UF10.3 SHOULD For example, if a usage unit is measured as a rate of requests or instances over a period of time, the unit SHOULD be listed as "Requests/Day" to signify the number of requests per day. Supports


Availability zone

Source: columns/

ID Type Criteria Status Notes
AZ0 Description A provider-assigned identifier for a physically separated and isolated area within a Region that provides high availability and fault tolerance. Supports Microsoft supports the availability zone concept but does not include it in Cost Management cost and usage dataset.
AZ1 RECOMMENDED The AvailabilityZone column is RECOMMENDED to be present in the billing data when the provider supports deploying resources or services within an availability zone. Does Not Support Availability zones aren't available in any Cost Management cost and usage dataset.
AZ2.1 MUST [AvailabilityZone] MUST be of type String... Not Applicable
AZ2.2 MAY [AvailabilityZone]... MAY contain null values when a charge is not specific to an availability zone. Not Applicable

Billed cost

Source: columns/

ID Type Criteria Status Notes
BCo0 Description A charge serving as the basis for invoicing, inclusive of all reduced rates and discounts while excluding the amortization of upfront charges (one-time or recurring). Supports
BCo1.1 MUST The BilledCost column MUST be present in the billing data... Supports
BCo1.2 MUST The BilledCost column... MUST NOT be null. Supports
BCo2.1 MUST [BilledCost] MUST be of type Decimal... Supports
BCo2.2 MUST [BilledCost]... MUST conform to Numeric Format... Supports
BCo2.3 MUST [BilledCost]... [MUST] be denominated in the BillingCurrency. Supports
BCo2.4 MUST The sum of the BilledCost for rows in a given billing period MUST match the sum of the invoices received for that billing period for a billing account. Supports

Billing account ID

Source: columns/

ID Type Criteria Status Notes
BAI0 Description The identifier assigned to a billing account by the provider. Supports FOCUS billing account represents the scope at which invoices are generated, which is an Enterprise Agreement billing account (also known as enrollment) or a Microsoft Customer Agreement billing profile.
BAI1 MUST The BillingAccountId column MUST be present in the billing data. Supports
BAI2 MUST [BillingAccountId] MUST be of type String... Supports
BAI3 MUST [BillingAccountId]... MUST NOT contain null values. Supports
BAI4 MUST BillingAccountId MUST be a globally unique identifier within a provider. Supports BillingAccountId uses the fully-qualified Azure Resource Manager ID and not the simple enrollment number or billing profile ID for consistency and to ensure the scope being identified is obvious and programmatically accessible via this identifier.

Billing account name

Source: columns/

ID Type Criteria Status Notes
BAN0 Description The display name assigned to a billing account. Supports FOCUS billing account represents the scope at which invoices are generated, which is an Enterprise Agreement billing account (also known as enrollment) or a Microsoft Customer Agreement billing profile.
BAN1.1 MUST The BillingAccountName column MUST be present in the billing data... Supports
BAN1.2 MUST The BillingAccountName column... MUST NOT be null when the provider supports assigning a display name for the billing account. Supports
BAN2 MUST [BillingAccountName] MUST be of type String. Supports
BAN3 MUST BillingAccountName MUST be unique within a customer when a customer has more than one billing account. Does Not Support Billing account owners control the BillingAccountName. Microsoft does not change this value, even if they choose to use the same name as another billing account.

Billing currency

Source: columns/

ID Type Criteria Status Notes
BCu0 Description Represents the currency that a charge was billed in. Supports
BCu1 MUST The BillingCurrency column MUST be present in the billing data. Supports
BCu2 MUST BillingCurrency MUST match the currency used in the invoice generated by the invoice issuer. Supports
BCu3.1 MUST [BillingCurrency] MUST be of type String... Supports
BCu3.2 MUST [BillingCurrency]... MUST NOT contain null values. Supports
BCu5 MUST BillingCurrency MUST conform to Currency Code Format requirements. Supports

Billing period end

Source: columns/

ID Type Criteria Status Notes
BPE0 Description The exclusive end date and time of a billing period. Supports
BPE1 MUST The BillingPeriodEnd column MUST be present in the billing data. Supports
BPE2.1 MUST [BillingPeriodEnd] MUST be of type Date/Time Format... Supports
BPE2.2 MUST [BillingPeriodEnd]... MUST be an exclusive value... Supports
BPE2.3 MUST [BillingPeriodEnd]... MUST NOT contain null values. Supports
BPE3 MUST The sum of the BilledCost column for rows in a given billing period MUST match the sum of the invoices received for that billing period for a billing account. Supports

Billing period start

Source: columns/

ID Type Criteria Status Notes
BPS0 Description The inclusive start date and time of a billing period. Supports
BPS1.1 MUST The BillingPeriodStart column MUST be present in the billing data... Supports
BPS1.2 MUST The BillingPeriodStart column... MUST be of type Date/Time Format... Supports
BPS1.3 MUST The BillingPeriodStart column... MUST be an inclusive value... Supports
BPS1.4 MUST The BillingPeriodStart column... MUST NOT contain null values. Supports
BPS2 MUST The sum of the BilledCost metric for rows in a given billing period MUST match the sum of the invoices received for that billing period for a billing account. Supports

Charge category

Source: columns/

ID Type Criteria Status Notes
ChCt0 Description Represents the highest-level classification of a charge based on the nature of how it is billed. Supports
ChCt1.1 MUST The ChargeCategory column MUST be present in the billing data... Supports
ChCt1.2 MUST The ChargeCategory column... MUST NOT be null. Supports
ChCt2 MUST [ChargeCategory] is of type String and MUST be one of the allowed values. Supports

Charge class

Source: columns/

ID Type Criteria Status Notes
ChCl0 Description Indicates whether the row represents a correction to one or more charges invoiced in a previous billing period. Supports
ChCl1 MUST The ChargeClass column MUST be present in the billing data. Supports
ChCl2.1 MUST [ChargeClass] MUST be of type String... Supports
ChCl2.2 MUST [ChargeClass]... MUST be "Correction" when the row represents a correction to one or more charges invoiced in a previous billing period. Supports
ChCl3 MUST ChargeClass MUST be null when it is not a correction or when it is a correction within the current billing period. Supports

Charge description

Source: columns/

ID Type Criteria Status Notes
CD0 Description Self-contained summary of the charge's purpose and price. Supports
CD1 MUST The ChargeDescription column MUST be present in the billing data... Supports
CD2 MUST The ChargeDescription column... MUST be of type String... Supports
CD3 SHOULD The ChargeDescription column... SHOULD NOT be null. Partially Supports ChargeDescription may be null for savings plan unused charges, Marketplace charges, and other charges that aren't directly associated with a product SKU.
CD4 SHOULD Providers SHOULD specify the length of [ChargeDescription] in their publicly available documentation. Does Not Support

Charge frequency

Source: columns/

ID Type Criteria Status Notes
CF0 Description Indicates how often a charge will occur. Supports
CF1.1 RECOMMENDED The ChargeFrequency column is RECOMMENDED be present in the billing data... Supports
CF1.2 MUST The ChargeFrequency column... MUST NOT be null. Supports
CF2 MUST [ChargeFrequency] is of type String and MUST be one of the allowed values. Supports
CF3 MUST When ChargeCategory is "Purchase", ChargeFrequency MUST NOT be "Usage-Based". Supports

Charge period end

Source: columns/

ID Type Criteria Status Notes
CPE0 Description The exclusive end date and time of a charge period. Supports
CPE1.1 MUST ChargePeriodEnd MUST be present in the billing data... Supports
CPE1.2 MUST ChargePeriodEnd... MUST be of type Date/Time... Supports
CPE1.3 MUST ChargePeriodEnd... MUST be an exclusive value... Supports
CPE1.4 MUST ChargePeriodEnd... MUST NOT contain null values. Supports
CPE2 MUST ChargePeriodEnd MUST match the ending date and time boundary of the effective period of the charge. Supports

Charge period start

Source: columns/

ID Type Criteria Status Notes
CPS0 Description The inclusive start date and time within a charge period. Supports
CPS1.1 MUST ChargePeriodStart MUST be present in the billing data... Supports
CPS1.2 MUST ChargePeriodStart... MUST be of type Date/Time... Supports
CPS1.3 MUST ChargePeriodStart... MUST be an inclusive value... Supports
CPS1.4 MUST ChargePeriodStart... MUST NOT contain null values. Supports
CPS2 MUST ChargePeriodStart MUST match the beginning date and time boundary of the effective period of the charge. Supports

Commitment discount category

Source: columns/

ID Type Criteria Status Notes
CDC0 Description Indicates whether the commitment-based discount identified in the CommitmentDiscountId column is based on usage quantity or cost (also known as "spend"). Supports
CDC1 MUST The CommitmentDiscountCategory column MUST be present in the billing data when the provider supports commitment-based discounts. Supports
CDC2.1 MUST [CommitmentDiscountCategory] MUST be of type String... Supports
CDC2.2 MUST [CommitmentDiscountCategory]... MUST be null when CommitmentDiscountId is null... Supports
CDC2.3 MUST [CommitmentDiscountCategory]... MUST NOT be null when CommitmentDiscountId is not null. Supports
CDC3 MUST The CommitmentDiscountCategory MUST be one of the allowed values. Supports

Commitment discount ID

Source: columns/

ID Type Criteria Status Notes
CDI0 Description The identifier assigned to a commitment-based discount by the provider. Supports
CDI1 MUST The CommitmentDiscountId column MUST be present in the billing data when the provider supports commitment-based discounts. Supports
CDI2.1 MUST [CommitmentDiscountId] MUST be of type String... Supports
CDI2.2 MUST [CommitmentDiscountId]... MUST NOT contain null values when a charge is related to a commitment-based discount. Supports
CDI3 MUST When a charge is not associated with a commitment-based discount, the column MUST be null. Supports
CDI4 MUST CommitmentDiscountId MUST be unique within the provider. Supports

Commitment discount name

Source: columns/

ID Type Criteria Status Notes
CDN0 Description The display name assigned to a commitment-based discount. Supports
CDN1 MUST The CommitmentDiscountName column MUST be present in the billing data when the provider supports commitment-based discounts. Supports
CDN2 MUST [CommitmentDiscountName] MUST be of type String. Supports
CDN3.1 MUST The CommitmentDiscountName value MUST be null if the charge is not related to a commitment-based discount... Supports
CDN3.2 MAY The CommitmentDiscountName value... MAY be null if a display name cannot be assigned to a commitment-based discount. Supports
CDN4 MUST CommitmentDiscountName MUST NOT be null if a display name can be assigned to a commitment-based discount. Supports

Commitment discount status

Source: columns/

ID Type Criteria Status Notes
CDS0 Description Indicates whether the charge corresponds with the consumption of a commitment-based discount or the unused portion of the committed amount. Supports
CDS1 MUST The CommitmentDiscountStatus column MUST be present in the billing data when the provider supports commitment-based discounts. Supports
CDS2 MUST [CommitmentDiscountStatus] MUST be of type String... Supports
CDS3.1 MUST [CommitmentDiscountStatus]... MUST be null when CommitmentDiscountId is null... Supports
CDS3.2 MUST [CommitmentDiscountStatus]... MUST NOT be null when CommitmentDiscountId is not null and Charge Category is "Usage". Supports
CDS4 MUST The CommitmentDiscountCategory MUST be one of the allowed values. Supports

Commitment discount type

Source: columns/

ID Type Criteria Status Notes
CDT0 Description A provider-assigned identifier for the type of commitment-based discount applied to the row. Supports
CDT1 MUST The CommitmentDiscountType column MUST be present in the billing data when the provider supports commitment-based discounts. Supports
CDT2.1 MUST [CommitmentDiscountType] MUST be of type String... Supports
CDT2.2 MUST [CommitmentDiscountType]... MUST be null when CommitmentDiscountId is null... Supports
CDT2.3 MUST [CommitmentDiscountType]... MUST NOT be null when CommitmentDiscountId is not null. Supports

Consumed quantity

Source: columns/

ID Type Criteria Status Notes
CQ0 Description The volume of a given SKU associated with a resource or service used, based on the Consumed Unit. Supports
CQ1 MUST ConsumedQuantity column MUST be present in the billing data when the provider supports the measurement of usage. Supports
CQ2 MUST [ConsumedQuantity] MUST NOT be null if ChargeCategory is "Usage" and ChargeClass is not "Correction". Supports
CQ3 MUST [ConsumedQuantity] MUST be null for other ChargeCategory values. Supports
CQ4.1 MUST [ConsumedQuantity] MUST be of type Decimal... Supports
CQ4.2 MUST [ConsumedQuantity]... MUST conform to Numeric Format requirements. Supports
CQ5 MAY The value MAY be negative in cases where ChargeClass is "Correction". Supports

Consumed unit

Source: columns/

ID Type Criteria Status Notes
CU0 Description Provider-specified measurement unit indicating how a provider measures usage of a given SKU associated with a resource or service. Supports
CU1 MUST The ConsumedUnit column MUST be present in the billing data when the provider supports the measurement of usage. Supports
CU2 MUST [ConsumedUnit] MUST be of type String. Supports
CU3 MUST ConsumedUnit MUST NOT be null if ChargeCategory is "Usage" and ChargeClass is not "Correction". Supports
CU4 MUST [ConsumedUnit] MUST be null for other ChargeCategory values. Supports
CU5 SHOULD Units of measure used in ConsumedUnit SHOULD adhere to the values and format requirements specified in the UnitFormat attribute. Supports
CU6 MUST The ConsumedUnit column MUST NOT be used to determine values related to any pricing or cost metrics. Supports

Contracted cost

Source: columns/

ID Type Criteria Status Notes
CnC0 Description Cost calculated by multiplying contracted unit price and the corresponding Pricing Quantity. Supports
CnC1.1 MUST The ContractedCost column MUST be present in the billing data... Supports
CnC1.2 MUST The ContractedCost column... MUST NOT be null. Partially Supports ContractedCost is never null, but may be 0 for: EA Marketplace charges, EA reservation usage when cost allocation is enabled, MCA reservation usage.
CnC2.1 MUST [ContractedCost] MUST be of type Decimal... Supports
CnC2.2 MUST [ContractedCost]... MUST conform to Numeric Format requirements... Supports
CnC2.3 MUST [ContractedCost]... [MUST] be denominated in the BillingCurrency. Supports
CnC3 MUST When ContractedUnitPrice is present and not null, multiplying the ContractedUnitPrice by PricingQuantity MUST produce the ContractedCost, except in cases of ChargeClass "Correction", which may address PricingQuantity or any cost discrepancies independently. Supports ContractedCost may be off by less than 0.0000000001 due to rounding errors.
CnC4 MUST The ContractedCost of a charge calculated based on other charges (for example, when the ChargeCategory is "Tax") MUST be calculated based on the ContractedCost of those related charges. Supports
CnC5 MUST The ContractedCost of a charge unrelated to other charges (for example, when the ChargeCategory is "Credit") MUST match the BilledCost. Supports ContractedCost may be off by less than 0.00001 due to rounding errors.

Contracted unit price

Source: columns/

ID Type Criteria Status Notes
CnUP0 Description The agreed-upon unit price for a single Pricing Unit of the associated SKU, inclusive of negotiated discounts, if present, while excluding negotiated commitment-based discounts or any other discounts. Supports
CnUP1 MUST The ContractedUnitPrice column MUST be present in the billing data when the provider supports negotiated pricing concept. Supports
CnUP2.1 MUST [ContractedUnitPrice] MUST be a Decimal within the range of non-negative decimal values... Supports
CnUP2.3 MUST [ContractedUnitPrice]... MUST conform to Numeric Format requirements... Supports
CnUP2.3 MUST [ContractedUnitPrice]... [MUST] be denominated in the BillingCurrency. Supports
CnUP3.1 MUST It MUST NOT be null when ChargeClass is not "Correction" and ChargeCategory is "Usage" or "Purchase"... Partially Supports ContractedUnitPrice is never null, but may be 0 for: EA Marketplace charges, EA reservation usage when cost allocation is enabled, MCA reservation usage.
CnUP3.2 MUST It... MUST be null when ChargeCategory is "Tax"... Not Applicable Taxes aren't included in Cost Management cost and usage dataset.
CnUP3.3 MAY It... MAY be null for all other combinations of ChargeClass and ChargeCategory. Supports
CnUP4 MUST When ContractedUnitPrice is present and not null, multiplying ContractedUnitPrice by PricingQuantity MUST equal ContractedCost, except in cases of ChargeClass "Correction", which may address PricingQuantity or any cost discrepancies independently. Supports ContractedCost may be off by less than 0.00001 due to rounding errors.

Effective cost

Source: columns/

ID Type Criteria Status Notes
EC0 Description The amortized cost of the charge after applying all reduced rates, discounts, and the applicable portion of relevant, prepaid purchases (one-time or recurring) that covered this charge. Supports
EC1.1 MUST The EffectiveCost column MUST be present in the billing data... Supports
EC1.2 MUST The EffectiveCost column... MUST NOT be null. Supports
EC2.1 MUST [EffectiveCost] MUST be of type Decimal... Supports
EC2.2 MUST [EffectiveCost]... MUST conform to Numeric Format requirements... Supports
EC2.3 MUST [EffectiveCost]... [MUST] be denominated in the BillingCurrency. Supports
EC4 MUST EffectiveCost MUST be 0 when ChargeCategory is "Purchase" and the purchase is intended to cover future eligible charges. Supports
EC5 MUST The EffectiveCost MUST be calculated based on the EffectiveCost of the related charges if the charge is calculated based on other charges (e.g. ChargeCategory is "Tax"). Supports
EC6 MUST The EffectiveCost MUST match the BilledCost if the charge is unrelated to other charges (e.g. ChargeCategory is "Credit"). Supports

Invoice issuer name

Source: columns/

ID Type Criteria Status Notes
IIN0 Description The name of the entity responsible for invoicing for the resources or services consumed. Supports For CSP accounts, InvoiceIssuerName is set to the name of the Cloud Solution Provider (CSP) distributor that has a direct relationship with Microsoft and may not represent the organization that directly invoices the end customer. For all other account types, the value is "Microsoft", even if there's an intermediary organization that invoices the end customer.
IIN1 MUST The InvoiceIssuer column MUST be present in the billing data. Supports
IIN2 MUST [InvoiceIssuerName] MUST be of type String... Supports
IIN3 MUST [InvoiceIssuerName]... MUST NOT contain null values. Supports

List cost

Source: columns/

ID Type Criteria Status Notes
LC0 Description Cost calculated by multiplying List Unit Price and the corresponding Pricing Quantity. Supports
LC1.1 MUST The ListCost column MUST be present in the billing data... Supports
LC1.2 MUST The ListCost column... MUST NOT be null. Partially Supports ListCost is never null, but may be 0 for: Marketplace charges and reservation usage.
LC2.1 MUST [ListCost] MUST be of type Decimal... Supports
LC2.2 MUST [ListCost]... MUST conform to Numeric Format requirements. Supports
LC2.3 MUST [ListCost]... [MUST] be denominated in the BillingCurrency. Supports
LC3 MUST When ListUnitPrice is present and not null, multiplying the ListUnitPrice by PricingQuantity MUST produce the ListCost, except in cases of ChargeClass "Correction", which may address PricingQuantity or any cost discrepancies independently. Supports ListCost may be off by less than 0.0000000001 due to rounding errors.
LC4 MUST The ListCost of a charge calculated based on other charges (for example, when the ChargeCategory is "Tax") MUST be calculated based on the ListCost of those related charges. Supports
LC5 MUST The ListCost of a charge unrelated to other charges (for example, when the ChargeCategory is "Credit") MUST match the BilledCost. Supports ListCost may be off by less than 0.0000000001 due to rounding errors.

List unit price

Source: columns/

ID Type Criteria Status Notes
LUP0 Description The suggested provider-published unit price for a single Pricing Unit of the associated SKU, exclusive of any discounts. Supports
LUP1 MUST The ListUnitPrice column MUST be present in the billing data when the provider publishes unit prices exclusive of discounts. Supports
LUP2.1 MUST [ListUnitPrice] MUST be a Decimal within the range of non-negative decimal values... Supports
LUP2.2 MUST [ListUnitPrice]... MUST conform to Numeric Format requirements... Supports
LUP2.3 MUST [ListUnitPrice]... [MUST] be denominated in the BillingCurrency. Supports
LUP3.1 MUST It MUST NOT be null when ChargeClass is not "Correction" and ChargeCategory is "Usage" or "Purchase"... Partially Supports ListUnitPrice is never null, but may be 0 for: Marketplace charges and reservation usage.
LUP3.2 MUST It... MUST be null when ChargeCategory is "Tax"... Not Applicable Tax isn't included in any Cost Management cost and usage dataset.
LUP3.3 MAY It... MAY be null for all other combinations of ChargeClass and ChargeCategory. Supports
LUP4 MUST When ListUnitPrice is present and is not null, multiplying ListUnitPrice by PricingQuantity MUST equal ListCost, except in cases of ChargeClass "Correction", which may address PricingQuantity or any cost discrepancies independently. Supports

Pricing category

Source: columns/

ID Type Criteria Status Notes
PC0 Description Describes the pricing model used for a charge at the time of use or purchase. Supports
PC1.1 MUST PricingCategory MUST be present in the billing data when the provider supports more than one pricing category across all SKUs... Supports
PC1.2 MUST PricingCategory... MUST be of type String. Supports
PC2.1 MUST PricingCategory MUST NOT be null when ChargeClass is not "Correction" and ChargeCategory is "Usage" or "Purchase"... Supports
PC2.2 MUST PricingCategory... MUST be null when ChargeCategory is "Tax"... Not Applicable Taxes aren't included in any Cost Management cost and usage dataset.
PC2.3 MAY PricingCategory... MAY be null for all other combinations of ChargeClass and ChargeCategory. Supports
PC3 MUST PricingCategory MUST be one of the allowed values. Supports
PC4 MUST PricingCategory MUST be "Standard" when pricing is predetermined at the agreed upon rate for the billing account. Supports
PC5 MUST PricingCategory MUST be "Committed" when CommitmentDiscountId is not null. Supports
PC6 MUST PricingCategory MUST be "Dynamic" when pricing is determined by the provider and may change over time, regardless of predetermined agreement pricing. Supports
PC7 MUST PricingCategory MUST be "Other" when there is a pricing model but none of the allowed values apply. Supports

Pricing quantity

Source: columns/

ID Type Criteria Status Notes
PQ0 Description The volume of a given SKU associated with a resource or service used or purchased, based on the Pricing Unit. Supports
PQ1 MUST The PricingQuantity column MUST be present in the billing data. Supports
PQ2.1 MUST [PricingQuantity] MUST be of type Decimal... Supports
PQ2.2 MUST [PricingQuantity]... MUST conform to Numeric Format requirements. Supports
PQ3 MAY The value MAY be negative in cases where ChargeClass is "Correction". Supports
PQ4.1 MUST [PricingQuantity] MUST NOT be null when ChargeClass is not "Correction" and ChargeCategory is "Usage" or "Purchase"... Supports
PQ4.2 MUST [PricingQuantity]... MUST be null when ChargeCategory is "Tax"... Not Applicable Taxes aren't included in any Cost Management cost and usage dataset.
PQ4.3 MAY [PricingQuantity]... and MAY be null for all other combinations of ChargeClass and ChargeCategory. Supports
PQ5 MUST When unit prices are not null, multiplying PricingQuantity by a unit price MUST produce a result equal to the corresponding cost metric, except in cases of ChargeClass "Correction", which may address PricingQuantity or any cost discrepancies independently. Supports

Pricing unit

Source: columns/

ID Type Criteria Status Notes
PU0 Description Provider-specified measurement unit for determining unit prices, indicating how the provider rates measured usage and purchase quantities after applying pricing rules like block pricing. Supports
PU1 MUST The PricingUnit column MUST be present in the billing data. Supports
PU2 MUST [PricingUnit] MUST be of type String. Supports
PU3.1 MUST It MUST NOT be null when ChargeClass is not "Correction" and ChargeCategory is "Usage" or "Purchase"... Supports
PU3.2 MUST It... MUST be null when ChargeCategory is "Tax"... Not Applicable Taxes aren't included in any Cost Management cost and usage dataset.
PU3.3 MAY It... MAY be null for all other combinations of ChargeClass and ChargeCategory. Supports
PU4 SHOULD Units of measure used in PricingUnit SHOULD adhere to the values and format requirements specified in the UnitFormat attribute. Supports
PU5 MUST The PricingUnit value MUST be semantically equal to the corresponding pricing measurement unit value provided in the provider-published price list or invoice, when the invoice includes a pricing measurement unit. Supports

Provider name

Source: columns/

ID Type Criteria Status Notes
PrN0 Description The name of the entity that made the resources or services available for purchase. Supports
PrN1 MUST The Provider column MUST be present in the billing data. Supports
PrN2.1 MUST [ProviderName] MUST be of type String... Supports
PrN2.2 MUST [ProviderName]... MUST NOT contain null values. Supports

Publisher name

Source: columns/

ID Type Criteria Status Notes
PbN0 Description The name of the entity that produced the resources or services that were purchased. Supports
PbN1 MUST The Publisher column MUST be present in the billing data. Supports
PbN2.1 MUST [PublisherName] MUST be of type String... Supports
PbN2.2 MUST [PublisherName]... MUST NOT contain null values. Partially Supports PublisherName may be null for reservation usage and purchases, and savings plan unused charges.

Region ID

Source: columns/

ID Type Criteria Status Notes
RgI0 Description Provider-assigned identifier for an isolated geographic area where a resource is provisioned or a service is provided. Supports
RgI1.1 MUST The RegionId column MUST be present in the billing data when the provider supports deploying resources or services within a region... Supports
RgI1.2 MUST The RegionId column... MUST be of type String. Supports
RgI2.1 MUST RegionId MUST NOT be null when a resource or service is operated in or managed from a distinct region by the Provider... Supports
RgI2.2 MAY RegionId... MAY contain null values when a resource or service is not restricted to an isolated geographic area. Supports

Region name

Source: columns/

ID Type Criteria Status Notes
RgN0 Description The name of an isolated geographic area where a resource is provisioned or a service is provided. Supports
RgN1 MUST The RegionName column MUST be present in the billing data when the provider supports deploying resources or services within a region... Supports
RgN2 MUST The RegionName... MUST be of type String. Supports
RgN3 MUST RegionName MUST NOT be null when a resource or service is operated in or managed from a distinct region by the Provider... Supports
RgN4 MAY RegionName... MAY contain null values when a resource or service is not restricted to an isolated geographic area. Supports

Resource ID

Source: columns/

ID Type Criteria Status Notes
RsI0 Description Identifier assigned to a resource by the provider. Supports
RsI1 MUST The ResourceId column MUST be present in the billing data when the provider supports billing based on provisioned resources. Supports
RsI2 MUST [ResourceId] MUST be of type String. Supports
RsI3 MAY The ResourceId value MAY be a nullable column as some cost data rows may not be associated with a resource. Supports Purchases may not have an assigned resource ID.
RsI4 MUST ResourceId MUST appear in the cost data if an identifier is assigned to a resource by the provider. Supports ResourceId may be null when a resource is indirectly related to the charges. If you feel it's missing, file a support request for the service that owns the resource type.
RsI5 SHOULD ResourceId SHOULD be a fully-qualified identifier that ensures global uniqueness within the provider. Supports

Resource name

Source: columns/

ID Type Criteria Status Notes
RsN0 Description Display name assigned to a resource. Supports
RsN1 MUST The ResourceName column MUST be present in the billing data when the provider supports billing based on provisioned resources. Supports
RsN2 MUST [ResourceName] MUST be of type String. Supports
RsN3 MAY The ResourceName value MAY be a nullable column as some cost data rows may not be associated with a resource or because a display name cannot be assigned to a resource. Supports Purchases may not have an assigned resource name.
RsN4 MUST ResourceName MUST NOT be null if a display name can be assigned to a resource. Supports ResourceName may be null when a resource is indirectly related to the charges. If you feel it's missing, file a support request for the service that owns the resource type.
RsN5 MUST Resources not provisioned interactively or only have a system-generated ResourceId MUST NOT duplicate the same value as the ResourceName. Supports

Resource type

Source: columns/

ID Type Criteria Status Notes
RsT0 Description The kind of resource the charge applies to. Supports
RsT1 MUST The ResourceType column MUST be present in the billing data when the provider supports billing based on provisioned resources and supports assigning a type for resources. Supports
RsT2.1 MUST [ResourceType] MUST be of type String... Supports
RsT2.2 MUST [ResourceType]... MUST NOT be null when a corresponding ResourceId is not null. Supports
RsT3 MUST When a corresponding ResourceId value is null, the ResourceType column value MUST also be null. Supports

Service category

Source: columns/

ID Type Criteria Status Notes
SvC0 Description Highest-level classification of a service based on the core function of the service. Supports
SvC1.1 MUST The ServiceCategory column MUST be present... Supports
SvC1.2 MUST The ServiceCategory... MUST NOT be null. Supports
SvC2 MUST [ServiceCategory] is of type String and MUST be one of the allowed values. Supports

Service name

Source: columns/

ID Type Criteria Status Notes
SvN0 Description An offering that can be purchased from a provider (for example, cloud virtual machine, SaaS database, professional services from a systems integrator). Supports
SvN1 MUST The ServiceName column MUST be present in the cost data. Supports
SvN2.1 MUST [ServiceName] MUST be of type String... Supports
SvN2.2 MUST [ServiceName]... MUST NOT contain null values. Supports


Source: columns/

ID Type Criteria Status Notes
SkI0 Description A unique identifier that defines a provider-supported construct for organizing properties that are common across one or more SKU Prices. Supports
SkI1 MUST The SkuId column MUST be present in the billing data when the provider publishes a SKU list. Supports
SkI2 MUST [SkuId] MUST be of type String. Supports
SkI3.1 MUST It MUST NOT be null when ChargeClass is not "Correction" and ChargeCategory is "Usage" or "Purchase"... Partially Supports SkuId may be null for some rows like savings plan unused charges and Marketplace charges.
SkI3.2 MUST It... MUST be null when ChargeCategory is "Tax"... Not Applicable Taxes aren't included in any Cost Management cost and usage dataset.
SkI3.3 MAY It... MAY be null for all other combinations of ChargeClass and ChargeCategory. Supports
SkI4 MUST SkuId MUST equal SkuPriceId when a provider does not support an overarching SKU ID construct. Supports

SKU price ID

Source: columns/

ID Type Criteria Status Notes
SkPI0 Description A unique identifier that defines the unit price used to calculate the charge. Supports
SkPI1 MUST The SkuPriceId column MUST be present in the billing data when the provider publishes a SKU price list. Supports
SkPI2 MUST [SkuPriceId] MUST be of type String. Supports
SkPI3 MUST SkuPriceId MUST define a single unit price used for calculating the charge. Supports
SkPI4 MUST The ListUnitPrice MUST be associated with the SkuPriceId in the provider published price list. Partially Supports For EA, SkuPriceId represents an individual SKU price but isn't available in the price sheet dataset. For MCA, SkuPriceId is a combination of the following price sheet columns: {ProductId}_{SkuId}_{MeterType}.
SkPI5.1 MUST [SkuPriceId] MUST NOT be null when ChargeClass is not "Correction" and ChargeCategory is "Usage" or "Purchase"... Supports
SkPI5.2 MUST [SkuPriceId]... MUST be null when ChargeCategory is "Tax".... Not Applicable Taxes aren't included in any Cost Management cost and usage dataset.
SkPI5.3 MAY [SkuPriceId]... MAY be null for all other combinations of ChargeClass and ChargeCategory. Supports
SkPI6 MUST A given value of SkuPriceId MUST be associated with one and only one SkuId, except in cases of commitment discount flexibility. Supports

Sub account ID

Source: columns/

ID Type Criteria Status Notes
SAI0 Description An ID assigned to a grouping of resources or services, often used to manage access and/or cost. Supports FOCUS subaccount maps to a Microsoft Cloud subscription.
SAI1 MUST The SubAccountId column MUST be present in the billing data when the provider supports a sub account construct. Supports
SAI2 MUST [SubAccountId] MUST be of type String. Supports
SAI3 MUST If a charge does not apply to a sub account, the SubAccountId column MUST be null. Supports SubAccountId is null for MCA purchases and refunds.

Sub account name

Source: columns/

ID Type Criteria Status Notes
SAN0 Description A name assigned to a grouping of resources or services, often used to manage access and/or cost. Supports FOCUS subaccount maps to a Microsoft Cloud subscription.
SAN1 MUST The SubAccountName column MUST be present in the billing data when the provider supports a sub account construct. Supports
SAN2 MUST [SubAccountName] MUST be of type String. Supports
SAN3 MUST If a charge does not apply to a sub account, the SubAccountName column MUST be null. Partially Supports SubAccountName may be "Unassigned" when there's no value. SubAccountName is null for MCA purchases and refunds.


Source: columns/

ID Type Criteria Status Notes
T0 Description The set of tags assigned to tag sources that account for potential provider-defined or user-defined tag evaluations. Supports
T1 MUST The Tags column MUST be present in the billing data when the provider supports setting user or provider-defined tags. Supports
T2 MUST The Tags column MUST contain user-defined and provider-defined tags. Supports
T3 MUST The Tags column MUST only contain finalized tags. Supports
T4 MUST The Tags column MUST be in Key-Value Format. Supports
T5 SHOULD A Tag key with a non-null value for a given resource SHOULD be included in the tags column. Supports
T6 MAY A Tag key with a null value for a given resource MAY be included in the tags column depending on the provider's tag finalization process. Supports
T7 MUST A Tag key that does not support a corresponding value, MUST have a corresponding true (boolean) value set. Not Applicable Microsoft Cloud tags support both keys and values.
T8 MUST If Tag finalization is supported, providers MUST publish tag finalization methods and semantics within their respective documentation. Supports See Group and allocate costs using tag inheritance.
T9 MUST Providers MUST NOT alter user-defined Tag keys or values. Supports
T10 MUST Provider-defined tags MUST be prefixed with a provider-specified tag key prefix. Does Not Support Provider-specified tags can't be differentiated from user-defined tags. Tags aren't modified to support backwards compatibility.
T11 SHOULD Providers SHOULD publish all provider-specified tag key prefixes within their respective documentation. Not Applicable Provider prefixes aren't currently specified.

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